One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch33- Defeat

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Nami and Nojiko, their hearts heavy with a tumultuous blend of hope and dread, approached the crumbling entrance of Arlong Park, their eyes wide as they stood witness to the fierce battle unfolding within. Coby, a solitary figure against the monstrous Arlong, fought with a ferocity that was both inspiring and terrifying. Nami's hand flew to her mouth in shock as she recognized the room into which they had crashed—the very place where she had spent countless agonizing hours charting maps under Arlong's cruel command.

Outsiders couldn't see the inside, Coby, seated on the ground, looked around. Although he saw it in the anime, seeing the real thing was infuriating. Bloodied quills, thousands upon thousands of drawn maps, small desks and chairs, rows of books about navigating. This was Nami's prison for 8 years. A place where she was forced to serve the same person who killed her mother. Coby's anger spiked as system messages overwhelmed his vision.

[25 SP awarded for innovative use of 'Stealth Foot' in aquatic combat.]

[75 SP awarded for 'Bara Bara Detach Hand' combined with 'Gum Gum Pistol'.]

[Skill Synergy Detected: 'Gum Gum Pistol' with 'Bara Bara Detach Hand'. Additional 150 SP awarded.]

[Total SP awarded: 250. Current SP balance: 1196.]

[Skill Scan initiated on 'Tooth on Shark'. Analysis in progress…Estimated cost: 300 SP.]

"Learn," he silently said in his mind as he clenched his jaw. The system message confirmed his acquisition, but Coby knew the limitations of his abilities. Without Arlong's leg strength and sharp teeth, 'Tooth on Shark' would merely propel him forward, a shadow of its original lethality.

[Skill Scan completed on 'Tooth on Shark'. 300 SP deducted. Current SP balance: 896.]

Arlong, seeing Coby unresponsive, launched a 'Shark on Dart' to pierce his heart. Coby, anticipating the move, dodged and used the system once again to copy the technique.

[Skill Scan initiated on 'Shark on Dart'. Analysis in progress…]

[Skill Scan completed on 'Shark on Dart'. 200 SP deducted. Current SP balance: 696.]

Arlong, enraged by Coby's evasion, moved with an animalistic fury. He hurled a 'Uchimizu' at Coby, the droplet of water transforming into a deadly bullet. Coby, using his 'Stealth Foot', disappeared from view, the droplet narrowly missing him and exploding against the wall with a force that sent shivers down his spine.

Reappearing behind Arlong, Coby unleashed a 'Gomu Gomu Pistol' with his detached hand. The fist, moving faster than a regular punch, struck Arlong squarely in the back. But the fishman was tough, and he merely stumbled, turning to face Coby with a murderous glint in his eye.

Arlong lunged with a 'Tooth on Shark', his mouth wide open, spinning rapidly to bore through Coby like a drill.

[Skill Scan initiated on 'Uchimizu'. Analysis in progress…Estimated cost: 900 SP.]

'I don't have enough SP.' Coby clicked his tongue, as an idea came to his mind. As Coby prepared for the next phase of his battle with Arlong, he activated his Stealth Foot to disappear while simultaneously using Basic Stealth to lower his presence. His detached hands, positioned in front of him, held small knives pointing ahead, poised for an attack. Just then, a system message arrived:

Ignoring the distraction, Coby used Tooth on Shark, spinning towards Arlong. Albeit slower than the fishman, his two blades held by detached hands, attached to his chin, acted as sharp jaws, as his legs propelling him forward. As he hurled himself toward Arlong, another system message appeared:

[Innovative Skill Usage Detected: 'Tooth on Shark' combined with 'Bara Bara Detach Hand' and Knife-Throwing Basics. Bonus 450 SP awarded for creative application.]

Arlong dodged Coby's spinning attack, but the wall behind him didn't survive. The concrete crumbled under the force of Coby's blades, propelled by his innovative 'Tooth on Shark' combined with 'Bara Bara Detach Hand'. The spinning blades, along with Coby's relentless momentum, sent objects flying outside, including the table that Nami had used for years to draw her maps. As the table flew past the window, Nami's eyes teared up, recognizing the symbol of her long years of servitude being cast aside.

Coby didn't pause. Using his detached hands as jaws and the blades as teeth, he continued his relentless assault on the room. His goal was clear: to destroy the very place that represented Nami's years of suffering and bondage. As more objects flew out of the room, Nami realized what Coby was doing. She watched, a mix of shock and gratitude in her eyes, as he systematically dismantled her prison.

On the other side, Arlong's anger boiled over. The sight of his property, the room that represented his control and power over Nami, being destroyed was too much. Eight years of work and domination were being torn apart in front of his eyes. He roared in fury, the sound echoing through the park and the surrounding sea.

In his rage, Arlong launched another 'Tooth on Shark', his body spinning rapidly, aiming to drill through Coby with his sharp teeth. Coby, ready for the attack, used his Stealth Foot to vanish, reappearing behind Arlong.

After destroying the room, Coby was ready to finish the battle. As Arlong's furious assault came hurtling towards him, the ground cracked beneath their feet from the sheer force. Coby dodged the attack with a swift move, his feet digging into the fractured ground for leverage. He then kicked Arlong upwards with all his might, sending the fishman crashing towards the ceiling, his sword still lodged into the man's shoulder.

In that moment, Coby's mind raced, piecing together a strategy from the myriad of skills he had acquired. He needed something devastating, a combination of his abilities that would end this fight once and for all. He focused, recalling each technique and its potential. He was about to unleash a storm, a barrage of attacks that would be his ultimate move against Arlong.

First, he activated his Stealth Foot, blending into the shadows, becoming nearly invisible as he moved with incredible speed. This was his approach, closing the distance between him and Arlong, who was still reeling from the kick. Coby then detached both his hands, each holding a knife, his fingers expertly gripping the handles. He infused his detached hands with the Gum Gum Pistol's force, stretching and positioning them around Arlong in a calculated formation, ready to strike.

As Arlong regained his composure and locked eyes with where Coby had been moments before, he realized too late the impending danger. Coby, now a blur of motion, propelled himself forward, spinning at high speeds in an imitation of the Tooth on Shark. His body became a cyclone of force and motion, a controlled but fierce maelstrom.

Coby's detached hands, acting as separate entities, also spun rapidly, creating a storm of cutting and striking motions. They sliced through the air, each movement precise and deadly, aiming for Arlong's vulnerable spots. The knives, coupled with the speed and force of the Gomu Gomu Pistol, delivered rapid, powerful slashes, while his legs and body provided additional blunt force impacts.

Arlong, caught in the eye of this storm, could barely keep up. He tried to counter, to strike back, but the attacks came from all directions, overwhelming and relentless. Coby was everywhere at once, a ghostly wraith of vengeance that Arlong couldn't escape.

As the barrage continued, Coby sensed the moment to conclude this chaotic symphony. He reattached his hands and, gathering all his strength and focus, he executed a final, devastating Gum Gum Pistol. The punch, fueled by every ounce of his will and power, drilled through Arlong and sent them both crashing through the ceiling to the top of Arlong Park.

The building, already weakened by the onslaught, couldn't withstand this final blow. As Coby's punch connected with Arlong, sending him hurtling to the ground, the structure of Arlong Park began to collapse, falling apart in a cloud of dust and debris.

Coby, standing amidst the ruins, watched as Arlong's form hit the ground with a thunderous impact. He breathed heavily, feeling the toll of the battle on his body, but his spirit was alight with triumph. He had done it; he had killed Arlong and destroyed the very symbol of his tyranny.


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