Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 133: Investment

"Anyway, our priority for the moment is leaving the city and returning to the mountain. My parents might be able to protect us but it's too dangerous to stay here at our current power level. We need the others with us and I need to get a hell of a lot stronger before we even think about announcing my return."

If the incident with Young Master Peng had taught Nobu anything, it was that he was still too weak and that his enemies were ruthless. More importantly, Yui was currently pregnant. He didn't want to risk anything happening to the baby, so, even if his mothers wanted him to stay put, Nobu wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened...

As Yui had no issues with returning to the mountain, it was Nohime who answered, "Though I will not protest to an early departure, I would prefer a few days to prepare. Lady Suzuki has helped me create an information network and expand several businesses. If I disappear into thin air, everything I built these past ten years will invariably fall into the hands of another."

Though he was tempted to click his tongue, Nobu managed to restrain the urge as he nodded his head and said, "That's fine. My mother and little sister would probably be upset if we departed too soon. I also have some things to work out with my Father and Grandfather so we can probably stay a few days without...any issues..."

Feeling an indescribable sense of uneasiness swelling in the back of his mind, Nobu's words trailed off as he began to seriously question whether or not he had some kind of plot sense...

"Is something the matter...?"

Having never witnessed one of Nobu's pensive moments, Nohime was slightly taken aback by the sudden change in his demeanor. As for Yui, she appeared calm yet serious as she asked, "Did you sense something? Is it another flag?"

Shaking his head, Nobu briefly massaged his forehead and temples before answering, "I'm not sure. Either way, it would be better to stay on our toes and stick together until we leave the city. No more disappearing like before..."

Though he knew it wasn't really her fault, Nobu directed his final few words to Yui. He knew she was just trying to be considerate of his mother but that wasn't the reason they had come to the city. She was his bodyguard, the mother of his unborn child, and his future wife. If anything was to happen, it would almost certainly happen to her.

Noticing the concern in Nobu's eyes, a faint smile developed across Yui's face as she softly asserted, "It won't happen again..."

Nodding his head in approval, Nobu's expression gradually relaxed. Then, noticing the shadow of a pout behind Nohime's veil of calm, he decided to explain what flags were and his presumed ability to sense them. This came as quite the surprise to the young Noblewoman, who, understanding the importance of such an ability, vowed to never reveal it...




While Nobu was enjoying breakfast alongside Yui and Nohime, Senken was seated across from an effeminate-looking youth with long black hair and crimson eyes. A frown had marred both of their expressions, as, despite being father and son, the two rarely conversed like this.

"Father...has something happened these past few days? I met with mother yesterday and she was behaving...strangely..."

Suppressing a sigh, Senken uncrossed his arms before answering, "You're not the type of person to come to me with questions and concerns. Out with it, brat. Why did you request this meeting...?"

With a sad look on his face, the young man, Nobuhiro, lowered his head before questioning, "Is our relationship so terrible we can't even eat together without tension and conflict...?"

Clicking his tongue, Senken uncorked a ceramic flask before taking a large swig of the contents. He hated meeting with his Second Son like this, as, every time they conversed, Nobuhiro would readily take advantage of his feelings of guilt and failure. This was a skill he had learned from his Uncle, so, whenever they met like this, Senken couldn't help imagining his brother standing behind Nobuhiro like a puppeteer pulling his strings...

"I wish..."

Hearing his father's silent utterance, Nobuhiro raised his head, a hint of confusion on his face as he remarked, "I'm afraid I didn't hear you..."

Meeting his son's gaze, Senken's expression became serious despite the pain visible in his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to get along with all of his children, but, due to the machinations of fate and his failings as a father, his eldest had been expelled from the family while the second eldest had been led astray and manipulated by people who regarded him as little more than a convenient tool.

"I wish I had been a better father to you. Now, even if I wanted to patch things between us, I'm not sure you would be willing to listen. Not now..."

Furrowing his brows, Nobuhiro found himself at a loss for words. This wasn't the first time he had heard an apology from his father. What made this situation different was the insinuation that his father had all but given up on mending their relationship.

"Listen, Hiro. No matter what your Uncle has told you, I have always regarded you as my son. The reason I didn't prepare you for the position of Daimyo was because it was never your fate to govern Owari. Your Uncle, my brother took advantage of my failings and your insecurities to turn you into his pawn. Now, even if you were to become Lord of Owari, we both know you wouldn't be the one in control..."

With a far more sincere expression of distress on his face, Nobuhiro balled his hands into fists as he weakly replied, "You're wrong..." in a voice that quivered with anger, indignation, and a fair amount of grief.

In spite of his words, Nobuhiro understood the truth contained within his father's. His Uncle had demonstrated, time and again, that he was the most suited to govern Owari. He was the only one that could ensure the prosperity of the province during these trying times, so, once he ascended to the position of Daimyo, Nobuhiro had been intending to install his Uncle as his Chief Magistrate, Chamberlain, and Minister of Trade. These three positions were typically supposed to keep each other in check, so, the moment Senzo occupied all three, he would be Daimyo in everything but name.

Shaking his head, Senken's brows furrowed as he closed his eyes and revealed, "Your eldest brother has returned..."

Though this was the matter his Uncle had sent him to confirm, Nobuhiro was still surprised to hear his father reveal the truth. He felt as though a pit had been opened in his stomach, and, despite his efforts to appear calm, his brain was buzzing due to a sudden and instantaneous bout of lightheadedness.


Shaking his head a second time, Senken assured, "It's not impossible. In fact, it's the primary reason your grandfather and I never attempted to groom you as my successor. We have been preparing for your brother's return since before he was expelled. Now that-"

"Why didn't you tell me...!?"

Slamming the table before him with enough force to crack its surface, Nobuhiro's expression revealed desperation and panic as he stared back at his father. He had never felt so betrayed, so insignificant in his entire life.

Opening his eyes, Senken's expression became a mask of calm as he explained, "If news of your brother's survival had been leaked to the outside, countless people would have done everything in their power to ensure his death. I was intending to tell you once you were old enough to keep a secret. By then, it was already too late. You allowed your insecurities to be taken advantage of by your Uncle and I was too preoccupied with my responsibilities to take notice..."

Realizing his words could be misconstrued as him blaming his son, Senken's mask of calm gradually transitioned into an apologetic expression as he lowered his head and said, "I failed you, Hiro. If I had been a better father, none of this would have happened. Now, I dare not ask for your forgiveness. Instead, I implore you to be understanding. You're a good man and your brother is something this country desperately needs right now. Before you let your Uncle turn you against him, I want you to recall what it was like when Nobu was around. Imagine what it's like to be trapped within your body for eighteen years without being able to move so much as a single muscle. If that's not enough, imagine how saddened your mother would be if the two of you ended up fighting against one another..."

Clenching his hands and teeth, Nobuhiro had to fight against an almost overwhelming urge to tear up. He knew his father was right, but, at the same time, he still felt betrayed. What was he supposed to do with all this anger and resentment? What was he supposed to do with his life now that he knew his brother was almost guaranteed to ascend to a position he had been preparing to occupy ever since he was eight years old?

"I hate you..."

Voicing the sentiment he had compartmentalized up for years, Nobuhiro was surprised by how painful it was to actually vocalize his hatred. The pained expression on his father's face didn't help any. Rather, it caused the sour feeling building in his nose to become even more potent as a knot promptly formed in his throat...

With a visible layer of moisture spreading across his eyes, Senken surprised Nobuhiro by nodding his head and answering, "I understand..." in a heartwrenching tone. Then, with a forced smile on his face, he appended, "I probably deserve that. Just...please...promise me that you won't allow your hatred towards me to pollute your relationship with your brother. One of my biggest regrets was turning against my brothers and crippling one of the people who should have served alongside me as my greatest ally. If I had been a better man at the time, your Uncle and I would have made Owari a much better place. Don't repeat the same better than I ever was..."

Desperate to guide his son back to the correct path, Senken punctuated his words by forming a bluish-purple blade with his left hand. Immediately thereafter, he sliced through the tendons of his right hand even as Nobuhiro reached forward, exclaiming, "Father! No...!" in a panicked tone.

Smiling in spite of the fact his right arm was now dangling by flesh and sinew, Senken reacted to Nobuhiro's panic by extending his left hand to embrace the befuddled youth. An arm was a small price to pay for his children's futures. If this could bring his sons together, he didn't care if his career as a warrior had come to an end. There were more important things in life and he had already made the mistake of being a terrible father once. There was no way in hell he was going to let his pride get in the way of setting things right...

Not this time...




(A/N: Shanks vibes...)

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