Night Ranger

Chapter 300-308

Chapter 300: Miracle

p>The Prince remained silent for a long time in the prison.

He glanced at the guard and then whispered, “I need to know who you are or I won’t be able to trust you.”

“I killed that Priest, I can never be on the same side as the Shrine. That’s all you need to know,” Marvin quickly replied.

“What is your goal? To overthrow the Shrine? There isn’t such an expert in the rebel army!”

Aragon grew more and more doubtful.

The man in the shadow seemed to have popped out of nowhere. He had never heard of someone like him in the whole plane.

“If you really want to know, you have to show some good faith,” Marvin said. “If you are willing to cooperate with me, there is no harm in telling you my identity.”

“Cooperation?” Aragon smiled bitterly. “Do you really think you can overthrow the Shadow Prince with the help of just a few experts?

“Why not?” Marvin asked.

“The Shrine’s power is deeply rooted. The Nottingheims had already planned to reduce the Shrine’s power from the time of my grandfather. My father also had this wish once.”

After saying this, he stopped talking.

Marvin thought of something, understanding what had happened. “The rebel army.”

Aragon nodded. “To be honest, with the years of preparations, it isn’t impossible to stake it all against the Shrine.”

“But the Shrine isn’t just a Shrine.”

“There is a god behind the Shrine.”

“Although the Shadow Prince hasn’t displayed any miracle for a long time, he is still present. This plane’s future was foreordained. We are the God’s people, we can’t disobey his will.”

Marvin looked at Prince Aragon for a moment.

Even if this Prince was older than 30 years old, he still looked young and handsome.

As one of the strongest of this plane, he clearly had looked further ahead than ordinary people.

“There is a secret library in Nottingheim Palace,” Aragon muttered. “I checked it when I was young.”

“Thus, I know that the world isn’t as small as what the Shrine claims. This world is very large, and Arborea is merely a fragment of the boundless world.

“The god we worship is only a more powerful existence. I already know this, many people know this. So we rebelled.”

“But once a miracle happened, the Shadow Shrine would be unstoppable.”

“We don’t have any hope.”

The Prince’s words were dispirited.

But then, that voice echoed once again, full of confidence. “What if I said I can kill your so-called God in this world?”

Eastern Snow Mountain, in the Shadow God Palace.

The daily prayers were still underway.

Capella mutedly read the God’s creed out loud, but she felt somewhat ill at ease.

It might be due to yesterday’s matter.

A Senior Priest was actually assassinated in White Elephant City!

She knew clearly about Dina’s strength: if Prince Aragon didn’t personally act, no one could kill her.

Even the dregs of the rebel army didn’t have this kind of power.

Who was it?

Doubt clouded her mind.

Suddenly, a dark shadow descended on the ice-cold statue!

Capella’s eyes were wide open with disbelief. She piously raised her head as she called God’s name!

At that instant, Shadow Holy Power appeared out of nowhere and covered the entire Eastern Snow Mountain.

In the Royal Capital under the Snow Mountain, everyone froze for a second as they saw this scene.

Finally, someone pointed and sharply shouted, “Miracle!”

Everyone knelt in worship.

Some were crying from excitement.

Some froze, at a loss.

A lot more simply knelt down apathetically and prayed for the deity’s blessing.

In the Imperial Palace, the old king was helped by a refined girl as they left the court step by step.

He looked at the shadow on the Snow Mountain and fell down with tears.

Everyone at his side knelt down. Only the King and that girl didn’t kneel.

“Nana, I wronged your older brother,” the King lamented tearfully.

The girl remained silent.

The shadows stayed for a very long time before slowly scattering.

A rain of darkness fell from the sky as everyone around the king felt a powerful force condensing!

In the slums, an elderly man with a serious illness came in contact with the rain and suddenly recovered some strength.

Under the bathing of this dark rain, everyone’s mind and body would obtain a slight improvement.

In the Shadow God Palace, a shout echoed through everyone’s soul:

“Father God!”

“Father God!” most people loudly shouted in the Royal Capital.

In the Imperial Palace, the old King awkwardly threw himself to the ground while that girl kept standing.

She looked coldly at the sky and said in a low voice, “If he truly was a father, how could he squeeze his own children?”

This sentence didn’t originate from her.

Rather, when she was young, she read a book. That book was a hidden treasure of the Royal Family that her older brother stole for her to see.

The book was at least a century old and the author’s name and title were very strange.

It was still fresh in her memory at this moment.

Plane Traveller, Bacon.

The miracle in the Royal City caused a sensation throughout Nottingheim Kingdom.

People were gradually swayed and their beliefs became firmer.

And following this miracle, the Shadow God Palace’s High Priestess claimed to have received Father God’s oracle!

This oracle quickly spread through the entire kingdom through every church and priest to arrive at everyone’s ears.

The content of the oracle stated: Heathens from a different plane had arrived in Arborea.

These heathens intended to destroy this world.

And the place they descended was shockingly the White Elephant City in the north!

The Shrine had to capture these heathens and kill them!

White Elephant City was once again put in the spotlight.

In addition to the two previous Senior Priests, High Priestess Capella sent five hundred 3rd rank Paladins and two more Senior Priests to White Elephant City.

Meanwhile, Aragon’s prisoner transport arrived at the Royal City that same day.

A rumor spread that the Crown Prince not only had ties with the rebels but had also colluded with those Heathens from another world.

Due to the miracle that descended a few days ago, even most of the population who had sympathized with and admired Aragon didn’t trust him.

They watched from the sidelines.

Things started to move in the dark in the Royal City.

The moment the transport came through the gate, people started gathering to watch the Prince moving through the city.

Their gazes were cold and heartless as if they were looking at a true sinner.

Last time he had returned to the Royal City was after he recaptured White Elephant City that the rebels had been occupying for three years. He had returned to get a commendation from the Shrine and the Kingdom!

Such a huge contrast. Even if the Prince had made good mental preparations, sadness still flashed through his eyes.

The prisoner cart followed the Royal City’s main street past the Imperial Palace before quickly rushing toward the Eastern Snow Mountain.

There, the Prince would receive the Shrine’s trial!

High Priestess Capella herself would direct the trial. As the Apostle of Father God, no heathen would be able to escape her judgement!

The procession kept moving forward.

People watched in silence and followed with their eyes as the Prince they once loved and respected headed toward the main trial hall.

At the bottom of the flight of white marble stairs, the High Priestess Capella was waiting.

Her gaze was cold as she attentively watched the Prince’s prisoner carriage.

Aragon looked very depressed.

“Carry him into the trial hall,” the black-gowned High Priestess ordered coldly.

Two Paladins immediately removed the prisoner’s shackles and the half-dead Prince was carried out.

In the crowd, most people couldn’t bear to see this.

They lowered their heads.

The entire Kingdom’s nobility was on the side, but none of the Nottingheim family came to the scene.

Capella felt pleased.

This world was finally God’s world.

She proudly raised her head and contemptuously derided the dazed Prince, “After all is said and done, even a bigger ant is still an ant.”

In a small courtyard of the Imperial Palace.

A young girl was sitting on a swing by herself, silently listening to the report of the maid beside her.

“Princess, Prince Aragon’s trial has already started.”

“Lady Capella herself judged him guilty.”

The maid stopped there, unable to bear the rest.

“Talk.” The Princess’ tone was very calm.

“Ties with the rebels, working with the heathens, going against God’s desires,” the maid quietly recounted. “3rd-grade crime. Due to the Prince’s many years of meritorious services, it was lowered to 1st grade.”

“The punishment originally was seven days of withstanding God’s Fire… It is now three.”

“And it will happen in three days.”


A cord of the swing broke, and the Princess stood up, unharmed.

“I understand, you can go.”

The maid looked at the Princess, a bit at a loss, but under the Princess’ determined gaze, she still left.

In the empty courtyard, only the girl remained.

“Come out.”

“The swing won’t break for no reason,” the Princess remarked indifferently.

“Your older brother said you were very smart.” Marvin’s figure nonchalantly appeared from the shadow of the swing.

“But I didn’t expect you to react so nimbly.”

“Rebels? Heathen?” Her gaze was clear.

“Is it important?” Marvin asked back.

“It isn’t.” Princess Nana gently inquired, “So what is your goal?”

Marvin didn’t say anything, taking out a ring and handing it over.

A slight change finally appeared in her expression.

“You are someone Brother trusts? Why haven’t I seen you before?” She asked cautiously.

“Some people are bound to remain in the shadows.” Marvin also didn’t explain. “If Prince Aragon dies, the Nottingheim Royal Family will be in an even bigger crisis. He intends to fight with all he has. What is your opinion?”

The girl looked emotionally at the ring. “Brother’s stance is my stance.”

Marvin clapped. “Good.”

“Send invitations. You have to hold a banquet or a ball tomorrow night in the Imperial Palace. Invite some people…”

“Of course, there are also a few other things you need to do.”

Chapter 301: Ball

p>At night, the Royal City was still brightly lit.

Her Royal Highness Princess Nana was going to be holding a court ball tonight. Such news in these troubled times made a lot of people wonder.

The ball was for the Princess’s sixteenth birthday.

There was a court banquet for this birthday just ten days ago, but because Princess Nana was feeling unwell at the time, they didn’t host a ball.

This ball was to supplement it.

But many famous people in the Royal City knew that this ball definitely wasn’t ordinary.

Almost all of the bigwigs were invited.

Apart from the King, who probably wouldn’t show up at the ball as he had been feeling unwell recently, everyone else was invited.

The Shrine’s High Priestess included.

“A ball?”

In the Shadow God Palace, Capella sneered while looking at the invitation card in her hand. “Her older brother is facing punishment and she’s still in the mood to dance?”

“Who doesn’t know about the Royal Family’s matter? It was said that Prince Aragon and Princess Nana had an excellent relationship. But with the current Nottingheim family, the emergence of the first Queen in history shouldn’t be ruled out.” An attendant on the side respectfully explained, “In my opinion, she intentionally invited you because she wants to preserve the Nottingheim Royal Family’s bloodline.”

Capella muttered, “Or perhaps she wants to bet everything?”

The attendant shook his head. “The old King is already unable to do so, and no matter how able Princess Nana is, how big could the waves she creates be?”

“Aragon volunteered to be a prisoner and is now locked in a Divine Spell water prison. Even if he wants to escape, it would alarm the four Great Priests.”

“With the four Great Priests joining hands, he definitely wouldn’t be able to escape.”

“But Lady, if you really aren’t interested, you naturally don’t need to pay attention to it.”

Capella calmly decided, “Say that I’m not feeling well.”

The attendant slowly nodded. He was about to bow and notify the person behind the door, but surprisingly the always unwavering High Priestess suddenly changed her mind. “Hold on!”

“I’ll go.”

“That Nana girl isn’t that simple. The powers she won over in secret might not be stronger than her older brother, but she also has some forces of her own.”

“These past few years, the old King apparently intentionally gave her some power. He probably foresaw that result.”

“They certainly don’t dare to have a fall out with the Shrine, but what Aragon did definitely provoked the Shrine. If she really wants to preserve a bit of the Nottingheim’s bloodline, I might as well go take a look at how she curries favor with us. And if not, tonight is also a good opportunity.”

“The Nottingheims ruled Arborea for so many years, so ending the rule now isn’t too strange.”

After saying this, she leisurely got up and looked at her gown.

“I’ll go change.”

“…When was the last time I danced?”

Outside the Shadow God Palace, the supreme High Priestess was waiting in the carriage as it moved slowly toward the Royal City.

The King’s road which had been built straight from the Eastern Snow Mountain was very smooth and safe.

It would take at most fifteen minutes to reach the Imperial Palace.

But these fifteen minutes were enough for Marvin to make a move.

In the dark shadows, the Night Walker quietly acted.

His movements were erratic, but the final goal was that Shadow Shrine!

The Shadow Priestess was the Shadow Prince’s Apostle, and even if she didn’t have the strength of a Legend, each corner of the Shadow Shrine was within her perception!

She ordinarily waited inside the Shrine, rarely going out.

And Marvin’s plan this time was to draw out the High Priestess at all cost.

The Princess’ ball was only a smokescreen.

Of course, if the Shadow Priestess didn’t leave the Shrine, Marvin still had another plan.

‘The first step was very smooth. This High Priestess is truly paranoid,’ Marvin sneered, as he suddenly sped up and brushed past the two guards.

The two men didn’t notice anything.

This was the advantage of 180 Stealth.

With Eriksson’s Brooch, Marvin was confident in facing against the Shadow Shrine.

He had to be quick!

The Princess wouldn’t be able to stall for too long!

Marvin quickly travelled through the Shadow Shrine based on his memories of the place.

Soon, he bypassed a group of Priests and arrived at the prayer hall.

Countless candles were arranged in the middle, with the statue of a masked man, the Shadow Prince.

A shadow flickered on the statue.


Marvin looked coldly at the stone statue carrying Divinity. But the stone statue didn’t notice anything.

Eriksson’s Brooch could even cheat a Heavenly Observer, let alone a statue with a detection spell on it!

Marvin didn’t linger. He went around the prayer hall and found the entrance leading downward.

This was the Divine Spell Prison.

All kinds of prisoners were locked up downstairs. Most of the prisoners were very dangerous.

And this flight of stairs was also defended by all sorts of experts.

From what he knew, the strongest there should be those four old bastards.

Before they guarded the last layer of prisoners, they had guarded this flight of stairs for who knows how many years.

The entire Divine Spell Prison had a total of six layers.

Marvin easily slipped into the prison.

He needed to pay attention to everything here.

Even if detection Divine Spells couldn’t find Marvin, if he tripped an alarm, it would be troublesome.

‘I don’t have much time.’

He wiped his sweat and directly skipped over the first three layers.

A criminal like Aragon would certainly be in the 4th or 5th layer water prison.

And as expected, he found the naked Aragon in the 4th layer water prison.

There were a lot of whip marks on his body and the lower half of his body was soaking in a green liquid. A pair of handcuffs bound his wrists tightly.

This layer had six guards defending it.

Each guard was a level 15 Paladin.

Marvin walked over quietly.


The voice was very faint, only entering Aragon’s ears.

The Prince suddenly raised his head.

The six Shrine Paladins noticed something strange at the same time. One of them demanded, “What are you looking at?”

“Filthy thing going against God’s desires! If not for the High Priestess’ command, I would use the God’s Fire to burn you!”

Aragon raised his head and gravely watched those Shrine Paladins before saying, “Give me a sword.”

The six Paladins froze before laughing their heads off. “Is something wrong with you? Why would we want to give you a sword?”

But at that moment, a cold light flashed in the darkness.


Sounds of shattering could be heard as Blazing Fury chopped off the shackles!

As the Paladins watched in shock, Aragon took a sword and walked out of the pool of acid.

His expression was as calm as ever.

“There won’t be a Shrine after tonight.”

Chapter 302: Marvin’s Plan

p>Level 18 Storm Swordsman!

Arborea’s peak powerhouse.

If not for Aragon being willingly imprisoned, only a few people in this world could stop him, including the High Priestess!

And it was unlikely for these six Paladins to do so, let alone after he got rid of the Divine Spell Prison’s shackles!

In an instant, a violent storm rose. Aragon was like a tornado, covering the six Paladins in a flash!

Screams pealed out as the entire Divine Spell Prison was alarmed!

The ball was very lively.

The High Priestess’ carriage arrived in front of the Imperial Palace and the Princess welcomed her in.

Nana was all smiles. “Lady High Priestess joining this ball is a great honor for Nana.”

“I hope Father God blesses the Nottingheims,” the High Priestess told Nana indifferently.

She looked at Nana’s face and was about to say something else when suddenly, her expression changed!

“What happened? Lady?” Nana calmly asked.

The High Priestess shouted in anger, “I’m going back to the Shrine!”

“Aragon dares to break out of prison!”

“Nottingheim, this isn’t an easy crime to forgive!”

Her voice was powerful, and everyone in the Royal City heard it!

Soon, the ball’s atmosphere went cold!

Fear crept across the faces of the nobles as they watched the trail of dust behind the High Priestess’ carriage.

They understood that the High Priestess was truly enraged this time.

The previous Nottingheim Royal Family might have still had hope to preserve their bloodline, but they now lost that hope.

Why was Aragon this stupid?

Before they could understand the ins and outs, a black-armored army quietly surrounded the Imperial Palace.

“Princess Nana!”

“Your Highness!”

The nobles and officials cried out in alarm.

The young girl slowly turned around, her dress fluttering as she displayed a beautiful smile. “The ball isn’t over…”

“Wanting to leave this early, isn’t that making me lose face?”

They all turned silent.

That group of black armored troops, how long had they been waiting?

They didn’t even notice them!

“It’s the Royal Iron Guard…” The Finance Minister’s voice was shivering. “Could the King…”

“Father gave me the Royal Iron Guard three years ago, does anyone else have a question?” Nana answered candidly.

“What about the City Defense Army?” The Military Minister glared at the Princess. “You don’t think that the City Defense Army will come help when I shout?”

“Sir, you are thinking too much,” Nana smilingly said. “Lady High Priestess said that heathens had come to our world. She already dispatched half of her Paladins, and as for the City Defense Army, they would obviously cooperate with the Shrine’s movements.”

“Tonight they were dispatched to go out on a mission to capture the heathens. They shouldn’t get back to the Royal City for three days.”

The Military Minister shouted, “You dared to fake the Shrine’s order? Who gave you military approval?”

Nana blinked. “Sir, please calm down. I have quite a lot of friends.”

The court was completely silent.

Under the stares of the Royal Iron Guard, all of Royal City’s nobles were captured.

After a while, a loud sound could be heard in direction of the Shadow God Palace. It felt like a bestial roar!

An old noble asked with difficulty, “I dare ask your Highness, do you really plan to completely go against the Shrine?”

“If that is the case, why would you come out personally? Letting his Highness Aragon take care of it is good. That way if it fails, you would still preserve a bit of the Nottingheim bloodline.”

The Princess’ eyes were as clear as ever, her voice very resolute. “After tonight, there will be no Shrine…”

The fight at the 4th layer ended up faster than Marvin expected.

He was still hesitating about whether he should help out when Aragon finished dealing with the six Paladins!

He was a lot stronger than Marvin imagined!

‘With this talent, if he was in Feinan, he would have already become a Legend!’ Marvin inwardly praised.

This plane’s limit was level 18, so Aragon had reached the point where he couldn’t advance anymore.

His strength was restricted by the plane’s laws. This was one of the negative part of the Secondary Planes.

If he was in Feinan, he would definitely become a Legend.

After easily getting rid of the six Paladins, Aragon and Marvin nodded and the latter once again disappeared in the shadows!

The Princess’ ball was a decoy.

Why not break Aragon out of jail?

Marvin’s plans were interrelated, and no mistake was allowed.

Soon, Aragon rushed to the 5th layer!

Three heinous criminals were imprisoned there. But they had been tortured by the Shrine and didn’t look human anymore.


“You dare to break out!?” A thunderous voice roared beside his ears.

In an instant, the candles died out. The sword in Aragon’s hands suddenly let out cold light.

There were four shadows.

The Shadow God Place’s four elders.

Each one of them was a peak level 18 Cleric.

The four of them were one of the final cards of the Shadow God Palace. Even if they were quite old, they had a lot of experience in the field of Divine Spells!

In an instant, the four shadows formed a prisoner’s cage!

Divine Spell – Shadow Prison!

The four Clerics joined hands to launch a Divine Spell, and even the fierce Aragon was trapped inside.

“Receive Father God’s punishment!” one of the elders coldly declared.

On the King Road, Capella’s carriage was frantically rushing back.

Numerous images flashed in front of her eyes. These images were fragmented, but they formed a shadow!

It was that heathen!

Capella ground her teeth hatefully.

She watched the four elders fighting Aragon and her complexion ashened quite a bit!

‘So this was your real aim…’

‘But how did you know that such a dangerous thing was hidden under the shrine?

Capella’s eyes were full of doubt.

The next second, her silhouette hurriedly rushed inside the Shrine!

6th layer of the Divine Spell Prison.

Besides six huge candles, this place was completely deserted.

Marvin simply walked forward.

A huge stone wall blocked his path!

He took two steps back and grabbed a Sun Sphere before smashing it mercilessly against the stone wall!


After an instant, the wall was completely crushed and revealed a hidden entrance with a rune.

‘Finally found you…’

‘Hehehe, Hell’s Door.’

A satisfied smile could be seen on Marvin’s face. ‘Puppy, you should already be quite hungry.’

But the next instant, an ice cold voice echoed behind him.

“Stop now.”

“Wicked heathen, you are actually bold enough to try to open Hell’s Door…”

“I’ll throw you inside God’s Fire and let you burn for a hundred days. Your soul will also belong to Father God and will never reincarnate!”

Chapter 303: Open! Gate of Hell!

p>Marvin slowly turned around.

The black-gowned High Priestess was staring at him coldly, the radiance of a Divine Spell flickering on her hand, ready to be thrown at Marvin anytime!

“You came back quickly.” Marvin looked at Capella’s cunning face. “Are you so confident that you can stop me?”

Capella took a good look at Marvin.

She had always been very cautious. Father God had repeatedly warned her that these guests from another plane were very powerful and sinister!

This youth before her eyes seemed to be only 15 or 16 years old, yet he was able to sneak into the Divine Spell Prison’s 6th layer.

Even if Aragon and Nana provided a distraction, this was a very challenging matter!

But he still pulled it off with ease.

This was simply inconceivable.

“You are the one who killed Dina,” she said in a low voice. “Level 18 Assassin?”

The pressure Marvin gave her wasn’t small, and she wasn’t in a hurry to make a move.

She knew that opening the Gate of Hell needed some time. The seal had been there for many years after all. As long as she was there, this youth wouldn’t be able to come up with any tricks.

And even though Aragon was powerful, he couldn’t deal with the four Great Elders alone.

He would definitely be subdued.

Once the Great Elders came to help, along with the Paladins that were rushing over, this Assassin wouldn’t be able to escape!

Marvin sneered, “You actually know the word [Assassin]?”

“As expected, as a God’s Apostle, you know a bit more than others.”

“The Arborea plane shouldn’t have this class, right?”

“Wasn’t Glynos very careful about this point? He didn’t allow his Secondary Planes to have Assassins or other rogue classes. Such a narrow-minded person.”

Marvin’s mockery wasn’t without reason.

Since the Shadow Prince was the God of Shadows, he could actually get a considerable amount of Shadow Sorcerers and Assassins as his followers.

If these class-holders were devout enough, it would give him a lot more Faith than ordinary Clerics or Paladins would.

This was because the class holders’ essences would be richer. They wouldn’t just passively accept God’s gift. Instead, they would temper themselves and through that their faith would increase.

But Glynos was narrow-minded. In order to stop others from surpassing him, he didn’t allow any Assassin classes in his realms.

That made Marvin feel utterly speechless.

There shouldn’t be more than a hundred people that knew the word [Assassin] in Glynos’ plane.

This included the Shrine’s higher ups and part of the Royal Family. There should be very few thieves among the people, because the Shrine was taking care of them strictly.

Thieves would be executed by fire.

Thus, this place’s public security was actually pretty good.

“You dare insult the great Father God…”

Rage flashed through Capella’s eyes. Her finger pointed five times and the next second, five Shadow Beasts came out from the Shadow Realm!

They looked very strange, each one of them different from the others, but they were all very aggressive!


They roared as they pounced on Marvin. But Marvin’s figure disappeared from where he stood!

Shadow Escape!

The Night Walker’s speed was incomparable. With a simple escape skill, he broke away from the Shadow Beasts’ attacks.

Before Capella could use another Divine Spell, Marvin’s body stuck to that huge copper gate like a gecko!

Capella’s expression changed.

Marvin showed a strange smile. “Shhh! Listen.”

“Thud! Thud!”

“Thud! Thud!”

Something was hitting the door!

Capella was startled!

“How could this be!?”

“The seal on the Gate of Hell is in proper condition, so why is there this kind of situation on the other side!?”

At that time, three men floated down the flight of stairs!

Three of the four Great Elders!

“High Priestess! Aragon escaped!”

“Sir Novak already brought out a hundred Paladins to chase him!”

“This is the heathen?”

Facing the Elder’s question, Capella nodded gravely.

She didn’t say a word as those Shadow Beasts hid against the ground, appearing to be full of fright!

Their instincts were a lot stronger than humans’.

The thing behind the gate made them terrified!

“Thud! Thud! Thud!”

The sound grew more intense.

One of the Elders was in disbelief. “This is impossible! I checked the seal two days ago, and it was flawless.”

“He just got there. How could he undo the seal so quickly?”

“Despicable heathens, Aragon really colluded with them!”

Capella’s face sank. “Gather the Zealot Warriors!”

“We are at war.”

Marvin was still lying on the door like a gecko, a bright radiance flickering on the bracelets in his hands, apparently calling out to something!

[Ancestor’s Mystery]!

The secret weapon the Numen used to control the Archdevil’s head.

Besides controlling the Archdevil, these bracelets actually had other uses. It was able to communicate with Hell’s lifeforms, and corrode the seals on the passages leading to Hell.

Of course, the bracelets could only shine at a place with a Gate of Hell.

Marvin was using a daily ability of the bracelets to call out a monster on the other side of the door.

If the seal was attacked from both sides, it would crumble a lot quicker!

During their hesitation, the seal had already been mostly corroded by [Ancestor’s Mystery].

Marvin laughed lightly. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sorry.”

“I in fact had no intention to target you.”

“But I have a bit of a bad history… With Glynos.”

As Marvin’s sentence ended, a frightening bestial roar came from behind the gate!

They couldn’t help but widen their eyes!


The copper door was smashed open as Marvin used Night Boundary to hide in the shadows.

A huge head with saliva dripping from its mouth appeared from inside the gate!

Drops of saliva fell on the ground, leaving huge holes on the stone floor!

Fear appeared on Capella’s face. “Hellhound…”


Another roar echoed.

The Hellhound’s huge body squeezed through the Gate of Hell.

This was a Three-Headed Hellhound!

But it only actually had two heads. The other one was deformed and smaller, it was hanging in between the other two heads.

Capella was sweating and the Elders behind her were shivering.

A Hellhound with just one head would be enough to cause them huge pressure!

Divine Spells weren’t omnipotent, especially the Divine Spells the Shadow Prince bestowed. They had no advantage against Hell’s lifeforms.

If a few more came in…

Capella didn’t dare to imagine.

But just then, after the Hellhound completely squeezed through the gate, the gate loudly closed!

Marvin stood in front of the gate. The Hellhound’s two heads slowly turned over and looked at him.

Acidic and flammable drops of saliva fell down.

The entire 6th layer was filled with the aura of destruction.

Chapter 304: Start The War!


Capella and the other three Elders glanced at each other and made their decision!

The Divine Spell Prison was really too small. If the terrifying Hellhound charged over, even if they were protected by Divine Power, there was only one end left for them.

Taking advantage of the Hellhound being focused on Marvin, they left first.

It wouldn’t be too late to deal with the Hellhound when they were in an open space.

Not to mention, Capella was smart.

From Marvin’s act of closing the gate, she could see that this plane traveller didn’t want to destroy this world.

If the Gate of Hell had stayed open, the infernal lifeforms would have kept pouring in. Not only the Shrine, but even the entire Royal City would have been destroyed tonight!

Arborea would then be embroiled in a very long Planar War.

And resisting against the infernal lifeforms would be a very long and painful matter.

In history, Hell and the Abyss had invaded several times and almost led to the destruction of the entire Arborea Plane!

If not for the supreme shadows descending just in time, this world would have already turned into Hell’s scorched earth.

“Go to the prayer hall!” Capella decisively ordered.

Outside the Shrine, an order had already been sent out by the High Priestess through a Divine Spell.

The entire Eastern Snow Mountain shuddered faintly as a beast’s roar echoed. Fifty Zealot Warriors were waiting in formation!

They were each holding a strange and heavy scythe-like weapon, and their bodies began to swell up crazily.

Their muscles were clearly visible.

A mysterious fire was burning in their eyes.

These were the fanatical followers chosen from all of Arborea who were then successfully trained as Zealot Warriors!

They had more faith than any other followers and would sacrifice their lives and souls for their god at any time.

It was also because of this that they could go through many trials and survive.

When Capella began to train these warriors, the number of fanatical believers exceeded six hundred!

Now, only fifty remained. The cruelty of the training could clearly be seen.

Even if they weren’t 4th rank experts, their bodies and strength wouldn’t lose to any peak powerhouse of the plane.

The most frightening thing was their burst power.

People with beliefs were fearless, they were unafraid of death.

Capella and the other three Elders retreated to the prayer hall.

That place was definitely large enough for them to fight a life or death battle against the Hellhound.

Moreover, this place had the Supreme Shadow’s God Statue!

‘I’ll definitely catch that heathen with my own hands and offer his soul to God!’

Capella gazed feverishly at the God Statue. “Father God, please give us the power to banish Devils!”

God Realm. The Shadow God Palace’s situation was naturally noticed by the Shadow Prince.

His expression went from being confident to doubtful.

How was that mortal always able to have the upper hand?

How could he deceive his own eyes?

Even a Legend Shadow Thief wouldn’t be able to sneak into his shrine!

The Shadow Prince simply couldn’t understand.

He couldn’t do anything about it, as he ascended relatively late. He had yet to be born when the God of Etiquette fell… so he didn’t know about Eriksson’s Brooch.

But regardless, the Shadow Prince couldn’t sit still as his own Shrine was being humiliated.

He looked at Marvin and that frightening Hellhound and knew that this battle might end up badly.

“Gwen!” He called out a name.

The next second, a pure white light appeared in front of him.

“I need you to descend to Arborea. Give the High Priestess a helping hand.”

Pure hatred flashed through his eyes. “Mortal, I’ll remember you.”

“Your soul is mine. I want you to know the consequences for provoking a god!”

6th layer. He could almost feel the breath of the Hellhound.

Marvin was fearless.

A smile was plastered on his face.

The Hellhound didn’t attack him after he closed the door. This was a good sign!

His bracelets kept emitting the aura of the Archdevil.

This made the Hellhound feel a sense of familiarity and doubt.

It wasn’t smart, and was unable to distinguish whether or not he was a true Archdevil. How could this puny human before it possess such a strong aura?


The deformed head in the middle barked.

It was trying to use the Infernal Language to communicate with Marvin.

But Marvin didn’t know Infernal, so all he could do was stay still.

He knew that he couldn’t control that Hellhound, but he could at least avoid antagonizing it.

Infernal lifeforms were Lawful Evil. The Hellhound was a good example. If it was a Demon, it wouldn’t care about the aura on Marvin’s body and directly attack before talking.

Demons only had one rule of survival: the weak were prey for the strong. Devils were different; they were stricter about status.

Hellhounds usually were Archdevils’ pets. They were extremely well-behaved and wouldn’t harm an Archdevil.

Although Marvin looked human, he had the aura of an Archdevil on him. This made the Hellhound consider him as “one of them”!

Perhaps this Archdevil was hiding his strength and had disguised as a human? This should be why he seemed so weak.

The foolish Hellhound thought so.

Not getting an answer from Marvin for a long time, the Hellhound decided to follow the direction of Marvin’s finger, charging away!

What Hell’s lifeforms hated the most were Demons.

But gods were just as bad!

In this prison covered with Divine Power, it felt very uncomfortable.

It wanted to destroy everything!


The frightening bestial roar spread throughout the Royal City. “Crash!” The entire Shadow God Palace was on the verge of collapse!

As the Hellhound left, Marvin wiped his sweat.

His plan had been effective.

He casually used the bracelets to temporarily seal the Gate of Hell, to stop another monster from coming out.

He only wanted to destroy the Shadow Prince after all, and not the entire Arborea Plane. One Hellhound was enough.

‘Even if this Hellhound isn’t at its peak, having only two complete heads is perfect to not get rejected by the plane.’

‘Level wise, he should be about 17-18… But Hell’s lifeforms are stronger than ordinary lifeforms… Hehe.’

‘Your Highness the High Priestess, even if you send the Zealot Warriors Corps, it might not change the outcome.’

Marvin sneered as he escaped through the shadows.

Everything that happened earlier was a distraction. From Princess Nana’s ball to Aragon’s breakout, the purpose was to attract everyone’s attention.

The fact that a Hellhound was on guard on the other side of the sealed Gate of Hell was a secret. Besides the Shrine’s higher ups, nobody, not even the Nottingheim Royal Family, knew that a bomb like that was hidden under the Shrine!

Unfortunately, Marvin had already used the trick of letting the dog out in the past!

At that time he was a young rogue, and had entered Arborea due to a quest, the Ruler of the Night’s advancement. He strolled around this plane, perfunctorily took the diamond, and then roamed around some more. An accidental change made him discover the Shrine’s secret.

At that time, he also let out the Hellhound, but with a more exhausting plan. The only issue was that the Hellhound didn’t say anything and immediately spouted fire at Marvin when he opened the gate.

This was one of his most unjust deaths. In fact, it was impossible to confuse that Hellhound without Hell’s aura.

It was different this time. He originally was a Numan’s descendant, so he had a Devil’s bloodline, while also wearing Ancestor’s Mystery on his wrists. Although he couldn’t control the Hellhound, he was at least able to avoid being attacked.

He would hide in the dark and reap the profits.

He walked through the shadows and soon arrived at the chaotic prayer hall.

There, a huge battle was about to break out.

The Hellhound’s claws suddenly came from below, directly piercing through the large hall’s floor. A few Paladins shrieked miserably as they fell down.

“Everyone retreat!” Capella floated in the air as she loudly shouted.

‘It’s about time to get ready.’

Marvin was in the darkness, watching as the Hellhound and the Zealot Warriors were about to start their battle. He temporarily shifted his attention to his own body.

In fact, his experience gained from slaughtering a Dragon was enough to level up again, but he chose to not do so. Because if he reached level 18, he would reach the upper limit of the plane.

Someone proficient in the plane’s laws would easily notice Marvin’s existence then.

Previously, the High Priestess had used a doubtful tone to inquire about Marvin’s baffling strength.

If he wasn’t a peak Assassin, how could he sneak in the Shrine?

But if he was a level 18 Assassin, she should have already noticed him!

This plane’s peak powerhouses could be counted on her fingers, and the High Priestess had Truesight bestowed by God, so she could easily see through anything with one glance.

Thus, she was puzzled.

Marvin didn’t level up more and was still level 17 when he entered Arborea.

This one level difference was to conceal his aura. If he reached level 18, the Shadow Prince would have been able to find traces of him anytime, anywhere.

It was his Secondary Plane after all.

This was a secret that the High Priestess and her people didn’t know.

However, Marvin knew.

But this wasn’t important anymore.

Aragon and Nana were influenced by him and the Nottingheim family’s fate was already tied to his actions.

They had no way out. And the northern rebels even more so.

The Royal City’s nobles were already contained by Nana, and the Shrine didn’t have much reinforcement.

Marvin wouldn’t be able to single-handedly topple the Shadow God Palace.

But with the Hellhound as a partner, if he couldn’t kill the High Priestess, he wouldn’t be worthy of being a Ruler of the Night!

“It’s time to start the war!”

The next second, he spent all his battle experience and a part of his general experience on the Night Walker class!

Afterwards, he distributed his skill points.

Level 6 Night Walker!

Level 18!

A peak powerhouse of the plane!


Following the Hellhound’s roar, Marvin’s silhouette disappeared from where he stood.

In his God Realm, the Shadow Prince suddenly opened his eyes.

He shouted crazily in his heart:


Chapter 305: Night Beheading

p>Capella didn’t need the Shadow Prince’s warning as she had noticed Marvin’s presence just as he reached level 18!

“He is that way!” Capella shouted as she pointed at a shadow behind a huge pillar.

Six of the Shrine’s Zealot Warriors rushed to surround that area!

But it was already too late.

Night Boundary!

Marvin’s body moved through a spatial distortion and instantly appeared behind the High Priestess!

“Careful! High Priestess!” an elder let out in alarm.

The High Priestess grasped her scepter in her hands, turning around while ruthlessly lashing out with it!

If one thought that Clerics had no melee fighting power, then one would be gravely mistaken!

A complacent expression flashed in her eyes.

Did that Assassin really think he could ignore her Divine Armor?

The Radiance of a Divine Spell flickered on the scepter. If Marvin was hit, he would be stunned!

Just as he was about to get hit, Marvin shifted his body and firmly grabbed the High Priestess’ waist before ducking in close.

His body did a 180° turn as he cleverly avoided the High Priestess’ scepter.

Under everyone’s angry gazes, the two seemed to be in intimate contact… their positions were rather indecent.

“Fuck off!” the High Priestess shouted, full of rage.

That man dared to defile her?!

This was simply blasphemous!

After her shout, a powerful force repelled Marvin, throwing him into the air.

‘This Capella’s power and reaction time are stronger than I thought.’

While still in midair, Marvin was attacked by a few Priests, so he immediately used Shadow Escape and disappeared from the sky.

‘Looks like I have to use something stronger!’

In the shadows, Marvin quietly gathered power.

That first move was only a probe. The goal was to understand Capella’s strength.

His eyes couldn’t help but glance to that new skill that appeared on the Night Walker information panel!

Level 6 Night Walkers didn’t receive a new specialty, but it still gave Marvin 134 HP, as well as 36 skill points!

These 36 skill points were put in the new skill he just unlocked.

[Night Beheading]

As a Night Walker, Marvin had always used the Phantom Assassin’s Cutthroat as a certain kill skill. But as he was obstructed by the class restriction, Cutthroat was gradually becoming less and less powerful.

For a while, Marvin had been using other methods to finish his enemies. Both his Battle Gunner and Shapeshift Sorcerer classes had seen a lot of action.

But those two classes were Marvin’s sub-classes after all.

His main class was still a rogue class. He was proficient in all aspects of assassination, but he lacked assassination skills themselves.

Before level 6, Night Walkers had all kinds of offensive skills, powerful specialties, and escape skills. It could be said that it had everything available except a sure-kill skill.

But after level 6, the final shortcoming was complemented.

36 points in Night Beheading. Even if it couldn’t trigger the 50 points hidden effect, it definitely was enough to be used!

The skill could be used three times every twelve hours. It would automatically pair suitably with Night Boundary.

If Marvin locked on a target and used Night Beheading, he would instantly appear behind the target through Night Boundary and launch the sure-kill skill!

Night Beheading was a lot stronger than Cutthroat, moreover, it fitted all kinds of weapons.

Regardless it if was a straight dagger, two daggers, or only one, everything could be used.

Level 6 Night Walkers had no major flaw except for still being more vulnerable during the day.

The current Marvin had gradually evolved his good-for-nothing template to an elite template.

With his skills and strength, he could show strength that was far above his level!

He only needed an opportunity for now.

‘I remember that Capella had a [Divine Spell – Regeneration]. Even if she was beheaded, she would resurrect once.’

‘I need an opportunity to properly take care of her!’

Thinking of this, Marvin’s silhouette flashed to the edge of the Zealot Warriors Corps’ formation!

And there, the frightening Hellhound was crazily wreaking havoc!

The fight in the Shadow God Palace had already alarmed the entire Royal City.

The ignorant commoners walked on the street, but what they saw overwhelmed them with horror!

A huge cloud floated above the Eastern Snow Mountain.

The cloud seemed like a mirror and was reflecting everything that happened in the Shrine.

A frightening Hellhound!

The High Priestess cutting a sorry figure!

The supreme Shadow God Palace was actually being pushed around like this by an existence from another plane!

They were very frenetic.

Some knelt to the ground and prayed for God to protect them.

Some began to think deeply, a glint flashing through their eyes.

The Shrine had always been high and aloof but was suffering today.

Where did the omnipotent god go?

Their budding faith was being destroyed!

At that time, a sweet voice echoed through the entire Royal City.

It was the voice of Princess Nana!

“A long, long time ago, Arborea had no Shrine.”

“At that time, we humans were already living here. At that time, we didn’t have God’s blessing.”

“But we were free. After being born, the first breath was the breath of freedom.”

“The Shrine’s appearance changed everything. It commands and we obey.”

“God is looking down on us, the Priests are looking down on us. They wanted us to kneel down, and we knelt. Ever since then, we began to carry that shame.”

“Mankind was humiliated.”

“The Shrine took our children, training them into weapons of murder.”

“They snatched our wealth, promising us a peaceful life.”

“They deprived us of our freedom, telling us that this is human nature.”


After this word, Princess Nana’s voice suddenly became louder:

“This is false!”

“Everything is a lie!”

“Mankind strives to be free! Not enslaved!”

“Now, I, Nana Camilla Nottingheim officially challenge the Shrine on behalf of the Nottingheim Royal Family.”

“The Royal Iron Guard stands with me.”

“The so-called Rebel Army who has been surviving in the north for more than thirty years also stands with me.”

“Prince Aragon who fought off wave after wave of Demon invasions also stands with me.”

“What you see with your own eyes is a friend from a different world. The shrine claims that he is an evil heathen, but he is taking part in the battle.”

“Regardless of the outcome, we will fight to the last man. We will use blood to level the Shrine.”

“After tonight, the Shrine will be no more.”

Hearing those last words, everyone in Royal City was dumbstruck.

They felt limp and at a loss.

The battle against the Shrine was still ongoing.

The Hellhound was fighting against the Zealot Warriors in the prayer hall.

That statue shrouded in shadows slowly opened its eyes.

Its eyes were ice-cold, like those of a god of destruction.

Chapter 306: Staking It All

p>The battle was in full swing in the prayer hall!

Despite the Hellhound facing the attacks of fifty Zealot Warriors alone, at such a great numerical disadvantage, it was still a creature from Hell, and couldn’t be compared to ordinary creatures.

Its fur was as hard as iron. The Zealot Warriors’ heavy scythes were specifically designed to handle huge lifeforms, but even so, they could only leave a shallow wound on the Hellhound after going all out!

They looked like fearless ants attacking an evil dog!

But there wasn’t much of an effect.

The Hellhound’s huge claws swiped forward, crushing six Zealot Warriors into a mass of blood.

Its two heads were crazily pouncing left and right, biting the Zealot Warriors to death.

Those sharp teeth, from a human point of view, were like spears!

Even though the Priests cast Divine Spells at the Hellhound one after the other, helping the Zealot Warriors stabilize the fight, the Zealot Warriors’ numbers were still quickly decreasing!

The fifty from the start turned into just 30 after a few minutes!

That fire was still burning in their eyes and their bodies were naked as they shouted, fearlessly pouncing on the Hellhound.

And the Shrine Paladins also rushed over to surround it.

Although the prayer hall was huge, it wasn’t good for a mounted assault. And without their horses, the Paladins were far from equal to the Zealot Warriors!

They weren’t good enough to reach the Hellhound’s knees!

‘This damned Devil!’

Capella glanced at the bitter scene in front of her, frightened and uncertain.

Her attention was still focused on Marvin.

Even if Marvin couldn’t completely escape her senses now, he was truly too fast!

He wandered through the whole battlefield, and then suddenly dashed toward the center!

“Zealots! Kill that heathen!”

Capella instantly locked onto Marvin’s body and cast a spell over!

But in response, Marvin’s figure soared!

Night Jump!

His jumping ability was utterly shocking. He soared onto the Hellhound’s middle head in an instant!

The move left them all speechless. Was that guy human?

The Hellhound’s middle head let out a low roar!

It was apparently very dissatisfied with being stepped on.

But Marvin crouched unhurriedly.

“Puppy… I know you might not understand me… But I need your help…”

He gently petted the fur on the Hellhound’s head.

He could smell the smoke irritating his nose.

But Marvin endured it.

A dazzling light flickered on Ancestor’s Mystery.

The Hellhound apparently understood something.

It ignored the Zealot Warriors and abruptly turned before charging toward Capella’s group of Priests!

Marvin was overjoyed with this sudden change, which completely threw off the Shrine’s rhythm!

“This guy is actually able to control the Devil!”

“He’s definitely one of the Devils!”

Capella ordered everyone to scatter!

The Priests’ bodies weren’t like those of the Zealots. They would be like paper in front of the Hellhound. One swipe would be enough to kill them all!

The Zealots chased, unwilling to let go!

Marvin suddenly turned and brought out two daggers!

Blazing Fury!

Double [Blazing Fury] spells!

The two spells appeared out of nowhere and blocked their path.

This was extremely high temperature Fire Magic. Even if the Zealots had extremely harsh training and had a high resistance to fire, they still couldn’t ignore it.

Even though they rushed across the sea of flames, they were still hindered.

Marvin then took care of the few Zealots still holding onto the Hellhound’s back legs, and the Hellhound was now completely free.

He began wreaking havoc in the group of Priests!

Marvin gently petted the central head again.

He could feel that this small deformed head was the one taking the decisions.

With the help of Ancestor’s Mystery, he established a wonderful relationship with the Hellhound.

Starting as strangers, they now became faint allies.

“That woman…” Marvin softly directed.

He kept petting the Hellhound’s head while pointing at Capella.

The Hellhound seemed to have understood and the three heads focused on Capella!

The latter felt her blood run cold.

This was a gaze from Hell!

In the Imperial Palace, the Royal Iron Guard was still standing watch expressionlessly.

The nobles were worried and impatient, but they didn’t dare to say a word.

They looked at that cloud, clearly seeing that it was a magic tool.

This was definitely a premeditated plan!

The Nottingheim Royal Family was truly staking it all.

Their goal was simple. It was to crush the awe-inspiring Shrine under their foot in front of everyone!

Could they really do it?

Everyone had this question in mind.

Even if they could do it, behind the Shrine was still the great God!

Could they want to murder God?

This was impossible!

“Crazy! Crazy!”

The old Finance Minister fell limply to the ground. His previous image had already disappeared.

Nana was still smiling.

But no one knew what this Princess was thinking about.

On King’s Road, a shadow was rushing over like the wind!

There were still some iron chains on his body as he rode over on a horse, but he had a sword in his hand and a powerful presence!

“Brother!” Nana let out, pleasantly surprised.

“Prince Aragon!”

They all looked at the outstanding Prince Aragon with complicated gazes.

This man was originally the one shouldering the future of the Nottingheim Royal Family. But now, his actions seemed to be leading the Nottingheim Royal Family to their downfall!


The Military Minister rushed over and pointed at his nose. “Do you really want to lead the entire Kingdom to its downfall because of a personal whim?!”

“Look at the sky, what is that?”

“That’s a monster from Hell! You released a monster from hell to suppress the Shrine, do you really think you can succeed…”

His words stopped there as a ray of light flashed!

The Prince dismounted and his sword flashed aggressively, beheading the Military Minister!

Everyone froze!

Was this the Prince who was known for being benevolent?

“Don’t let your descendant suffer from slavery because of your own weakness.”

“Don’t let the so-called God step on our head because of our own cowardice.”

“The Nottingheim aren’t puppets controlled by God, we have our own dignity.”

With a flame flashing in his eyes, Aragon stepped over the Military Minister’s corpse as he declared, “Even if we have to work with the Devils, I’ll shatter the Shrine’s shackles in this realm!”

The nobles and officials were silent.

But at that time, a figure leading a hundred Paladins arrived.

A Great Elder of the Shrine!

“Aragon! You colluded with an evil follower and released a creature from Hell.”

“Quickly kneel down and accept Father God’s punishment!”

The Great Elder’s hair and beard were pure white, and the halo of a Divine Spell was undulating.

The hundred Paladins behind him were holding spears and were angrily aiming at Aragon inside the Royal Iron Guard!

A battle would break out at any moment.

Aragon raised his sword brazenly, intending to welcome them.

But he was stopped by Nana at that time.

“Brother, you cannot be stuck here with him.” Nana conscientiously said, “You need to go north.”

Aragon hesitated. “But here…

“Let me handle it.” An old voice suddenly echoed.

A gray-gowned scholar wearing simple glasses slowly walked out from the Imperial Palace’s court.

“Scholar Orland…”

Aragon looked at this scholar with shock, and the nobles were also startled.

Orland was the Nottingheim’s heirs’ tutor, a renowned scholar worldwide.

Everyone knew of him and respected him.

But how could a scholar without any strength fight against the Great Elder blessed by God?

As if in reply to these doubts, Orland took a big step forward and tore apart his gray gown!

In an instant, a frightening energy filled the whole court.

Orland was wearing a blue gown underneath. He smiled at the Shrine’s Great Elder and the hundred Paladins. “I didn’t expect to still have the chance to put my skills to good use after hiding for so many years.”

“Many thanks, Nana.”

Nana lowered her head. “Teacher, take care.”

Orland laughed heartily. “Only a puppet, there is no need to worry.”

He then spread his arms and unbridled magic power surged out!

Level 18 Wizard.

4th-Circle spell, Spatial Rend!

Prayer hall. The Hellhound’s gaze made Capella fear for her life for the first time!

“Stop him!” she sharply shouted.

Her scepter was pointed at the Hellhound, and Divine Spells were thrown out one after the other!

In fact, the High Priestess’ Divine Spells were very frightening. At this proximity, even the Hellhound with his high resistances was nailed on the spot and couldn’t break out.

Marvin already took the chance to slip away.

If he was hit by the High Priestess’ Divine Spell, he would definitely die!

The Hellhound wailed from the Divine Spells raining down on him.

The Zealots once again pounced over.

The Shrine seemed to have taken the upper hand.

But the Hellhound’s central head suddenly roared out, “Waaan!”

This sound seemed a bit amusing in this desperate battlefield.

But it changed the battle situation!

The other two heads seemed to have heard his command and simultaneously opened their maws.

Acid shot out fiercely, surging with the power of a waterfall!

The splashes of acid on the Zealots’ bodies created frightening bloody holes.

Most importantly, although that crazy acid spray used a lot of the Hellhound’s stamina, Capella’s Clerics also suffered from it.

Capella felt weak.

‘Shit, my Divine Armor!’

This was her last thought.

At that time, Marvin, who was hiding behind a pillar, boldly attacked.

[Night Beheading]!


A cold light flashed.

Under the gazes of the people from Royal City, the High Priestess was beheaded by Marvin!

Chapter 307: Idol

p>Marvin moved as fast as lightning, grasping the opportunity perfectly!

But he didn’t get any battle exp after this attack!

The High Priestess’ head floated in the air. A mysterious force seemed to be at work.

Marvin sneered and rushed up to the head!

As countless eyes watched, the High Priestess’ head was sent flying by Marvin’s kick.

The Hellhound roared and one of the heads opened its mouth, swallowing the High Priestess’ head!


It roared again toward the sky. All the Zealots took a step back.

This kind of scene was simply too shocking!

‘Still want to resurrect after your soul entered an infernal lifeform’s stomach?’

A sneer flashed in Marvin’s eyes. While the Priests were still stunned with disbelief, he began to harvest their lives.

Although these Priests had a Divine Power’s protection, it was weakened a lot by the acid splashes.

Marvin harvested them all effortlessly!

One man, one dog.

They surprisingly were able to easily shatter the Shrine!

Regardless if it was Royal City’s civilians on the streets, the nobles in the Imperial Palace’s court, or the bitterly entangled Great Elder and Orland who stopped their fight…

Everyone watched that desperate scene in the sky.

Terror rose in their hearts!

The High Priestess died!

The Shadow Shrine’s High Priestess!

The almighty powerhouse who had received God’s blessing was actually beheaded like this by a traveller from another plane.

Moreover, her head was swallowed by the Hellhound.

In that split second, even the most resolute followers wavered in their faith!

They always believed that nothing could beat God, but his Apostle got killed like this.

If the Apostle could be killed, then what about God himself?

No one dared to keep thinking about it!

“Stay your hand.” Orland looked at the Great Elder indifferently. “The Era of the Shrine has already ended.”

“Impossible!” The Great Elder’s face grew malevolent as he yelled fanatically, “Father God is omnipotent!”

“You blasphemer and heathen, the only end for you is destruction!”

A disturbance also appeared among the Shrine Paladins.

Although it was quickly settled, a few seeds of discord were buried as a result.

At that time, a noble pointed to the cloud in the sky and yelled, “Look!”

“God, God, the Idol…”

Everyone looked where he was pointing and discovered that the large statue had slowly walked out from among the shadows.

It opened both eyes which flickered with the radiance of Divinity. Its eyes were cold, as if looking at pigs and dogs.

“Thou wait… Evil…”


Its voice was stammering in the Ancient God Language!

Marvin immediately felt that things weren’t good when he heard that voice!

That was a big move.

‘It should be Glynos. That bastard is probably hiding in his God Realm and controlling this Idol.’

Marvin had a swift mind and an extremely high reaction speed. This stuttering statue was a huge trap. It was definitely preparing an extremely frightening Divine Spell!

He had to run, now or never!

He used both Night Boundary and Shadow Escape, and escaped about four kilometers away in an instant.

But the foolish Hellhound didn’t react so quickly.

The Zealots at his side were already exterminated, leaving only a few unsteady Shrine Paladins!

In fact, if not for the sudden change in the statue, the Paladins might have already run away!

Not everyone would view their own lives as dirt. There were only a few fanatical Zealots after all.

The Hellhound roared as it charged into the statue.

A dazzling radiance suddenly erupted from the Idol’s eyes!

[Divine Spell – Molten Judgement!]

That radiance condensed into two molten pillars and ruthlessly crashed onto the Hellhound’s two heads!

Instantly, night turned to day as the whole Eastern Snow Mountain shook!

God’s might was world-shaking!

The frightening pillars of light instantly shattered the Hellhound’s two heads. Only the central one remained because it was relatively smaller, and unexpectedly avoided the damage!

Those Clerics and Paladins were also In the range of the pillars of light, and they instantly melted!

This frightening power shocked everyone.

The Two Headed Hellhound who had been so awe-inspiring just now had his two heads burst!

The people of Royal City began to kneel down one after the other while praying for God to forgive them.

In the court, even if the nobles were a bit better, they also had ashen expressions.

The Great Elder’s eyes were brimming with tears of excitement. “This is God’s might!”

“You are all sinners! Be prepared to receive God’s judgement!”

Worry flashed through Nana’s expression for a moment.

‘Can you really do it?’

She recalled the image of Marvin’s face when he made a solemn vow.

Those who never experienced that shock wouldn’t be able to imagine how they now felt.

Previously she felt some certainty that the Nottingheim family could go through this war in one piece, but now, the Idol’s power made her a bit afraid!

Where was that Marvin guy now?!

The cloud in the sky seemed to have a negative effect.

Everyone cowered from the god’s might. They knelt and kept praying while muttering.

The Princess’ recent speech and efforts seemed to have been wasted.

The Idol moved very slowly, his pace extremely firm.

He firmly stepped on the dog’s last head!

The Hellhound struggled powerlessly and could only let out tearful roar.

“Judgement… No one can escape!” the statue declared coldly.

It used all its strength and ruthlessly stomped down!

The Hellhound’s final head was about to be crushed by that frightening statue, but who would have thought that a loud sound would suddenly echo from another part of the Eastern Snow Mountain. No… More than a loud sound, it was a ray of light!

The ray of light was like thunder, as it echoed with a loud rumbling sound and landed directly on the Idol.


The Idol was left on the verge of collapse.

“Insignificant mortal…”

It wasn’t able to finish.

About two kilometers away, Marvin disdainfully shouted, “A bunch of nonsense!”

He then skillfully reloaded!


Another Dragon Tooth!

This time, the Dragon Tooth pierced the Idol’s neck.

“Crash!” The Idol’s head started cracking!

The Divinity in its eyes began to dim!

“Isn’t it just a big rock?”

“Another shot is enough to destroy you!”

Marvin endured the acute pain from the recoil and loaded the last round of Dragon Tooth in Brilliant Purple!

The statue had turned, facing Marvin.

A frightening power appeared to be gathering.

But Marvin pulled the lever for the last time!

Brilliant Purple shattered the Idol’s neck!

As everyone in the Royal City watched in shock, that high and mighty Idol crumbled to pieces!


Crushed pieces of rock fell down.

Marvin held Brilliant Purple while languidly lying on the ground, full of sweat.

“Fortunately, this Lord’s firing speed is a bit faster!”

Chapter 308: Godly Dexterity

p>The prayer hall on the Eastern Snow Mountain collapsed along with the Idol!

The rumbling sound kept echoing.

The Hellhound managed to escape the disaster, his body rapidly shrinking and quickly disappearing from everyone’s sight.

The Shrine became deathly silent.

The Paladins and Clerics who survived the calamity were at a loss.

At this point, they didn’t know what they should do.

The High Priestess fell!

The Idol fell!

The Shadow God’s palace had already lost all hope.

In the Royal City, a happy expression could be seen in Nana’s clear eyes.

‘He really did it!’

Even if she had a sort of indescribable faith in that plane traveller from the start, when Marvin truly made it, she was still in disbelief.

And if the Princess was in disbelief, the other nobles and officials were even more so.

Even the always stolid Royal Iron Guards were also stunned for a second.


“Impossible! How could Father God…”

The Great Elder saw everything and roared toward the sky.

A terrifying amount of Divine Power gathered in his body.

Great Scholar Orland noticed that the situation wasn’t good and opened a Teleportation Door at his side. He tackled him in.

The two were entangled, flying in the sky!

The remaining Shrine Paladins were already completely disconcerted. They had lost their faith and didn’t know what to do.

Princess Nana said with a smile, “Paladins!”

“Open your eyes.”

“The God from the olden days has already fallen. We humans will eventually build a free country.”

“We shouldn’t fight one another.”


The Paladins firmly held their weapons, looking at each other in dismay.


No one knew who first let go of his weapon, but afterward, the sound of weapons falling one after the other rang out.

They had pale faces as if they were mourning for a relative.

Some even fell to the ground and couldn’t stop themselves from crying bitterly.

The beliefs they had in life, the faith they had in that supreme Idol for half a lifetime… it all broke down just like that?

Some people couldn’t accept this and killed themselves!

Soon, a very chaotic scene could be seen!

In the northern hills, a shadowy figure slowly came out.

An old lady wearing a cloak came to the forefront with the help of people lending her their arms.

She held a crystal ball. The scene of the Idol being crushed and the Shrine collapsing kept repeating inside.

Everyone cried with excitement!

They left the hills one after the other, arriving at the northern boundary of White Elephant City.

Thirty years ago, they took up the banner of rebellion with some thirty thousand people.

Now, only eight hundred old soldiers remained.

They were known as the [Rebels].

But the fooled people didn’t know that they were the forerunners of the rebellion against the god in this plane.

They were the best of mankind.

“Let’s go.”

“It’s time to go home.”

The old lady spoke in a rough voice as eight hundred people supported each other and walked toward White Elephant City.

All over Arborea Plane.

Shrines received news of the Eastern Snow Mountain’s Main God Palace. The Priests and the Paladins were panicking.

Some gathered their forces to attack Royal City, but there were still a few fools just praying to God.

Not realizing that their God already couldn’t do anything.

If Glynos was really in the people’s hearts, why were so many people willing to go against him?

Ultimately, he regarded Arborea as a pen to raise livestock, and the Shrine was merely his shepherd and harvester.

He squeezed them dry while being regarded as “Father God” which didn’t work out in the end.

It could be said that the reason Marvin chose this plane for his first Planar War also was a bit related to that.

He naturally had to make the best of everything!

Moreover, the enmity between him and the Shadow Prince in this life, as well as in the previous one, was as deep as the sea. If he didn’t fuck him over, then who should he target?

Also, the moment the Idol shattered, nine tall shadows simultaneously appeared near these Shrines.

Arborea had a total of ten Shrines, and the most supreme one was the Eastern Snow Mountain’s Main Shrine!

The other nine were scattered in various parts of the world.

But Marvin, who was knowledgeable of Arborea’s history and forces, had made proper preparations.

He wanted to thoroughly destroy the Shadow Prince’s foundations in Arborea tonight!

Only that way could he completely erase Glynos’ traces from this plane.

Western Desert, above an oasis. The Shrine Paladins had just awakened from their sleep when a frightening shadow crashed into the Shrine.

“Who is it!”

“Quick, stop them!”

The Paladins got up in succession and started gathering with the Priests. The Senior Priest in charge of this Shrine was also woken up and alerted of the situation.

But what shocked them was that the enemy was only one man!

One person alone dared to challenge the Shadow Shrine?

The Senior Priest sneered, “You heathen! Don’t think that destroying an Idol means that you can destroy all traces of Father God in this plane.”

“Father God is everywhere.”

The tall Dark Knight calmly replied while holding a heavy sword, “It doesn’t matter. I just have to keep killing till there is no more.”

“Even a weak god like Glynos, I’ll kill.”

The Senior Priest felt his heart tighten. He angrily shouted back, “Who are you?!”

He could feel that this frightening guy didn’t lie.

The murderous aura on his body… And the resentment on his body, these had been left by the gods and extremely powerful lifeforms who cursed him before dying!

But he was still alive.

This was enough to explain a lot of things.

“I didn’t have a name for a very long time.”

“You can call me [Zero] I guess?”

“You are pretty lucky… After all, only just before a fight will I be a bit clear-headed.”

Then Zero laughed at himself and shook his head. Crimson radiance suddenly burst out of his eyes!

A massacre was about to begin!

In other corners of Arborea, similar scenes were happening.

The other eight lesser Shrines were also raided, and the raiders were alone.

But Marvin knew that they could do it alone.

Because they were an army by themselves!

The Dark Knights were used to slaughter!

In that era of wilderness, countless gods died by their hands!

Feinan’s former glory once more descended on this multiverse.

On one side of the Eastern Snow Mountain, Marvin was gasping for air.

Shooting three rounds of [Dragon Tooth] in a row completely spent his stamina!

His chest ached. With his Constitution, he would be injured with just one shot!

Let alone three continuous shots!

Brilliant Purple’s barrel was burning hot. This Brilliant Purple was a weapon personally crafted by Constantine, and its reputation was justified.

If it was any normal Sha weapon, it would have already exploded.

Fortunately, three shots were enough to take down the Idol controlled by the Shadow Prince.

The war wasn’t over yet, but the fight had already moved in the direction Marvin was expecting.

He sat on the cold snowy ground, using Brilliant Purple as a support as he rested while watching his interface.

The battle exp he gathered after the slaughter wasn’t much!

The reason was that this was a Secondary Plane. The essences here were weak, and thus they changed accordingly when transformed into battle exp.

This followed the same principle as Faith. Faith was the essence that gods received from their followers.

Secondary Planes’ essences were too weak. The plane’s laws were far from those of the perfect main plane, leading to a reduction in Faith gathered and a limit on the level that class-holders could reach.

But Marvin’s great efforts weren’t without reward.

He already got hold of something very precious.

Two points of Divinity!

One came from the High Priestess, and one from the Idol.

After the False Divine Vessel automatically absorbed them, Marvin reached five points of Divinity!

This also reached the limit that the False Divine Vessel could contain. To keep going, he would have to upgrade the Divine Vessel’s level.

Its current Divine Vessel level was 0, and if he wanted it to become a weak god’s level 1 Divine Vessel, Marvin only had to ascend to godhood.

In other words, if Marvin didn’t become a god, he couldn’t get more Divinity.

And Marvin had been studying that problem for a while.

Previously, he had ascended to godhood. But this time, he didn’t plan to repeat that path.

He wanted to become a Ruler of the Night, but definitely not a god.

Ascending to godhood was simply a shortcut for mankind to reach a higher level of power. Through the so-called Faith, they could absorb their people’s essences.

It was simple and convenient, but it had a lot of limitations.

The gods from the 3rd Era were a good example.

They attacked the Universe Magic Pool out of helplessness. They were already tied to this world and had left their marks on the world.

They wanted to transcend, but had no other way and could only keep walking on the same path.

Marvin knew that there were a few other ways to reach a breakthrough in this world.

At least, Inheim and the Great Elven King didn’t go through ascension and still managed to get power that wouldn’t lose to the gods!

Marvin believed that he could also accomplish it!

But regardless, the benefits of five points of Divinity was clear.

First, it raised all Resistances. Divinity also gave Resistance to Charm, Binding, and Insta-Death spells.

When the Shadow Prince’s avatar descended, if not for Hathaway casting Space-Time Bind ten times, Shadow Thief Owl would never have had the chance to steal the Time Molt.

If he had one more point of Divinity on his avatar, the conclusion might not have been the same. But the price of an avatar dying was also huge!

Marvin’s human body reached the pinnacle with those five points of Divinity.

But his body had another change after reaching five points of Divinity!

This reward was another +1 to all Attributes.

Marvin’s strength rose sharply, but the most important part was that his Dexterity reached 30!

30 was the domain of gods.

30 Dexterity was called [Godly Dexterity]!

Godly Dexterity gave three great specialties!

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