Oath of the Survivor

Chapter 206

Hello everybody!

First of all, thank you again for taking the time to read and follow Oath of the Survivor!  Your comments are such an encouragement, and I hope you continue to enjoy it for a long time to come!

All that said, I'll be needing to take an extended break here soon.  Book 3 is coming to a close, and I want to make sure I've done appropriate mapping for Book 4, as well as getting ahead on some of the writing.  

I'm tentatively planning on chapters through the end of next week, and then picking up again in September.  I'll keep you all updated, but wanted to let you know where I'm at.

Thank you again, and enjoy the chapter! 




“Our meeting,” Kyle corrected.  “And I will be shortly.  I just need to finish getting the to-do list organized.”


“I know he told us he’d be out on assignment, but you never can tell with him.  I will say though, if he was around I expect he’d have been waiting for us when we got back.”


“We could use a few less surprises right about now, at least in my opinion.”  With that, Kyle opened the messages on his nav bracelet, reviewing them for what felt like the dozenth time since returning.  He’d chosen not to reply to any until after his meeting with the Courier’s Guild, but wanted to make his intentions plain with this Suierrillax.  First, he opened the message chain from Tillienne and Jax.

Kyle and Jax,

I know both of you are out on assignment, I’ll be returning from my first job shortly!  I’d love to catch up, professional networking and all that.  Also looking to burn a few credits.  Let me know when you’re back/if you’re interested, and I’ll get something booked.  I’ll be at the Hub for the next couple cycles so there should be plenty of time!




Sounds good, I’ll let you know when I’m back.  It’d be nice to catch up!

-Jax Cain



It’s Tillienne, not Tilly.




My bad, won’t happen again.  See you soon.

-Jax Cain

The back and forth continued for a few more messages, with Tillienne teasing Jax for being so formal in his signatures, while Jax tried not to be too thrown off.  Kyle looked forward to meeting up with the two of them, even though it would likely be a little while until they could.  If nothing else, it would be good to spend some time with other like-minded people. 

His time with Ma’Sai went a long way toward better understanding C.H.A.D.D.’s words back at the Cain family estate, and these were relationships he wanted to cultivate, even if they were wildly different people than him.  Kyle didn’t just need a network, he needed friends.  Speaking of…  Kyle moved to the next message, from Garth.


Made it to the Hub safely.  There’s something we need to talk about – connect with me when you can.


The message was about as warm and fuzzy as Kyle expected from Garth, though the fact that Angela Corthus’ office reached out instructing him to connect with Garth put him a little on edge.  This was the first item on his agenda after meeting with Suierrillax, though he was hoping the Courier’s Guild could share some insight about what exactly was going on.  If Jarberry was any indication, these people were particularly skilled at knowing things others didn’t.

 Beyond all that, Kyle had a few other items he wanted to get taken care of.  With credits about to hit his account, he wanted to get some time scheduled with Fell’Zorre at the Emerald Armory.  His time both in the Practicum and with the Ma family confirmed a couple of his weaknesses, and he wanted to get them shored up while he had the opportunity. 

The first of these, of course, was related to C.H.A.D.D.  Custom orders were expensive, but Kyle knew it was time to get a real upgrade to the C.H.A.D.D.pack.  The drone’s capabilities had increased dramatically, and Kyle wanted to ensure that the pack was still up to the task.  He was hoping to get a meeting with Marcus Kulhavey soon, but there was no guarantee that the Originator would be willing to discuss the drone. 

What Kyle really wanted from Fell’Zorre was more durable, detailed work that would give C.H.A.D.D. more space for vines, capabilities for mana storage, and access to more organic components.  If there were materials available that were similar to the stonebloom armor, C.H.A.D.D. would stand to gain quite a bit, especially when operating independently. 

His battles also reinforced his weaknesses at long-range.  Kyle wasn’t exactly sure what types of ranged weapons would suit him, but he needed to find something to enable him to turn the tides when his opponents kept him pinned down.  The ultimate solution would have to be found either in the form of a new skill or an upgraded one, which could be a while.  He had 2 more skills to gain in D Grade, and he had no idea if either would be able to help. 

The last items he wanted to buy were replacement combat batons and a new bracer for his left forearm to replace the one he’d broken in Phase Three.  He found that he missed practicing the forms Frank taught him; going through the motions without the weapons just wasn’t the same.  It was one more connection to his home, and he didn’t want to give that up.


“I know, C.H.A.D.D., I’m almost ready.”  Kyle finished getting equipped, closed his notes, and slung the slightly damaged pack over his shoulders before exiting the apartment.  He wove through the streets toward the teleportation platform.  The information from Sensory Barbs was becoming more manageable by the minute, the crowds barely causing a headache.

When Kyle stepped onto the platform, he was prompted for his Courier’s Guild credentials.  He entered the code, and he and C.H.A.D.D. were whisked off to Collective Guild Headquarters.  Only members were allowed to enter, and it served as a central governing location with individual teleporters that would take people to their specific guild.

Kyle was making his way toward the Courier’s Guild teleporter when a nagging sensation made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.  Shortly after exiting his apartment, he felt the presence of two people walking behind him.  Both were human, unarmored, and walking to the teleportation platform, which was normal.  What wasn’t normal was both of their presences appearing here, in Guild Headquarters. 

It didn’t feel like a coincidence that two D Grades powerful enough to be recognized by one guild or another would just happen to be walking past his apartment, in his district, at the exact time he was heading to a meeting with his handler. 

“What regulations do I need to know about confronting somebody here?” Kyle whispered.  His attention was focused on the duo behind him, neither showing any physical reaction to his words. 


“Thanks, C.H.A.D.D.”  Kyle whispered back.  The last point was the most important in Kyle’s estimation.  Though the halls of the Guild Headquarters were much quieter than the streets of the Hub, there were still dozens of people milling about.  Even if many were administrative staff, there were plenty of powerhouses present.

Kyle saw an area just off the main path and walked to it.  He turned around when he made it, pretending to look at his nav bracelet as his 2 pursuers walked past.  Kyle didn’t look up from his nav bracelet, though he could feel the air shift around the duo as they shared a look.  Kyle followed behind them, activating Identify as he sized them up. 

They were a man and a woman, sporting lean athletic builds and casual clothing.  Both appeared to be Warrior-types, with respectable Strength, Dexterity, and Vitality.  Judging by the mana he could detect concentrated in their hands and feet, he suspected them to specialize in unarmed combat; reinforcing their bodies to deliver devastating blows.  While both seemed capable, neither gave him the impression that they would be a particular threat to him.

That made Kyle frown.  If not potential assailants, what were they doing?  If they were spies, they weren’t very good ones.  Even without Sensory Barbs, it was more than conceivable that Kyle would have noticed pursuers courtesy of C.H.A.D.D.  What’s more, people that needed to get in close tended to be a terrible match for him.  They’d also stepped to the side, clearly waiting for Kyle to continue.

With a sigh, Kyle decided to address it the best way he knew how.  Directly.

“Why are the two of you following me?  And before you think about starting anything, remember where you are.”

The man shot a look at his partner before meeting Kyle’s eyes.  “I don’t know what you’re –“

“Cut it out, Carl.”  The woman said, offering a sly smile.  “No point in lying to you, though we’re not what you think.  We’re your security detail.”  With that, she activated her nav bracelet, showing her and her partner as members of the Private Security Guild, same as Jax.

Kyle frowned.  “I never hired a security detail.”

“That’s right, but the Courier’s Guild did.  We won’t get in your way, we’re just here to get between you and anybody who gets weird ideas.  Not that you can’t handle yourself, of course.”

“It feels like that’s exactly what you’re implying.”

The woman shrugged.  “Then take it up with your Guild.  Now, our job is to support you in public places.  The sooner you get where you’re going, the sooner you don’t have to deal with us.  Otherwise, we’re fine standing right here.  We get paid either way.”

Can’t argue with that logic, Kyle thought.  He considered his options for a moment, when a new message popped up on his nav bracelet.


We hired them, it’s fine.  Now hurry up and get to my office.


Kyle decided not to pay it much mind, and finished the short walk to the Courier’s Guild teleporter.  This time, his followers left a respectful distance, and he was warped to the entrance floor of what he could only describe as a drab office building.  There were a few chairs of various sizes off to one side, a vending area off to the other, and a central reception desk in the front.  Kyle walked up to it, greeted by an elderly goblin woman.  “You must be Mr. Mayhew.  Please grab a seat, Suierrillax will be with you shortly.”

“Can’t I just go to her office?”  Kyle asked.

“No,” the goblin said.

“Fair enough.  Thank you.”  Kyle walked over to the seating area, eyes glancing over the threadbare furniture as he tried to determine which would be the most comfortable.  He picked one that rocked just slightly, but was otherwise comfortable enough.

“This, C.H.A.D.D., was why I wasn’t in a hurry.  Bureaucracy is always hurry up and wait.”

“And who kept who waiting, do you think?”  A new voice asked, tone dry.

Kyle looked up to see a diminutive skrell woman with arms folded, looking at Kyle with inscrutable black eyes.  He gave a nod of acknowledgement.  “You make a fair point.  Kyle Mayhew, a pleasure to meet you.”

“Suierrillax.  And to quote a mutual friend, the pleasure is all yours.”

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