Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 134: Subverting Expectations

*tak* *tak* *tak*

Hearing a soft knocking outside, Nobu set aside his cup of coffee before calling out, "It's open." in a dull tone.

While it wasn't exactly a typical response, the person outside the door understood Nobu's words to mean they could enter. The door promptly slid open to reveal a bald, monk-like man with strikingly feminine features. It was only after the 'man' lowered his head and spoke that Nobu realized he was actually a woman.

"There is an emergency situation that requires your presence. Lady Suzuki has sent me to retrieve you. Please, follow me."


As he was currently in the middle of eating, Nobu wasn't too enthused by the sudden summons. In spite of this, he ended up rising to his feet and brushing a few stray crumbs from his yukata, asking, "What happened?" in an audibly annoyed tone.

Bowing even lower, the 'masculine' woman replied, "Forgive me, Young Master. I was not informed of the details."

Clicking his tongue, Nobu pulled out his stone tablet to sneak a photo of the Sorcerer Supreme wannabe. He had figured out that he could analyze specific parts of a person's Status at a reduced cost, so, rather than revealing all of the woman's information, he purchased the data on her Status Conditions for 8,911AU.

Noticing nothing amiss, Nobu slipped the stone tablet into the sleeve of his yukata before turning to Yui and Nohime, saying, "Let's go. Remember to stay on your toes."

Nodding their heads in affirmation, Yui and Nohime rose to their feet at nearly the exact same time. Then, surprising the bald-headed woman, they promptly flanked him with serious and determined looks on their faces.

As Nobu's identity wasn't exactly known as of yet, the bald-headed woman found herself at a loss for words when she saw Nohime standing so close to him.

Fortunately, like the majority of servants within the Inner Sanctum, the woman was sensible enough not to stick her nose into the private affairs of Nobles. Unless her Lord or Lady specifically asked her to reveal something, she would never speak of Nohime's 'infidelity' to others...




"Sen-chan! How could you do something like this!? Have you lost your mind...!?"

Smiling wryly in response to his wife's words, Senken rubbed the visible knots atop his head as he explained, "It was an investment in the future. Besides, it's not like I need my right arm to wipe the floor with people. This just makes things more interesting."

As he had always been ambidextrous, Senken wasn't concerned with the crippling of a single arm. He had also made the cut as clean as possible, so, as long as he didn't get some kind of infection, he should be able to regain about 70% of the limb's functionality. He would be weaker, sure, but it wasn't as if he was helpless. Even with no arms, he would still be able to barrel through his enemies like a train with its brakes cut.

Though it was well known that Mithril possessed magical qualities that made it exponentially easier to manipulate than other metals, its most unique property was the fact it was virtually indestructible against non-magical weapons. Since it was also extremely resistant to magic, those at the Realm of Mithril Lord were regarding as Gods of the Battlefield.

Hitting her husband for the umpteenth time, Nana appeared even more upset as she shouted, "I don't care about that! You can't just go around hurting yourself...!"

Understanding his wife was just worried about him, Senken didn't complain about the growing number of bumps on his head. Instead, he pulled her closer to him, an apologetic expression on his face as he whispered, "You know I didn't do this to make you upset...tell me, what can I do to make it up to you...?"

As she had always been weak to all forms of intimacy, the anger in Nana's expression promptly gave way for a far more bashful look. Unfortunately for Senken, her anger was far from abated, so, after a moment of silence, she whispered, "Let me accompany Nobu-chan to Yumegakure. I don't want to miss any more of his life and I want to be there when Yui-chan gives birth. I also feel there is a powerful connection between our son and Hime-chan. I want them to be able to spend more time together..."

Surprising Nana quite a bit, Senken only hesitated for a brief moment before nodding his head and reluctantly replying, "Sure...just-"

Unable to contain her excitement, a radiant smile blossomed across Nana's face before she gave Senken a kiss. Immediately thereafter, she separated him, casually performing a playful spin as she happily chimed, "Hime-chan is going to be so excited~!"

Adopting yet another wry smile, Senken suppressed his urge to sigh by running his fingers through his hair. The truth of the matter was that he had already anticipated his wife's request the moment he saw Nobuhime's initial reaction to Nobu. He had even discussed the matter with his father and was currently awaiting a reply from Hitomi, so, while the thought of spending even a few days away from his wife was maddening, Senken had already resolved himself to do whatever it took to ensure the best possible future for his family...

*tak* *tak* *tak*

Hearing the soft tapping at the door, Nana promptly slid it open, shouting, "Nobu-chan~!" before practically pouncing on the latter. This left Nobu more than a little confused while the servant who had guided him there gawked with a look of wide-eyed, slightly mortified realization. After all, as far as the general populace of Nian was concerned, Nobu was long dead.

Noticing the servant woman's presence, Nana quickly released Nobu from her hold before issuing a light cough and saying, "Thank you, Sanae. That will be all..."

Coming to her senses the moment she heard Nana's words, Sanae folded her hands over her lap before bowing in a deep and respectful manner as she replied, "As you will, Lady Suzuki. It has been my pleasure to be of assistance."

With a curt nod and a wave, Nana dismissed Sanae before ushering Nobu, Nohime, and Yui into the room. Then, just as Nobu was about to ask what the emergency was, Nana's enthusiasm reemerged as she exclaimed, "Nobu-chan, Yui-chan, No-chan, I have great news~!"

Blinking in confusion, Nobu awkwardly accepted his mother's renewed embrace as he confusedly looked toward his father. In response, Senken just held up his heavily wrapped arm, a wry smile on his face as he mouthed, "Good luck."

Though he was even more confused, Nobu gave Nana a light pat on the back, asking, "What's the great news?" before following up with, "We were kind of in the middle of breakfast..."

Willfully ignoring that latter half of Nobu's words, Nana maintained a radiant smile as she released him from her embrace and explained, "Your father has given me permission to come and stay with you on the mountain. I'll be bringing Hime-chan with me so you can play with her while I teach Yui-chan and No-chan how to care for children."

"Wait, what the f-you're coming with me?"

Adopting an artificial yet effective pout, Nana weakly inquired, "Do you not want to spend time with us...?"

Feeling an unexpected bloodlust, Nobu noticed his father glowering at him with his cool yet fucking scary golden eyes. Yui also noticed this, but, understanding she wouldn't even be able to buy time if Senken was serious about attacking, she didn't bother to put up her guard.

Blinking a few times in an attempt to suppress the subtle yet distinguishable twitching of his right eye, Nobu forced a smile as he replied, "Don't be stu-silly. Of course I want to spend time with the two of you. You're my mom and my baby sis..."

Ignoring the awkwardness in Nobu's behavior and tone, Nana's expression reverted to her normally bubbly self as she covered her mouth and issued a soft giggle.

"Don't worry. I'm not going there to pester you or get in the way. You see, the Suzuki Clan used to be famous for their swordsmanship. Since you have only recently started your training, now is the best and only time for me to pass on our hereditary techniques. I also want to watch over Yui-chan and make sure there are no issues with her pregnancy. Other than that, I would be happy if you just had tea with me every couple of days..."

As this was the first time he was hearing about his mother's side of the family, Nobu's brows perked up as he parroted, "Suzuki Clan? Hereditary Techniques...?"

Happy that Nobu was at least a little interested in his heritage, Nana squinted in satisfaction before raising her left hand to reveal a somewhat ancient-looking golden band. If someone were to look at it with a magnifying glass, they would find a runic inscription that resembled a sword carved along its surface.

As the runes inscribed upon the bracelet lit up, a crimson light manifested in Nana's hand before quickly taking the form of a dated but strangely intimidating longsword. Its black hilt was covered in blotches that resembled rust, and, unlike the katanas typically wielded by Nianese Warriors, the blade was completely straight, bound in white cloth, and sealed with numerous talismans.

"The Suzuki Clan is not native to Nian. Our Ancestors immigrated to the Archipelago thousands of years ago after losing in a succession dispute. This sword, Chi Xiao, was one of the few possessions our Ancestors were able to escape with during the conflict. While not as mystifying as your ancient stone tablet, it is a heritage item on the level of a Heavenly Treasure. Once you are ready, I will pass this sword to you so that you might one day pass it to another..."

Staring blankly at the sword cradled in his mother's arms, Nobu was half-tempted to reach out and touch it. Instead, he adopted an uncharacteristically solemn look as he nodded his head and said, "I understand..."

While his words were the antithesis of how he really felt, Nobu got the impression that passing on her Clan's sword and techniques meant a lot to Nana. As for the history of the Suzuki Clan and the importance of the sword, he expected those would be revealed when she, or, more specifically, he was ready.

Exhaling a subtle yet clearly relieved sigh, Nana's expression somehow became even more loving as she returned the sword to her bracelet and said, "I'm glad. You're going to be so busy starting next Spring. Now is really the only opportunity I have to teach you our Clan's ancestral techniques. If you had refused..."

Resisting the urge to reach out and caress the remarkably beautiful woman's face, Nobu adopted what he hoped to be a sincere smile as he said, "Relax...I might have a preference for blunt weapons and fists but you can be damned sure I'm going to work my ass off trying to master everything you want to teach me. Just don't go all tiger mom on me..."

Tilting her head to the side, Nana asked, "Tiger mom...?" with an innocent and genuinely curious expression on her face.

Though it probably wasn't the best idea, Nobu went on to explain what a tiger mom was and how behaving like one had disastrous consequences. Unfortunately, the moment he was finished, Nana, very innocently, replied, "Isn't that just normal training...?"




(A/N: Anyone else getting the impression the sword is just a plot device to get Nobu to venture to the Heavenly Kingdom (O w O)...?)

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