Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 37: Stealing the Spotlight

With even a moderate amount of Dragon's Vigor lasting a full eight hours, Nobu's paralysis began to wear off a lot sooner than the herb. The first thing to recover feeling, as could be expected in this kind of situation, was his penis. This made the experience marginally more pleasurable, but, the moment he regained the ability to speak, the first thing he asked was, "How...old...are you...?"

After more than three hours of persistent effort, Yuriko was beginning to lose a bit of focus. As a result, she didn't immediately respond to Nobu's words, confusion visible in her amber eyes as she peered into his peculiar grey-blues and asked, "Did you...say something...?" between heated, laborious, breaths.

Having recovered a few of his other faculties, Nobu lifted his hands to grasp the woman's hips as he weakly replied, " were..."

Though he had already ejaculated several times at this point, Nobu had no intention of letting things continue if the girl was underage. To his considerable relief, she just looked at him with an even more confused expression on her face, answering, "Eighteen...?" in an uncertain tone.

Exhaling the most relieved sigh of his entire life, Nobu leaned his head back, painfully hitting the cave wall but not caring in the slightest. This world might not persecute him for sleeping with younger women but it was a considerable relief to know the woman currently straddling his hips wasn't one of them.

Confused by Nobu's reaction, Yuriko briefly tilted her head to the side before shaking it and asking, "How are you feeling? Also, now that you can talk, I'm willing to take requests. This is supposed to be my apology so I'm fine with pretty much anything..."

After lowering his head to meet the woman's gaze, Nobu briefly looked towards Yui before closing his eyes for several moments in contemplation. He had heard the woman in front of him mention how it would be a problem if people learned that he and Yui had had sex. This wouldn't have mattered if they were back on Earth, but, now that he had found himself in a feudalistic society, there was a very real chance that she might be executed if his suspicions proved incorrect...

Inhaling a deep breath, Nobu resisted the urge to gag as he promptly decided to bite the bullet. He had been intending to wait until someone else brought it up, but, now that things had developed to this extent, he silenced the already quiet room by confessing, "I've been lying this entire time. My name isn't Nanamori Nobu..."

After letting those words hang in the air for a moment, Nobu opened his eyes, staring directly at Yui as he added, "My true name is Oda Nobunaga..."

Though he wasn't quite sure what kind of reaction he was expecting, Nobu never anticipated that Yui would immediately answer, "Bullshit. That's impossible..." with a hostile yet noticeably concerned look on her face. As for Yuriko, her movements had instantaneously ceased as she responded with a profoundly confused, "Huh...?"

Realizing that neither of the girls believed him, Nobu rolled his eyes before proceeding to explain, "I was born without the ability to speak or move around so everyone thought I had been cursed. My old man spent a fortune trying to treat me before those old farts in the Oda Clan attempted to pressure him into getting rid of me around my eighth birthday. After that, I was entrusted to Gramps until he was killed around two years ago. Since you knew about that cave in the mountains, I'm guessing the people responsible for sending funds and stuff were members of the Yoshitsune Clan. If I were just the normal grandson of a former vassal, do you really think they would be sending all kinds of treasures and shit to help us out...?"

Recalling the surplus of gold and herbs present within the cave she and Nobu were staying in, Yui's expression immediately paled. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that they could have lived in a mansion or a castle with that degree of wealth stockpiled. Instead, Nananananananamori-san had lived in a small cottage on the outskirts of the city, and, when he died, Nobu became a homeless person due to his inability to care for himself...

Feeling as if her entire world was crashing down around her, Yui's obsidian-blue eyes dulled as she muttered, "Impossible..." in a weak, borderline sobbing, tone.

Both annoyed and troubled by Yui's reaction, Nobu adopted a serious expression on his face as he said, "It's true. You were bound to find out when we met with your Grandmother so I figured I might as well spill the beans myself. Based on your reaction, the words of that pink-haired psycho, and the warnings issued by this chick, I'm guessing you were supposed to be my fiancée or something. If that bullshit about 'generations' is true, that makes this chick one of the kunoichi expected to serve as my hands and feet. By the way, now that we're having this chat, mind telling me your name, dragon tits?"

Since Yuriko had large breasts and several tattoos resembling eastern dragons covering her arms, back, and shoulders, Nobu felt the nickname was well suited to the athletic beauty. As for the woman in question, she had turned momentarily turned statuesque before coming back to her senses and replying, " name is Yoshitsune Yuriko...?"

Raising his brows with a slightly incredulous look on his face, Nobu asked, "Are you asking me or telling me? Well, whatever. Nice to meet you, Yuriko...oh, and before I forget. Thanks for the assist. You're ridiculously hot, by the way. Just thought I should let you know..."

Blinking several times in surprise, Yuriko was genuinely confused about how she should be responding to the current situation. If what Nobu said was true, he was the Lord she had been intended to serve since before her birth. She would need to show him the utmost respect, yet, due to his current condition; she had spent the last three hours grinding him to the point that her lower body had become numb.

In the end, the only thing Yuriko could think to say was, "Umm...thanks...?" in response to the remark about her being 'ridiculously hot'. She had never heard the phrase before, but, based on the way he had said it, she assumed Nobu was paying her a compliment.

Responding with a curt nod, Nobu returned his attention to the dead-eyed Yui and called out, "Hey. You still with us?"

Realizing he was addressing her, Yui adopted a somewhat scary smile, her eyes once vibrant eyes dull and lifeless as she asked, "Are you truly Oda Nobunaga...?"

Ignoring the chill that had just spread throughout his entire body, Nobu nodded his head and answered, "Yeah. Sorry about keeping it from you. I just didn't want to deal with the politics of this shitty nation and its Nobility. I also didn't want to make things more difficult for my parents after they went through all that trouble to save me. I figured I could pay them back by living a quiet life in the countryside somewhere. Besides, my little brother has probably spent the last fifteen years preparing to become the next Daimyo. I'm not going to go back and ruin that for him just because I can suddenly wipe my ass without assistance..."

With each of Nobu's words making him seem more and more like the person he attested to being, the fear and anxiety swelling within Yui's heart quickly reached a critical level. At the same time, each of their interactions over the last two months, starting from the moment she had smacked him for daring to even look at her, replayed in her mind...

Seized by a sudden impulse, dirt and a fair number of rocks dislodged themselves from the cave ceiling as Yui suddenly smashed her forehead into the ground, shouting, "Please forgive me, Nobunaga-dono! Had I-"

Without waiting for her to finish, Nobu summoned strength he didn't know his current body possessed, interjecting with a furious, "Don't even think about starting with that bullshit! I'm nobody's Lord, Master, fiancé, or whatever. I'm just me. Nothing more. Nothing less. If you're going to start with that pretentious shit, you can just fuck right off. Or, better yet, you can take me back to Owari-Asai and let me figure things out on my own. I honestly don't care what that old bat in the Yoshitsune Clan wants with me. The only reason I've put up with this shit so far is because I didn't want to fuck over your chances of becoming a warrior."

Though he hadn't intended to say the last part out loud, the Dragon's Vigor in Nobu's body made him a lot more excitable than usual. In fact, he was actually beginning to grow annoyed with the fact that Yuriko had stopped moving, so, after his outburst, he surprised both women by grabbing the befuddled beauty's hips and rocking them back and forth.

"Ah...! Wait! Let me do it. You shouldn't force yourself in your current state...!"

Since it was becoming increasingly apparent that Nobu was who he claimed to be, Yuriko was feeling uncharacteristically flustered. It wasn't unheard of for kunoichi other than the prepared concubine to be preyed upon by their Lords but she had never even once imagined herself in a situation like this. To make matters worse, she had been the one to take the initiative. Yui was also watching them from less than six meters away, so, for the first time in her life, Yuriko's face was red from shame and embarrassment.

In spite of these things, discovering that Nobu was her Lord filled Yuriko with a tremendous amount of excitement. She didn't actually think she would care, but, now that they were in the heat of the moment, a ticklish sensation swelled within her chest as a deeply ingrained desire to serve her Lord overwrote her characteristically relaxed nature. There was even a bit of heat spreading through her lower body as she became overly conscious of the fact that her Lord's semen was currently coating her insides with his 'powerful' genes.

Though he noticed the somewhat intoxicated look in Yuriko's amber eyes, Nobu allowed the woman to do as she was trained. He had learned from Yui that the effects of Dragon's Vigor couldn't be dealt with on his own, so, even if he wanted her to stop, the only alternative was to fuck his former fiancée or the trembling pink mass pinned to the ground. Since it wasn't in his nature to force people or place his hands on little girls, Yuriko was really his only option unless Yui seized the initiative on her own.

Fortunately, shortly after he had shouted at her, Yui raised her face to reveal a fair amount of blood dripping from her forehead and running down her face. There was still a considerable amount of conflict and trepidation visible in her gaze, but, compared to her previously lifeless eyes, this was a substantial improvement.

"Yuriko. Move aside. Let me take care of this."

Biting her lips in response to Yui's words, Yuriko appeared reluctant to stop. She was just now beginning to get in the grove of things, so, while she could understand Yui's concerns, it's not like they could go back in time and undo the fact she and Nobu were already having sex. That bridge had been burned. Thus, after a brief moment of hesitation, she said, "We'll swap out in a moment. With the amount of Dragon's Vigor our Lor- I mean, Nobu has ingested, it would be difficult for a single woman to deal with. There is also a-"

Interrupting before Yuriko could finish making excuses, Yui explained, "This isn't the first time he has been poisoned with Dragon's Vigor. I was too cowardly to speak out before, but the truth of the matter is that we've already had sex. I appreciate your concerns, Yuriko, but you need to move. Now."




(A/N: Nobu just took the wind out of Granny's sails xD...)

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