One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch15- Breaking the Plot

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The tension in the air was palpable. Coby observed the scene, recognizing the significance of this moment in their journey. Usopp's fiery defense of his father's legacy was a key turning point, one that would strengthen his resolve to join Luffy's crew.

Coby addressed the group. "This is more than just about a ship. It's about dreams and where we stand in pursuit of them." His words resonated with Luffy, who nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with the unquenchable fire of ambition.

The group, united in their resolve, faced Kurahadol(Kurahadore or Klahadore, all the same really). The butler, sensing their determination, sneered. "You pirates are all the same. Dreamers chasing fantasies." His disdain was evident, his words dripping with scorn.

Usopp, fueled by anger and pride, stepped forward. "My father is a great pirate, and I will not let you tarnish his name." His voice, though shaking, carried a strength that surprised even him.

Usopp, with a burst of agility that took even him by surprise, lunged forward. His fist connected squarely with Kurahadol's face, sending the butler sprawling. The altercation escalated quickly, the tension between them palpable. Usopp, fueled by a mix of anger and pride, grabbed Kurahadol's collar, ready to deliver another blow. But Kaya's pleading voice stopped him in his tracks. "Usopp, please stop. Kurahadol is not a bad person. He just wants what is good for me. He just went too far." Her words, laced with a sincere belief in the butler's goodness, halted Usopp's aggression.

Kurahadol, regaining his footing, slapped Usopp's hand away with a mix of disdain and relief. "Leave here. There is no place for ruffians like you here. And never come back." His voice, cold and commanding, left no room for argument.

Kaya, her eyes brimming with tears, watched the scene unfold, torn between her meekness to stand up against her butler and the evident pain in Usopp's eyes. Usopp, his anger simmering just below the surface, turned and walked away, his pride wounded but his resolve unshaken.

As Luffy, Nami and Zoro prepared to leave, Coby suddenly held them back. He grasped Nami by the waist, halting her retreat, while addressing the others with a simple, "Wait."

Nami, in a mix of mock protest and genuine curiosity, queried, "What?"

Coby, a sly smirk on his face, leaned in closer, his chin resting on her shoulder. "Just wait a little longer," he whispered, his voice low and enigmatic.

Luffy, who had long realized Coby possessed an uncanny knowledge about everything, trusted his judgment without question. Zoro, though more skeptical by nature, followed Luffy's lead, while Nami, despite her feigned annoyance, found a strange comfort in Coby's embrace.

After a while, as the sun dipped lower in the sky, they watched Kurahadol stride away, his form disappearing down the road. At that moment, Coby gestured subtly with his head, indicating a silent plan of action. Swiftly, he vaulted back into the mansion's garden, his movements graceful and athletic. Approaching Kaya's window, he knocked gently. When Kaya opened it, expecting perhaps to see Usopp, she was instead greeted by the sight of a strikingly handsome young man with vibrant pink hair.

The transformation in Coby was nothing short of evolutionary. His diligent workouts over the days had not only increased his height to a commanding 177 centimeters, but his physique had also become more defined, sculpted almost. His soft pink hair was now styled in a way that accentuated his sharp features, and his pink eyes gleamed with an intensity that was both captivating and disarming. The glasses that once adorned his face were no longer there, a testament to his improved vision. He stood there, a picture of dashing youth and vitality.

Kaya, initially taken aback by the unexpected visitor, quickly recognized him from the earlier confrontation. Coby offered her a charming smile as he bowed respectfully, "Ms. Kaya. I apologize for the intrusion, but this is really important."

Despite her surprise, Kaya couldn't resist the allure of his kind words and welcoming demeanor. "Yes, what is it?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued. "Is it about the ship?"

Coby shook his head, a serious expression settling on his face. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a wanted poster, turning it towards Kaya. "Do you recognize this person?" he asked.

Kaya's eyes scanned the poster, which read: 'Wanted. Dead or Alive. Kuro of a Hundred Plans, 16,000,000 Belly.' She studied the face on the poster but found no familiarity in it. Shaking her head, she replied, "I don't know this person."

Coby persisted, "Does he resemble anyone you know?" Kaya looked at the poster again, her eyes widening as a realization dawned on her. She shook her head frantically, disbelief and denial etched on her face. "No, you're lying. This can't be real."

Coby observed Kaya's reaction, a mix of empathy and determination in his eyes. "Ms. Kaya, I understand this is hard to believe, but it's crucial that you see the truth."

Kaya's hands trembled as she held the poster, her world seemingly crumbling around her. "But... Kurahadol... he's been nothing but kind to me. This must be a mistake."

Coby leaned closer, his voice gentle yet firm. "I know this is difficult to accept, but Kurahadol is not who he appears to be. He is a dangerous man, and he's planning something that could put you and the entire town in danger."

Kaya's eyes filled with tears, the weight of Coby's words sinking in. "No, No! Why would he do something like this?" Her voice was a whisper, a mix of denial and confusion.

Coby, holding Kaya's gaze, spoke with a gentle firmness. "I can prove my claim, but you have to come with me." Initially hesitant, Kaya realized the gravity of her situation; doubts had seeded in her mind, and the only way to quell them was to see the truth for herself. She nodded, a mixture of fear and resolve in her eyes. Coby, understanding her fragile state, carefully helped her jump off the window sill. He then hoisted her onto his back, his actions careful and considerate. Despite her blushing cheeks, Kaya clung to him, her trust in this stranger growing.

Wrapping his jacket around her for warmth, Coby piggybacked Kaya out of the mansion grounds. His strides were wide yet gentle, ensuring her comfort. As they approached the others, Nami's eyes narrowed slightly, a tinge of jealousy apparent, yet she said nothing. Instead, she instinctively moved closer to Coby, her actions betraying her growing attachment to him.

Coby nodded to Luffy, Zoro, and Nami, signaling them to follow, and began walking towards the direction Kurahadol had taken earlier. They climbed a hill, and upon reaching the top, they found Usopp seated. He was about to exclaim in surprise, but Coby swiftly silenced him with a sharp gesture. "Don't talk," he whispered, a sense of urgency in his voice. He then pointed towards the cliff's edge and led the way.

Usopp, torn between his jealousy at seeing Kaya so close to Coby and his curiosity, bit back his words and followed silently. The group, with measured steps, moved towards the cliff edge.

Below them, they could see Kurahadol in deep conversation with another man. The man was dressed in blue, a wide-brimmed hat sitting atop his head. His attire was peculiar – olive-green trousers paired with similarly colored gloves, black shoes, and tall white socks. Over his simple blue jacket, he wore a larger, more imposing overcoat lined with ring-like decorations, indicating his status.

After the revealing conversation, Kurahadol nonchalantly asked, "Have you prepared everything for the plan?" Jango, with a sinister grin, replied, "Of course I have. Operation 'Murder Miss Kaya' is ready to go anytime." This revelation sent shockwaves through the group, especially Kaya, who clung to Coby's shirt, her lips trembling in disbelief.

Kurahadol, with a dismissive wave of his hand, corrected Jango, "Jango, Jango. Don't say murder. It sounds so sinister." Jango chuckled nervously, adjusting his response, "Right. Accidents. Sorry, sorry, Captain Kuro." Kuro, fixing his glasses with a calm, calculated movement, admonished him, "Quiet fool. I discarded that name three years ago. Don't ever call me that. Look at me. You are the Captain now."

Their conversation veered into the past, with Jango expressing his surprise at Kuro's decision to abandon piracy and fake his own execution. As they reminisced, neither noticed two floating hands, utilizing Coby's newly acquired 'Bara Bara no Mi' ability, stealthily approaching Jango.

Coby, observing the unfolding situation, turned to Luffy and instructed, "Captain, you deal with the idiot butler." He chose his words carefully, using descriptions instead of names to accommodate Luffy's struggle with remembering names, and too afraid he would instead attack Kaya.


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