Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 77: Anguish

Since he had already missed the best time of the day for training, Nobu decided to walk around the estate to see how things were developing. It was a little surreal seeing a bunch of girls between the ages of 15-20 working on renovating the property, but, without paying it too much attention, Nobu headed towards the dojo to find Yui.

Unless she needed to discuss something with her Grandmother, Yui spent most of her time either training or studying. Nobu knew he would most likely be getting in the way if he just showed up unannounced. However, after their confessions the previous night, he would be lying if he said he didn't want to see her.

What Nobu didn't expect was that Yui would be sparring with Shizune while Chikako and Rynka sat off to the side, their brows and bodies covered in a glistening layer of sweat as they observed the unsurprisingly one-sided match.

Noticing Nobu's presence, Yui briefly shifted her attention away from her opponent. This allowed Shizune to send out a flaming paper talisman that resembled a fiery sparrow, but, before it could cover half the distance between them, Yui casually brandished the katana in her hand as though it were a whip, instantaneously destroying the shikigami.

Though an ostensibly sincere smile appeared across her face, Yui quickly corrected her expression as she bent a knee and said, "My Lord. It's good to see you."

Understanding she was putting on an act for Shizune and Rynka, Nobu did his best to ignore the discomfort he felt when she suddenly bowed her head. Instead, he casually replied, "Rise." before waving away the other girls as he added, "Walk with me."

Without question, Yui attempted to fall into step behind and slightly to the left of Nobu. Before he led her away, however, Nobu extended his hand towards her, a slight smoldering look in his eyes as he waited for her to grab his hand.

Blushing ever so slightly, Yui eventually linked her fingers with Nobu before allowing him to guide her outside. This drew a considerable amount of attention from the kunoichi working on the estate, but, without paying them any mind, Nobu dragged Yui all the way to a small garden before having her sit down next to him.

Feeling uncharacteristically nervous, Yui found herself unable to stare directly at Nobu. She had an idea of what he wanted to talk about, but, at the same time, she kept convincing herself there was no way he could love her. His mutterings the previous night must have been the result of transient sentiments and passion...they had to be...

"Have you ever had a dream? You know, beyond being a just warrior or a member of your clan...?"

Blinking in surprise, Yui turned her face up at Nobu, confusion visible in her obsidian-blue eyes as she asked, "Why...?"

Resisting the urge to scratch the back of his head, Nobu's expression became somewhat awkward as he said, "It's just...I don't really have a goal. Like, there are tons of things I want to do, but, when it comes down to it, I just want to avoid trouble and live the way I please. It's a little too late for that at this point so I've been thinking about what I "should" be doing rather than what I want to do..."

Exhaling a sigh, Nobu surprised Yui quite a bit by wrapping his hand around her waist and drawing her a little closer to him. Then, despite feeling what could best be described as cringe tinged with a bit of anxiety, he looked her in the eyes and said, "I want to help. Not just you, but everyone in the Yoshitsune Clan. I don't really have the power right now, but I want to try and change things for the better. After that...I want you to become my bride..."

Though she felt an overwhelmingly fluttery feeling that made her want to jump up and down, Yui's face became a mask of calm the moment she heard Nobu's words. This caused a frown to develop across the latter's face, not because he was upset by her reaction, but because he could guess why she had reacted in such a way.

" can't marry someone like me. Even if I weren't the descendant of a kunoichi clan, there are rules. Our Clans would never allow it. already have a fiancee..."

Frowning, Nobu's voice sounded audibly shaky as he said, "You know I don't give a damn about things like that...I'll live life according to the way I want to live. Do you think I would marry some random ass chick just because someone else told me to? Fuck. That."

Forcing a smile in response to Nobu's words, Yui tried to separate from him only for the former to strengthen his hold on her waist. The desperation in his eyes caused her heart to twist in her chest, but, for both their sakes, her expression morphed into a severe grimace as she said, "Nobu...we've discussed this previously. Unless you have power and authority, it doesn't really matter what you, I, or any of us want. If we don't act in accordance with established laws and traditions, those in power will eliminate us. Do you really think I don't want to marry you? Few things would make me happier. However, my highest priority is making sure you stay alive! Without you, the rest of us have nothing to live for...!"

With the vast disparity in their strength, Nobu was unable to prevent Yui from breaking free from his grasp and glaring at him with tears in her eyes. Then, before he could think of anything to say, she simply vanished into thin air. This caused every emotion he was experiencing to shift into pure and unadulterated rage, but, contrasting his usual behavior, Nobu allowed the feeling to pervade through his entire body as his expression slowly morphed into a mask of calm.

Though he could feel a trembling throughout his entire body, Nobu's movements were slow and casual as he rose to his feet and made his way back to his room as if he were on autopilot. It was only when he was completely alone that he allowed the overwhelming emotions in his body to leak out in the form of a thunderous, "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK...!" that caused everyone in the vicinity of his estate to briefly stop what they were doing.




Despite having retreated a fair distance up the mountain, Yui felt as though she could hear Nobu's shout within the depths of her soul. In reality, she couldn't hear anything. It was simply a feeling she got. One that caused her to briefly pause as she looked back with tears streaming down her face.

Yui felt as though she had turned what should have been the happiest moment of her life into one of the most painful experiences she and Nobu would ever have to endure. It was like someone had reached into her chest and grasped her heart like a vice. She could barely breathe, and, though she knew this was for the best, a tiny voice in the back of her mind was screaming at her to return...


Punctuating her exclamation, Yui punched a nearby tree with enough force to send the entire thing toppling over. She had never felt this level of frustration in her entire life. It made the pain she had to endure in the past seem inconsequential. Unfortunately, she still had a job to do, so, after taking a few breaths to calm herself, Yui looked in the direction of the estate one last time before shaking her head and continuing up the mountain. She needed her Grandmother's advice now more than ever. Without it, she was afraid she might break...




After trashing nearly everything in his room, Nobu was lying on his futon with a listless expression on his face and unfocused eyes. He couldn't even put his current feelings into words. All he knew was that he needed to do something to change the current situation. If the world wanted to keep him and Yui from being together, he would just have to change it...

"So this is how my conquest beings, huh...?"

Not expecting a response to his aimless mutterings, Nobu's body tensed when a familiar voice asked, "Conquest...?"

Turning his head, Nobu found Kazue sitting off to the side with a somewhat awkward expression on her face as she scratched the back of her head. There was nothing wrong with her being here, but, even if he was upset, he shouldn't have missed her entry. After all, unlike the other kunoichi in his entourage, she always used the door like a normal person.

"How long have you been there...?"

Raising her brows, Kazue tilted her head slightly as if she were contemplating her answer before saying, "A few of us were waiting outside while you were throwing a tantrum. I only came in after you laid down. I'm surprised it took you this long to notice."

Though her voice and actions matched the Kazue he knew, Nobu couldn't help feeling a strange sense of congruency. Kazue was a pretty awkward girl, and, while this version of her gave off a very similar impression, it just felt...wrong.

Following the advice Yui had given him in the past, Nobu closed his eyes so it was more difficult to read his expression. Then, while doing his best to appear casual, he exhaled an exhausted sigh as he pushed himself to a seated position and pulled out his stone tablet. He pretended to tap the screen in his usual manner, but, in reality, he was opening up the Camera App to discreetly take a photo.

The moment the 'flash' appeared from Nobu's perspective, Kazue's body tensed as she asked, "Did you just do something...?"

Rather than respond to the woman's words, Nobu's eyes snapped open as he shouted, "Intrud-!"

Before he could complete his exclamation, Nobu found himself pinned to the ground, his mouth covered by a very angry-looking Kazue.

"You really are an anomaly. You can't sense when an enemy is right next to you but you somehow have the ability to see through my disguise? Tell me, what gave it away? Even my aroma should be identical to the original..."

Glaring at the person who had borrowed Kazue's face, Nobu attempted to bite her hand only for a warm substance to immediately flow into his mouth. Immediately after that, a painful hot sensation began to spread through his body as the woman stared into his eyes, her own turning a hazy shade of pink as she said, "No matter. I can always learn more about you at a later date. For now, you have something I need. Be a good boy and I promise that, once this is over, it will become nothing more than a pleasant dream locked away in the deepest recesses of your subconsciousness..."

Though it wasn't really Nobu's choice at this point, compliance was much easier to assure when the person influenced by a hypnotic charm believed everything would work out if they simply followed instructions. Doping them with narcotics and aphrodisiacs made things even easier, so, after a few seconds had passed, Nobu's eyes glazed over as his heavily sweating body became progressively limper. The only exception to this was the rather sizeable tent pitched in his trousers, startling the Kazue look-alike quite a bit.

"Is this the effect of the medicine...?"

Shaking such thoughts from her mind, the befuddled brunette gave herself a light smack before removing Nobu's trousers with a quick tug. She had already made her own preparations, so, after staring at it for the better part of ten seconds, she swallowed hard before straddling his hips and saying, "Just...relax...". Whether or not this was for Nobu or herself, neither of them knew...




(A/N: This is so not cash money...)

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