One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch45- Logue Town

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Before the conversation could continue, Zoro pointed out toward the sea. "Look, an island."

Standing next to the rails, Nami identified it. "That's Logue Town. If we see that island, we're close to the Grand Line."

Coby, still holding Nami, looked at Luffy and shared, "They call it the Island of Beginning and End. Where Pirate King Roger was born and died."

The crew gathered around, the weight of their journey settling in. They were about to enter a world of even greater dangers and adventures. The Grand Line was notorious for its unpredictability and formidable opponents but before that, stood an island where it all began and ended.

Luffy, his usual enthusiasm undimmed, pumped his fist in the air. "Let's go see where it all began and where it all ended for the Pirate King!" His words ignited a spark of excitement among the crew.

Coby watched the island approach, a sense of anticipation building within him. He knew the significance of Logue Town, not just as a historical landmark but for the events that would unfold as well. One of the worst fathers in Animeverse was there too.

One of Coby's favorite scenes from the anime on Earth was the execution scene of Luffy in Logue Town. The dramatic lightning that saved him, Luffy's unwavering belief declared with a smile that he would become the Pirate King even as he was about to be executed by Buggy, and Dragon's mysterious entrance and words when he aided Luffy's escape... All these were scenes that had made the arc profoundly impactful. Now, as the Merry Go approached Logue Town, Coby was about to witness them with his own eyes.

As they docked at Logue Town, the crew stood at the entrance of the island, the anticipation of their individual quests palpable in the air. Luffy declared with a determined grin, "I will go and see the execution platform." His eyes shone with curiosity and excitement at the thought of standing where the Pirate King once did.

Sanji, with a thoughtful nod, added, "I will buy ingredients then. We will need them for the journey to the Grand Line." He flicked his cigarette to the side, already planning the sumptuous meals he'd prepare with the fresh produce from the bustling town.

Usopp chimed in, "I guess I will find some equipment." His voice carried a hint of eagerness, imagining the new gadgets and tools he might discover to enhance his arsenal.

Zoro, looking at his sole sword, felt a pang of discomfort. "There is something I want to buy too." He flexed his muscles, the need for a new weapon apparent in his determined gaze.

Nami, ever the shrewd businesswoman, smelled an opportunity. She offered Zoro money with a 300% interest, her eyes twinkling with mischief and calculation. "You'll need it, right?" she teased, her hand extended with a wad of cash.

The crew dispersed, each heading in their own direction, the buzz of Logue Town enveloping them. The island, known as the town of the beginning and end, thrummed with life and history, its streets a blend of past legends and present vitality.

Holding Nami's hand, Coby led the way through the bustling streets of Logue Town. The market was alive with vendors calling out their wares and the scent of spices and salt air mixing in a heady aroma. "Let's go shopping," he said with a smile.

Nami, her spirits high, feigned a pout. "Are you sure you are not just coming to see me naked?" she teased, a playful glint in her eye.

Coby chuckled, squeezing her hand gently. "Naked? Noooo!" He leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear. "But with suggestive clothes for sure."

Their laughter mingled as they navigated the crowded marketplace. Stalls laden with exotic fabrics, shimmering jewels, and intricate trinkets lined their path. Nami's eyes sparkled with each new discovery, her innate love for treasures and beautiful things evident in her eager gaze.

As they perused the stalls, Coby found himself admiring Nami's bargaining skills. She haggled with vendors, her wit and charm winning her incredible deals. "You're quite the negotiator," he remarked, impressed by her prowess.

Nami flashed him a triumphant smile. "It's all about knowing what you want and how to get it," she replied, holding up a piece of fabric that caught the light with a mesmerizing sheen.

They continued their exploration, Coby occasionally pointing out items he thought would suit Nami. Each suggestion was met with either a nod of approval or a playful scoff, their banter light and comfortable.

As they turned a corner, they stumbled upon a small, inconspicuous shop tucked away from the main thoroughfare. Its window displayed an array of clothing, some bold and daring, others elegant and refined. Coby nudged Nami, nodding toward the shop. "This looks promising," he said with a grin.

They entered the shop, the bell above the door tinkling softly. The interior was a treasure trove of garments, each piece more exquisite than the last. Nami's eyes widened in delight, her hands itching to touch the luxurious materials.

The shopkeeper, a middle-aged woman with a keen eye, approached them with a welcoming smile. "Looking for something special?" she inquired, her gaze appraising the couple before her.

Nami nodded eagerly. "Yes, something that will make a statement," she declared, her confidence radiating.

The shopkeeper's smile widened as she led them through the aisles, pulling out pieces that seemed to capture the essence of Nami's request. She held up a dress, its fabric a deep, rich red that seemed to shimmer with its own inner light. "How about this?" she offered.

Nami took the dress, holding it against herself. The color complemented her perfectly, the cut daring yet elegant. Coby's eyes lit up in approval. "That's perfect," he said, unable to hide his admiration.

With a selection of clothes chosen, Nami headed to the changing room. Coby waited outside, thinking if he should slip into the cabin with Nami or not. She was a screamer after all.

Nami emerged from the changing room, the red dress hugging her curves in all the right places. She looked stunning, the embodiment of confidence and allure. Coby's breath caught in his throat, his words of praise sticking.

She twirled, the dress flaring around her. "Well? What do you think?" she asked, a smile playing on her lips.

Coby stepped forward, his hand reaching out to gently adjust a stray lock of her hair. "You look incredible," he murmured, his voice low and sincere.

Nami's cheeks flushed with pleasure at his compliment. She looked at him, her eyes softening. "Thank you, Coby," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

As Coby and Nami walked through the vibrant streets of Logue Town, their path led them to a seemingly inconspicuous shop. It was a sword shop, and to their surprise, Zoro was already inside, browsing the collection. Coby, with a knowing smirk, whispered to Nami, "Let's just watch." Curious but compliant, Nami nestled against him, observing the scene unfolding inside.

Zoro, with his innate understanding of swords, had pulled out a blade from one of the barrels of cheap swords. He examined it closely, sensing an unusual energy emanating from it. The shop owner, a middle-aged man with a look of concern etched on his face, watched nervously. He had hoped to discreetly rid himself of this cursed sword by mixing it among lesser-quality weapons, but Zoro's keen eye had undone his plan.

Nami's attention was drawn to a bespectacled woman approaching Zoro, a booklet in hand. "Aah! That is Sandai Kitetsu!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of awe and fear.

The owner, his cover blown, sighed in resignation. "True. That is Sandai Kitetsu," he admitted, his tone heavy with the weight of the sword's history.

Zoro, holding the sword, remarked with a calm yet intense gaze, "This is cursed." The shop owner, surprised by Zoro's insight.

The owner, his demeanor anxious, questioned, "You know it?"

Zoro shook his head slightly. "I can feel it," he replied.

The owner nodded. "You are right. The First Kitetsu and its successors all bear a curse. Famous swordsmen met mysterious, tragic ends wielding these blades. Nowadays, no one dares to wield a Kitetsu."

Undeterred, Zoro declared, "I like this sword. I'll take it." His statement caused a stir in the shop, the owner taken aback and the bespectacled woman trying to apologize for not realizing the sword's cursed nature.

The owner, his face contorted with worry, tried to dissuade him. "Are you a fool? I cannot sell it to you. If you were to die, it would be as if I had killed you."

Zoro's response was a confident smirk. "How about this? I'll test the sword's curse against my luck. If I lose, then I'm not man enough to possess it." With those words, he gently tossed the sword into the air, extending his arm in the path of its descent.

From outside, Coby and Nami watched intently. Nami's grip on Coby tightened, her eyes wide with  fear and fascination. "He's not really going to..." she trailed off, her voice filled with disbelief.

Coby's gaze remained fixed on Zoro, a sense of awe evident in his eyes.

As the sword fell, the blade spinning gracefully in the air, the tension in the shop was brimming. The weapon descended towards Zoro's outstretched arm, its sharp edge glinting menacingly in the light.

As the sword's sharp edge shone dangerously, it arrived at Zoro's arm. Just as it reached, the tip, so shy of Zoro's skin, missed his arm, and the dull edge of the katana touched Zoro's arm, not harming him at all. The scene, which lasted only a few seconds, felt as if stretched to hours. The owner, the girl, and Nami all forgot to breathe, while Coby was amazed. No matter how many times he watched the scene, seeing it with his own two eyes was another experience!

The shop owner's face, previously etched with worry, transformed into one of disbelief. His mouth agape, he muttered, "Impossible..." The bespectacled woman's eyes were wide with shock, her hand covering her mouth as if to stifle a gasp.

Zoro, on the other hand, simply smirked, his confidence unshaken. He picked up the sword, inspecting it once more. "Seems my luck is stronger than its curse. I'll take it," he declared, his voice carrying satisfaction and defiance.

Coby, watching from outside, couldn't help but chuckle. "Typical Zoro," he murmured to Nami, who was still trying to calm her racing heart.

Nami, her eyes still fixed on Zoro, nodded, a reluctant smile forming on her lips. "He really is something," she agreed, her tone carrying a hint of admiration blended with exasperation.

Inside the shop, the owner, still in a state of shock, reluctantly agreed to sell the sword to Zoro. "You are a strange one," he said, his voice tinged with a newfound respect. "To challenge fate like that and win."

Zoro, trying to pay for the sword, simply shrugged. "I make my own fate," he replied.

Smiling, Coby pulled Nami along, "Let's go." Nami, still recovering from the shock of Zoro's daring act, nodded as she followed Coby through the bustling streets of Logue Town.

As Coby was walking with Nami, he suddenly saw an extremely beautiful woman. As the woman and Coby saw each other, both smirked at the same time. Coby recognized the woman from the anime. No, it wasn't true. He realized the woman for one specific reason – she was incredibly beautiful. The only person who could be this stunning on this island at this time was Alvida. Who turned into a smoking hot woman in front of him after she ate the Sube Sube no Mi.

But Coby had no idea how Alvida recognized him. After all, following his transmigration, he had undergone a remarkable transformation. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to describe his change as evolutionary. His hair was now a vibrant pink, his eyes a piercing shade of the same color, and his physique was toned and athletic. He was almost unrecognizable from the timid, overweight, short boy he once was. Yet, there Alvida stood, smirking at him as if she knew exactly who he was.

"Enjoying the sights of Logue Town, Coby?" Alvida's voice was smooth, her words with a hint of mockery.

Coby, keeping his cool, responded with a casual grin, "Alvida, as charming as ever, I see. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?"

Alvida stepped closer, her movements graceful and confident. "Oh, I've been keeping an eye on you and your little crew. You've made quite a name for yourselves," she said, her eyes scanning him from head to toe. Coby then realized, ‘Ah, the wanted poster. I forgot about that.’

Coby chuckled, "Well, we try our best. So, what brings you here? Looking to join the fan club?"

Alvida laughed, a sound that seemed both alluring and dangerous. "Hardly. I'm here for my own reasons. But let's just say I'm interested in your journey."

Coby raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Is that so? Well, we're always up for a good adventure. Care to join us for a bit?" he offered, half in jest.

Alvida's smirk widened, "Tempting, but I have my own path to follow. Just be careful, Coby. The Grand Line is no place for the faint-hearted."

With a final glance, Alvida turned and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Coby to ponder her words. He shook his head, amused and slightly bewildered by the encounter. Nami, who had been watching the exchange with curiosity and jealousy, nudged him.

"Who was that?" she asked, her gaze still fixed on the direction Alvida had gone.

Coby shrugged, "An old... acquaintance, you could say. Nothing to worry about."

Nami seemed unconvinced but let the topic drop as they continued their way through the market. They picked up a few more items, Nami negotiating fiercely for every last berry's worth.

Arriving at the square where the execution scaffold was, Coby once again found an inconspicuous corner and sat on the rail, pulling Nami onto his lap. They started to watch the scaffold. "That is the scaffold where Roger was executed, right?" Nami asked. Coby hummed, as he smelled her hair. "Want to go closer?" Nami inquired, but Coby shook his head, "Just watch," he said.

Soon, Luffy appeared atop it, looking down. "Woohoo! So this is what the King of Pirates saw just before he died," Luffy exclaimed. At this time, a guard blew his whistle, "Hey you! Get down from there right now." As naive as ever, Luffy asked, "Why?" The guard responded, "That is a special execution scaffold. It is under the jurisdiction of the World Government. Come down ri—" Before he could finish his sentence, a mace hit his face and threw him away. "Hey, don't be so mean, Mr. Guard," a familiar voice called out.

The same beautiful woman, Alvida, said as she looked up, "Finally found you, Straw Hat Luffy. It's been a long time. Surely you haven't forgotten this face." As she said that, everyone in the square, who had gathered around for the commotion Luffy caused, was awed by Alvida's beauty, be it men or women.

Coby, observing the scene from his vantage point, couldn't help but smirk at the situation unfolding before him. Nami, nestled comfortably in his lap, watched with a curiosity and apprehension.

Of course, Luffy didn't recognize Alvida. "I don't know you, lady. Who are you?" he asked, genuinely puzzled. Alvida's smile widened, causing a collective swoon among the onlookers, "Well, I'll never forget you. You were the first man who ever hit my lovely face."

Luffy, taken aback, exclaimed, "What?! I hit you?" As Alvida caressed her cheek, she continued, "Yes, and I really felt it. It was so hard." The crowd, completely captivated by her, had hearts in their eyes as they murmured in agreement.

"Now tell me," Alvida said, her cloak billowing dramatically as she scanned the crowd, "Who is the most beautiful woman on the seas?" The crowd responded in unison, "You are!" Alvida's smile was triumphant. "Yes, I am. There isn't a man in this world that wouldn't grovel at my feet. And I like strong men. You are going to be mine, Luffy."

Luffy, unimpressed, snorted, "Shut up! No way! Who do you think you are?" But Alvida, unfazed and playful, asked, "You still don't know?"

At that moment, the police filled the square, announcing their presence. "This is the police!! You there, woman!! Surrender or else!! You are under arrest for attacking a government official. And you!! Get off the scaffold!!"

Alvida, turning her charming gaze to the police, questioned, "What? You're going to arrest me?" The police, struck by her beauty, were momentarily tongue-tied. "Assistant Inspector!! This is arrest difficult!! She is so beautiful!!" they stammered.

The assistant inspector, despite being visibly charmed, managed to assert, "So what? Arrest her!"

From their vantage point, Coby watched the scene unfold with amusement and anticipation. Nami, still comfortably seated in his lap, leaned in closer, her eyes fixed on the spectacle below.

"Coby, this is getting out of hand," Nami whispered, her voice tinged with concern. "Shouldn't we do something?"

Coby's gaze remained fixed on the square, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "Let's see how it plays out. Luffy can handle himself, and it's not every day you get to see Alvida work her charms like this."

Nami, though worried, couldn't help but be drawn into the drama unfolding before them. The square was a blend of confusion, admiration, and tension, the police unsure how to proceed against such a captivating adversary.


Read up to 100 chapters ahead!

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