One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch51- Whiskey Peak

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Coby returned to the ship with the others, reattaching his hand as they boarded the Going Merry. The ship slowly navigated through the giant whale’s insides, the crew silently awed by the events that had just happened. As they reached the exit, the ship slid out smoothly, leaving eerie yet bright insides of Laboon behind.

They sailed into the open sea once more, they all sighing in relief, tension leaving their bodies. Coby knew what was coming next, so he positioned himself next to the ship's mast, anticipating Luffy's impulsive move. When Luffy ran towards the mast, ready to break it, Coby intercepted him with a swift kick, sending Luffy tumbling back.

"Go kick the whale, not the poor ship," Coby said, his tone firm but playful. Luffy grinned wide, as if accepting a challenge, and sprinted towards Laboon's head. Without hesitation, he began pummeling the massive whale, drawing gasps of disbelief from the rest of the crew.

Crocus, who had just finished explaining Laboon's tragic story, turned red with anger, unable to comprehend why Luffy was attacking the already suffering whale. He was about to intervene when Laboon suddenly roared and retaliated, launching Luffy towards the Red Line with a mighty thrust. Getting up, bloodied, Luffy looked at the whale with a defiant grin plastered across his face.

"It's a tie," Luffy declared confidently, his voice cutting through the fight. "I’m pretty strong, eh? Our fight isn’t over. We’ll settle this some other time." He pointed at Laboon, adding, "Your friends might be gone, but I’m your new rival. When we sail around the Grand Line, we’ll come back and finish what we started."

The crew and Crocus watched in stunned silence as Luffy extended his arm expecting a handshake from the giant whale, sealing his promise. Only now did they grasp the significance of Luffy's actions. He wasn’t attacking Laboon out of cruelty—he was giving the whale a reason to keep going, a new promise to hold on to.

Luffy drew the Jolly Roger on Laboon's head, his artwork more of a rough scrawl than an emblem. “This marks our agreement,” Luffy declared. “We'll fight again when we’re back. Don’t go smashing your head into the Red Line anymore, got it?”

Laboon’s eyes, large and filled with emotion, seemed to sparkle as he understood. He gave a deep, resonant cry before diving into the sea, his massive form disappearing beneath the waves. 

Coby, smiling at Luffy antics,  turned to Nami, who was frowning at her compass. “Nami, check the compass,” he said, his tone practical. “In the Grand Line, it’s useless.”

Nami shook her compass with her eyes wide, as the needle spun erratically, unable to settle on a direction. “It’s true,” she muttered, “The compass doesn’t work here. What do we do now?”

Crocus, who had been watching the scene unfold, walked over and pulled out a Log Pose. “Here,” he said, handing it to Nami. “This is a Log Pose. In the Grand Line, the magnetic fields of each island are different, and this is the only way to navigate between them.”

Nami took the Log Pose, examining it closely. “So this is the only way to find our way?”

Crocus nodded. “The Log Pose records the magnetic field of the current island, and once it’s locked in, it will point to the next island. It’s the only reliable way to travel in the Grand Line.”

Coby watched as Nami secured the Log Pose on her wrist, her confidence quickly returning now that she had a tool to navigate. “How long does it take to set?” she asked.

“That depends on the island,” Crocus explained. “It could take hours or days. The Log Pose will let you know when it’s time to move on.”

Luffy, who had been silent, suddenly perked up. “So, where do we go next?”

Crocus chuckled. “That’s up to the Log Pose and where it takes you. But be prepared—the Grand Line is unpredictable, and each island has its dangers.”

Coby nodded in agreement, knowing full well the perils they would face. The crew gathered around, the weight of their journey settling in as they realized just how challenging the path ahead would be. But the thrill of adventure, of the unknown, made their hearts race with anticipation.

As the Going Merry set sail once more, Luffy turned back to the sea, waving at the spot where Laboon had disappeared. “See you later, Laboon!” he called out, his voice full of the promise of their future encounter.

Coby stood beside Nami, who was focused on the Log Pose, and glanced back at the crew. They were all smiling, ready for new adventures, and thrill of unknown.

The weather on the Grand Line shifted drastically, as if the ocean itself couldn't decide what it wanted. One moment it was sunny, then came rain, followed by a snowfall that blanketed the Going Merry's deck. Coby watched as Usopp and Luffy built bizarre snow creatures, their excitement think despite the cold climate.

Inside the ship, Nami focused on the Log Pose, trying to master its unusual navigation system. Vivi, seated nearby with a blanket wrapped around her, smirked as she observed Nami’s struggles. "If you ignore the Log Pose even for a second, you'll find yourself lost," Vivi remarked.

Nami frowned, realizing her error. She had set the course just minutes ago, but now the ship veered off in the opposite direction. "How is this possible?" she muttered in frustration.

Vivi grinned. "The waves can trick you. You have to stay sharp."

Nami's irritation flared, both at the situation and the memory of Vivi being too close to Coby earlier. Without hesitation, she kicked both Vivi and Mr. 9, who sat nearby. "Don't freeload. Clean the deck of snow!" she ordered.

Coby observed the interaction with a small smile as Vivi and Mr. 9 grumbled but complied. They began shoveling snow, clearing the deck as the weather shifted once again. The snow ceased, and a warm spring wind replaced the cold, as if the Grand Line was toying with them.

Coby glanced at Nami, who was still focused on the Log Pose. "You're getting the hang of it," he said simply.

Nami huffed, still annoyed but appreciating the acknowledgment. "It's tricky, but I'll figure it out."

As the Going Merry approached the shores of Whiskey Peak, the crew gathered on deck, their eyes fixed on the distant outline of giant cacti. Luffy, always the first to express excitement, pointed ahead, "Look, giant cacti!" His enthusiasm was contagious, and caught Sanji, who leaned in closer to get a better look. "So this is Whiskey Peak," he mused.

Vivi and Mr. 9, standing nearby, exchanged a glance before stepping forward. "We will leave from here on and wait for you on the island," Vivi announced with a smirk. Mr. 9 nodded in agreement, adding, "Thank you for dropping us."

As the ship sailed through the natural inlet of the island, the crew noticed a surprising sight—people on the bay were cheering and waving enthusiastically. "Pirates! Welcome to Whiskey Peak! Welcome to our island!" they shouted in unison, their voices carrying over the water. The crew shared puzzled looks, clearly confused by the warm reception.

Docking at Whiskey Peak, the Straw Hat crew was greeted by a wave of excitement. The town seemed to radiate warmth and hospitality, with cheers echoing through the air. An elder stepped forward with a wide grin. "Welcome! My name is Igarappoi. You may be a little shocked at our welcome, but this is Whiskey Peak, a town of liquor and music. Hospitality is our middle name!"

The crew was immediately swept up by the lively locals, who dragged them towards a grand banquet. The atmosphere was infectious, and the others couldn't help but get caught up in the celebration. Zoro, however, stayed cautious, already aware of the island's true nature. Nami's sharp eyes darted around, also suspecting something was off.

Meanwhile, Coby followed behind with a small smile, taking in the surroundings without raising too much suspicion. As the festivities intensified, he watched everything unfold, ready to interfere only if necessary.

Coby sat at a table in the corner of the banquet, slowly savoring the food and drink in front of him. The atmosphere around him buzzed with energy as the villagers cheered, laughed, and filled the air with lively music. Although Coby enjoyed the festivities, he kept his distance, observing everything around him with a keen eye.

The feast was grand, with platters of meat, bowls of fruit, and tankards of ale constantly being refilled by the eager villagers. It struck Coby how these people were feeding the crew so generously, considering the mission Vivi and Mr. 9 had just returned from—hunting Laboon, the giant whale. They needed that catch to sustain the island, yet here they were, showering the Straw Hats with food and drink as if they had an endless supply.

He cast a glance across the room where Luffy was shoveling food into his mouth at a pace that would put a starving man to shame. Zoro and Nami were locked in a drinking contest, both determined to outlast the other, while Sanji was busy flirting with the local women. Usopp was at another table, spinning exaggerated tales of his bravery to a group of wide-eyed listeners.


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