One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch32- Crush on Arlong Park

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Standing in front of the door, Coby used his fist and punched it, blasting the door towards the end of the courtyard. As he entered, he saw Arlong sitting on his throne, seething with anger. Seeing Coby, he stood up. The killer of his men had arrived! Coby didn't talk; there was no need to. He drew his sword, ready to battle with all the skills he had gathered so far.

Arlong, towering and imposing, glared at Coby, his eyes filled with rage and a thirst for vengeance. He stepped off his throne, his massive form casting a shadow that seemed to darken the opening. Coby, undeterred by Arlong's intimidating presence, stood ready, his sword in hand and his eyes focused.

The battle began with Coby launching forward, using Stealth Foot to close the distance between him and Arlong at an astonishing speed. Arlong, surprised by Coby's sudden appearance, barely managed to block the initial strike with his saw-like nose. Coby, undeterred, quickly repositioned himself and launched a series of rapid strikes, each aimed at Arlong's vital points.

Arlong, though taken aback by Coby's speed and agility, was no easy opponent. He countered with powerful swings of his own, his strength causing shockwaves that rippled through the air. Coby, using his Basic Sword Handling skills, parried and dodged, looking for an opening in Arlong's defense.

Spotting an opportunity, Coby detached his left hand using Bara Bara Detach Hand and activated Gum Gum Pistol, sending his fist hurtling towards Arlong at high speed. The detached hand, now a high-speed projectile, struck Arlong squarely in the chest, knocking the wind out of him.

Arlong, enraged by the hit, roared and charged at Coby with increased ferocity. His movements were swift and brutal, each strike capable of crushing stone.

Coby tried to remain calm to not be blinded by confidence or lose sight of his target, as he faced Arlong, the towering fishman whose anger seemed to shake the very foundations of the place. He wasn't as strong as Luffy when the latter had defeated Arlong, but he was well-armed with a diverse array of skills and a strategic mind. His left hand, detached and ready, hovered in the air, a silent threat waiting to be unleashed. Meanwhile, his right hand gripped his sword tightly, prepared for the swift and brutal combat that awaited.

Arlong, with a snarl, lunged forward, his massive frame moving with surprising speed. His attacks were ferocious, each blow carrying the weight of the sea itself. Coby, using his Stealth Foot, danced around the strikes, his movements a blur to the naked eye. He ducked under a sweeping arm and rolled away from a crushing fist, his sword flashing in the dim light as he parried and struck back.

The room echoed with the clash of their battle, a symphony of violence and determination. Coby's strategy was clear: keep Arlong off balance, prevent him from using his full strength, and most importantly, keep him away from the water where his fishman strength would become even more formidable.

Arlong, realizing the threat of Coby's detached hand, kept a wary eye on the floating limb. He knew the young man before him was no ordinary fighter; the weird abilities hinted at a Devil Fruit power. Arlong's mind raced with plans to throw Coby into the water, to end this fight by exploiting the weakness of all Devil Fruit users.

Coby, sensing Arlong's intention, smirked in his mind. He launched a series of quick strikes, aiming to push Arlong back, away from the large pool that dominated one end of the room. His sword moved with precision, cutting shallow lines across Arlong's tough skin.

Coby was not a fruit user, so he wouldn't become helpless in the sea, but since Arlong thought otherwise, he decided to use this to his advantage. Feigning being overwhelmed by Arlong's relentless assaults, he started to fall back towards the pool. With each crushing blow from Arlong's powerful shark-like appendages, Coby feigned increasing weakness, his movements growing more sluggish, his breaths more labored. The plan was risky, but the pool in Arlong Park, a direct link to the sea's menacing depths, was crucial for his plan. As he wobbled dangerously close to the water's edge, Coby let out a deep curse, "FUCK!" filled with feigned helplessness and rage. Arlong, baring his sharp teeth in a savage grin, saw this as the moment of ultimate triumph. With a brutal shove, he sent Coby tumbling into the water. The splash echoed like the final note of a deadly symphony.

Coby, now submerged in the murky depths, allowed his body to sink, his eyes empty, portraying the image of a defeated man succumbing to the sea's embrace. Arlong, not content with merely watching his adversary drown, wanted to relish in the act of tearing Coby apart limb by limb. His predatory instincts are full on mode, Arlong dove into the water after him. Underwater, his strength and ferocity were unmatched, his movements swift and lethal, like a true creature of the deep ocean. Arlong's nose, sharp and saw-like, pointed towards Coby's seemingly helpless form with the intent of brutal show of spearing and cutting that was about to come.

With each moment, Arlong's approach became more dangerous, his every muscle coiled and ready to unleash a torrent of violence upon Coby, to leave him nothing but a mangled corpse at the bottom of the pool. The water around them seemed to grow darker, denser.

As Arlong bore down on Coby, his shark-like nose aimed and ready to skewer through flesh and bone, Coby's eyes suddenly flickered open, shining with a fierce, unyielding mocking. With the speed and precision of a striking serpent, Coby's arm shot upwards. In his grip was his sword, its blade glinting ominously in the filtered light from above. He thrust it forward with all the strength he could muster, targeting the very heart of Arlong's ferocity, his head.

Arlong, taken aback by the sudden counterattack, veered off course in a desperate attempt to evade the deadly strike. However, the sword's sharp edge still met its mark, slicing a deep, ragged gash across Arlong's cheek before burying itself into the sinew and bone of his shoulder. Blood clouded the water, a crimson bloom spreading from the wound.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Arlong bellowed, his voice a guttural, pained roar that sent shivers through the water. His face contorted in an agonized grimace, teeth bared in a grotesque snarl. The pain was intense, a searing fire that raged through his shoulder, igniting a primal rage within him. His eyes, wild and wide, fixed on Coby with a newfound sense of fury and disbelief. How could this human, with the ability of Devil Fruit that made him a hammer in the sea, this seemingly defeated prey, have mustered the strength and cunning to attack him?

Coby gritted his teeth in frustration as Arlong effortlessly dodged his lethal strike. He had foolishly jumped into the water in a desperate attempt to kill the tyrant, end his reign of terror, but now he found himself disarmed and at the mercy of the wounded but still seething fishman. The blade buried deep in Arlong's shoulder reached all the way to his chest, a critical hit that should have been fatal, but the heart on Arlong's left side remained unscathed, tip of blade missing its target. Fury consumed the fishman as he gathered the raw power of the sea below, preparing to unleash a devastating "Shark on Tooth" attack.

The air crackled with electricity as Arlong's eyes blazed with fury. Coby could feel the weight of the sea bearing down on him, threatening to crush him beneath its mighty waves. The fishman's body twisted and contorted as he summoned every last ounce of his strength, his muscles bulging and pulsing with an otherworldly energy.

Seeing the attack, Coby used all his power on his legs to kick the dense and dark water that was now clouded with crimson bloom that was Arlong's blood. His eyes were fixed on the spinning figure of Arlong, who was now a deadly whirlpool of teeth and rage. As Arlong's Shark on Tooth attack bore down on him, Coby's thought what to do next. Spotting his blade embedded in Arlong's shoulder, he stepped on it, leveraging it to push himself backward. The defense wasn't perfect; Arlong's attack was too powerful and too close. The force of the collision sent both combatants crashing through the floors of Arlong Park, ultimately bursting into the room where Nami was forced to draw maps.


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