Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 38: Taking Control of the Situation

Though Yuriko was more than a little reluctant to discontinue her service, the tone in Yui's voice made it clear she wasn't fooling around. Nobu was also her intended, so, after exhaling a hot sigh, she prepared to rise when the aforementioned suddenly said, "Yui. You need to relax. Don't get me wrong. I'm more than happy to resolve this little issue with you, but it's a little late to complain about Yuriko's involvement. She just spent the last three hours grinding my dick without you saying a dam thing. At least let her finish."

Now that he had revealed his identity, all of the anger and resentment that had been building up over the last two months had surged to the very forefront of Nobu's mind. This wasn't anger directed at Yui. Rather, he was frustrated at the world itself. He felt like he had been getting fucked over by fate and other unseen forces ever since his reincarnation, so, now that he had a chance to be in control, he wasn't going to let it be taken from him over a petty dispute.

Taken aback by Nobu's words and the resolution visible in his countenance, Yui found herself unable to utter so much as a single syllable. As for Yuriko, a far more genuine smile than the one she had originally displayed blossomed across her face. She didn't think Nobu had fallen in love with her, but, remembering his remark about her being ridiculously hot, she very nearly kissed him. This would be a little too forward, so, instead of seizing the initiative herself, she linked her arms around Nobu's neck before licking her lips in a seductive manner. This made her desires pretty clear, but, in the end, the decision regarding whether or not they would kiss was ultimately left to him.

Raising his brows at the very obvious attempt to seduce him, a crooked smile developed across Nobu's face as he said, "Damn, girl. And here I thought you were on the chill side of the spectrum. Now you're looking like you're about to devour me down to the bones…"

Though she had never heard anyone speak with Nobu's particular 'dialect', Yuriko could mostly make out what he was trying to say. Despite this, a healthy shade of red colored her cheeks since she wasn't entirely sure whether or not he wanted her to play it cool or be more assertive. Fortunately, she didn't actually have to search for an answer as Nobu followed up his remark by saying, "Well. It's whatever. For now, I want to try and move my legs so I need you to get off, lie down, or turn your ass around. You're not exactly heavy, but it's a little annoying how my legs are still asleep despite the rest of my body waking up."

With a somewhat wry smile of her own, Yuriko replied, "Right…sorry about that…" before pulling herself up and away with a surprisingly loud 'pop' echoing through the cave. They had been connected for so long that the interior of her vagina had effectively formed a vacuum as it gradually adapted to the size and shape of his penis.





Resisting the urge to make a snide or teasing remark, Nobu took it upon himself to alleviate the awkward silence by trying, in vain, to climb to his feet. This compelled Yuriko and Yui to rush to his sides, and, though it increased his own feelings of awkwardness by a factor of ten, he couldn't help thinking, ("This isn't so bad…") as the duo helped him to his feet.

After being treated like shit ever since his reincarnation, Nobu felt understandably refreshed to be treated with care and consideration. He had no intention of returning to the Oda Clan and becoming something like a successor, but, now that he was thinking about it, having a few women to look after him until he managed to grow strong enough to take care of himself wasn't so bad. Monogamy didn't really seem to be a thing in this world, and, though he wasn't one of those degenerate weebs who dreamed of excessively large harems, he wouldn't mind have a girl or five to fool around with. It was a hell of a lot better than getting anchored to the same chick your entire life...

As he had anticipated, feeling began to return to Nobu's legs the moment he was able to stand upright. This caused a prickly sensation similar to a billion needles being pressed to his skin, but, compared to being paralyzed, it was infinitely more tolerable.


Unable to contain his laughter, Nobu earned concerned stares from both Yui and Yuriko as all the tensions that had been building in his body subsided along with the prickling sensation in his legs. He was in such a good mood that he even felt like forgiving Shizune, so, after calming down, he ignored the fact he was naked from the waist down and sporting a massive erection as he said, "Let her go. Being pinned to the ground for three hours is a little extreme. If it were me, I would probably get more pissed off with each passing minute. If you want to teach her a lesson, have her wait outside while the three of us have a bit of fun. That's a fitting punishment for a horned-up brat like her."

Though he was far from truly forgiving her, the three hours Nobu had spent silently tolerating Yuriko's 'treatment' allowed him to put a lot of things into perspective. He knew Shizune was fucked in the head but it wasn't entirely her fault. She was the byproduct of a fucked up set of traditions and a system that shat upon the concepts of inalienable rights and gender equality. If he were a girl in her situation, he would have probably ended up the same way, so, while he was fully intending to get even with her in the near future, he was willing to wait until he had a better understanding of just how fucked up their childhoods had been...

Despite frowning in response to Nobu's words, Yui still reached out to the sasumata pinning Shizune to the ground, absorbing it back into her aura. This allowed the latter to lift her head for the first time in more than three hours, a practiced smile appearing on her face before she bowed politely and said, "Thank you for your clemency, Nobunaga-sama. Shizune will cherish the memory of your kindness for the rest of her life..."

Resisting the urge to snort in response to the pinkette's false gratitude, Nobu said, "Yeah, I'm one-hundred percent convinced you're being sincere. Now get out of here before you say or do something that is guaranteed to piss me off."

Responding with another courteous bow, Shizune attempted to grab her clothes when Nobu interjected, asking, "What the fuck do you think you're doing? I don't remember telling you to put on your clothes. As far as I'm concerned, you're more beast than human. The only animals I recall wearing clothes are pets and carnival attractions. No. You can sit outside naked. Maybe use it as an opportunity to tan or something. Others might say you have porcelain white skin, but, in my opinion, you're ridiculously fucking pale. Borrow a page out of Yuriko's book. The only type of people who like women like you are pedophiles and doll fanatics."

Unprepared for Nobu's barrage of insults, Shizune turned completely statuesque as her mind failed to process everything he had just said. It was only when Yuriko, nearly as naked as she was, said, "You heard him, Shizune. Unless you want to go back to kneeling on the ground, it's probably for the best you wait outside. If the Oda Clan found out you tried to **** a member of the main family, you and your mother would both be executed. It isn't an exaggeration to say your fates are currently in Nobunaga-dono's hands. You shouldn't offend him any further than you already have..."

Trembling in response to Yuriko's words, Shizune turned her eyes up at Nobu with a look of genuine fear and trepidation. She knew Yuriko's words weren't an idle threat. If Nobu really was who he claimed to be, the Clan would not hesitate to sacrifice both her and her mother. In fact, depending on how things played out, her mother would personally come forward to suggest ritual suicide in the hopes of preserving her life. Even that wouldn't guarantee her a path of survival, however, as, when it came to matters of honor and pride among Nobles, her fate lay in the hands of the person she had offended.

Though he could be a real asshole at times, Nobu wasn't a completely heartless bastard. He hadn't even thought about pressing the matter to the point of having the girl executed, so, seeing the genuine fear in Shizune's gaze, he ultimately shook his head and said, "Relax. I'm not going to run around telling people I nearly got raped by a brat. Just go outside and think about how unbelievably fucking hypocritical your actions were. Then, once you've figured out how to be legitimately sincere, you can try asking for my forgiveness. Just keep this in mind. If you try and bullshit me, I won't spare you a single fucking ounce of mercy. Now, as I told you a thousand fucking times before. Fuck. Off."

With her body trembling with even greater intensity than before, Shizune lowered her head until it was touching the ground before whimpering, "Thank you..." in a sobbing tone. Then, like the animal she had been accused of being, she crawled out of the cave on all fours, tears dotting the ground as she fought back the almost overwhelming urge to wail at the top of her lungs.

If he were being completely honest, Nobu felt like an irredeemable asshole as he watched the naked teen crawl out of the cave. He would literally be thrown into prison if he did something like this back on Earth. Hell, with her appearance, she could easily convince a jury that he was the one who attempted to assault her. Instead, thanks to his status as the first son of the Oda Clan, everyone, including her own family, would turn on her the moment he decided to make a big deal out of things...

("This world is fucked to shit...")

Shaking his head, Nobu decided to leave Shizune be. If she could learn something from this, it would be a hell of a lot better than anything her family had taught her. He also had a pretty big problem of his own to deal with, so, after inadvertently staring at the girl's exposed ass a little longer than he should have, he turned to Yui and asked, "Are you gonna stay clothed or what...?"


Surprised by Nobu's sudden address, Yui's mind completely blanked despite the fact both he and Yuriko were practically naked right in front of her. It was only after Nobu shook his head and said, "Well...whatever..." that she came back to her senses and answered, "No. I just got a little distracted. Just give me a moment and I'll-"

Despite knocking it would hurt him a hell of a lot more than it would hurt her, Nobu decided to give the trope of chopping a girl's head a try. To his surprise, Yui didn't actually defend with her aura. Instead, she allowed his hand to make contact with her head before looking up with a confused and surprisingly cute expression on her face, asking, "Did I do something wrong?" in a serious yet audibly apologetic tone.

Shaking his head, Nobu retracted his hand from Yui's before answering, "Nah. I just thought it might help clear your head. You're way too uptight, and, to be honest, it's a little offputting. As I said in the past, I really don't mind fucking you. You're not exactly my type but you're far from ugly. On a scale of 1-10, you're easily a solid 8 due to your hair and tight body. If you weren't so pissy all the time, you'd probably be around a 9."

Though she was a little taken aback by his words, Nobu's quantification of her beauty stirred Yui's intrigue. His valuation of her was a lot higher than she would have expected, so, after a brief period of silence, she curiously inquired, "What...what would it take for me to become a 10...?"

Surprised by Yui's unexpectedly cute inquiry, an amused smile found its way to Nobu's face. Unfortunately, she would immediately regret asking, as, without any hesitation whatsoever, he pointed towards Yuriko's and unabashedly answered, "Ain't a man alive who can't appreciate a rockin' pair of tits and a fine piece of ass..."




(A/N: Seeing Nobu in control is very refreshing (UwU)...)

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