Night Ranger

Chapter 309-317

Chapter 309: Hellhound

p>The three specialties rewarded for reaching Godly Dexterity were already known by Marvin.

They was [Extreme Nimbleness], [Extreme Speed] and [Extreme Burst].

Their descriptions were very simple. Marvin’s Dexterity already reached the human limit. His flexibility when controlling his body reached the extreme. His speed and his burst power both reached the limit of what a human could do.

In other words, his Dexterity already reached the [Limit Bottleneck].

To break through this bottleneck, the simplest way was to ascend. Otherwise, it would be more difficult.

It would take a long time to examine.

But Marvin wasn’t worried, as he still had some methods and experience he could use.

Regardless, 30 Godly Dexterity gave Marvin frightening power.

He had this kind of attribute at level 18. Even Shadow Thief Owl’s Dexterity was at most on par with Marvin’s.

However, he had all kinds of Legend specialties and Legend skills that would definitely crush Marvin’s. And also that exquisite Origami.

Marvin relaxed. After clearing away his things, he ran toward the Shrine.

‘The Princess should have already taken care of the Paladins, right?’

In the Shadow God Palace, there shouldn’t be a lot of power remaining. It was time for Marvin to sort the loot!

What he needed the most to advance to Ruler of the Night was the Shadow Diamond, which was in the Shadow God Palace!

He rushed there quickly and soon arrived on the ruins of the prayer hall.

He raised his head a bit. That cloud was still floating on the sky, reflecting everything that happened here.

Marvin grinned.

Everyone from Royal City saw that grin. But they didn’t know its meaning.

However, what they did know was that this extremely powerful plane traveller just broke the Idol of their God they had worshipped for more than a hundred years.

They watched Marvin and could see from his external appearance that he was just an ordinary youth.

He looked quite refined, and his smile was very gentle.

He was a normal human.

But he killed the Idol.

Everyone’s heart was somewhat moved.

In the ruins, Marvin walked back and forth, trying to find an entrance downward.

But at that time, low whining sound came out from the ruins of the broken wall on the side.

It was followed by two heartbreaking whimpers.

Marvin’s heart moved. His attention was too focused on the statue earlier and he didn’t notice the Hellhound’s misfortune.

He followed the sounds and walked over, finding a One-Headed small version of the Hellhound!

That guy had lost two heads. Only the one in the middle remained, and it looked quite sinister.

The pitiful Hellhound almost died from the Idol, and lost a lot of its power.

Marvin went forward and gently picked it up.

“Poor little guy.”

The Hellhound looked at Marvin with dispirited eyes.

Marvin originally only wanted to use this Hellhound, but seeing its current appearance, he felt compassionate.

The Ranger class could have pets. There were some specialties for this path, increasing the pets’ power.

For example, [Master Beast Tamer].

After his class reached level 3, he had automatically gained a pet spot.

But Marvin hadn’t found an interesting pet yet.

He originally wanted to find something like Lance’s Eternal Dragon, or perhaps going to a Chromatic Dragon’s nest and stealing a few eggs would also be pretty good.

But he suddenly changed his plans.

This Hellhound felt close to him.

He held it in his arms and the puppy licked his palm.

It was badly mangled as an outcome. The tongue actually had barbed tips all over!

Marvin cried out painfully, immediately pulling his hand back. The little guy felt wronged and dejectedly lowered its head.

Marvin’s expression was solemn.

In that split second, he had felt his soul fluctuating!

The Hellhound’s unintentional move almost absorbed his soul into its belly!

It’s just that the puppy didn’t decide to do so, or perhaps it didn’t have the strength to do it.

Through swallowing humans’ souls, it could gradually recover its power.

In short, even though a Hellhound was a common lifeform in Hell, it also was an extremely evil existence!

Marvin had to think twice before taking this Hellhound as a pet.

He carefully considered whether or not he could control it.

‘With its current appearance, even if it is sent back to Hell, it would get swallowed up by something else!’

‘And remaining in this world or Feinan wouldn’t be good. A Hellhound is very powerful. If it recovered, the consequences would be too horrible.’

Marvin looked calmly at the puppy in his embrace.

He only had two choices now.

Kill it, or contract it as a pet and look after it strictly!

A Hellhound was an evil lifeform. This characteristic couldn’t be changed.

It would eat others’ souls to become stronger.

Who knew how many people this puppy would need to eat to recover to its peak!

Kill, or raise.

This was the question.

Marvin sat atop the ruins, thinking it over for half a minute.

After half a minute, he took a contract from his storage.

This was a pet contract offered by the Ranger Guild.

This was something Marvin received early on and had left forgotten in a corner of his storage item. It was finally time for it to be useful!

He took out a quill and wrote his own name on the contract.

Then, he handed it over to the Hellhound.

The Hellhound looked at Marvin while tilting its head, puzzled.

Marvin pointed at its paw, and then pointed to the blank space on the contract.

This Hellhound was apparently quite smart. It actually reacted. After hesitating for an instant, it cautiously put its paw mark on it!

The contract automatically burst into flames.

An invisible connection was formed between the Hellhound and Marvin.

A lot of memories appeared in his mind!

An overgrown scorched land, drifting randomly, a crimson sky, more frightening Devils…

These were the Hellhound’s memories.

Marvin could clearly see his life from his birth till today.

This was the connection between Ranger and pet.

Marvin actually didn’t sense any wickedness from the Hellhound. This was all an instinct.

No one gave him any guidance besides the restless power stirring in his bloodline.

That was the power from Hell!

“Be good.”

“You’ll follow me from now on.”

“As a pet, you naturally need a name.”

“What good name should you get?”

After a bit, Marvin’s usually swift mind actually got stuck.

Chapter 310: Descent

p>Marvin had never been very good at naming.

He hesitated for a bit before deciding to put this matter to the back of his head; he would pick it up again when he had some inspiration.

Right now he needed to find the Shadow Diamond hidden in the Shadow God Palace.

Marvin remembered that it was hidden in a secret room behind the Idol in the prayer hall.

But now, more than half of the hall had already collapsed. It would take a lot of effort to find it in the ruins.

He held the Hellhound and kept searching. He quickly cleared a path based on what he remembered from the room.

‘This is where that Idol originally was.’

‘There should be a side hall on this end, right?’

Marvin thought through the scene he remembered.

But at that time, his search was interrupted by an infant’s wail coming from one side!

Marvin was shocked!

A feeling of danger made him quickly enter a battle stance!

But he looked around and found nothing strange.

‘Where is the baby?’

‘What was that feeling just now?’

Marvin hadn’t destroyed the Shadow God Palace in the past. He only stole the Shadow Diamond, drawing the ire of the Shadow Prince.

This had formed a deep hatred between them. It was later on in the game that Marvin personally killed the god and ascended as a Ruler of the Night, taking over Glynos’ Domain.

That debt was considered resolved.

In fact, Marvin didn’t feel like the real victor between the two.

After all, he had died quite a lot of times against him.

But it didn’t matter because players were heaven-defying lifeforms. The Golden Children could keep resurrecting. This was something the gods couldn’t have!

The wail was getting louder and louder.

Those who were still watching Marvin through the cloud were puzzled as they saw his strange actions.

He had already destroyed the Idol, so what was he looking for?

What did that guy want in the end?

No one could figure out Marvin’s intentions.

The cloud in the sky could only reflect the image, so there was no sound. They couldn’t hear the baby weeping.

In the ruins of the Praying Hall, Marvin’s complexion became more and more unsightly.

‘This isn’t right!’

‘This isn’t a baby weeping, this is a bunch of babies weeping.’

‘Where could so many babies be kept in the Shadow God Palace?’

He was puzzled.

His steps were light and crafty like a fox as he quickly approached a wall of the side hall.

He frowned and gently knocked against the wall while using Listen.

‘Hollow… There is a room inside!’

Marvin instantly understood.

There was actually a secret room between the prayer hall and the side hall.

Somehow, Marvin could hear a lot of babies wailing in that secret room.

This made his blood run cold.

‘No way, right…’

Gloom filled his heart!

He recalled one possibility.

At that moment, a mysterious power descended.

It was boundless Divine Power!

Marvin, couldn’t help but lower his head and curse. He took the Hellhound and quickly retreated!

Then, the rest of the prayer hall also started collapsing!

Including that wall.

The rumbling sound echoed. Marvin relied on his Godly dexterity to dodge a falling stone.

Dust spread crazily and he had no choice but to pull away.

But when he turned back around, he saw this scene:

A few hundred babies were floating in place in the sky.

A shadowy gray Divine Power wrapped around them as they were frantically crying, apparently anticipating their end.

These babies weren’t harmed at all in the building’s collapse.

They were protected by a barrier.

‘Divine Spell Barrier.’

Marvin was solemn.

Although the secret room was destroyed, what Marvin saw inside gave him an intense sense of crisis!

“Glynos!” He ground his teeth as he whispered that name.

The next second, the cries of one baby became increasingly louder.

Under Marvin’s pained and helpless gaze this baby suddenly exploded into a bloody mist!

[Descent Failure!]

On the Royal City’s streets, this frightening bloody scene horrified everyone!

Including those originally pious Paladins!

“Heavens! What is going on?”

“That’s my child! My child!”

A woman in the street painfully wailed as she fell down on the ground, crying.

A depressed and sorrowful mood began to spread through Royal City.

“Save our children!”

On the streets of Royal City, this phrase echoed here and there.

In the court, everyone’s face was solemn.

Even the most cold-hearted person was full of anger and shock when he saw this scene!

How could this be?

Even if the commoners didn’t know, most of the people here knew the origins of those babies!

They were babies collected from all over the country under the cause of nurturing them into Holy Maidens and Holy Sons.

Among them were also some of the nobles’ children. They were born not long ago and had been taken away by the Shrine’s people.

At that time, even if the parents were devastated, they still comforted themselves.

Their children would become powerful in the future. They might even become the Holy Maiden or Holy Son that spread God’s glory.

Just like the distinguished Holy Priestess.

But the cruelty they were witnessing shattered their delusions.

In the light yellow divine barrier, these pathetic babies exploded one after the other, turning into a rain of blood!

A few seconds ago, they were still alive.

They should have had a better future.

These babies were originally lying down in cradles, smiling as their mothers sang them a lullaby.

But now, these lives who might have had a wonderful future had been ended!

Babies exploded one after the other.

The speed increased!

Marvin stood beside the barrier, gnashing his teeth in hate!

Sure enough, it was a Descent.

‘Glynos, this bastard!’

It was clear that the other was coming for him. The Shadow Prince already had a huge influence on this plane. Thus he was sending a powerful subordinate through [Descent] to come to this plane.

The other side would come to kill Marvin, and destroy the plane!

The Shadow Prince certainly wasn’t patient. He most likely intended to purge this world of humans before recultivating followers.

This was his final gamble.

But Marvin could only look at this scene, with no way to stop it.

The Divine Barrier was so powerful that Marvin simply couldn’t remove it!

‘If only… there was one more Dragon Tooth!’

He clenched his fists and ground his teeth.

If he had one more Dragon Tooh, he could break through the Barrier and save these innocent children.

But reality was cruel.

Marvin didn’t have any way to remove the Barrier.

He could only pray that the next baby would be relatively compatible with the one descending, so there wouldn’t be another explosion!

Cries kept being heard on the streets of Royal City. Even those who didn’t cry had bitter faces.

This was the Shrine.

This was the God they worshipped day and night.

The Paladins silently removed their armors one after the other!

They completely lost their faith.

The Divine Power in their body began to burn and their faces looked full of pain, but no one regretted.

This was the punishment for a pious follower betraying their god!

Some Paladins were directly burnt by the Divine Fire.

Most could handle it, but they would contract many hidden ailments and wouldn’t be able to work too hard, let alone fight again!

This was the price of freedom.

Nana looked tearfully at the scene while biting her lip. Ultimately, she turned around and entreated the nobles, “Ladies and Gentlemen, are you now willing to join me in completely dealing with the Shrine in Nottingheim Kingdom?”


All the nobles knelt down.

The Shadow Shrine’s acts provoked their anger.

No one was willing to watch their own child die like that.

If Marvin previously three-shotting the Idol merely smashed the people’s fear of god, then the tragic death of those babies made them recall the Shrine’s cruelty!

The Shrine bound them like shackles, tightening a bit more everyday.

They were close to suffocating, but didn’t dare rebel.

Today, they finally made their decision.


Mankind was born free in this world and shouldn’t be controlled and ruled by something else.

“In that case, follow me.”

Nana wiped her tears and was extremely resolute. “Brother already left for the north to meet with the remnants of the army of the three northern Overlords from that time.”

“But there are still many forces belonging to the Shrine. We have to thoroughly eradicate them.”

A lord pointed at the scene in the sky and said, “That… These children…”

Nana bit her lip, “Regardless of what happens next in the Shrine, let Sir Marvin settle it.”

“This has already exceeded the range of our ability.”

“I believe that regardless of what difficulty he encounters next, he will prevail.”

“Because he promised me.”

Outside the barrier, Marvin was silent. The Hellhound already found a place to hide under his command.

A battle was sure to come.

He was actually quite confident he could win.

After all, even if his body was quite weak, he still had many cards in his hands.

But these babies were really too pitiful.

And in order to guard against a sudden attack, he had to pay attention to what happened inside the Barrier!

He unquestionably hated it.

‘Fuck, no matter which fucker descends, I’ll tear you apart!’

He kept watching the situation.

After almost half the babies were sacrificed, a female baby suddenly floated in mid-air.

She seemed very delicate and very lovely. There were a few golden hairs on her head.

She blinked.

The next second, a cold voice echoed in everyone’s hearts!

“Hehe, this body isn’t too bad.”

Following this voice, the baby began to quickly grow.

In a blink, she transformed from an eight month baby to an eighteen year old girl.

A pair of golden wings flickered on her back!

Marvin took a deep breath. ‘Ophanim!’

On Royal City’s street, a middle-aged couple tightly hugged each other, crying.

“This is Angela’s appearance after growing up?”

The woman looked dazedly at the angel in the sky, sobbing silently.

Chapter 311: Sword of Judgement

p>The middle-aged couple didn’t really think their child would turn into an Angel.

Back when she was born, they had this kind of wish, so they named her Angela.

But now that their child truly became an Angel, they became utterly pained.

Because they could see the indifference in the eyes of the angel through the cloud.

It was contempt toward life.

This wasn’t their child.

‘An Ophanim, as expected.’

‘The most powerful War Angels definitely can’t enter this world because their power is too strong and would be rejected by the plane’s Laws.’

‘Ophanims could still be considered powerful among the upper tier.’

Marvin coldly looked at the Ophanim. She in fact only had a pair of wings formed from essence, while behind that golden light were fake wings.

Ophanims were used by gods to patrol the mortal worlds.

Compared with Seraphims and others, an Ophanim would have an easier time materializing in planes.

But to descend like that, finding a suitable body was very challenging.

Generally speaking, the regular way of descending involved the shrine putting blessings on these children. At the same time, the angel would choose to either let the baby keep his or her consciousness, or fuse with them. But if they failed to descend, the angel itself would suffer some injuries.

Not every human child was suitable for a pure angel.

To handle Marvin this time, the Shadow Prince allowed the Ophanim to use the method for urgent descent.

It was to disregard everything and try the body of every baby inside the Barrier!

Moreover, she clearly chose to swallow the baby’s consciousness.

Thus, she could display more power, but the body would also be terminated!

It was very difficult for the Ophanim to keep her current shape.

In one month at most, her source would return to the God Realm, and the body would die completely.

The baby’s soul had already been consumed by her.

The Angel’s descent was in fact no different from the soul swallowing favored by Hell’s lifeforms.

The Ophanim raised her head haughtily, looking at Marvin with contempt.

The next second, she waved her hand and the Barrier shattered!

Marvin’s silhouette flashed like lightning, as he was thinking of saving the remaining innocent babies.

But a strange smile appeared on her face at that time.

“This world only has one angel.”

“These Holy Children aren’t necessary anymore.”

“Remember my holy name, Gwen.”

“I’ll purge you sinners in the name of the shadows!”

Following her cold words of judgement, the bodies of the remaining babies exploded!

In an instant, blood filled the ruins of the prayer hall.

Blood splashed on Marvin’s face!

“What’s wrong? Mortal?”

Gwen laughed gently. “Are you sad about the deaths of these ants?”

“You won’t have time to care about them because your own end will be a hundred times more pitiful than theirs. Your soul will be nailed down in the Shadow Realm, being burnt by God day and night until the end of the Universe!”

Marvin clenched his fist with an ashen face.

Facing Gwen’s lofty attitude, he only answered with a single line:

“Go fuck yourself!”

With two daggers in hand, Marvin’s silhouette flashed like lightning as he fiercely pounced toward Gwen!

The Ophanim’s wings gathered in front of her as she whispered, “Bone Crush!”

The next second, Marvin felt a burst of pain!

He was squeezed by a strong pressure all over his body!

Fortunately, he had a high Divinity and was very resistant to Divine Spells. He was able to withstand the pain from the Bone Crush and abruptly arrived in front of Gwen!

Shock could be seen in the Ophanim’s face.

This mortal was actually immune to her Divine Spell?

Not only that, it was complete immunity!

The Bone Crush which should have directly broken his arms, legs, and everything else was reduced only to a physical effect!

However, she wasn’t worried.

‘Just an insignificant mortal, seizing every opportunity to receive some strength. How could it contend with my power?’

‘This plane’s High Priest was too trashy. We must choose someone more powerful next time!’

Gwen remained where she stood, facing Marvin’s charge without flying away.

Both her hands searched through her wings and drew two sharp swords!

Judgement Swords!

Fake Artifacts produced by Glynos.

They had a Divine Spell on them, called Final Judgement. In the beginning, this Divine Spell was created in order to purge planes.

If she used this Divine Spell, the entire Arborea Plane would face a frightening natural disaster!

Mankind might become extinct.

Gwen was expressionlessly holding both swords in her hands, moving forward spontaneously!

It wasn’t time to start the Final Judgement.

If she used Final Judgement, the plane’s people would die, but this man in front might escape.

This guy’s strength was outstanding enough to possibly survive the disaster.

She had to kill him first, take his soul, and then cleanse this plane.

This was Glynos’ command.

Clang! Clang!

The Judgement Swords met the Blazing Fury daggers!

This was a pure contest of strength.

Marvin was sent flying, feeling an intense pain on his wrist.

He looked down and saw that the back of the Blazing Fury in his left hand actually had a crack!

‘Magic Weapons and Fake Artifacts are worlds apart after all.’

‘Looks like I have to upgrade my weapons after this!’ This flashed through Marvin’s mind, but his hand didn’t stop.

He was like a madman as he chose to fight the Ophanim in close range.

And the Ophanim wasn’t showing any weakness.

Even if she wasn’t comparable to one of the War Angels which were pure killing machines, Ophanims still had superior fighting skills.

Marvin and the Ophanim kept exchanging blows as he relied on his Godly Dexterity to stay in the fight.

He looked very irritable, very angry.

This made the Ophanim underestimate him even more.

Arrogance filled her face. Celestial lifeforms were always like this toward mortals.

In her eyes, Marvin’s blade techniques were still relatively good, but his body clearly had some injuries and couldn’t show his full strength.

Even if they were both peak existences on this plane, she felt she could easily crush Marvin!

“Receive God’s Judgement! Filthy mortal!” The Ophanim shouted in a heavy voice as her two swords stabbed forward.

Marvin turned and took a Shadow Step with Burst!

In an instant, he arrived behind the Ophanim’s back.

His face suddenly became sinister.

‘Finally… I’ve been waiting for this opportunity!’

He let go of the daggers in his hands and pounced over!

“You are courting death!”

The Ophanim quickly turned while grinning, and sneered as she swiped her swords horizontally.

If Marvin took a step forward, he would end up dead!

But that figure in front of her suddenly increased in size!

On the chaotic ruins, the silhouette of the Fierce Asuran Bear could be seen enveloping the Ophanim!

Chapter 312: Hell Space

p>The Ophanim was filled with disbelief!

Everything she knew about Marvin came from Glynos.

Even if the Shadow Prince had met Marvin several times, he actually didn’t know Marvin’s real strength.

The first time he came in contact with him was that night in White River Valley, when Marvin turned into an Asuran Bear and mauled the Crimson Patriarch to death!

But that battle was also Glynos’ most depressing night.

He arrived in Feinan and suffered from the combined force of Inheim, Owl, and Hathaway.

Not only did he lose his Time Molt, but his achievement of stealing the Moon Goddess Faniya’s lingerie was also revealed.

Under these circumstances, when he didn’t even have time to escape, how could he have the leisure to pay any attention to Marvin?

The second time was during the Decaying Plateau’s war. This actually somewhat drew Glynos’ eye to Marvin.

A mortal who wasn’t even a Legend was able to kill Diggles with the Golden Scissors.

He was obviously not just any ordinary mortal.

Unfortunately, his attention was again on Inheim and the others, and thus he didn’t see Marvin turn into an Asuran Bear, and still didn’t know about it.

In fact, they had crossed paths earlier than that, but Glynos didn’t know. When he attempted to assassinate Hathaway after the tournament, Marvin was the one who had warned her. But with the appearance of the other Legends, he disregarded the mere mortal that was hanging about, and thus he never considered that it could have been Marvin.

As a result, even if he remembered Marvin’s appearance and wanted to investigate him, with the Universe Magic Pool and that layer of fog, he couldn’t get too much information.

Thus, overall he knew very little about Marvin. Level 18 Ranger or Assassin? He could use Battle Gunner’s tricks? And might possess Constantine’s [Brilliant Purple]?

This was all he knew about Marvin.

And the Ophanim had received all this information.

She thought she could easily kill Marvin, but the cruel reality ruthlessly slapped her in the face, and so did Marvin!

Marvin had deliberately been entangling with the Ophanim in melee just for this opportunity.

He lowered his opponent’s awareness, and the result was pretty good. Angels were truly a brainlessly haughty bunch.

Marvin’s ability to seize an opportunity was first-rate.

The moment the Fierce Asuran Bear appeared, even the Ophanim turned pale!

If her real body was here, she wouldn’t be worried about a powerful creature like a Fierce Asuran Bear, but she had rushed over too hurriedly. This body had at most 40% of her strength.

Marvin swiped downward!


The Ophanim flickering with golden light was shot into the ruins!

The pair of Judgement Swords also fell to the ground.

The difference of power between both sides was truly too big!

In a fight against a Fierce Asuran Bear, the Ophanim would normally make use of her flying advantage.

But would Marvin give her the chance to?

The answer was obviously no.

Not only was the Fierce Asuran Bear a lot bigger than before, but his Strength and Dexterity also greatly increased.

Marvin kept swiping, and it was actually very fun!

Thanks to his fight against the Crimson Patriarch, he was now sharper when it came to determining the timing of Divine Spells.

The Ophanim simply didn’t have any chances to use a Divine Spell.

Every time Divine Power finished gathering, it would be scattered by a bear slap!

The golden radiance on her body began to dim.

She tried to resist, but it was futile!

The next second, Marvin’s right paw ruthlessly swiped down!


The Divine Power covering the Ophanim’s body scattered.

Fear was apparent on her face.

She hadn’t expected that just as she was going to end a mortal’s life with her Judgement Swords, she would face a Celestial Monster!

She felt extremely regretful. If she had been a bit more careful, if she had chosen to fight in the air… But what was done was done.

The Ophanim’s golden radiance began to dim quickly.

The Fierce Asuran Bear locked the Ophanim in his paws and grabbed the angel’s wings!

“No!” Gwen let out an heartbreaking cry.

Marvin ignored her scream and savagely tore her wings apart!

The two wings flickering with golden light were pulled off by Marvin.

Numerous feathers scattered, carrying drops of golden blood.

The Divinity flickering in Gwen’s eyes immediately began to disappear.

Marvin roared toward the sky. The angel wasn’t as awe-inspiring as she was earlier after losing her wings.

The Asuran Bear then quickly and efficiently turned her into a bloody mess!

The High Priestess died!

The Idol shattered!

The Angel fell!

Tonight, the people of Royal City witnessed a mythical battle. The Fierce Asuran Bear was indeed powerful and savage.

But the Angel’s death made them feel satisfied!

The Shrine shouldn’t be able to make a comeback this time, right?

In the end, Nottingheim was a human kingdom.

On the ruins of the prayer hall, Marvin’s figure quickly shrank.

He felt painful all over and very weak.

Turning into the Fierce Asuran Bear while being injured was a huge burden on his body.

Moreover, the Divine Power released by the Ophanim before her death did harm him quite a bit.

But there was still a wan smile on his face.

‘Finally done.’

‘Without Holy Children, no Angel can descend. This Gwen is truly the perfect example of stupidity.’

Though he regretted not being able to save the children, Marvin was happy with the outcome of the fight itself.

Even if the Angel could fly, she still wouldn’t be the Asuran Bear’s match, but she would be a lot more troublesome to deal with.

Because of this, Marvin liked fighting Angels and Demons. These two lifeforms usually had a very direct fighting style, rarely involving trickery.

Devils and Evil Spirits were completely different. Marvin would have a headache fighting one of those.

The Hellhound dashed out from a corner of the ruins.

It had watched that whole battle.

Marvin could see that the pup had some respect for him.

This respect didn’t come from the aura of the Archdevil he had on his body, but was the acknowledgment of Marvin’s strength.

Even at his peak, the Hellhound might not necessarily have been the Angel’s match. And Marvin dealt with her easily.

This made the Hellhound feel that his master’s strength was really deep and immeasurable.

Tactics weren’t part of the Hellhound’s vocabulary.

Marvin thought of this and couldn’t help but laugh aloud.

The Ophanim would definitely go all-out while being extremely cautious if she faced a Hellhound. But facing a mortal, she inevitably relaxed.

This was the reason for her fall.

Marvin sat on the ground to rest. Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed something.

The Judgement Swords were still emitting light.

Marvin frowned. This wasn’t good.

If he took them, it would be equivalent to bringing a tracking device with him. Glynos could find him through the Fake Artifact.

But throwing them away wasn’t too good either. These things were too dangerous.

‘I have to find a proper way to deal with this pair of swords…’

He sank into contemplation.

The Hellhound suddenly barked twice and rushed over.

Marvin momentarily froze. He didn’t know what the hound was planning.

After arriving in front of the Judgement Swords, he started licking them!

Before Marvin could recover, that guy swallowed them whole!

“Hold on…”

“I didn’t know that you were such a foodie…”

“Did you really just eat them?” Marvin was shocked.

The Hellhound shook his head and spit the pair of Judgement Swords back out.

Marvin instantly understood.

This guy’s belly had a storage space!

He checked the Hellhound’s memories again thanks to the contract and he soon found that the Hellhound had a pleasantly surprising ability!

[External Hell Space]: This Hellhound has an innate Hell Space of three cubic meters. The items in this Hell Space can’t be detected by lifeforms that didn’t originate from Hell.

That space could actually block Divine perception?

How could he possibly not take advantage of the Hellhound’s ability in the future?

Marvin was overjoyed and immediately told the Hellhound to put away the Judgement Swords.

The Fake Artifacts were still Artifacts. Even if the Shadow Prince had a lot of those Artifacts, and they weren’t particularly high grade among them, for the current Marvin it was still powerful equipment.

The only drawback was that he would be discovered by Glynos whenever he used them.

There were no other issues. Marvin fit all the requirements to use this pair of Fake Artifacts.

This was the advantage of Divinity.

A lot of people didn’t have Divinity and would be stuck. They couldn’t use some Legendary items, Fake Artifacts and genuine Artifacts!

After taking care of the Judgement Swords, Marvin continued his search.

Not a soul could be seen in the entire Shadow God Palace.

He looked around and ultimately found the entrance leading downward.

Fortunately, this place hadn’t been affected by the fight and he managed to get down without a problem.

Marvin followed the pitch-black tunnel and arrived at an area that had been sealed off.

In front of him was a table covered with many different objects.

The one with the biggest impact was a small sculpture of a cyclops.

Marvin languidly walked over and grabbed the statue. He then used a small knife to pry out the eye.

The Shadow Diamond was finally in his hands!

‘Ruler of the Night, it’s getting closer.’

Southwest Arborea. A very small temple stood in an extremely gloomy place.

This temple had been hidden there for a very long time.

None of the people of Nottingheim Kingdom knew about its existence.

The temple was abandoned and no one could be seen inside… only an Idol without any trace of spirituality.

But tonight, a unique visitor visited the temple.

‘Looking at one’s own shrine is really a bit uncomfortable.’

A cloaked man came out of nowhere.

‘Gwen was simply useless. I actually have to personally take care of this matter.’

‘It’s been a while since I’ve had to adapt to level 18. I should go find a few guys to practice on first.’

‘Marvin… Hehe, that mortal. I, Glynos, will give you the honor of being personally assassinated by me.’

Chapter 313: Crisis

p>Arborea, after the war with the Shadow God Palace.

The Shrine’s arrogance was completely wiped out by Marvin.

And the Shrine’s actions had really angered the people. The entire Nottingheim Kingdom even started to act openly against the Shrine’s remnants.

North of White Elephant City, the northern rebels returned to their hometowns and nearly fought with the city guards and the Shrine’s members.

Fortunately, Prince Aragon arrived there on time.

He acted thunderously and beheaded the Shrine’s Senior Priest. Then, relying on his great charisma, he gained the support of the city guards.

The Paladins and Priests were disarmed or killed.

In a single night, the lofty and powerful Shadow Shrine suddenly fell from the skies.

Especially since the news from Royal City quickly spread.

Shock filled the country.

The Idol was smashed!

The Shrine slaughtered infants!

An Angel descended, and was killed!

Everything they heard shook their worldview. After struggling with themselves, most people turned against the Shrine.

The Shrine’s staffs had quickly turned into the targets of scorn, everyone cursed or beat them.

Aragon led the army of White Elephant City from the north to root out the Shrine’s forces.

And on Royal City’s side, due to Marvin’s display, the Shrine’s forces were already in chaos.

The Nottingheim Royal Family consolidated their military power, coordinated with Prince Aragon and began to clean up the shrines all across the kingdom.

And all the nobles from the Imperial Palace also worked hard in this endeavor.

Practically every single noble sent out their personal army.

And those in the remaining Shrines chose to either give up on their faith or fight to the death.

The fight over faith was this cruel.

In a short half a month, the shadow of the Shrine couldn’t be seen in the entire Nottingheim Kingdom, at least on the surface.

And all this was due to Marvin’s momentum.

In each crucial military campaign, even if he didn’t personally get involved in them, nine Dark Knights attacked preemptively.

With their powerful abilities, and the very brave Aragon, this kind of military success was quite normal.

Regarding Marvin’s accomplishments, both Aragon and Nana were extremely grateful.

Of course, Marvin hadn’t come to this plane to act as a sellsword.

The costs of Planar Wars were extremely high. Thankfully, Hathaway helped send him and his nine Dark Knights over.

Although he came to Arborea for the sake of the Shadow Diamond and the Twin Fate Flower while conveniently attacking Glynos’ forces at the same time, the amount of plundered wealth and resources was quite significant.

Both sides reached an agreement: Marvin and the Nottingheim Royal Family would split the spoils of war 50-50.

Both sides were very satisfied with this distribution.

After all, if Marvin wasn’t there, the Royal Family might have faced destruction!

Prince Aragon would definitely have died, and Nana would at most be no more than a puppet ruling under the Shrine’s orders, walking on thin ice everyday.

In any case, the biggest cloud over their heads had already dissipated.

Everyone felt the aura of freedom.

Thus, Aragon felt they should give him a reward for this.

In the court.

After handing the day’s politics, Princess Nana returned to her small courtyard with light footsteps. Prince Aragon was currently outside Royal City to deal with the remnants of the Shrine. Under the watch of the City Guards and Royal Iron Guards, Nana was temporarily in charge of everything.

No one had a problem with that.

On the night that the Plane Traveller killed the Angel, Princess Nana’s courage had convinced everyone. This young girl’s political insight and leadership abilities were particularly good. And the measures she took to appease the people even made Marvin nod in approval.

Marvin himself didn’t understand much about politics, but its effects could still be seen. The situation of the Royal City was stabilizing day by day and most of it was due to Nana.

As for the old king, he had already died on the day of the Angel’s descent.

He couldn’t handle his fear of the Shrine and killed himself.

The situation was urgent at the time and Nana directly used the Royal Iron Guard to temporarily keep everything under control. Three days later, when the war’s outcome was set, the news of the old king’s death spread.

Clearly, the kingdom couldn’t go without a ruler, and the newly appointed king would soon ascend to the throne.

But for now, only Princess Nana could handle everything. After all, the old king only had Nana and Aragon as children.

The originally quiet courtyard was now occupied by a very strange building.

Wizard Orland was currently beside the building, painstakingly carving a rune with a fanatical expression on his face, as if he had met the fondest thing of his life.

And the few apprentices on the side were completely unable to intervene.

He had been in this state for many days.

Nana looked at her teacher’s appearance and couldn’t help but smile.

What could make Teacher Orland act like this apart from the mysterious blueprint given by that lord?

She walked over, and sure enough, Marvin was sitting beside the building while holding a puppy in his arms.

From time to time, he would say a few sentences to Orland, but the most important points required Orland to understand on his own.

He was making a Space-Time Lighthouse!

Conquering Arborea ended up being a lot easier than Marvin had imagined. His worst case scenario included having the whole plane as an enemy.

But the atmosphere Glynos had created here was so bad that Marvin actually became a savior when he arrived.

Everything went so smoothly that in about fifteen days, this world was already more or less pacified.

The Shrine’s forces had been suppressed.

Marvin also gained a considerable amount of resources and wealth. They came from every part of the country every day and were transported by cart.

At that time, no one dared to say anything.

The title God Slayer Marvin already spread through Arborea.

There were rumors that he was the incarnation of a god and had come here to rescue them from their hardships. Marvin gave a clear answer about this: He wasn’t a god.

He was just a mortal.

After that night’s battle, he only showed his face once, and it was to settle this rumor.

Moreover, he also said a sentence: “No being deserves your blind reverence. Mankind is free.”

The entire kingdom went into an uproar.

Marvin’s words made them think about it deeply.

They were different from Feinan’s humans who had very little faith in the various gods. On the other hand, the Secondary Planes had been influenced and in the end, felt that the gods were supreme.

Only a more benevolent god could defeat a god.

But Marvin denied this.

This made them restless and full of longing.

Humans could really become this powerful?

Some class holders who had been stuck because their hearts weren’t firm enough seemed to have found their path.

“Sir Marvin.”

Nana walked over lightly. She was wearing informal clothes and looked very pretty. Even if she was a bit young, she was well developed.

She sat besides Marvin, looking at that strange building, “Planar… Lighthouse? Is it the name?”

Marvin nodded.

“How long will Teacher Orland need before the Lighthouse is completed?” she asked softly.

Marvin looked at the busy Orland and estimated, “Around four to five days.”

Nana nodded. The two then remained silent.

In another corner of the courtyard was the broken swings that had yet to be restored.

There was something in the girl’s heart she wanted to say, but she didn’t open her mouth.

She was exceptionally smart and knew that she and Marvin were of two different worlds.

Keeping some words hidden in a corner of one’s heart was better.

‘Even killing an Angel so easily, Sir Marvin’s strength must be on par with gods.’

‘I wonder how their world is.’ Thinking of this, Nana couldn’t help but inwardly shake her head.

Marvin didn’t notice the strangeness of the young girl next to him.

He was still planning his journey.

Since Arborea’s war went faster than planned, he had more time to prepare for the Great Calamity.

The question now was whether he should quickly advance to Legend, or stay at level 18 and loot more Secondary Planes.

The Shadow Prince’s Arborea Plane produced an abundance of deep sapphires. This was a rare thing in Feinan. Marvin recalled a few New Gods’ secondary planes that produced other things that were invaluable in Feinan.

While the cost of Planar War was admittedly high, as long as he had a successful one, it would definitely be worth it.

The most important question was whether there was a need to do that.

‘I can’t stop the Great Calamity, When the time comes, Hell, Abyss, and the Underworld will invade. Celestial lifeforms will also appear on Feinan.’

‘In the later stage of the war, lifeforms from the Astral Sea would also appear. The followers from Secondary Planes would become the gods’ cannon fodder. The human wave tactics would still be very powerful.’

‘But there are many Secondary Planes, and after I took one from Glynos this time, the gods will definitely be on alert, increasing the risk by quite a lot.

Marvin frowned, thinking about it thoroughly.

He didn’t want to enter an unfamiliar world next time and fall into a trap. The current him should have already been noticed by the gods.

If he kept walking the tightrope, he might meet with danger that he couldn’t overcome.

Marvin ultimately made his decision.

Increasing his strength was most important!

In any case, the Shadow Diamond which was the most important tool to advance to Ruler of the Night is already in his hands. As long as he had enough experience, becoming a Legend wouldn’t be an issue!

But, as Marvin was thinking about this, a shadow spread toward him from the outside, like a snake.

“Is it getting dark?” Nana mumbled.

She hadn’t noticed the arrival of a crisis.

Chapter 314: Assassination

p>Ashes Plateau.

The light of the Planar Lighthouse flickered from time to time. Hathaway was standing there, waiting calmly for news about Marvin.

She had a solemn expression. From time to time, she would use some divination spell to check Marvin’s progress in Arborea, but she was still very worried.

The the last divination showed the scene of Marvin tearing apart the Ophanim, so the situation seemed to be pretty good.

But divination had a delay, and moreover, there was a 21:1 time flow difference between Feinan and Arborea. A few minutes here was enough for an unforeseen event to happen there.

She had a bad feeling. The same kind of feeling she had that day in the Decaying Plateau.

‘Thankfully I can still use Divination.’

‘That guy, hmpfh. He immediately dared to provoke a god while having that level of strength. After he advances to Legend, wouldn’t he directly attack the Astral Sea?’ Hathaway thought to herself, a bit vexed.

After the disturbance with the Universe Magic Pool, common Wizards lost their divination power.

But Legend Wizards could use the ambient magic power to form a spell matrix, and she was a Seer. Thus, her Divination wasn’t affected.

As long as she had enough magic power, she could keep casting Divination.

But just like the Sha’s guns, she needed to cool down. Each time she cast a spell, her spell matrix also needed some time before being used again.

Otherwise, not only would the spell fail, but it might also lead to the spell matrix collapsing!

When she restrained the Shadow Prince before, she used 10 casts of [Space-Time Bind].

This was too much for her spell matrix. In ordinary circumstances, her spell matrix would crumble after three Space-Time Binds.

Fortunately they had Space-Time Diamonds.

Those ten priceless consumable Space-Time Diamonds had an outstanding effect, able to take the load off her spell matrix for that spell, allowing her to keep casting.

But it wasn’t the same for Divination.

She didn’t have a corresponding material and could only cast it every so often.

On the overgrown plain, she stood still, waiting.

‘Time’s up.’

Her eyes shone.

She immediately cast Divination.

[Arborea, Marvin, Major Event]

These were the keywords of the Divination. If Marvin saw the process, he would immediately think of his world’s “Internet search engines”. The spell would display all the major events that happened in Arborea, particularly those related to Marvin, in front of her.

This “search engine” could be blocked and willfully tampered with.

In short, Divination wasn’t omniscient.

But she still wanted to take a look.

However, what appeared in front of her wasn’t Marvin.

It was a desolate land.

The scene focused on a temple in that land, and stopped on a mysterious man.

The other side apparently noticed her and lifted his head.

Hathaway suddenly felt an explosion in her mind!

She instantly cancelled the Divination!

Despite doing so, she kept shivering, her entire body cold!

This was the result of someone interfering with her Divination.

‘No good!’ She fought the pain. Despite the constant sharp pain in her head, she still remained clear-headed.

She had recognized that face.


That guy had personally descended to Arborea at level 18!

‘Hold on…’

‘I obviously divined Marvin, but I saw Glynos…’

‘He is going to assassinate him!’

‘This is bad, Marvin doesn’t know!’

Hathaway was at a loss for a moment.

Who knew when that scene had actually happened? Glynos’ assassination attempt might have already begun.

The Shadow Prince was regarded poorly by the gods, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t troublesome.

He wasn’t strong in direct battle.

But it shouldn’t be forgotten that he was one of the risen Legend Powerhouses of the 3rd Era!

Countless Gods and Legends fell to his Nightfall!

Even if Marvin was also level 18, if he wasn’t on guard, he would most likely fall into his trap.

After all, who could have thought that the Shadow Prince would be willing to take this kind of risk and enter a Secondary Plane.

If his avatar was destroyed, his Divine Source would be seriously weakened.

The reason the Shadow Prince kept sending avatars before was due to the other gods supporting him.

Every time he died after descending, as long as he still had the Time Molt, the other gods would help make up for his Divine Source, and thus he was unbridled.

But after he lost the Time Molt, he had no way to obtain the other gods’ support anymore.

In the war against the Decaying Plateau for example, his loss was disastrous. His avatar was crushed by the Great Elven King.

This greatly affected his Divine Source.

Thus, Marvin and Hathaway felt that the always cautious Glynos wouldn’t risk entering Arborea.

If he lost a Secondary Plane, he could just make up for it in another Secondary Plane. From what Marvin knew, Glynos had at least four Secondary Planes.

And his Divine Source was something a lot more important. Losing some could mean it was lost forever. A couple hundred years might not be enough to make up for it.

A couple hundred years was enough to develop a few Secondary Planes.

But the Shadow Prince’s decision went against Marvin and Hathaway’s predictions.

This guy was clearly blinded by rage, no longer making his decision based on reason.

He needed to vent, he needed revenge! He only thought of killing Marvin, and the rest didn’t matter!

Hathaway wanted to go there herself, but she was a Legend, so she couldn’t enter Arborea.

Figures appeared in her mind, one after the other, but she didn’t think of anyone she could ask for help from!

‘Hold on…’

‘He might have a way!’

Hathaway’s eyes shone as she quickly began to move.


Inside the palace courtyard. Nana mentioning that it was getting dark was only subconscious muttering, but it felt different for Marvin.

He felt a lot more comfortable in the darkness.

Night Walker’s skills could be used as he liked.

He looked up. It was dusk, the time when the night was taking over the day.

His Night Walker abilities still couldn’t be used, all grayed out.

‘Looks like I unconsciously became fond of the night.’

Marvin sighed inwardly. The powerful Darksight ability made him feel at home in the night. In fact, he was no longer as comfortable during the day.

But at that time, the Hellhound in his arms suddenly stood up and howled!

A strong feeling of alarm was transmitted from the pet contract.

In an instant, Marvin’s hair seemed to stand on end as he felt an extreme chill down his spine!

It came from the Judgement Sword in the Hellhound’s stomach!

Marvin reacted keenly and pulled Nana as he dashed forward!

But his movement was a bit slow for the hiding Glynos.

The Shadow Prince sneered.

Since he made a move, the other side certainly wouldn’t survive.

A cold light flickered from [Nightfall] as a shadow floated over and stabbed toward Marvin’s back.


Marvin stiffened.

He heard the sound of the dagger piercing his own heart!

Chapter 315: Twelve Curses


In an instant, Marvin’s sight went red.

Countless logs popped up in the upper right side of his field of view.

A wave of pain flashed through Marvin’s head and he almost fainted!

Fortunately his willpower was firm. He clenched his teeth and held on.

“Glynos!” he roared, as he abruptly turned around, Blazing Fury slashing over fiercely!

The Shadow Prince displayed a meaningful smile while facing Marvin’s vengeful curved dagger. He obviously wouldn’t fight with him directly.

What a joke, he was an Assassin, the other was a Ranger. Even at this point, he still wasn’t willing to give Marvin the advantage of a battle in the open.


The Shadow Prince’s figure vanished from the courtyard!

Nana’s face was pale, and Orland on the side rushed over!

That sneak attack didn’t last long, but it injured Marvin greatly!

‘Thankfully… I’m already 4th rank!’

He had obtained Fatal Injuries Immunity when he reached 4th rank Night Walker!

Even though the dagger pierced his heart, grievously injuring him, it at least didn’t insta-kill him.

Marvin was extremely pale, and cold sweat covered his forehead.

The sharp pain wasn’t the biggest problem.

The most frightening thing was that he had been wounded by Nightfall!

Someone hit by Nightfall would instantly receive twelve frightening curses!

Marvin’s condition was very bad. Moreover, Glynos definitely didn’t actually leave. Even though he struck Marvin successfully, he wouldn’t hide far off. Marvin was in huge trouble!

“Sir Marvin!” Nana cried out. “Your hand!”

Signs of petrification could be seen on Marvin’s left hand.

Marvin frowned.

First curse, Petrification.

This was tolerable.

After Constantine had the Red Dragon dismembered, he had looked for a few Master Alchemists to refine some magic potions, and among them was an anti-petrification potion!

Dragons had high resistance to petrification.

At this crucial moment, Marvin didn’t hesitate to take out the anti-petrification potion and drink it!

He drank the whole potion in one breath!

It was a matter of life and death after all, so Marvin wouldn’t bother about whether he wasted too much or not.

Moreover, he had half a dozen of those potions!

After the potion entered his body, a power swept through his bones and limbs.

His left hand miraculously began to recover.

But Marvin’s expression was still grim.

This was just delaying the problem. Nightfall didn’t only have a petrification curse.

Based on his experience fighting the Shadow Prince, after one was injured by Nightfall, the interval between the first curse and the second one would be an hour.

Because you couldn’t expect what curse would break out next, for ordinary people, being hit by Nightfall meant death!

[Nightfall] was the dream Artifact of wretched Assassins. It was Glynos’ deepest pleasure to stab his targets and then leave, before watching his enemies die to the outburst of curses.

But he didn’t intend to leave today.

The Hellhound kept barking.

He apparently could sense that the Shadow Prince had yet to leave.

Marvin looked gloomily at every corner of the courtyard.

The sky was gradually darkening and the Great Wizard Orland had already cast his own Barrier, covering Nana and Marvin inside.

Orland’s golden Barrier looked unbreakable. But Marvin knew that if the Shadow Prince wanted to cross the Barrier to attack him once again it would really be too easy.

He had to stay on guard.

This would likely turn into an endless battle of attrition, but this wasn’t what Marvin wanted.

Because the more the time dragged on, the faster the curses could break out. After each curse took effect, the interval could slowly reduce!

And it would keep shortening. In theory, if you could survive them till the end, there would be a total of twelve curses attached to your body!

In that situation, it would be too late for even Great Druids to save you.

Perhaps only an Apostle of the Nature God or the Dawn Lord could remove the twelve curses at once and save an ordinary person’s life.

But these two Ancient Gods are already slumbering. Let alone their Apostles, finding a follower was very challenging.

‘Glynos wants me dead…’

Marvin felt the bleeding wound behind his back and turned cold, his muscles stiff.

His eyes kept darting around.

He had already used Listen and even the wind blowing on the grass was sensed by him.

‘Careless… I didn’t expect Glynos to personally act because of his face.’

‘Since that’s the case, he should leave his Divine Source behind.’

A ruthless and tyrannical expression flashed through his eyes.

His Perception wasn’t as high as the Shadow Prince’s, and even if the latter was reduced to level 18, his Stealth was still extremely powerful.

But similarly, the Shadow Prince probably wouldn’t be able to notice Marvin in Stealth!

‘Maybe I can exploit this…’ Marvin thought secretly.

Marvin then nodded toward Orland.

His body disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Shadow Escape!

The Hellhound barked twice worriedly, but he still followed Marvin’s command and stayed inside the Barrier.

It was completely dark outside the Barrier.

The Darkness was the Night Walkers’ stage!

Marvin hid in a corner and hurriedly wrapped his wound and entered Stealth.

But his Stealth was actually a bait.

With his Perception, the Shadow Prince shouldn’t be able to find Marvin if he was wearing Eriksson’s Brooch.

But don’t forget that Marvin had already defeated the Shadow Prince before!

‘I can only lure the snake out of its hole…’

Marvin forced a smile.

He had to quickly make a move.

Because letting time drag on was disadvantageous to Marvin.

The first curse was petrification and Marvin had a potion to resist it.

But what about the second curse?

The name of each of Nightfall’s twelve curses appeared in Marvin’s mind. Each one was deadly to an ordinary person.

If not for Marvin’s devil bloodline along with his Divinity, he might have already died.

He remembered six of the curses: Petrification, Black Death, Crystallization, Bleeding, Poison, and Mutation.

Marvin didn’t know about the other six because the most he had lasted was about four hours before dying.

He hadn’t had the chance to learn about the remaining six curses.

But those first six curses were enough to give a headache.

‘I hope the next one is Bleeding or Poison…’

Marvin was thinking nervously while in Stealth.

If it was one of these two curses, he had solutions. Bleeding meant that the wound would never heal and would bleed out thrice as fast.

For this, he had plenty of hemostatic potions and bandages, along with healing ointment. He could keep up with the curse’s outburst. As for Poison, Marvin’s poison resistance was extremely high and he had many different antidotes, so he should also be able to handle it.

If it was Mutation, Black Death, or Crystallization, Marvin would be in trouble.

[Mutation] would transform parts of his body into something weird… he might even mutate completely.

He could transform into a toad or something…

[Crystallization] was even more frightening. His body would slowly turn to crystal before ultimately shattering into pieces.

[Black Death] was a type of death curse. It was named that way because black strings like spider webs would spread out from the heart.

Any of those three would be very troublesome for Marvin!

‘I might only have a chance if I return to Feinan!’

At this critical time, Marvin forced himself to stay calm.

He had already called back the Dark Knights. The nine of them gathered in the courtyard and urged the Great Wizard Orland to speed up the construction of the Space-Time Lighthouse for this plane.

It wasn’t looking too good. But as long as he sent clear coordinates, then with Hathaway’s intelligence, she should be able to notice that something had gone awry.

At that time, there would be many solutions.

Thinking of this, Marvin made a decision.

Before the second curse broke out, he had close to an hour to find the Shadow Prince and kill him!

Even if he was injured, Marvin was confident that as long as he caught Glynos, the latter couldn’t be his opponent in the night.

The Royal City felt strange yet peaceful in the night.

An emergency curfew from the palace had alarmed the people.

The entire street was cleared out.

Glynos was hiding in a dark place as a cunning expression flashed through his eyes.

He could feel that faint aura still lingering in the surroundings.

‘It seems he had Fatal Injuries Immunity and was also able to handle the first curse.’

‘And he is a Ranger with such a strong Stealth that even my Perception is unable to find him. He definitely should have some good stuff on him.’

‘A pity… ah… A pity… It’s too bad I can sense your general direction since you’re at the limits of power for this plane. And perhaps you are unaware that the people injured by Nightfall will not only be cursed, but will also have a hint of Nightfall’s aura.’

‘Even if my Perception can’t find you, I can still lock onto Nightfall’s aura!’

After thinking of this, a sinister expression flashed through Glynos’ eyes.

‘Such a powerful Ranger, with the Night Walker advancement class… wouldn’t he be outstanding if he reached the Legend Realm?’

‘I must kill him before he grows!’

He moved lightly and slowly approached that aura.

In the darkness, Marvin haltingly moved around, his eyes full of confidence.

He knew that his Stealth didn’t completely hide him from the Shadow Prince, but he used it in order to make him take the bait.

He was prepared this time.

‘Glynos, since you dared to make a move, I won’t let you leave this plane unharmed!’

Marvin was determined!

In Royal City, two shadows, one in front and one behind, had their own thoughts.

Meanwhile, in a corner of Arborea, six figures appeared in the sky, one after the other.

“I hope there is still time,” the six shadows whispered in unison.

Chapter 316: Confrontation!

p>In the Royal City.

The seconds were slowly ticking by as Marvin continued putting on an act for Glynos.

He remained in Stealth, pretending to be looking for traces of Glynos, but the Shadow Prince was a lot more patient than he had thought.

He was certain that Glynos was most likely somewhere behind him. This was a habit of Assassins.

Because Glynos was very confident in his Stealth, the distance between them should be small.

On the way, Marvin had already shown countless flaws and openings.

Others might not be able to resist attacking when seeing these flaws.

But Glynos resisted.

He was as calm as before.

This made Marvin a bit impatient.

Another half an hour passed. It would soon be the time for the second curse to take effect.

‘Could it be that he is waiting for the second curse to flare up before trying to end my life?’

Marvin’s heart sank.

This was very possible.

Even if the Shadow Prince had become extremely arrogant after ascending, in the field of assassination, he was still that genius that rose up during the 3rd Era.

Naturally, Marvin wasn’t inferior in any aspect. In fact, Marvin was sure he could overwhelm the Shadow Prince in a direct fight due to his PK skills.

The reason was very simple. Players tempered their PK skills and tactics through life and death battles. An expert like Marvin excelled in every field, whether in Instances, Story Quests, Duels, or Wars.

Yes, gods were very powerful. They lived for millennia and experienced many fights. But they weren’t like the players who had the chance to live again after death with few consequences.

They also weren’t as warlike.

By Marvin’s estimates, the top players of the game – Feinan Continent – already had battle experience that wasn’t much different from the gods’ when they had progressed around half-way through the game.

Any player would develop instincts and combat skills after dying so many times after all, let alone an expert like Marvin.

Thus, in a direct battle at the same level, Marvin simply didn’t fear Glynos!

But he needed to get this kind of opportunity in the first place.

The Shadow Prince was just stalling. Even though Marvin kept displaying flaws, he restrained himself.

This exasperated Marvin.

He was the one on the receiving end after all. The Hellhound could more or less tell that Glynos was in the surroundings, but finding him precisely was rather challenging.

As for large-scale magic, whether it was Blazing Fury or some of the magic scrolls he carried, he judged that none of them would be very effective against Glynos.

Because as soon as Marvin made a casting gesture, the Shadow Prince would already be far away.

This would actually warn him.

‘Endure a few more minutes,’ Marvin convinced himself.

He was walking step by step, moving cautiously toward the city entrance.

The city gates were shut tightly, and the guards had already evacuated the city walls.

He was too nervous. There was nothing he could do. Even if Marvin was a master at assassination and counter-assassination, the other side was the Shadow Prince. He already had too much pressure, let alone now that Marvin was at a disadvantage.

If the curse flared up, with no one able to save him, let alone killing Glynos, he didn’t know if he would be able to defend himself.

Thinking of this, Marvin became worried.

Memories started to flash through his mind:

The shock of transmigrating, quickly calming down and adapting to this world, Anna’s worried expression, Wayne relying on him, White River Valley’s landscape… And Hathaway’s icy expression before he left!

That face left him breathless.

He hadn’t felt it at first, but due to recalling it during this life and death situation, he felt that this cold expression was actually stunningly beautiful.

And from Glynos’ point of view, Marvin’s movements became strange.

He seemed to have stiffened up a bit and was moving irregularly, as if his mind wasn’t following his body.

‘Is the curse flaring up?’

‘Hehe, his resistances are actually quite high. Luckily, I wasn’t careless and chose to continue with the assassination. What if he had returned to Feinan, who knows if that group of people could find a way to remove Nightfall’s curses?’

Glynos smiled complacently.

He then suddenly disappeared.

A simple sharp horizontal slash aimed at Marvin’s neck!

Feeling the cold aura behind him, Marvin suddenly awakened from his reminiscing!

‘Making a move?’

He became overjoyed! His body reacted automatically as he used his curved dagger to slash behind his back!


A clear sound echoed out. Glynos’ eyes were tinged with disbelief as Blazing Fury shockingly blocked his Nightfall!

Marvin smiled.

In the past, the hatred between the two of them had been too deep. It was to the point that he knew practically everything about the Shadow Prince!

Including his habits and moves.

He hadn’t been expecting the previous sneak attack, as it had been an unexpectedly bold decision for Glynos.

But this time he was prepared. Even though he was a little bit absent-minded, his body still reacted perfectly!

It was mainly due to his Superior Reflex specialty combined with his natural ability; his reaction speed was outstanding!

Before Glynos could react, Marvin counterattacked!

Marvin’s slashes rained down on Glynos.

At that moment Marvin had turned around and switched from defending to attacking!

The Shadow Prince could only block!

He tried to use a spell to flee, but since his whereabouts were exposed this time, how could Marvin let him do as he wished!?

His curved daggers were extremely fierce, and although they weren’t as nimble as straight daggers in a close fight, they were deadlier!

Glynos wasn’t fighting desperately against Marvin. In his eyes, Marvin would die from the curses sooner or later.

And this body was carrying no less than 5 points of Divinity and a considerable Divine Source.

If he lost this avatar, his losses would be disastrous!

Thus he fought very conservatively and just blocked each of Marvin’s fierce attacks!


Taking advantage of a gap, Glynos contemptibly used Vanish.

But he hadn’t expected that just as he appeared at the gate entrance, Marvin would overbearingly follow over!

Shadow Escape!

Like a shadow following the body.

Marvin’s momentum reached a zenith.

Both sides were level 18, they had the same amount of Divinity, and the attributes of the Shadow Prince’s avatar were slightly lower than his.

If Marvin let him escape in this kind of confrontation, he would have been unjustly named the Godly Player.

As soon as they came into contact, Marvin took advantage of the melee battle to steal a strand of hair and use Night Tracking.

With the guidance from Night Tracking, he couldn’t let Glynos escape!

In Marvin sight, the red thread led to Glynos. The latter was nervous and intended to force his way out and escape.

Marvin smiled grimly. His body blocked the path toward the city entrance.

The next second, he used [Night Beheading]!

Chapter 317: Battle to Death! Shadow Prince!

p>Marvin struck suddenly from the archway of the city’s entrance.

He cleverly followed the shadows and slashed his curved daggers together at the Shadow Prince, trying to sever his head.

The Shadow Prince was able to block the attack with Nightfall, but the force of the impact made him a bit dizzy.

Glynos fell awkwardly to the ground.

Marvin followed up with another attack, unwilling to pass up this opportunity.

Within a few minutes, the curse should flare up. If he couldn’t kill the Shadow Prince by that time, he would be in grave danger.

Thus he used all his desperate skills!

“Slash! Slash! Slash!”

Night Walkers originally had a rather erratic fighting style, but facing the nimble Shadow Prince, Marvin had to become completely unyielding.

No dodging, no flanking, only direct battle.

The two daggers moved together like lightning.

He’d locked on to the Shadow Prince’s aura, not letting him escape. Even if he had Divinity, that avatar was just a level 18 Assassin!

A level 18 Assassin locked on by a Night Walker in the depths of night; how could he escape?

Speed-wise, Marvin was faster than him, strength-wise, Marvin was also not lacking, and for targeting, he had Night Tracking. The Shadow Prince had nowhere to escape!

He was already in the palm of Marvin’s hand.


‘I don’t believe you can keep attacking so fiercely!’

The Shadow Prince was frightened.

Marvin’s injury seemed to have no effect on him. Moreover, the other party’s moves seemed to counter every single one of his own moves. This was the first time they’d ever fought, so why did Marvin give the feeling of having fought against Glynos countless times?

Each of his moves was seen through, and besides barely managing to dodge and block, he couldn’t do anything!

This kind of feeling was terrifyingly annoying.

But he hadn’t realized that Marvin’s injury truly was critical.

Fatal Injuries Immunity didn’t actually make Marvin immune to injuries, and his Hp was still going down.

But luckily, he had the [Endurance] specialty.

This specialty could help him suppress the pain, letting him fully display his strength.

He was now going all-out, and his only goal was to end the Shadow Prince.

They had fought like that many times in the game, and Marvin was extremely familiar with the Shadow Prince’s skills and habits.

It was tolerable at the start, but after a few strikes, he simply stopped thinking and kept attacking by following his instincts.

After a dozen seconds, the Shadow Prince was completely suppressed.

Glynos was in disbelief!

If it was due to a big difference in level or power, Glynos could still comfort himself.

However, this was a question of skill!

Marvin’s ability to predict his moves and react restrained Glynos’ movements completely.

Glynos felt as if he had seen a ghost!

He felt terribly depressed.

Ever since that thing with Owl, he kept being hit by misfortune!

He went to the Decaying Plateau to try and reap some benefits, but was caught by the Great Elven King.

He turtled himself in his lair to train carefully, but his own plane was attacked as a result!

His forces on that plane were cleared up at once!

How could that not make him angry?

What was even more depressing was that as time went on, even if he didn’t want to believe it, he was still forced to admit that the 15 or 16 year old youth in front of him had richer battle experience than him.

‘Who is this Marvin in the end?’

‘Why did those guys not notice that Feinan had such a genius!’

The Shadow Prince had no intention to continue fighting Marvin.

He only wanted to escape in one piece right now.

If he wasn’t holding Nightfall, he might have already been cut in half by Marvin.

At Level 18 vs Level 18, the Shadow Prince would end up defeated!

…In a direct battle at least.

He started trying to escape again, but Marvin used Night Tracking to keep close.

The Shadow Prince was looking for another gap to wriggle away, but he was always blocked by Marvin.

He followed him and took the advantage to attack. Even if it didn’t kill the Shadow Prince, it would add another wound to the Shadow Prince’s body!

Glynos would die sooner or later if the situation kept progressing like this!

But apart from his wound, there was another hidden danger in Marvin’s body!

That was the curse!

Both of them fought a violent battle in the empty street of Royal City.

Marvin had already sent a few Dark Knights to key locations, as a precaution against the Shadow Prince’s escape.

He had to personally kill the Shadow Prince!

Just like his past life.

It would be just like the scene Hathaway saw in her crystal ball in the past!

Thinking of this, determination flashed in his eyes.

The Shadow Prince was getting weaker and weaker.

He kept falling back and tried to use Vanish repeatedly!


He was like a ghost flashing throughout the street.

Marvin seemed confused by this sudden all-out attempt and didn’t pursue quickly enough.

The Shadow Prince was overjoyed and intended to use a long distance escape skill. But he hadn’t expected to see Marvin’s face suddenly stiffen as he fell down to the ground while shivering!

On the empty Royal City’s street, Marvin collapsed clumsily.

He took out a potion while trembling, apparently wanting to drink it.

But a clang was heard at that time!

A shadow flashed through, shattering that potion.

The blue potion scattered on the ground. Some shards even smashed against Marvin’s body!

Marvin seemed to be in an extremely troublesome situation.

The Shadow Prince’s proud face appeared in front of Marvin.


“You are still a mortal after all…”

“Let me end your worthless life!

The Shadow Prince had a sinister smile on his face as he was about to step on Marvin’s head.

But before he did, his ankle was tightly grabbed!

Glynos stiffened!

He suddenly saw Marvin’s cunning smile.


‘It was a trap!’

Glynos instantly regretted!

That bastard tricked him and deliberately fell on the ground pretending to be hit by the curse, when in fact the curse hadn’t flared up yet!

It was just that Marvin’s acting was too perfect, making Glynos think that he had an opportunity to kill off this future obstacle.

The next second, Glynos was completely locked in place as a large shadow shackled his body firmly.

Shapeshift Sorcerer, Shadow-shape!

Shadow Bind!

Glynos was startled, but soon laughed aloud. This was his domain, how could someone be this foolish, using Shadow spells to bind him?

Where did the name Shadow Prince come from? It was because his Domain was Shadows and Darkness!

Shadows were parts of his body. Using shadows to bind the Prince of Shadows, what a hilarious joke!

He was going to teach Marvin a lesson.

But he was in for another surprise.

These shadows weren’t obeying his commands!

He really was temporarily shackled!

‘These shadows…’

Glynos was startled and furious, but he didn’t have much time left.

After Marvin bound Glynos with the spell, he immediately removed his Shadow-shape and returned to his Human-shape!

“Glynos,” he said in a menacing voice, “Don’t think that just because you are the Shadow Prince, all the shadows belong to you.”

“Shadows and Darkness are part of the night.”

Glynos’ eyes widened, his breathing accelerating.

Marvin had a solemn expression as he slashed with his daggers.

[Night Beheading]!

With a slash, the head of the bound Glynos fell to the ground!

Level 18 Assassins had neither Fatal Injuries Immunity nor a rebirth skill. Severing their head was sufficient to ensure death!

Marvin let out a sigh.

In fact, Marvin had been a bit unsure whether Shadow Bind could hold Glynos.

This was his last resort.

Fortunately, it seemed that the power of the Archdevil was stronger than that of the Shadow Prince.

With that, as well as the Night Monarch’s inheritance, Marvin’s power over the Shadow Domain wasn’t insignificant.

Level 6 Shapeshift Sorcerer. Even if the level wasn’t high, it had a key effect in the battle.

Without this Shadow Bind, it would have been more difficult to kill Glynos!

Battles between rogue classes were very troublesome.

Even if they weren’t at the same level, they typically had various special methods to escape, while killing one was a lot more difficult.

Thankfully, Marvin’s multi-layered plan of luring the snake, chasing the snake, and pretending to succumb to the curse gave him an opportunity.

Regardless, with Glynos’ strength and skill, killing him was still so difficult!


After killing Glynos, Marvin didn’t even check his logs and simply sat on the floor.

This battle had given him such high pressure.

“It’s a pity… These five points of Divinity…”

Marvin felt some regret.

Even if his Essence Absorption System could absorb part of the avatar’s essences and turn them into battle exp, Glynos’ avatar still carried five points of divinity. And all he could do was to let it go to waste.

The False Divine Vessel could only hold five, and he couldn’t exchange them.

As he was feeling morose, a barking sound suddenly rang out from the corner of a street.

It was the Hellhound.

The puppy hurriedly rushed to Marvin, rubbing intimately against Marvin’s leg while looking at the corpse of the Shadow Prince and drooling.

Marvin thought for a bit before making his decision.

The Hellhound was overjoyed as he suddenly rushed past, spreading his maw wide.

The corpse of the Shadow Prince’s avatar began to distort before turning into a black smoke! It was all swallowed by the Hellhound!

Marvin calmly checked his pet contract and froze, a weird glint in his eyes.

“This pup really can eat everything!”

“Not only the five points of Divinity, but even the Shadow Prince’s Divine Source!”

“Glynos must be mad as hell right now, right?” Marvin thought as he laughed.

But suddenly, pain flared out in his chest.

‘Shit, the curse!’

The next second, he grew incredibly dizzy and only felt endless darkness in front of him.

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