One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch20- Da Queen!

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"Johnny?" Zoro asked, his voice carrying a note of surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Johnny then shared his story, his voice tinged with worry and confusion. He and Yosaku, his partner in bounty hunting, had been pursuing pirates since their separation from Zoro. Their adventures had been fruitful until Yosaku fell ill. Johnny, concerned and unsure of how to help, had been tending to Yosaku when the hill they were resting on was hit by a stray cannon blast. Believing it to be an attack from a pirate ship, Johnny had rushed to defend them, only to be stopped by Coby's unexpected intervention.

As Johnny boarded the "Merry Go" with Yosaku in tow, the scene unfolded with an almost comical absurdity. Yosaku, pale and weak, was a stark contrast to the energetic crew. Nami, watching from a distance, couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Idiots," she muttered under her breath, as she let out a tired sigh.

Coby immediately "recognized" Yosaku's symptoms. Without a word, he disappeared into the kitchen, his mind recalling a "crucial piece of information" he had learned from Anime. Scurvy, a sailor's bane, was all too common in the pirate world, and the remedy was simple yet effective - Vitamin C. Well, it was something only appeared once in One Piece, but it was something serious in real world before people discovered what Vitamin C was.

Nami explained to Johnny, "He has Scurvy. Spending a long time at sea, people often get sick due to a lack of Vitamin C. Eating some oranges should help him recover."

Nami was about to retrieve the necessary oranges when Coby, already a step ahead, handed them over to her. She accepted the fruit with a look of amazement, impressed by Coby's quick thinking and medical knowledge. It was a refreshing change from the trio of idiots Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp.

"Coby, you never cease to surprise me," Nami remarked, her tone was of gratitude and admiration. She peeled an orange and handed it to Yosaku, who eagerly accepted the fruit, his body visibly craving the much-needed nutrients.

After Johnny fed a few oranges to Yosaku, the latter experienced a miraculous recovery, or so it seemed. He sprang up with an energy that belied his recent illness, and in an impromptu celebration of his newfound health, he began to dance around the deck with Johnny. Their antics, while amusing, were short-lived as Nami quickly intervened.

"That's enough!" Nami scolded, her voice tinged with annoyance. "You can't possibly recover that quickly from scurvy." Her skepticism was soon proven right when Yosaku, mid-dance, suddenly spat blood, a stark reminder of the seriousness of his condition.

The abrupt end to their celebration brought a moment of awkward silence, which was soon broken by Johnny and Yosaku formally introducing themselves. "We are Pirate Hunters, Johnny and Yosaku," they declared, puffing out their chests in a display of pride.

Zoro, seizing the opportunity to catch up with his former companions, engaged them in conversation, sharing tales of their respective adventures. Meanwhile, Nami took charge, setting the course towards Baratie, the famous floating restaurant.

As they neared their destination, the serene atmosphere was disrupted by the sight of a Marine Ship approaching the same area. Coby, his knowledge of the anime serving as a guide, felt a sense of foreboding. He remembered well the events that would unfold if they allowed the plot to take its course—Luffy ending up as a waiter in Baratie, something that Coby found too troublesome. He had no intention to delay their journey in here.

Determined to alter the course of events, Coby stepped forward, stood close to Luffy to prevent the accident. As the Marine Ship fired its cannon, Luffy instinctively used his Gum Gum Balloon ability to deflect the attack. Coby, seizing the moment, activated his Skill Scan ability, focusing intently on Luffy's unique technique.

[Skill Scan initiated on 'Gum Gum Balloon'. Analysis in progress…] the system message chimed in Coby's mind. [Estimated cost: 1900 SP.], 'On the second note, I don't want to. I wouldn't look cool with that look.' The miser gave up on the idea.

The cannonball was going to hit straight toward Baratie if Luffy's aim was left alone. Coby, thinking fast, got into action. Without a second thought, he rushed toward Luffy, who stood ready. With a quick tug on Luffy's rubbery body, Coby stretched him in just the right way. Luffy's body shifted, creating a barrier that redirected the cannonball’s trajectory. The cannonball instead shot back towards the Marine Ship, saving Baratie from harm.

The impact was both spectacular and devastating. The cannonball smashed into the ship's mast with such force that it splintered and collapsed, sending a cloud of debris and splinters into the air. The Marines aboard scrambled in panic, their ship now severely crippled by the unexpected counterattack.

Luffy, watching Coby's display of aim, was both impressed and surprised. "Wow, Coby! You can do that too? We need to work on our combo moves" he exclaimed, his voice carrying awe and excitement.

Coby, sighed in relief, nodded with a smirk. "Sure, we can work later," he replied, a hint of satisfaction in his tone.

Nami, witnessing the event, couldn't help but be impressed by Coby's quick thinking. "That was too close," she muttered, relieved that they had avoided a potential disaster.

Upon entering Baratie, the crew was immediately drawn to an iconic scene unfolding before them. Sanji, the charismatic and skilled cook of the restaurant, was holding a bloodied Marine by the neck. This Marine was none other than Fullbody, the officer responsible for ordering the cannon fire on their ship. The tension in the air was palpable, the scene a stark contrast to the usual bustling and lively atmosphere of Baratie.

Coby, observing the confrontation with a keen eye, couldn't help but smirk. He appreciated the poetic justice of the moment, seeing the arrogant Marine receive his comeuppance at the hands of Sanji.

As they took their seats at a table, Sanji's attention quickly shifted from Fullbody to the new arrivals. His eyes landed on Nami, and in an instant, he was visibly smitten. He rushed over to their table, his usual suave demeanor replaced by an almost comical lovesickness.

Coby noticed Sanji's immediate infatuation with Nami. A hint of possessiveness stirred within him, and without a word, he drew his sword, placing the tip gently yet firmly against Sanji's neck. "Behave, or it will not end well," Coby warned, his voice low and steady, leaving no room for misunderstanding.

Nami, noticing Coby's subtle display of jealousy, couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. She leaned towards Coby, both to appease him and to discourage Sanji's advances. Her action was a delicate balance of flirtation and assertion, a clear message to both men.

Coby, feeling Nami's closeness, allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. In his mind, he placed an imaginary crown upon Nami's head, pleased with her behavior and her implicit choice. His smile broadened.

Sanji, taken aback by Coby's intervention, stepped back, his hands raised in a gesture of surrender. "Whoa, easy there," he said, trying to regain his composure. "I'm just a cook who appreciates beauty."

Luffy, watching the scene unfold, let out a laugh, his usual carefree nature finding amusement in the situation. "Coby's getting tough!" he exclaimed, clearly entertained.


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