One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch52- Coby vs 100

Alright, fine! I totally forgot about Hachi. 😅 While writing, I kept reminding myself to include him after Arlong fell, but somehow I kept forgetting—like magic or something! I don’t want to go back and mess with the chapter by adding it in now, so here’s the deal: Hachi lives. He ran. And yes, he will come back! Also! Big thanks to Talin, Yomax, and Devon for the support! Woohoo! 🎉 You all are amazing, and I appreciate every bit of it!

You all are welcomed to my Discord Channel!

We have an Image Minister as well! (He quitted)


Coby chuckled softly to himself, shaking his head. While the rest of the crew enjoyed themselves, he remained cautious, knowing the true nature of this place. It was a trap—these people weren't their friends, and the real danger would reveal itself soon enough. He had to stay ready for whatever was coming if he wanted to earn lots of SP.

Taking another sip from his drink, Coby scanned the room, turning his attention to his skill interface. He had earned some points from previous fights, and while he was tempted to use them now, he decided against it. He needed to save his SP for when they were truly necessary. This wasn't the time to show off or waste his resources.

The villagers danced around the fire pit in the center of the room, their smiles wide, and their movements full of life. Coby noticed Vivi and Mr. 9 standing near the entrance, their expressions unreadable. They didn't seem as caught up in the celebration as everyone else, and it reminded Coby that they, too, were playing a role here. Everyone had their secrets, and soon, the night would take a darker turn.

He finished his meal, placing his utensils neatly on the plate before leaning back in his chair. His eyes were closed, giving the impression of dozing off, but his other senses were on high alert. Zoro and Nami were feigning getting drunk, both aware something was off. However, Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp had genuinely fallen into the trap.

Night fell, and the villagers grew more sinister. Nami "won" the drinking contest, her body slumping onto the table as if unconscious. The true nature of the locals became evident. Just outside, Coby could hear them murmuring. "They ate a month's supply and drank all the booze. If they held out any longer, we would've run out," Igarappoi whispered. The others nodded in agreement, their blades glinting in the moonlight as they drew them, ready to eliminate the seemingly unaware pirates.

Zoro’s eyes snapped open, but instead of looking outside, he glanced at Coby, who was grinning. "I knew you wouldn’t be tricked so easily," Zoro remarked.

Coby shrugged. "Can you leave them to me? I’ve got a few new moves I want to try."

Zoro yawned. "Just call if you need help."

Nami, who was just "waking up," added, "Coby, be careful."

Coby waved his hand dismissively, "They’re small fries. Just sit back and wait."

Coby stood up from his chair, stretching his arms casually as he approached the door. The villagers were startled when they saw him, not expecting any of the pirates to be awake. Their hesitation was brief, and they rushed at him, weapons raised.

Coby casually looked at the group and smirked. "So, Baroque Works, I presume."

Igarappoi and the others froze, taken aback. "How do you even know that?" Igarappoi asked, his voice tense.

Coby shrugged. "Code names, bounty hunter island, and honey trap. Pretty obvious."

Igarappoi's face twisted with concern. "Silence him before the others wake up! We can’t let this get out."

Coby smiled as he cracked his knuckles. "Time to reap some points," he murmured before charging at the group.

The first attacker lunged at Coby with a knife, aiming for his throat. Coby sidestepped and, with a swift motion, grabbed the man’s wrist, twisting it sharply. The sickening crunch of bones snapping filled the air as the man screamed, dropping his weapon. Coby followed up with a brutal elbow strike to the man’s jaw, sending him crashing to the ground, unconscious.

Another came at him from behind with a club. Coby ducked just in time, his foot sweeping out to take the man's legs out from under him. As the attacker fell, Coby’s detached hand shot out, grabbing the man's throat mid-air. With a single squeeze, he crushed the man’s windpipe, dropping him like a ragdoll.

Two more rushed him together, one brandishing a sword, the other a spear. Coby leaped back, avoiding the simultaneous strikes. His left hand detached again, flanking them from the side. With precision, the hand gripped the sword-wielder's arm, jerking it backward at an unnatural angle. The sword clattered to the ground as the man's arm dislocated with a sick pop. Coby stepped in and delivered a brutal punch to the man's stomach, making him double over and vomit before collapsing.

The spearman tried to take advantage of the moment, thrusting his weapon at Coby’s chest. Coby caught the spear with his bare hand from the middle, yanking it forward and pulling the attacker off balance. He snapped the spear’s shaft with a quick twist and rammed the broken end into the man’s thigh. Blood spurted from the wound as the man screamed, falling to his knees. Coby’s foot came down hard on the man’s head, silencing him for good.

More villagers, emboldened by their numbers, charged at him. Coby ducked and weaved through the crowd, his detached hands flying in all directions, striking throats and crushing skulls with precise blows. A particularly large man tried to grab Coby from behind, but Coby twisted free and jammed his thumb into the man’s shoulder blade, until the man howled in agony. Coby didn’t stop until he felt the squish of the man’s shoulder dislocating under his force.

Blood splattered across the cobblestones as Coby moved with deadly efficiency. A woman tried to sneak up on him with a dagger, but his hand whipped out, hitting her throat in a quick, fluid motion. She choked and collapsed, her vomit pooling around her.

Igarappoi, seeing his comrades fall one by one, growled and yanked on the ropes hidden beneath his clothing. Several small guns, cleverly disguised in his wild hair, fired in quick succession, the bullets whizzing toward Coby.

Coby moved swiftly, his feet barely touching the ground as he activated Stealth Foot. The bullets tore through the air, but Coby was already gone, his form a blur as he sidestepped the deadly barrage. He reappeared behind Igarappoi, delivering a swift kick to his back, sending the elder crashing into a nearby wall.

Igarappoi grunted in pain but quickly regained his footing. He pulled another set of ropes, and more hidden guns fired from various points on his body. Coby twisted and turned, dodging the shots with practiced ease. He closed the distance between them, his left hand detaching to grab Igarappoi’s wrist, yanking the ropes away before he could fire again.

With a swift punch to the gut, Coby knocked the wind out of Igarappoi. The elder staggered, clutching his stomach, but Coby didn’t give him a chance to recover. He grabbed Igarappoi by the collar, slamming him against the wall. "Stay down," Coby ordered, his voice low and cold.

Igarappoi, groaning in pain, slumped to the ground, unable to fight back any longer. Coby turned away, his eyes scanning the area for any remaining threats.

Remaining Baroque Works agents gathered around making an unsettling grin appear on his face. "Seventy of you left," he counted. His tone, though casual, sent shivers down the spines of the gathered crowd. A few exchanged nervous glances, unsure if they should continue the fight or flee.

One of the braver agents lunged at him, brandishing a sword. Coby didn't waste time. His hand shot out, gripping the man's throat with a crushing force. With a swift motion, he slammed the agent to the ground, the sound of bone cracking against stone echoed in the night. The man lay still, unconscious or worse.

A group of four rushed him next, armed with a mix of weapons—clubs, knives, and one with a chain. Coby ducked under a wild swing of a club, his hand detaching and wrapping around the wrist of the chain-wielder. With a sharp tug, he pulled the man forward, kneeing him in the stomach and then tossing him into the others.

The agent with the knife tried to stab him in the back, but Coby spun around, his detached hand intercepting the blade mid-strike. He squeezed, the flesh bending under his grip before he yanked the knife from the agent's hand and drove it into the man's shoulder. The agent screamed, clutching his wound as he fell to the ground.

The remaining two backed away, fear evident in their eyes. Coby didn’t give them a chance to regroup. He launched forward, his fists connecting with their faces in quick succession, sending them crashing into a nearby wall. Blood smeared across the stone as they crumpled, unconscious.

"Who's next?" Coby called out, his voice cold. The remaining agents hesitated, the initial confidence they had in their numbers now crumbling.

One of the agents, a woman wielding a pair of daggers, tried to flank him. She moved swiftly, her blades aimed for his sides. But Coby was faster. His left hand detached, catching one dagger mid-swing, while his right hand grabbed her wrist, twisting it sharply. She gasped in pain, the dagger falling from her grip. Coby's knee met her stomach, doubling her over before he finished her off with a sharp elbow to the back of her head.

Several more charged at him, desperation clear in their eyes. Coby ducked and weaved through their attacks, his movements fluid and precise. He grabbed one by the collar and headbutted him, then used the man’s body as a shield against another attacker’s spear thrust. The spear pierced the first man’s back, and Coby shoved the dying man into the spear-wielder, knocking them both to the ground.

Blood splattered across the ground as Coby continued his assault. An agent tried to retreat, but Coby’s detached hand caught him by the ankle, yanking him back into the fray. With a swift stomp to the stomach, the agent’s struggle ended.

The remaining agents began to back away, realizing they were outmatched. Coby's grin widened. "Leaving so soon?" He moved towards them, his fists clenched, ready for more.

They broke into a run, but Coby was on them in an instant. His hands detached, slamming into their backs, forcing them to the ground. He stood over them, his expression mocking. "Stay down, or it’ll get worse," he warned.

Most complied, too terrified to move. A few, still desperate, tried to rise. Coby’s foot met one’s face, smashing him back into the dirt. Another received a brutal punch to the throat, silencing his cries for mercy.

When it was over, the ground was littered with the bodies of Baroque Works agents, most unconscious, a few dead. Coby stood among them, breathing steady, eyes scanning the area for any remaining threats.

He wiped the blood from his knuckles and turned back to Zoro and Nami, who were now wide awake and watching him with surprise and respect. "That should take care of things," Coby said, his voice calm.

Zoro nodded. "You didn’t leave much for us."

Nami smirked. "Guess we can relax now."

Coby chuckled. "Yeah, the hard part’s over."


Read up to 100 chapters ahead!

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