One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch47- Thief

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The crew moved as one, in a coordinated escape. They dodged and weaved through the crowd. Nami clung to Coby's arm, holding his arm like a vice, as Coby practically carried her.

As they made their way through Logue Town, the Marine officers began to intercept them. Luffy, Coby, and Zoro reacted swiftly, dispatching their opponents swiftly, not letting them any chance to box them. Their movements synchronized, each covering the others' backs, already got used to fighting together.

Suddenly, Tashigi appeared before them, her sword drawn. Zoro met her challenge, blocking her attack. "Go ahead!" he called to Luffy, Coby and Nami, signaling them to continue. Luffy nodded and, with Coby and Nami in tow, sprinted ahead.

Their path soon brought them face to face with Smoker, the infamous Marine known for his relentless pursuit of pirates. Coby couldn't suppress a grin. Recently, he had realized the potential Points (SP) he could gain from fighting major characters like Smoker. Compared to Arlong, Smoker was in a different league entirely, and Coby was one of the few in the crew who could stand a chance against him.

As Smoker used his White Blow technique, a sudden shift occurred. Raindrops in the air accelerated towards him at bullet speed, forcing him to dodge hastily. He turned his shocked gaze to Coby, who stood calmly, a knowing look in his eyes.

"Remember what I said about him?" Coby called to Luffy and Nami. Luffy clenched his fist, the realization dawning on him. "Right. He's Logia."

Coby nodded affirmatively. "You go. I'll catch up."

Without hesitation, Luffy and Nami continued their sprint, leaving Coby to confront Smoker.

Smoker, annoyed yet focused, regarded Coby with curiosity and caution. "Coby the Copy Ninja. 25,000,000 Berry," he acknowledged, taking out his jitte.

Coby assessed the situation, aware that he only had one move that could potentially harm Smoker. But even if he couldn't defeat the Logia user, he could at least prevent him from pursuing Luffy and Nami.

The streets of Logue Town became an arena as Coby faced off against Captain Smoker. Rain pelted the cobblestones, creating a symphony of splashes and drumming that set the stage for Coby, creating ammunition for him.

Coby stood relaxed, his eyes tracking Smoker's every move. He knew his usual repertoire of attacks would be futile against the Logia user's intangible smoke body. He had one viable weapon in this fight: Uchimizu.

Smoker, cloaked in billowing smoke, watched Coby with a predatory gaze. He wasn't one to underestimate his opponents, especially not a bounty as intriguing as Coby's. With a fluid motion, he lunged forward, his jitte leading the charge aimed to subdue Coby swiftly.

Coby sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the strike. He dipped his fingers into a puddle, flicking them upward, sending a barrage of water droplets towards Smoker. The droplets transformed into lethal darts in mid-air, each one aimed with deadly precision.

Smoker, taken aback by the unexpected assault, shifted into his smoke form, allowing the water darts to pass harmlessly through. He reformed, a smirk playing on his lips, "Not bad, but you'll need more than that."

The rain intensified, as if nature itself was setting the rhythm for their deadly dance. Coby seized the moment, his mind racing through possibilities, strategies forming and dissolving in the blink of an eye. He needed to outmaneuver Smoker, to turn the environment to his advantage.

He sprinted towards a narrow alley, Smoker in hot pursuit. The alley's confines limited Smoker's ability to maneuver, a small but crucial advantage for Coby. He spun, sending another volley of Uchimizu towards Smoker, who dissipated into smoke, avoiding the attack once more.

As Smoker advanced like a cloud of intangible smoke, Coby's hands detached from his wrists, floating beside him like eerie guardians. This was his new combination, a variation of the Uchimizu technique he had yet to name. With a flick of his fingers, droplets of rain transformed into sharp darts, flying towards Smoker from multiple angles.

[System Message: Skill Combination Detected: 'Twisted Water Dart. Initiating first-time use analysis…]

Smoker, with a snort of disdain, turned into smoke, allowing the droplets to pass through him harmlessly yet again. He was used to people underestimating his Logia powers, but he could tell Coby was different. There was a sharpness in his eyes, a focus that spoke of a deeper plan.

Coby, anticipating Smoker's move, executed his next action. As Smoker reformed to counter-attack, Coby's detached hands, unnoticed in the chaos of the flying water darts, darted towards the jitte. Smoker, sensing the movement at the last moment, swung his weapon defensively, turning his body into a whirl of smoke and steel.

[System Message: Innovative Skill Usage Detected: 'Stealth Hand Snatch'. Bonus 250 SP awarded for creative application.]

But Coby was faster. His hands, propelled by the 'Bara Bara Detach Hand' attacked with the Sniper Pistol that blasted the jitte away from Smoker. The still floating hand grasped the jitte. Smoker, realizing the threat too late, solidified and reached out to reclaim his weapon.

Coby’s right hand gripped the jitte, a prize snatched in their skirmish, while his left hand floated above, ready to unleash the Twisted Water Dart from various angles. Smoker, known for his composed demeanor, now exuded an aura of fury. He lost his prize weapon to a pirate. A pirate now using it against him.

Smoker wasted no time, lunging forward with a surge of his smoke-powered momentum. Coby’s already detached left hand began its dance in the rain, collecting droplets and transforming them into lethal darts aimed at Smoker from above.

Smoker, now focused on the dual threat, shifted into his smoke form, allowing the water darts to pass through him harmlessly. He reformed, closer to Coby, his fist swiping through the air with deadly intent. Coby, however, was already in motion, sidestepping with the grace of his Stealth Foot, a technique he'd honed for moments like these.

[System Message: 'Stealth Foot' engaged. Bonus 30 SP awarded for strategic evasion.]

Coby needed to outsmart Smoker, to use the environment to his advantage. He feinted to the left, then darted right, leading Smoker into a narrow section of the alley where the dense walls limited his smoke dispersal.

Coby's floating hand, still armed with the jitte, descended in a swift arc, aiming to solidify and strike Smoker. But the Marine Captain was quick, his body dispersing into a cloud of smoke, evading the strike and reappearing behind Coby.

Smoker's fist, now solid, aimed a blow towards Coby's back. But Coby was ready. At the last moment, he twisted, the jitte in his right hand that had just re-attached to his wrist, parrying the attack with a clang that resonated through the alley. The close-quarters combat was intense.

Coby, sensing an opening, unleashed a barrage of Twisted Water Darts, his detached hand moving with a mind of its own, creating a storm of high-velocity raindrops. Smoker, his form solid, was forced on the defensive, his body weaving through the onslaught.

Coby charged forward with a burst of energy, initiating his Storm Barrage. This time, instead of daggers, he wielded the jitte as his primary weapon, utilizing its solid form to potentially strike Smoker's intangible smoke body. His left hand, still suspended in the air, relentlessly attacked with rain bullets, creating a relentless downpour of high-speed attacks.

Smoker, now recognizing the heightened threat, maneuvered with increased urgency. His smoke swirled around him, a defensive cyclone, yet he was visibly more cautious, aware of the jitte's threat. As Coby advanced, Smoker's smoke form weaved and darted, a dance of evasion and counter-attacks.

Coby feinted again with his floating hand, using it to distract Smoker, then lunged with the jitte, aiming for where he anticipated Smoker would solidify. The jitte cut through the air, a silver arc in the dim light of the stormy alley.

Smoker, forced into solidity by the constant threat of the jitte, retaliated with a series of rapid strikes. His fist clashed with Coby's jitte, the sound of metal on flesh echoing off the walls. Sparks flew, illuminating their intense expressions, both warriors fully engrossed in the battle.

[System Message: Innovative Skill Usage Detected: 'Storm Barrage'. Bonus 100 SP awarded for creative application.]

As the battle reached its crescendo, an immense gust of wind tore through Logue Town. The sky darkened further, and a formidable presence filled the air. Dragon, the revolutionary, had arrived, his power palpable even from a distance. The wind intensified, becoming a fierce gale that swept through the streets, bending trees and sending debris flying.

Coby, caught in the sudden maelstrom, found himself lifted off his feet. He twisted in the air, trying to regain control, but the force was overwhelming. As he was swept away, his eyes locked onto Dragon, analyzing the incredible power at play.

[System Message: Skill Scan Initiated on 'Wind Manipulation (Source: Unknown)']

[Analysis in progress… This skill involves the ability to manipulate wind currents, potentially on a large scale, as demonstrated by Monkey D. Dragon in Logue Town. The exact source of this power is unknown, and its replication may not match the original's full potency due to your current abilities and the mysterious nature of the original user's power. The ability to generate and control wind offers significant tactical advantages in both combat and environmental manipulation. However, due to the complexity of control and the broad utility and versatility of the skill, it is deemed a highly advanced ability. As such, the estimated cost for acquisition is 5,200 SP. This cost reflects the reduced effectiveness in your replication compared to the original power. Please confirm if you wish to proceed with the Skill Scan and acquisition.]

Shaking his head, Coby detached from battle, and dashed away. As Coby made his way to the ship with his new Jitte, he opened the battle notifications; 

[System Messages:

20 SP awarded for successful evasion of Smoker's White Out attack.

25 SP awarded for strategic use of the environment against Smoker.

30 SP awarded for sustained combat against a Logia-type opponent.

40 SP awarded for successful partial dodging of Smoker's White Blow.


35 SP awarded for adapting Basic Stealth technique under high-pressure combat against a Logia user.

50 SP awarded for surviving Smoker's White Launcher onslaught.

45 SP awarded for innovative application of Basic Sword Handling against a Marine Captain.

60 SP awarded for managing a brief escape from Smoker's Smoke Lock.


70 SP awarded for enduring Smoker's relentless pursuit and continuing to fight.

80 SP awarded for developing a makeshift smoke dispersion strategy against Smoker's Smoke Screen.

100 SP awarded for a strategic maneuver to gain momentary upper hand.

120 SP awarded for significant effort in trying to land a hit on a Logia-type body.


150 SP awarded for bravery and quick thinking under extreme pressure.

180 SP awarded for learning to predict and react to Smoker's smoke-form movements.

200 SP awarded for an extended battle duration against a vastly superior opponent.

220 SP awarded for maintaining composure and focus throughout the battle against Smoker.

Final System Message:

Battle Endurance Bonus: 300 SP awarded for engaging in prolonged combat with Smoker, a powerful Logia-type Marine Captain, significantly stronger than the host at the time.

Tactical Retreat and Survival: 400 SP awarded for making a strategic retreat to avoid defeat while gathering valuable combat experience. Your understanding of Logia-type enemies and adaptability under pressure have notably improved.

Total SP Awarded for Battle with Smoker: 6,580 SP]

Grinning, Coby finalized the Skill Scan on Dragon's wind manipulation ability. The system chimed with a confirmation:

[System Message: 'Wind Manipulation (Source: Unknown)' acquired. 5,200 SP deducted. This skill allows the user to manipulate wind currents on a potentially large scale. Effectiveness may vary depending on Host’s physical and will power.]

[Gomu Gomu no Mi: Immunity to Lightning':  This skill derives from the unique properties of the Gomu Gomu no Mi, granting the user innate immunity to lightning and electricity. This is not merely a learned skill but an intrinsic characteristic of the Devil Fruit, providing significant defensive advantages against electrical attacks and environments. The rarity and impact of such a comprehensive immunity classify it as a highly unique and versatile ability.]

Simultaneously, he processed the recent acquisition of Smoker's Jitte, which granted him a crucial edge against Logia users. The system provided another update:

[System Message: 'Jitte Proficiency' acquired. 250 SP awarded. This skill enables the user to wield a jitte effectively, particularly useful against Logia-type Devil Fruit users. Initial proficiency established.]

"Still, it's amazing. One will be effective against Enel, the other can be used in many situations," Coby mused aloud, considering the versatility and potential of his new abilities. As he hurried towards the shore, his SP was nearly depleted, a small price for the significant enhancements he'd gained.

Nami's distressed cries reached his ears before he saw the Going Merry drifting further into the sea. "Luffy, grab me!" he shouted, stretching his arm towards the ship using the Gomu Gomu Pistol as he could only stretch his arm while using this technique. His arm shot out, propelling him over the water. At the same time, Luffy extended his arm, their hands clasping in mid-air.


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