Naruto: the simple skills


-Kenzo age 6-

Pov: Kenzo

It has been two years since I have been stuck here. And I have not gotten any scrolls this last year.

My torso, arms and legs are covered in scars and injuries that seem to be unable to heal.

My nails have been torn off so many times and my flesh wielded in ways I have never considered.

And yet I still hold strong. They want to know about the system and I will not let them.


This is nothing compared to what I do to myself!


Not something I should be proud of...

At all...




*Crash* *Slam*

Hm? Someone in the cells fighting again?


*Crackle* *Chirp!*

I listen closely... was that a bird? Flames?

"What the fuck...!" I hear a lady mutter as she enters into the cell room.

Purple haired and long trench coat this woman stares horrified into all the cells.

She furrows her brow massively and takes deep breaths.

She gazes into my cell.

She cannot see me in the dark, I rest against the wall and meditate.

"You are a child..." She mutters and barely chokes out those words.

"Anko..." the snake man walks up behind her.

"Sensei... what is this...?" She questions in a lost tone.

"It seems I must depart Anko, let me give you a gift before I leave..." *Chomp* *Hssss* the man bites into her neck and she falls to the floor as a mark develops on her.

"Kenzo... it seems we must take a departure" He hisses at me and opens my cage.



Something crashes into the wall near us and Oorochimaru sighs before stepping out and facing towards the door of our cell area.

"Sensei..." he mutters.

"Oorochimaru! What have you done!?" I hear the old man's voice... that's something pleasant.

"Lets take this elsewhere shall we.." Oorochimaru mutters with a chuckle before slamming his hand down and summoning a giant snake that he slivers away on.

"... no... not this..." I hear the Hokage mumble before snapping out of his daze and sprinting off after him.

I sit still.

"Ah, you didn't leave..? That's good, it would of been annoying to track you down in this chaos..." The subordinate of the snake mutters.


He blinks and steps closer... I stand and walk to the side of the cell.


He picks up the pillow I was sitting on.

"Quite the genjustu... I nearly thought this was you" he mutters before throwing the pillow at me.


He grabs my shoulder and starts wrapping rope around me.

I get picked up after I am tied and he takes me through the lab, weaving through the halls and corridor's avoiding all fights here.

It seems that Oorochimaru was moving out today with all the big equipment gone... and all his minions wearing merchant clothing... probably to move his goods easier...


A loud slam occurs as a ninja throws a boulder at another who brings up a earthen wall.


I am carried outside and we walk a good five minutes before this ninja decides it is clear and starts tree hopping away... by himself that is.

I clicked my fingers not to make me a pillow... but to make me just a little bigger then normal... nothing but an inch.

I then used the loud noise to hide my next click that made him think I was still being carried by him... I slithered out of my loose bindings, but he will definitely realise soon... but due to the pressure given by the other ninjas he wont notice until I am safe and rescued at least.

I walk back to my cell and step over the poor twitching lady... I close my door and use my lockpicking to lock it- I then sit back against the wall.


Now lets wait like a princess shall we.


Soon the noise dies down.


Soon the noise stops.


And even sooner I hear voices discover this cruel prison I am in.

"Anko! Is she with the sannin too!" Someone yells.

"No... she seems injured, lets take her to the hospital- T&I can have her later" another orders and I can hear gasps and gulps as they look into each cell.

All are dead except me.

I was the only interesting thing here it may seem...

"Anko? She seems to have a mark on her neck! A seal of some kind- get her to the medics now!" A ninja with a bird mask shouts out orders.


Pov: Kakashi Hatake.

I watch two Anbu take away Anko and I check the cell she was near...

Darkness covers half of it but I see two eyes peering through it- like a predator scanning for prey.


I furrow my brow.

That's a child.

No... that's Naruto's 'brother'... the one I could not find... so Oorochimaru took him...

"No survivors here! Lets-" I interrupt Sparrow.

"There is a child in here, Alive" I let him know and I unlock the cage he is in before approaching the child.

"..." he stares at me in silence.

I hold out my hand and he gets up on his own before walking past me- my eyes bulge in shock as I see his bodies state... Oorochimaru was torturing him.

He walks out of the cell and I follow him.

"Kid" I ask and he turns curiously.

"Yes Dog mask?" He asks.

"Let me take you to the hospital" I ask and he gazes at my outstretched arms.

"I guess I have nothing better to do... although I was planning to stare at my third wall in an hour..." he jokes as he hops into my hold.


At least he has his sense of humour still.

I nod to Sparrow and flicker away and down the maze like halls through to the outside.

As we leave I see a henged ninja tsk before flickering away from the tree in front of me.

Best leave him to the others, I need to make sure this kid isn't going to die in the next thirty seconds... the other prisoners where all poisoned.


I tree hop to the hospital.


Pov: Kenzo

I let out a yawn as the medical professional sends some green light into me.

Okay maybe that's simplifying it too much, he diagnosis me and makes sure I am not affected by any seals or poison before trying his luck at removing all my scars and injuries.

It takes a bit but some do disappear- the others seem unable to be healed.

I guess I will wear a lot of winter clothing from now on- lucky a ninja isn't called ugly due to his scars.


I sigh deeply.

"That is all I can do kid... try to get some rest and we will do another check up in the morning alright?" He tells me before leaving and turning the lights off.

I lay down on my bed and get under the covers...


I stare at the ceiling for a while and a smile cracks onto my face- I am finally free... I can hug Naruto and eat some Ichiraku! I can get me some new flowers! And I can attend ninja school! Never did get to make friends there...


Complete: Not a rat.

Reward: K-rank scroll.



Complete: Survivor.

Reward: S-rank scroll.



Would now be the best time to unfurl these scrolls? I mean I am at the hospital... and if I do it later and something goes wrong at home people will question if I am alright... now is definitely the best time.

I accept them both and take out the S-rank scroll.

'Unyielding Stare'


I blink and I am met with the same old box... how I missed this place too.

*scratch* *scrawl*

I look down at the floor.

'Stare into the eyes of the thing that watches when one dies'


What? What does that mean... unless... yep I am sure of it- that's a title like the mad one- The thing that watches when one dies.

The box folds into a smaller space before placing a table in the centre... I take a seat at it and blink.

On the other side of this round table suddenly something appears.

A mass of white matter, something akin to skin and ink or flesh and oil... it slowly forms and takes the shape of Oswald.

"This form is more natural for you isn't it? This speech is understood by the mortal?" It questions in my tone... my tongue.

I nod my head.

"This mortal is broken? Does not speak?" It asks.

"No, I speak... yes I can understand you" I reply with curiosity seeping from my voice.

"Good- let us be done with this debt of mine, stare into your eyes and experience what should be never sought" I comply with him and stare into his eyes... my eyes.


I blink.

"What happened?" I ask and look around.

"Hmmm... failure- again" I comply.


I blink.

"What? What's happening... why do I feel so wrong...?" I ask.

"Failure again? Tsk- this mortal is wasting my time, The master of joy would cry at your pitiful self" the thing mocks.


Is it mocking me? I think I liked it when the things didn't talk.


I blink.

"What is happening!?" I slam the table.

"This one should Just comply and do it again" He demands.

I gulp and sit back down.


I blink.

"Am I missing something?" I ask.

"No... this one is sure of it, the next stare will be a success" It speaks and I shake my head before taking a deep breath.

I look into his eyes once more.

I stare- and remember staring for years prior at this man... for years and years prior... at least eight so far... how could I forget that?

I stare and the more I stare the more his face feels less familiar... the more I feel lonely... hungry... tired...

I shake my head and I remember Naruto, Ramen and sleep.

I can forget sleep?

I stare.

And stare.

And stare.


For days.

For weeks.

For months.

I remember staring at him not just four times... but hundreds... the memories flood my brain as I remember sitting in this chair multiple times... I remember that his name wasn't the thing that watches when one dies...


This is the Forgotten ones fragment.

But I remember.

I remember!

I remember the decades spent staring at this entity.

I remember forgetting him and standing up to repeat the process of meeting him.

He shaped differently each time I stood up and forgot ever meeting him.








And many more... so many...

But I remember.

I remember remembering it all and then when I thought I had won... I remember forgetting.

I am about to forget again.

What do I do?

How do I stop it?


I don't blink.

I get it now... I tried to blink away and keep my memories so he wouldn't take them again... but with the experience of failing so many times in a row... I realised where I had gone wrong.

I stare.


I feel like an idiot.

Of course the answer was to stare.

Its the name of this skill.

Why did I blink so many times?

"Because this mortal forgets about this skill so many times" the forgotten ones fragment tells me the answer.

"He forgets that he was smart... it is a powerful thing, memories that is. One thing taken can destroy someone entirely... all I did was make you forget that you were training in here... and you lost for so long- it is how I killed a few elder ones back before time... though no one remembers what they were" Oswald's face cracks a smile so vile it makes me squirm.

"Congratulations on your success mortal. You have beaten me" He blinks and chuckles.



I furrow my brow.

Deja vu.

That same feeling.

"Ah. Deja vu- the phenomenon of my presence and work" he mutters.


This tricky bastard.

He made me remember so I wouldn't question when he said I succeeded.

I nearly blinked when he did.

But I don't need him to blink, I need to stare.


*Scratch* *Scrawl*

'Complete S-rank Unyielding stare'

The orange box dissipates and I blink.


I blink.

"What is that feeling?" I ask.

"Failure? This one needs to stay away from the clown one..." the thing mocks.

I take a breath and stare into its eyes again.


I blink.

"What is that!?" I shout and turn around.

"Failure again? This mortal may be a bad chosen friend" that thing mutters to the roof.

I stare at him again.


I blink.

"How? What? This isn't right..." I question and look around.

"Again will you? This one knows you have it down this time" He comforts me.


I stare at his eyes.

I stare- and remember staring for years prior at this man... for years and years prior... at least eight so far... how could I forget that?

I stare and the more I stare the more his face feels less familiar... the more I feel lonely... hungry... tired...

I shake my head and I remember Naruto, Ramen and sleep.

I can forget sleep?

I stare.

And stare.

And stare.


For days.

For weeks.

For months.

I remember staring at him not just four times... but hundreds... the memories flood my brain as I remember sitting in this chair multiple times... I remember that his name wasn't the thing that watches when one dies...


This is the Forgotten ones fragment.

But I remember.

I remember!

I remember the decades spent staring at this entity.

I remember forgetting him and standing up to repeat the process of meeting him.

He shaped differently each time I stood up and forgot ever meeting him.








And many more... so many...

But I remember.

I remember remembering it all and then when I thought I had won... I remember forgetting.

I am about to forget again.

What do I do?

How do I stop it?


I don't blink.

I get it now... I tried to blink away and keep my memories so he wouldn't take them again... but with the experience of failing so many times in a row... I realised where I had gone wrong.

I stare.


I feel like an idiot.

Of course the answer was to stare.

Its the name of this skill.

Why did I blink so many times?

"Because this mortal forgets about this skill so many times" the forgotten ones fragment tells me the answer.

"He forgets that he was smart... it is a powerful thing, memories that is. One thing taken can destroy someone entirely... all I did was make you forget that you were training in here... and you lost for so long- it is how I killed a few elder ones back before time... though no one remembers what they were" Oswald's face cracks a smile so vile it makes me squirm.

"Congratulations on your success mortal. You have beaten me" He blinks and chuckles.



I furrow my brow.

Deja vu.

That same feeling.

"Ah. Deja vu- the phenomenon of my presence and work" he mutters.


This tricky bastard.

He made me remember so I wouldn't question when he said I succeeded.

I nearly blinked when he did.

But I don't need him to blink, I need to stare.


*Scratch* *Scrawl*

'Complete S-rank Unyielding stare'

The orange box dissipates and I blink.


I blink.


Pov: Hiruzen.

"He has been meditating since before I found him like this yesterday" I hear the medic ninja and I nod.

"He meditated a lot as a child, this may be a way to protect himself and sort his mind now that he is safe" Inoichi lets me know.

I rub my goatee and sigh.

"I will be back this afternoon, let me know if he awakes anytime before I arrive" I ask and the doctor nods.

"Sorry for bothering you Inoichi-san, may I have your services in seven hours again?" I ask him.

"Of course Hokage-sama, I will be back here later" he complies and I leave the hospital and head to my office.


Lets give him time. Its the least we can do considering that my.... that Oorochimaru has hurt him badly.

When did my student... Oorochimaru become so deranged as to torture a child? The reports on what they did to him is horrifying...


Pov: Kenzo

I blink.


I blink.


I blink.


I blink.


I blink.


I don't blink.

I remember.

I blink.


I blink and blink and blink.


Haaa- Haaa-

"Good, this one should breathe... you would make the panicked one seem calm" the thing mocks.

He is mocking me? I think I preferred it when they didn't...

Again- that feeling of- of that.


He is mocking me? I think- I think I am forgetting something!

Haaa- Haaa-

I blink.

What? Why?





Why is my mind screaming blink? I haven't even started to stare at this thing yet?


I blink.

"Ah! Close! This one is certain that the thing who fails would be greater at success then you!" It mocks and I stare into its eyes again.




I remember.

Forgotten fragment.

All those faces.

He blinks.

I don't.

He congratulates me and smiles horridly.

*scratch* *scrawl*

I exit the deep orange realm and return to the hospital room.

I finally bli-


I nearly blinked then.

Am I forgetting something here? What's this sense of Deja vu..?

Wait, why was it a problem for me to nearly blink?

I bli-

I nearly blinked then.

Am I forgetting something here? What's this sense of Deja vu..?

Wait, why was-




What the hell is a rubber duck! Why cant I remember it!

I blin-

Ooo~ close!

I blink.


"What was that?" I ask.

"This one is amused by your failure. Do it again" the thing mocks.

I stand and walk around the room to breathe a little.

Haaa- Haaa-

Lets take a deep breath and relax.


I blink and see that a table has appeared in the centre of the room, I sit down.

On the other side of this round table is a mass of white material. Like flesh mixed with oil or ink and skin.

It slowly forms into a person.

It forms into the anbu with the dog mask.


I what.



I blink- Ha! Idiot!

Pov: Hokage.

Its been half an hour... I do not think he is waking up anytime soon.

I sigh and get up.

"What?" I hear a murmur from the boy and look back.

Inoichi and the doctor rush to his side.

"Who am I?" He asks.

Oh no...

"Who are... me?" He asks again.

"Kenzo. You are Kenzo, born October tenth and raised in an orphanage" Inoichi reminds him.

He slaps his forehead.

"Oh! That's it!" He chuckles.

"Sorry I thought that I forgot... but I forgot that I forgot... forgot? No wait- sorry about that... I remember now- Kezno! Sister to Naruto!" He declares.

"Brother to Naruto... Kenzo" Inoichi tells him.

"Oh! That's it!" He chuckles.

"Sorry I forget that I thought... but I thought that I thought... thought? No wait- sorry about that... I remember now- Oswald! Died to a fire!" He declares.

Inoichi looks back at me and sighs.

"I am going to need to help him for a while, this doesn't seem to be an easy fix" He tells me and I nod.


I blink.

"Huh? What was that? Why did I think I was the old man...?" I ask.


What am I missing here?

"This one is amused. Even the Unamused one would be as well, such a stupid little lamb" it mocks me.

I stare at the thing.

Thanks for reading :)

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