Oath of the Survivor

Chapter 207

Despite himself, Kyle couldn’t help but smile as he remembered his first meeting with Jarberry.  “You know what?  I can see you, and you’re not eating my food.  So you’re already an improvement.”

Suierrillax gave a toothy smile.  “He hasn’t eaten my food yet, but from what I’ve heard it’s a common problem.  Follow me, we have a lot to catch up on.  And it really is good to meet you, Kyle.”

They wove through labyrinthine hallways, until they finally came to a small office behind a thick metal door.  One wall appeared to be a window looking out over the Hub, but upon closer inspection it was merely a projection.  There was a large desk along one wall, with an “L” shaped addition jutting out to the middle of the room, nearly bisecting it. 

Suierrillax moved to the other side and sat down, activating a dozen different projected screens that floated about the space in front of her.  She gestured for Kyle to sit, moving some of the screens out of the way so they could visit face-to-face.  The room was austere, bare walls accented by the empty desk.

“They don’t let you decorate much, do they?” Kyle asked in an attempt to break the ice.

“More like I haven’t had much of a chance.  I’ve only been here for a couple of weeks.”

“Really?  I figured you’d have been around for a while at least if you’ve met Jarberry already.”

“He’s the one who offered me the job, actually.  I was working for the Collective Institute of Independent Licensure before this.”  Suierrillax paused, eyes drifting up to the ceiling for a moment before continuing.  “Then again, I wasn’t there for a terribly long time either.  I suppose I could stand to put some roots down.  Also, drone, you’ve been awfully quiet.”

Kyle raised an eyebrow, though he didn’t make any move to try and explain C.H.A.D.D. away.  He let the silence sit for a moment, until his companion finally responded.  [AFTER RECENT EVENTS, DR. MAYHEW AND I DECIDED THAT MAINTAINING A LOW PROFILE MAY BE PRUDENT.]

Suierrillax chuckled, black eyes twinkling.  “If there’s one thing the 2 of you are terrible at, it’s keeping a low profile.  I’ve never heard of applicants or new guild members stirring up the kind of messes you have.”

“So what if we need a little practice?”  Kyle shot back.  “We’re working on it.”


“As far as the Courier’s Guild and I are concerned, you’re both awful at it.  Though it’s still not common knowledge that you have quite so much… freedom.”  Suierrillax chose her last words carefully, which Kyle didn’t miss.

“What do you mean by that?” Kyle asked. 

“C.H.A.D.D., at this point it’s pretty clear that you’ve got more going on than being a simple piece of mapping equipment.  Between your fight with Ger’Sinh, rumors from the Cain estate, and your extended Phase Three, people are taking notice.

“That’s not to say anybody has you figured out, but rather that they know you’re something special.  A handful of information brokers have theorized that C.H.A.D.D. here is actually the main fighting power, with Kyle just being along for the ride.”


Kyle snorted.  “Hardly.”

Suierrillax gave them a flat look.  “Whatever the reality is, somebody leaked the rumor, and put a hefty bounty on the drone’s retrieval.  By the time we found out and were able to learn the details, you’d already been attacked by the first group of mercenaries.”

“What do you mean, ‘first group?’” Kyle asked.

“Exactly what it sounds like.  There were several getting organized and on their way.  Our office had to dissuade them.  Which we did.  The higher-ups are going to deal with the issue at its root, but suffice it to say you can’t breathe easy quite yet.”

“Wait, you really think there’s danger here, at the Hub?”

“If you go to the sections run by the Grey Conglomerate, most definitely.  Possibly inside the Archdrake Supremacy, too.  Sections run by the Verdant Republic and the Pillar should be the safest, but you never know.  8 million credits, plus costs to cover damages can give people ideas.”


Kyle paused, considering Suierrillax’s words.  That was an enormous number of credits, far more than he expected.  It also explained why Wallace and his group were willing to risk so much to come after C.H.A.D.D.  A worrying thought came to his mind.  “Does that mean I need to worry about C Grades coming after me?”

Suierrillax shook her head.  “You shouldn’t.  Even in seedier parts of the Collective, it’s understood that disproportionate force has harsh consequences.  Not that it never happens, but it’s unlikely that a C Grade mercenary already operating on the fringes would risk it for a measly 8 million credits.”

“They get paid that well?”

“Oh yeah.  Something to look forward to, if you make it that far.  Which we’re banking on, by the way.”

“I’ll try not to let you down, but there’s a long way to go before I get there.”  Kyle said, feeling the weight of expectation settling on his shoulders.

“No doubt about that at all,” Suierrillax responded, tone casual.  “Helping you progress to the next level is Jarberry’s job; I’m here to help in an administrative capacity along the way.  Speaking of…”

Suierrillax trailed off as she turned her attention back to the screens.  They rearranged and moved, with 2 settling in the air between them.  Kyle could make out lines of text, with each one looking like a distinct job. 

“I’ve scheduled 41 medium-priority deliveries for the next 20 or so days until Jarberry is back.  They’re all Verdant Republic jobs, and they’ll all keep you on the Hub.”

Kyle’s eyes widened as he regarded the lists.  The pay wasn’t great, and the number of jobs meant it would be difficult to get a lot of his other to-do list items scheduled.  “Look, I appreciate this, but –“

“No ‘buts,’ Kyle.  The people that matter don’t have any questions about your competence or capabilities.  You’re a standout talent; that’s clear.  What we’re all waiting to see is whether or not you’re able to keep your head down and get work done without bringing added baggage. 

“These jobs aren’t luxurious by any means, but they’re plenty to showcase that ability.  Choosing jobs that stay at the Hub indicates prudence and reduces risk.  Furthermore, we know the Verdant Republic will play by the rules.  If there’s one thing you need right now, it’s less risk.”

Kyle considered the srkell woman’s words for a moment.  Trying to put himself in an outside perspective, he could see the point.  Things had been volatile for him since the encounter with Ger’Sinh, and given the interest he’d drawn from powerful parties, he could see other organizations waiting to see how Kyle responded before setting him up with opportunities.

“And you don’t think it will be an issue having your security detail following me around while I do these jobs?”  Kyle asked.

“It shouldn’t be,” Suierrillax said.  “They’re paid a per diem with riders for additional combat compensation.  Nothing about them should interfere with the basics of getting the jobs taken care of.”

“I’ve also got several personal items I need to attend to, is there any flexibility in the scheduling?”

“None whatsoever.  Fortunately, I’m competent.  I left blocks each day for you to take care of whatever you need to, with some full days sprinkled in.  Of course, if Jarberry is delayed, you’ll have some extra time to fill however you want.”

Kyle saw a notification flash on his nav bracelet, and saw the itinerary come through.  “Then I guess I have what I need.  Thank you for your help, Suierrillax.”

“One last thing, before you go.  I took a risk coming here.  I placed a bet on you.  You seem the altruistic type, so I want to make sure you understand that other people are counting on you to succeed.  Don’t be an idiot.  You’ve got a team now.  Don’t forget that.”

“I’ll try not to.”  Kyle said, surprised by the firmness in Suierrillax’s voice.

“Good.  Now get out of my office, you have work to do.  C.H.A.D.D., it’s a pleasure to meet you.”


“Great meeting you too, Suierrillax.”  Kyle said, failing to hide a chuckle. 

Kyle pulled up his itinerary as he stepped on the teleportation platform inside the Courier’s Guild.  He was due to report for his first job the next morning, which meant he had time.  Ignoring his shadows from the Personal Security Guild, he sent a message to Garth.


I know it’s short notice, but I’m free now.  Where are you?  Looking forward to catching up.


Before he could even make it through the Guild Headquarters, he received a message back.


I’m free.  Coordinates attached, see you soon.


Kyle looked at the attachment, and his heart sank.  They were in the middle of Grey Conglomerate territory, exactly where Suierrillax just warned him not to go.  Kyle paused near the next teleporter, considering his options.  The safest play would be to go home, buy time until Jarberry got back, and explore his options from there.  Kyle considered alternatives, and finally sent a message back.


I can’t go where you are – not right now.  It’s complicated.  Can you meet me?  I’ll take you out for a meal and we can talk.


Kyle was back on the streets outside the teleportation platform before the next update came through.

Send the coordinates.

Kyle found a café with private booths, reserved seats, and sent the instructions to Garth.  He settled in, watching his security team trying to look inconspicuous outside.  In some ways, the plan was genius.  People who were looking for Kyle would see that there were others around, though the average person would move right past them. 


“We’re waiting for Garth.  They’re staying in Grey Conglomerate territory, and from Suierrillax’s update it’s not somewhere we want to go right now.”


“You’ll get a chance, C.H.A.D.D.  I want to see them, too.”

Just a few minutes later, Kyle saw Garth making his way toward the café.  He looked rough, hair longer than Kyle had seen it, slicked back with a beard that had clearly been left to grow out.  He asked the doorman at the café for Kyle, and that’s when he saw the security team move.  Crap.

By the time Kyle could get to the door, Garth was staring them both down, piercing blue eyes focused as his hand drifted to the hilt of his sword.  Kyle felt the mana pouring off he man, still E Grade, but near the top.  Still, everything about the way he carried himself felt sharp, and felt dangerous.  It was little surprise to Kyle that the two security guards were taking him seriously.

“Relax, he’s here to see me.  I invited him.”

“Are you sure?”  Carl asked.  “Looks more like he’s here to beat you up than to grab lunch.”

Garth didn’t say a word, glaring at the two before he followed Kyle in.  The security guards tried to follow, but Kyle stopped them.  “He’s an old friend, and we have some catching up to do.  Please, wait here.  If you see him, or anybody else, leave with C.H.A.D.D., you’re welcome to stop them.”

Carl nodded, and Kyle and Garth walked in silence back to the booth.  Once there, Kyle offered a sheepish grin.  “Sorry about that, things have gotten a little crazy over the last few months.”

Garth clasped his hands, meeting Kyle’s eyes.  “Kyle, as much as I’d like to catch up, I have news you need to hear first.  One of the shuttles from Earth went missing.  DeRosa’s shuttle, with Thomas, Amir, and nearly 50,000 of our people on it.”

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