Naruto: the simple skills


I blink.

"No! That feeling again! What is it!" I ask.

"This mortal failed? The one who wields mortality would die from your sheer stupidity" That thing mocks.


I take a breath and I sit down.

Something is eating away at me... like Deja vu...

It feels worse then before...

Wait? Before? When have I felt this before... it feels like I remember forgetting that I forgot... what? What am I even saying? That barely makes a semblance of sense.

"The mortal should go again! I feel that you are close..." It suggests.

Should I? I stare at him.

And I remember.


*Scratch* *Scrawl*

'Complete S-rank Unyielding stare'


The room changes into my hospital room.


Why cant I blink? Am I stuck.

I- I- cant!

Why can I not? What's happening?

I look around for help but I cannot find anyone... I get up and open my rooms door-


Outside is nothing but white space... inky flesh or maybe skin like oil... white and disgusting.

The flesh creases and twists.

That's a face... without eyes... without mouth... without a nose... and yet it smiles so viscously...

"What are you?" I ask in bewilderment.

"In debt" it replies.


Haaa- Haa- Ha-

My breathing gets quicker and I clutch my chest as I struggle to find oxygen... I fall to the floor and writhe around in agony... why can I not breathe?

This is so much worse then what the snake did to me...


"Ack-" I struggle to find breath and my eyes sting as I cannot shut them... I can have them open for months without affect- how long have they been open for them to be in pain?

I- I- I- cant! Why can I not blink!

I cant! I cant!

I need to breathe- I need to blink!

I cant!

I can! I must! I have to blink!

My hands rise to my eyes... I can...

*shlick* *scrape*

There... no more eyes... no more pain... I don't need to blink If I don't have eyes...

I cant breathe...





I cant see what's happening... but something is choking me... removing air from my lungs...

I need to see, why did I take away my eyes!? What's on me!? Something is on me!? Its in my throat! In my lungs! It chokes and burns!? Why did I remove my eyes!??!?!?

Help I need to STARE!





I can see! I can see! There is that thing clinging to my face! That flesh ink! Muscle paste! Skin Oil! It clings to me and I can see!

No.... I can stare!

I grip the flesh but my fingers slip right through it.

I cant pull it away... how can I pull it away...?

I need to stare.

Stare it down.

Like before.

This is training.

I need to stare.


My eyeless eyes stare down the creature.

It squirms but I do not relent.

I stare.

It crawls and squeezes against my lungs harder.

I stare.

It wiggles violently.

I stare.

It freezes.

I stare.

It slowly twitches.

I stare.

It moves away from me slowly.

I stare.

The flesh pile detaches from me and falls to the floor.

I stare.

It crawls away... and back into its box.

I stare.

The creature locks itself away.

I blink.

Haaa- Haaa-

Looking around I see words scratched into the floor they say.

'Open the box'

It seems I did.

It seems I won... was there ever a Forgotten one or he who watches when one dies? Or was it just this- this thing the entire time!

Haaaa- hwoooo- haaa-

Breathing gets smoother and I look back at the box... it folds itself into nothing.



I stared.

*Scratch* *Scrawl*

'S-rank Unyielding stare complete'

I blink again and I am in the hospital, light shines down on me and it makes me wince... I stretch and look around.

Didn't I come here in the night? How long did I spend meditating on that scroll...? It didn't feel like time passed at all when that thing attached itself to me...

I yawn and look around... well... no harm in meditating once more right? Best to get this over after the event and not before.

I stretch before picking up my next scroll.

Lets finish this skill.


I open my eyes to the orange room.

What horrors will I face now.



I hear a thump on the roof and I look up to see a hand prying it open like a box... up above there is two orange outlined eyes staring down at me through the darkness.

A giant hand crawls down from the roof and lays in front of me, palm facing up.

It nudges me and I step onto its palm before it takes me up and above the box... I watch the box shrink as I rise to the point I can no longer see it... how far am I going?

I can no longer see the hand I am stepping on... only the eyes staring at me from behind...


Soon I see the eyes focus ahead of me, and I turn back around to see nothing... until a creeping black hand peels away at... fabric? Is the darkness a fabric?

The hand carrying me presents me to the opening in the fabric... I turn around and the eyes urge me to continue forward.

I gulp and step through the fabric...

I cant describe what is on the other side.

There is no description...

*Scratch* *Scrawl* *Scratch*

I look down to my bleeding arm and read the message scratched into my forearm... a whole paragraph is etched down from my wrist and to my elbow.

'The abyss. The void. The nothing. It has many names but those are lies... nothing is not referred to. Not seen. Not heard. It is nothing- the in-between of everything. See. Stare. The quotes state it stares back. Do not fall for the lie. It is nothing. It does nothing. So see. Stare. Do not yield'

I look back to the fabric and it isn't there I look around at... It isn't... that's not.. there is no word. There is no sight. No colour.

Then what is it?

It is nothing.

So how can I see it?

It is nothing.


I stare.

It is nothing.

I stare.

It is nothing.

I stare.

It is nothing.

I stare.

It is nothing.

I stare.

It is nothing.

I stare.

It is nothing.


I cant beat this thing in staring... it doesn't reel back at my stare... it is nothing. It doesn't have a thing to do when I stare...

What can I do?




Pov: Hiruzen

"Still no luck, we have to treat him as if he were in a coma, we will let you know when he awakes Lord Hokage..." the medic ninja tells me and I nod before leaving again.

"let Inoichi-san know he wont be needed for now" I ask my bodyguard and the Anbu nods before flickering away.


Haa- I suppose it was fortunate he was alive considering the state of every other child and prisoner in that lab.

Oorochimaru... he knew I was hunting him and shut down so many of his labs to stay in Konoha... I didn't know the vile criminal I was hunting was my own student... he wanted Kenzo alive and it seems the boys mysterious nature got under his skin- I need to make sure no one comes to kidnap him again, the fact that he could steal Kenzo so blatantly...

It means that the jinchurikii Naruto was not as protected as I thought.


"Hiruzen" I turn to see Danzo has walked up by my side.

"Danzo... Do you wish to have some tea?" I ask.

"That would be for the best, don't burn the tea leaves this time..." He confirms the code.

I nod my head and when we enter my office I disband the Anbu guarding me and have them activate all the security seals.

"So. What brings you here Danzo" I ask.

"About Kenzo and the Jinchurikii" He declares.

Ah, so it is them.

"The jinchurikii could have been taken so easily and Konoha would be without a strong weapon to face the other villages- if you didn't have so much luck everything would have gone much worse" He arrogantly says and I sigh... he is right.

"What are you suggesting Danzo..." I ask and quizzically look him in the eyes.

"The jinchurkii must be trained. There will be moments when the guards are not there to protect him and we cannot waste those Anbu on protection duty for the rest of their lives" He declares.

"Danzo! He is getting trained in the Academy!" My eyes twitch.

"You know that the Academy is not for a jinchurikii!" He responds.

"But it is for Naruto!" I retaliate.

"..." He furrows his brow.

"Fine. I understand, it is the least we can do for the fourth..." He relents and I let out a sigh of relief.

"But you cannot deny the boy needs protection" He also states and I nod.

"Kenzo thinks of the boy as a brother..." He starts.

"Danzo..." I mutter slowly.

"Hiruzen. I read the reports and documents that you recovered from that lab- we both know that Root is kinder than what happened to him... and that Kenzo is hiding something that your student wants, we can train him to never be kidnapped again- I can train him to protect Naruto" Danzo offers.

"Why do you want to train him Danzo..? He has secrets and a unique power yes... but nothing that usually catches your eye" I ask.

"... for Konoha, I want to train him to protect the jinchurikii and to make sure he is still loyal to Konoha- who knows what that student of yours said to lure him into his lab" He mocks.


Does Danzo think I am so far gone in my senility to have been swayed by just a few of his words? I feel guilt for my students decisions in life yes- but I will not let a child be selected into the root so that Danzo has someone close to Naruto...

"No, I will not have a root agent close to Naruto- I will not have his brother used against him so that you may have your weapon" I sternly declare and Danzo sighs.

"Then what will you do about the safety of the boy you were entrusted to protect?" He asks.


"Then I suppose this meeting is over, call for me when you come to your senses" He declares before getting up and leaving the room


I deactivate the protective seals and my Anbu guard is back.


Pov: Kenzo

I stare... at nothing.

Meaning nothing happens because I am trapped in nothing! No time! No space! No colour! No sound! No nothing- because nothing is something and something doesn't exist in nothing!

I exist in nothing so I am the something??? How can I be something surrounded by nothing? Am I walking? Floating? What am I here...?

I look down and see me, But nothing else.

So where did I come from?

I look back to the fabric and see that nothing is there... sorry nothing is not there because that would mean it is something due to the fact that 'it' being nothing is in fact there... at least this isn't as bad as last time...


I suppose I will stare.




And stare...?

I feel like I am doing something wrong... how can I see nothing?

I close my eyelids and stare at the back of them...

Never mind thought I had something there.




Okay! Lets break this down and see what I am missing.

I need to see and then stare at nothing... which I am incapable of doing...

I did learn to stare without eyes last time... that was impossible until I did it- most of what I do in these trials are considered impossible until I break them... scaring that horrifying eye? Walking over nails as if they didn't exist? Breathing so good that lightning merges with my body?

How did I solve most of those problems? I just did them... and I still had yet to find the secret ingredient that just let me walk on a speeding treadmill... or overcome my limits...


'Right in front of you'

Blood drips from my other arm...

Right in front of me? Is it talking about the secret ingredient that allows me to walk like that? Breathe and stare?


Right in front of me...?


Does it mean that the obstacles in these challenges where the 'secret ingredient'? So the Mad one and others like it is understandable... I had to overcome a mental limit and stare down that madness... or maybe not... I was still crazy after I beat the mad one...

The blood flowing down my arm floats and forms a sentence.

'Not obstacles...'

I furrow my brow, but the tests...?

'A mortal limit reached'

'A test is not to hurt you'

'But help me guide you'

'I am no torturer'

'I am a teacher'

Okay...? So why speak now? Help now?

'You are competent'

'You can overcome'

'Help is for those'

'Who need it'


So... what part of the mad one taught me anything? I never overcame the madness after the... teaching session.

'Mad one taught'

'The feeling of stare'

'Frightening one'

'Improved all'

'The box'

'And the one'

'In debt'

'Taught that eyes'

'Are not the stare'

'Taught that'

'Mind was weak'

'A resistance'

'Is built with'

'Stronger poisons'


And this one? What is this teaching me? I have nothing to stare at! Nothing to do!

The blood pauses before forming another set of words.










Immovable object versus the unstoppable force? But that doesn't help me? What am I supposed to do with that? Its a theory not an actual experiment! No one knows what happens... its an impossible event...

'Immovable Object'

'Stoppable force'

'Who wins?'

The object...?

'Unstoppable force'

'What now?'

No one wins? Or loses! They are both equal!?

'So why?'

'Do you lose?'


My eyes dart around and my mind goes a mile a minute.

'You never'

'Beat Mad one'

'Why beat Nothing?'

I see... it was never about winning or losing these scrolls, it was about teaching me the skill I wanted... if I was meant to win I never would be left alive at all after the countless times I failed...

The blood flows in reverse, climbing back into my veins and sealing my skin shut.

I blink...

And then I stare.

It isn't meant to be harder then the last one... different methods for teaching exist- he is just giving me the best one of each difficulty.


Its so nice in here... where nothing exists...

And yet here I am.




What happens when the strongest spear meets the strongest shield? The spear can break anything and the shield can block anything.

What happens when the spear strikes shield?

Neither can win or lose.

So what is the middle ground of this interaction?

Does the spear stop and the shield break?

Does the spear pass through the shield?

How does one see nothing?

How does nothing remain unseen?


Nothing doesn't have to.

It isn't anything.


I don't have to stare at nothing.

Nothing doesn't have to be seen by me.

We can both have what we want.

I stare.

The force passes through the object- the object has not moved and the force was not stopped.

I see past nothing and nothing isn't seen.

I stare at everything... the fabric of this world is so malleable... yet so strong... and I am using it to increase my stare... perfect.


Pov: Hiruzen.

An Anbu flickers into view before kneeling towards me as I file away a few pieces of paperwork.

"Kenzo has awoken" He reports.

"Please get me Inoichi and tell the medical ninjas that I will be there in ten minutes" I reply still writing.

"Lord Hokage... we need a seal master to seal his eyes away... every time he looks at a medical staff even with eyes closed... they run, scream and even soil themselves- he is staring at the sky now" The Anbu reports and I raise my head curiously.

Seal master? Surely his eyes do not need anyone at the level of master...?

"Haa- very well, I will head over immediately and see if I can find anything else about this problem of his" I stand.

I roof hop to the hospital and have someone direct me to Kenzo's room.

He stands in the bed- looking to the sky...

"Kenzo, are you feeling any better?" I ask.

"Better then ever old man... you wouldn't happen to have a really thick cloth now would you?" He responds and I chuckle.

I walk up to him.

"Can you look at me Kenzo?" I ask.

"Ahhh... I don't want to scare anyone behind the walls or floor behind you... I can climb down... just a moment..." he slowly steps down from the bed still staring up high.

I approach him and look into his eyes- Nope.


I blink.

Did I just 'Nope' away from a child... I am holding a kunai ready to throw it at him... what is this...

I place the Kunai back and I think about all the seals I know... yes... I wont need to call Jiraiya back- I have a seal that can work, I need a few things as well...

I look over to my Anbu and tell him the list of ingredients I need for this seal...

"What's your favourite colour Kenzo?" I ask.

"... A deep orange" he replies.

I nod my head and inform the Anbu to get an orange blindfold to place my seal upon.

It takes five minutes to get the ingredients.

Ten to prepare the seal.

And half an hour to finish it.


Kenzo must have incredible patience to stare at the ceiling that long.

I pick up the blindfold.

A thick cloth that is Orange on the outside- it seems that its the same material as the forehead protectors fabric- just a little thicker then normal... on the inside is multitude of symbols and words that form a seal.

Haaa- the history Konoha has with Dojutsu is the only reason I could make this seal for him... lets see if it worked.

I walk up behind the boy and tie the fabric around his eyes before tying up the back, it rests on his nose and suddenly tightens around his face perfectly as the seal kicks in.


I face him from the front.

Phew- that worked.


Pov: Kenzo

My strongest stare from before the last two scrolls was made passive... it is not like I can forget the abyss and nothingness...

The blindfold worked- however the downside is that I cannot see at all.


I look to the sky and 'stare' and yep. I can still see without seeing as my stare doesn't need eyes to work.

I just cant look at anyone when staring through the blindfold or I might end up forcing my strongest stare on them.

Not so friendly that is.

Now how do I function without sight...? Wait, can I still get a job as a ninja like this?

"Can I still be a ninja?" I ask the old man.

He chuckles.

"Of course Kenzo, there are a few blind ninja in Konoha... but you aren't really blind are you?" He asks teasingly and I smile.

"Phew... do I have to do school or over? Or can I do a catch up exam?" I ask.

He laughs a little harder.

"We will get you an exam Kenzo... are you sure you are alright? Nothing from Oorochimaru I need to worry about?" He asks out of worry.

"I mean the torture was... I cannot say I am sane anymore- but I can tell you that I never really was before... I am fine... in most senses of that word- no mental stuff... No physical problems... and a much shinier soul" I reply.

"... I will have Inoichi-san check you over then alright? You need new flowers... and we need to place your bed back..." He mutters to himself.

"Got it- I will have him check me over" I respond.

"Do you hate Konoha for not protecting you Kenzo?" He asks with sadness in his tone.

"Not really no... I am not your child- do not think yourself responsible... I am mature enough to know that I am not the centre of the world" I reply.

He chuckles and sighs.

"Very well. You have gone through horrible things due to my misguided student- if you ever need anything just let me know" He tells me and I nod.

He grabs my hand and leads me out of the hospital and through the streets of Konoha.

We arrive at Yamanaka flowers... that scent is unmistakable.

He lets go of my hand as we find... a couch? Oh, he must of lead me into the back of the shop.


"Hokage-sama! Sorry I didn't know Kenzo had awoken- did you call for me?" Inoichi speaks.

"You didn't receive any call Inoichi-san do not worry, but Kenzo here just needs a casual mind sweep... maybe a flower or two" The Hokage warmly replies.

"Ino would have wanted to help you with that... speaking of Lord-Hokage... is everyone allowed to know about Kenzo?" He places a palm on my head and I can feel an energy sweep over me.

Chakra... I can feel every detail... that must be my very sensitive chakra points doing there job, no genjutsu should be capable of shaking my chakra without notice... at least nothing too great.

"That is a question for Kenzo. What do you wish to tell everyone else?" The Hokage asks.


"I am fine with keeping it open knowledge... though telling Naruto and Ino about what I went through... maybe I should have a simple story..." I talk myself into making something up.

"How about telling them when they become a ninja? Anyone can just ask and get an answer... but to those guys I will make up something annoyingly vague or just a bad excuse each time..." I decide.

They sigh and chuckle.

"His mind is stable... nothing burning down at least and no presence of Oorochimaru there" Inoichi tells the Hokage.

"Very well... lets get you back home then Kenzo, have a shower and change out of your hospital gown" the old man declares.

"Can I have... some surprise flowers? Don't tell me... I want to try and figure them out" I ask and soon I am provided with the flowers... nice.

"Thank you Inoichi-san!" I bow and Inoichi laughs before turning me in a new direction where he actually was.

We head home and the Hokage triple checks that I am fine before he leaves... I hop into the shower.


Is this thing water proof?


I splash some tap water onto the fabric and it does indeed dry quickly- perhaps the Hokage put more then just a blinding seal on this thing.

Considering how fast he got the stuff to make it he might of had to make this for someone else ages ago... makes sense that I wont have to debug it all.

I hop into the shower and clean myself before drying off with a towel- it takes a bit but the chakra drips from my body into the seal and soon it starts to dry.


Ten minutes later and the blindfold is completely clean! I also have new clothes on!

As I leave the bathroom I enter and walk to my bed... ah! They put it back- Ninja... the most quiet movers I have ever not heard.

I lay on the bed and wait till Naruto gets back.


He needs to guide me to School tomorrow after all.


I missed him.

Thanks for reading :)

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