Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 78: Awareness

Feeling a tremendous amount of heat, pressure, and suction, Nobu gritted his teeth as he peered through half-opened eyes at the scene playing out before him.

At first, Nobu had no idea what was happening. He wasn't inexperienced when it came to sexual matters. Rather, compared to most people, he might as well be the male version of a slut.

Though he didn't know the exact number, another indicator of his promiscuity, Noby knew the total number of women he had slept with greatly exceeded a hundred. There were weeks when he slept with a different woman almost every night, so, while the average was about two per week, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that Nobu got around.

Because of his experience, Nobu was even more confused by the sensations being transmitted from his penis to his brain. It was almost like someone had strapped a mechanical apparatus to him. One that was designed to bestow almost torturous pleasure while simultaneously draining him dry.

Adding to his incredulity, Nobu's vision was obscured by a veritable blanket of bluish-black fur that writhed across and caressed his body. It was indescribably soft, but, due to his enhanced senses, he could detect a powerful yet strangely alluring musk that pierced through his olfactory senses before settling across his mind like a veil...

Just as Nobu was about to mutter, "What the fuck?" through gritted teeth, the words got caught in his throat as a paradoxically pained yet impassioned voice meekly complained, "This doesn't make any sense...haaaaaaaaa..."

Feeling the vice-like pressure around his shaft become even more intense, a pained groan escaped Nobu's throat as what could best be described as a vibration assaulted the full length of his penis. At the same time, he felt something envelop his glans, almost like someone was trying to force a condom that was several sizes too small and covered in something remarkably hot on the very tip of his dick.

"Holy fuck...!"

Unable to suppress his outburst, Nobu attempted to rise to a seated position only for the writhing layer of fur to immediately pin him to the ground. Then, after several seconds of silence, a feminine voice trembling with undertones of anger and disbelief asked, "How long have you been awake...?"

Though his obstinate nature demanded he remain silent, Nobu got the distinct impression things wouldn't end well if he pretended to be asleep. Thus, after a brief moment of silence, he honestly replied, "I don't know..."

In response to his words, Nobu saw an unnervingly slender frame between the veil of bluish-black fur. This caused a shudder to run through his body, as, regardless of how old the woman actually was, her naked back more closely resembled someone like Sachiko than Yuriko...


Noticing the strange reaction, Inami's ears twitched as she looked back at Nobu with glowing pink eyes and said, "Go back to sleep..." in a voice that seemed to transmit from every direction at once.

As if he had just inhaled powerful anesthesia, a feeling akin to falling backward briefly overwhelmed Nobu's mind. In spite of this, he could still see, hear, and feel everything that was happening to him. It was almost like he had become a spectator trapped within his own body...

Shifting around so that she could stare directly into Nobu's eyes, Inami's own displayed a moderate amount of confusion as she remarked, "You're still in there...aren't you...?"

Though Nobu could hear the woman's words, it was like they were being transmitted through a volume of water. He needed to focus in order to be able to make them out. As for his own, he was doing his best to shout, but, no matter how he forced himself, it was like both of his bodies were completely paralyzed. He was screaming, but it was only in his mind.

Furrowing her brows, Inami adopted a pensive look on her face as she said, "You're not supposed to be awake right now. This was supposed to be something you only vaguely recollected. I didn't want to hurt you..."

Gritting her teeth, Inami reached for her discarded clothes before pulling out a triangular piece of paper containing a pale green powder. This was a powerful narcotic agent that effectively erased a person's memory as far back as a week. The downside was that it also had the side-effect of short-term memory loss that could last for years in some circumstances. In the worst-case scenario, those affected would exhibit dementia-like symptoms for the rest of their life...


After hesitating for the better part of a minute, Inami returned the triangular piece of paper to her clothes. She was already playing with fire by forcing Nobu into this situation. If she pushed him any further, there was a very real chance that she would violate the pact between their clans and earn a stigmata.

Feeling indescribably frustrated, Inami left the paralyzed Nobus speechless by suddenly breaking down into tears. She was already going to have a difficult time explaining where her child came from. After all, it wasn't like she could just conceal the fact she was pregnant. Her child was bound to be male as well, so, the moment they were born, the truth was bound to come out. After all, she couldn't exactly leave the mountain...

Seeing the unnervingly youthful fox girl practically bawling while she still had his dick inside of her, Nobu couldn't help thinking, ("What the fuck? Why's this bitch acting like she's the victim here? This is some bullshit.")

Since he had no idea who the woman was, Nobu could only conclude that she was being forced to do this by someone relatively high up in the Yoshitsune Clan. He just didn't know who ordered it or what they hoped to accomplish. This could be Hitomi trying to teach him a lesson, but, recalling the girl mentioning he wasn't supposed to remember, that didn't seem likely.

("Maybe they're trying to learn more about my Heavenly Treasure...?")

With nothing else to go on, the only thing Nobu could think of was the stone tablet. Other than his identity as the first son of the Oda Clan, it was the only thing that made him even remotely special. There was a chance she was targeting him for the same reasons as Shizune but that wouldn't really explain why she was currently crying like a little girl who had just been bullied...


Though he was still pissed off, this wasn't the first time Nobu had experienced a situation similar to this one. Thus, after the initial indignation wore off, he couldn't help thinking about the situation of the entire Yoshitsune Clan. He has also told Yui that he wanted to help, so, after several excruciating minutes of frustration and awkwardness, he managed to mutter, "Stop...crying..."

Hearing Nobu's words, Inami stared down at him with confusion and disbelief in her eyes. Even a Platinum Hero wouldn't be able to recover from her Charm this quickly. Nobu was still in the First Realm so the only reason she could think of for his rapid recovery was the mysterious 'stone tablet' mentioned in Kazue's journal.

Noticing the disbelief in the vulpine woman's eyes, a wry smile developed across Nobu's face as he tried and failed to raise his hand. Unfortunately, other than the sensations coming from his dick, he couldn't really feel the rest of his body.

"'s...going to be...okay..."

Unable to believe her ears, Inami just stared back at Nobu with her mouth agape. She had no idea what was going through his mind but she knew he was trying to console her. This was far beyond her expectations. So much so that she began to seriously consider whether or not she was trapped in some kind of illusion.

Forming a two-fingered half-ram seal, Inami sent a surge of aura through her body to make sure she wasn't simply imagining things. This helped to clear some of the anxiety she had been feeling, but, other than that, everything else remained unchanged. This left her feeling even more confused, so, after several moments of silence, she asked, "Are you...pitying me...?"

Though there was a chance he would hurt the woman's pride, Nobu forced himself to nod almost imperceptibly as he answered, "Yes..." in a dull, slightly slurred tone.

Gritting her teeth, the expression on Inami's face became even more complicated as she resisted the urge to ask Nobu what the hell was wrong with him. He was literally being raped by a woman he had never met, yet, instead of showing anger, incredulity, or even moderate indignation, he just accepted the situation and even took pity on his assailant. If she hadn't witnessed it personally, she never would have believed anyone could be this foolish...

Though this was the thought that crossed Inami's mind, a sour sensation spread through her nose as she stared into Nobu's grey-blue eyes. She didn't want to acknowledge it, but she could almost make out a resolute light contained within their depths. It was like he was telling her everything was going to be okay in spite of the fact he was the one paralyzed and pinned beneath her...


Feeling Nobu's penis twitch within her lower body, Inami's expression morphed into a deadpan as she realized he was basically encouraging her to continue. If not for the hostility that had radiated from his body shortly after he woke up, she would have thought he was just a pervert. Instead, she got the distinct impression he was trying to rush her so she wouldn't get caught...

As that thought crossed her mind, Inami placed her hand against Nobu's chest. Bluish-green light immediately flowed from her palm, and, shortly thereafter, Nobu's torso chest began to glow as if a powerful light had been placed within. After a few seconds had passed, it was possible to make out the outline of his ribs, and, if you looked closely, it was possible to make out an oily black substance emitting from some of his pores.

Though he was subtly aware of a pulsating migraine building in the back of his head, Nobu felt as though he had just surfaced from a pool after lying against the bottom for several minutes. A foul aroma immediately assaulted his senses, but, due to the pleasant warmth that had spread through his body, he managed to suppress the urge to gag. Instead, he looked into the hazy pink eyes of the frowning fox girl, asking, "What gives? Are you letting me go...?"

Exhaling a sigh, Inami's expression became somewhat apologetic as she averted her eyes to the side and muttered, "I would like to...but..."

Shaking his head, Nobu surprised Inami by extending his hands to gently pinch her nipples as he said, "It's fine. Just pretend I didn't ask..."


Resisting the urge to swat Nobu's hands away, Inami grabbed his forearms for support as she began to roll her waist in a manner reminiscent of a belly dancer. For some reason, she hadn't been able to make him cum even after forty minutes of concerted effort. Thus, even if she felt Nobu was an idiot, she was actually greatly relieved by this turn of events. She had no idea how things would develop in the future, but, at the very least, she should be able to secure his seed without incident...

"Nn~!? W-Wait a moment...!"

Unable to restrain his curiosity, Nobu's hands gradually deviated away from the vulpine woman's nipples until they had found themselves near the small of her back. He was genuinely curious about how her tails were attached to her body, so, without thinking about the consequences, he began to probe around the connecting point with his fingertips. This caused the subtle blush on the woman's face to become markedly redder, and, were it not for the two audible snapping sounds that echoed through the room, Nobu would have been marginally amused by her reaction. Instead, a cold sweat spread across his entire body as he saw his forearms turn limp in the woman's grasp...




(A/N: Ouch...)

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