One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch16- Let Me Deal With Them

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Luffy, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, Coby gently passed Kaya into Usopp's care. It was then that everyone noticed Coby's hands were missing. Kaya, overwhelmed by the bizarre and frightening sight, let out a scream. The idea of someone losing their hands was beyond her comprehension, not knowing Coby had harnessed Buggy's peculiar ability.

However, Kaya's scream alerted Kuro and Jango to their presence. As they turned their attention towards the cliff, Coby's disembodied hands, having crept close enough to Jango, swiftly snatched his rings, the essential tools for his hypnosis.

Kuro, his expression darkening, barked orders at Jango, "They're onto us! Prepare for battle!" Jango, momentarily disoriented by the loss of his rings, had no weapon to use.

Luffy, his eyes ablaze with excitement, leaped down from the cliff, his battle cry echoing across the cliffside. "Let's go!" he shouted excitedly, his rubber body stretching and contorting as he descended upon Kuro.

Coby, now in full command of his 'Bara Bara Detached Hands' ability, manipulated his floating hands with expert precision. He launched a series of punches towards Jango from unexpected angles, distracting and disorienting the hypnotist.

Meanwhile, Zoro and Nami, watching the confrontation unfold, prepared to join the fray. Zoro unsheathed his swords, his eyes narrowing with a dangerous glint, while Nami, her staff in hand, readied herself for combat.

Usopp, still holding Kaya, whispered reassuring words to her. "Don't worry. They're strong. They'll handle this." Kaya, her eyes wide with fear and concern, nodded, her trust in Usopp evident.

While Coby's hands expertly engaged Jango, Coby himself focused intently on Luffy's confrontation with Kuro. He was determined to learn from Kuro's unique movement technique. Strategically, he had orchestrated this fight knowing Kuro was weaponless, as he had only intended to discuss plans with Jango. As Coby's eyes were bloodshot due to staring too hard, a familiar message chimed within his mind, the result of his Skill Scan: [Skill Scan initiated on 'Stealth Foot'. Analysis in progress… Skill essence captured. 1900 SP deducted.]

Luffy, in his signature style, was a whirlwind of motion, his rubber limbs stretching and contorting with each strike. Kuro, caught off guard by Luffy's bizarre abilities, struggled to maintain his composure. His movements, though unarmed, were fluid and calculated, showcasing his mastery in hand-to-hand combat.

Coby, simultaneously analyzing Kuro's movements and directing his own floating hands, was happy beyond his mind. He got a new ability! His hands, acting independently, continued to barrage Jango, who was now desperately trying to evade the relentless punches.

In the midst of the chaos, Zoro charged towards the hypnotist, his swords gleaming in the sunlight. Jango, realizing he was outnumbered and outmaneuvered, attempted to flee but was swiftly intercepted by Nami. Her staff swung with precision, knocking him to the ground.

As the battle ensued, Kaya, in Usopp's protective embrace, watched with a mix of horror and fascination. She had never witnessed such a chaotic scene, yet she couldn't help but be drawn to the bravery and determination of Luffy and his crew.

Meanwhile, Coby's Skill Scan of Kuro's 'Stealth Foot' ability was complete, adding this awesome technique to his growing repertoire. His strategic planning had paid off; Kuro, without his weapons, was significantly less threatening, allowing Luffy to gain the upper hand, not that Luffy would have lose, but it lessened Luffy's injuries. He was bumped about Zoro and Nami Kill-Stealing him but it was just Jango, didn't changed much. His plan was bigger!

Kuro, realizing the tide of the battle was turning against him, attempted a strategic retreat. However, Luffy, as eager for battle and justice as ever, pursued relentlessly. "You're not getting away!" Luffy yelled, launching himself towards Kuro with a powerful 'Gum Gum Rocket.'

With Kuro defeated and Jango bound, the scene on the cliffs of Syrup Town was victory and Scooby-Doo style mask removing mix. Usopp, carrying Kaya in a princess hold, approached the group, his eyes were wide with relief and concern. Coby, having bound the two villains with a rope, turned to Kaya with a "solemn" expression. "Sorry you had to see this, Ms. Kaya." He said, as if he hadn't planned this ever since he decided to join Luffy. "He faked his own death, planning to kill you in an 'accident' to inherit your wealth. He grew tired of the pirate life and devised this scheme."

Kaya, tears streaming down her face, nodded in understanding, her voice a whisper, "Thank you."

Coby grinned, a lightness returning to his voice. "Don't sweat it. In return, how about you give us a ship?"

Before Kaya could respond, Nami interjected with a vehement "NO!" Realizing the implication of her outburst, she stuttered, "I mean, it's not fair. We can't offer you anything in exchange."

Coby chuckled, stepping closer to Nami, his voice teasing, "There's no escape, Nami."

Nami's cheeks turned a deep shade of pink as she lightly punched his chest, her actions more playful than forceful, causing Coby to laugh even more.

Kaya, witnessing the interaction, nodded in agreement, "I will give you a ship."

Usopp, looking at the bound forms of Kuro and Jango, asked with concern, "Should we call over to the Marines?"

Coby shook his head vigorously, his expression turning grave. "One thing to remember is that the Marines hate admitting mistakes. But they hate it even more when such errors become public. If they knew about such a significant oversight, they might go to extremes to cover it up."

Kaya gasped, her hand covering her mouth in shock, while Usopp shivered at the thought. "That extreme?" he asked.

Coby nodded solemnly, "Believe me. It's that extreme."

Coby's statement was an exaggeration, but he understood the unpredictable nature of the Marines and their often draconian measures. The group ultimately decided to hand over Kuro and Jango to a different Marine branch, leaving them bound to a stone for now. "A couple of days of starving is a fitting punishment for pirates like them," Coby mused.

As they prepared to leave the cliff, Coby glanced back at the bound figures. "Their crew will arrive soon. Once we deal with them, we can leave."

As they descended the hill, the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the landscape. The group walked in silence, each lost in their thoughts. Nami stayed close to Coby, occasionally glancing at him with a mix of irritation and curiosity. Luffy, his usual carefree self, hummed a tune, while Zoro remained vigilant, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

The next morning, as predicted by Coby, Kuro's crew arrived at Syrup Town. They were a motley crew, rough and unruly, their intentions clear from their menacing expressions. Luffy, eager for action, cracked his knuckles and grinned. "Looks like we've got company," he said cheerfully.

Coby stepped forward, his eyes locked on the approaching pirates. "Guys, let me handle this," he said confidently. "I want to try something."

Luffy's face fell into a pout as he booed in disappointment, while Zoro merely shrugged, indifferent. Nami, too, seemed unbothered by the decision. Coby's intent was clear – he needed to farm some Synthesis Points (SP). After copying Kuro's 'Stealth Foot' ability, his SP reserves had taken a hit, and this skirmish presented the perfect opportunity to replenish them.

As the pirates closed in, Coby's stance shifted into one of thrilled of new opportunities. He had a plan – it was time to mix the weapons in his arsenal to create new abilities. Blindly depending on abilities as they were foolish. His primary weapon was his 'Bara Bara Detach Hand' ability, which allowed him to detach and control his hands, giving him a significant advantage in reach and surprise attacks.

The first pirate charged at Coby, a rusty cutlass swinging wildly. Coby, using 'Stealth Foot', vanished from sight, reappearing behind his attacker. Before the pirate could react, Coby's detached hand, floating eerily, delivered a powerful punch to the back of the man's head. The pirate crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

[Combat success! 25 SP awarded for strategic use of Bara Bara Detach Hand,] the system's voice echoed in Coby's mind, confirming his successful strategy.

Encouraged by his early success, Coby faced the next wave of pirates. He decided to blend his 'Basic Sword Handling' with his 'Knife-Throwing Basics', creating a whirlwind of slashing and thrusting movements, interspersed with precisely thrown knives. Each hit was calculated, aimed at non-lethal yet incapacitating parts of the body.

As one pirate after another fell to Coby's skillful combination of swordplay and knife-throwing, the system chimed in again. [Innovative Skill Usage Detected: Sword and Knife Hybrid Technique. Bonus 150 SP awarded for creative application.]


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