One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch21- He is a Good Guy

Two new Patrons?! And both are top-tier Patrons?! Then one of them upgrades to "Author Only"? What? What? What?! You know what that means—extra chapter time! 🎉 A huge shoutout to David and Jayce! I can’t even express how much I appreciate this support, especially after these last few dry days. It’s like blood to my veins, water to my thirsty throat, bile to my... well, you get the idea! 😅

You know what, I’m feeling generous with all that support, so let’s make it two extra chapters! (Also because, mainly, these two chapters are a little short for some reason. Hahaha!)

You all are welcomed to my Discord Channel!

We have an Image Minister as well!


After getting their orders, Sanji vanished into the kitchen to prepare the food while the group engaged in lively chatter. Usopp, watching Sanji's retreating figure, sparked a discussion. "How about him?" he asked, referring to Sanji. "He's strong and a cook," he added, recalling how Sanji handled Fullbody.

Luffy, his mind always on strengthening his crew, nodded in agreement. He thought Sanji would make a great addition, but he also noticed the tension between Coby and the blonde cook. Turning to Coby, Luffy sought his input.

Coby, understanding Luffy's silent query, shrugged nonchalantly. "You're the captain, Luffy. As long as he behaves, we're good," he said, his tone casual but firm. He knew the importance of maintaining a harmonious relationship within the crew, and as Vice-Captain, he was keen to support Luffy's decisions.

Luffy, satisfied with Coby's response, nodded. His trust in Coby's judgment was evident. He valued Coby's role as Vice-Captain and respected his insights, especially when it came to the crew's dynamics.

The conversation drifted to their next moves and the adventures that lay ahead, their voices mingling with the ambient sounds of the restaurant. They didn't knew each other long, but they still came to feel sense of Nakama-ship as they spent more time.

Soon, Sanji reappeared, balancing trays laden with steaming dishes. The aroma of the food filled the air, and the crew's eyes lit up with anticipation. As Sanji set the plates down, the crew eagerly began to eat, their chatter turning to contented murmurs of appreciation for the meal.

Amidst their enjoyment, the door to the restaurant swung open, and a new figure stumbled in. The man was starved and weak, his clothes tattered and hanging loosely on his thin frame. His eyes, sunken and hollow, scanned the restaurant with a desperate intensity of hunger not many could understood. He was starving and this restaurant was like a mirage in a desert, and booby to virgin.

The crew's attention shifted to the newcomer, their expressions varying as they took the newcomer. The man's appearance wasn't anything like they could see around them. Contrast was there to see, on one side, tattered, starving man compared to the lively and well-fed patrons of Baratie. His presence seemed to draw all the attention.

Nami, her gaze fixed on the man, whispered to Coby, "Who is that? He looks like he's been through a lot."

Coby watched intently as the figure made his way into the bustling Baratie. Coby recognized him immediately as Gin, of course. He expected him to arrive. But there were a few divergences from Anime as he tried to recall what changed. In the anime, Gin had escaped from prison and shot a Marine at the door of the restaurant to assert dominance, but here, he simply walked in.

As Coby pondered the situation, he realized that his actions with the redirected cannonball might have inadvertently set Gin free. However, he didn't feel guilty about it. Coby knew that Gin would have escaped eventually, and he wasn't one to concern himself with every single Marine. His pragmatism guided him; his compassion, love, and mercy were reserved for those he genuinely cared about. Mainly crew and a few other girls.

Gin, his eyes scanning the room, chose a table and sat down. His presence not fitting the place at all, drawing the attention of many in the restaurant. Patty, one of the chefs known for his bold and brash demeanor, approached Gin. "Welcome to Baratie, Shitty Customer. Do you have money to pay?"

In response, Gin drew a pistol, pointing it directly at Patty's head. "How is a bullet for payment?" he countered, his voice raspy and strained.

Patty, unfazed by the threat, had seen his fair share of pirates and dangers at sea. He retorted with a smile, "Can I assume you don't have money, shitty sir?"

Gin, taken aback by Patty's boldness, was momentarily speechless. However, before he could react further, Patty acted swiftly. Towering over Gin, Patty locked his arms above him and, with a powerful motion, smashed down on the starving man, breaking the table and chair beneath him. The impact sent a shockwave through the restaurant, silencing the chatter and drawing gasps from the patrons.

The scene that unfolded was brutal and swift. Gin, caught under the sheer force of Patty's attack, lay amidst the wreckage of the broken furniture, his pistol knocked away. Blood trickled from a cut on his head, staining the floor beneath him. The violence of the act was a stark reminder of the harsh reality of life at sea, especially in a place frequented by pirates and outlaws.

Coby, observing the scene without change on his face. Maybe because he expected it, maybe because he knew Sanji would feed him anyway. Maybe he was getting used to the terms that being pirate meant hardship in the sea. He knew that situations like this were common in the pirate world, where strength often dictated the rules.

Luffy, witnessing the encounter, jumped to his feet, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and excitement. "Whoa! That was intense!" he exclaimed. Not quite liking how Gin was treated, as he was quite empathetic. He wouldn't want to be in Gin's place.

As Patty's decisive action against Gin echoed through Baratie, the other patrons responded with a mixture of cheers and murmurs. There was an unspoken recognition among them—a shared familiarity all civilians felt, the bloodthirst that had emanated from Gin the moment he entered. Among the onlookers, only Fullbody, who lay bloodied and battered, and Coby, with his knowledge from the anime, recognized the notorious pirate but civilians too knew that man was not good news.

In the midst of the chaos, Gin's stomach audibly grumbled, drawing sneers and mockery from the surrounding crowd. "Look at him, his stomach growling like a beast," one patron jeered, his voice laced with disdain.

Gin, his pride wounded but intact, forced a smile, masking his desperation with bravado. "Idiot, that was a fart," he retorted, his voice strained but defiant. He refused to show weakness, even in his dire state.

Patty, unimpressed by Gin's attempt to save his pride, grabbed the weakened pirate with an iron grip. With a show of force that was both swift and merciless, he hurled Gin out the door of Baratie, discarding him like thrash. 

As the scene unfolded, Coby noticed Sanji slipping away into the kitchen, a subtle movement that didn't escape him as he was expecting it. To his surprise, Luffy also stood up, his interest piqued. Luffy, with his inherent sense of justice and empathy, walked out to observe Sanji's actions, curious about how the cook would handle the situation.

True to Luffy's thoughts, Sanji emerged from the kitchen with a plate of steaming food and a glass of water in hand. His demeanor had shifted from the flamboyant and aggressive cook inside to a more compassionate and thoughtful person outside. He approached Gin, who lay crumpled on the ground, and placed the food and water before him. "Eat," Sanji said, his voice firm but gentle.

Gin, taken aback by this act of kindness, looked up at Sanji with a mix of suspicion and gratitude. His eyes, which had moments ago held a defiant spark, now shimmered with unspoken thanks. He reached for the plate, his hands trembling slightly as he brought the food to his lips.

The scene was the opposite of the violence and chaos that had just transpired inside Baratie. Sanji's gesture, simple yet profound, spoke volumes about his character—a man capable of great kindness amidst a world often marked by cruelty. Which was something fit Luffy's definition of piracy.

Luffy, watching from a distance, nodded in approval, a smile spreading across his face. "Sanji's a good guy," he murmured to himself.


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