Naruto: The Birth Of Fenrir and his Keeper

Chapter 29: Questionable Experiments Stage-Two

Keitaro quickly made his way into the lab after having rushed home to get a quick shower. 

While he was mostly certain that no one would have raised any objections to him showing up at the lab after his mornings training session, he was still very mindful of the way he presented himself. Especially in a clan where everyone had exceptionally sensitive noses.

He found Renji shortly after entering the lab and while he and his friend quickly fell into a familiar routine, there was still an unmistakable distance between the two. Something that Keitaro was aware of, but wasn't in the right headspace to deal with at the moment.

"What have I missed since last I was here?" Keitaro plopped down into the chair next to Renji who was scribbling something down, most likely some observation he had made from the experiment that was being carried out.

"Not much to be honest, the scroll dad gave you is pretty extensive, and covers most of the things you need to review to make up for lost time, Other than that the only interesting thing is that they've moved forward with that ninken experiment."

Keitaro raised his eyebrows at that. "Already? I thought that Kazuki said they were going to wait a few weeks before moving forward?"

"Yeah but a few interesting things happened while you were gone that pushed the timeline forward a bit. Most of the wild wolves didn't survive the initial procedure and of those that did survive, most were deemed too unstable to proceed. There were only five specimens that were considered stable enough to continue on. 

The problem is that their life force is slowly being drained away even though they were supposed to have finished undergoing the changes induced by the serum."

Renji pulled out a scroll and handed it to Keitaro to peruse as he continued to explain what little he had understood from his dads explanation.

"At the rate they were degrading, they wouldn't last more than a couple months and that's only if their current state doesn't deteriorate further. With those concerns it was decided to push forward with the breeding in hopes that things wouldn't go further out of control."

Keitaro nodded in understanding as he read the scroll that showed detailed information about the five male wolves in question. With how quickly their life forces were being consumed, they would have soon begun to deteriorate physically which was something that the researchers didn't want to happen, simply because they wanted to utilize the wolves while they were physically at their best.

"So when are the breeding experiments going to be carried out?" he asked Renji after handing the scroll back over to him. 

"They were already carried out a while ago. I wasn't there for obvious reasons, but there were several ninken from the clan who were deemed to be compatible with the wolves. They've been here in the lab under observation ever since the insemination. If you want we can even go see them now. It is a part of our job to ensure that they are well fed afterall."

A pang of guilt washed over Keitaro as he recalled that he and Renji had indeed been tasked with feeding the test subjects as well as with cleaning out their enclosures. A job that would normally take them a couple hours when both of them were there. 

A job that he had left solely for Renji to do while he had been in his over emotional state. 

"Yeah, let's go see what's happening with them then."

The two boys quickly found themselves outside of the several large enclosures that had been installed a while back in preparations for the continuation of the experiment. 

Within the enclosures were several hounds all nestled up amongst bundles of clothes and other soft things. Surprisingly the female ninja hounds were sharing their enclosures with the male wolves, a sight that surprised Keitaro as he had assumed that the wolves would have been kept separate for further study. 

"They are being kept together in hopes that when the pups are born that they gain a bit of an edge from the fathers. Though to be honest I think it's just because the scientists know that the males don't have a lot of time left. Might as well let them enjoy what little they have."

Keitaro made sure to take his time to examine all of the supposed pairs as they made their way through the compounds. He was looking forward to what would happen with the pups moving forward and what sorts of unique abilities they might be born with. 

As he was observing the pair he noticed an inconsistency that made his eyebrows raise in concern.

"Why are they so big already? I thought you said that they had been inseminated a little while ago." He asked as he turned to Renji.

"Oh yeah, that's another side effect of the serum it seems. Normally it would have taken two to three months before they gave birth, but for whatever reason it seems that the pups are developing at an accelerated rate compared to normal. They should be able to reach full term within a month's time, though it's unclear whether that's a good thing or not." Renji replied

"Isn't that a pretty big ‘side effect'? That can't be good on the mothers can it? The amount of nutrients that the litter of pups is drawing from them in order to grow must be astronomical." Keitaro's worries about the validity of the experiments resurfaced once more

"Yes and no. While it's true that the pups are drawing a lot of their nutrients from their mothers, it's also true that it was accounted for. That is why the females are being fed a lot of gene therapy drugs as well, one to ensure that the litter of pups that they sire will have little to no birth defects, and two so that the pups have more than enough nutrients to develop without issue. 

Had this been carried out in the wild where the hounds were left to their own devices then it might have had disastrous consequences, but this is in a controlled environment where we monitor them at all times. If we notice anything wrong with them then we can address it immediately. Plus we ensure that they also have hearty meals three times a day. There's nothing to worry about."

Renji patted Keitaro on the back as he continued to look at the different enclosures, ensuring that they were secure and that the hounds within were well watered. Keitaro was still skeptical, but in the end he simply shrugged his shoulders and continued to follow behind his friend. 

It didn't take long for Keitaro and Renji to make it to the end of the enclosures where they came across the largest enclosure of them all. Not only was it larger, but it also had a lot more locks and much thicker steel bars. Though given the wolf that was kept inside it wasn't all that surprising.

A flicker of movement drew both of their attention, and Keitaro couldn't help but to hold his breath at the sight of the majestic wolf that revealed itself to them. 

A jet-black wolf that stood about seven feet tall. The gleaming claws and sharp teeth that managed to peak form the side of his mouth were more than enough proof that this was a deadly creature and the bright blue eyes that watched their every step with a gleamer of intelligence made it abundantly clear that this wasn't a  dumb creature, or at least not anymore.

The only thing that marred his splendid figure was the strange coloration of his nose and skin. It was the first time that Keitaro had seen a wolf with a white nose and skin and it looked quite striking on a black wolf. Still it didn't take away from his frightening appearance in the slightest, and if anything made him look even more fearsome.

He was standing off to one side of the enclosure, watching both him and Renji as they stood outside of the door. 

"This enclosure had to be made specifically for him. He was the largest of the wolves that had been brought in for the experiment and was also the one who experienced the most explosive enhancement as well. From what I understand he's the one that everyone who is invested in this experiment most hopes will produce good results, and while it took some time to find a hound that had a decent enough compatibility with him, they eventually did."

Keitaro's eyes that had been glued to the large Black wolf slowly swiveled over to the pile of clothes and sponge that had been placed in one corner of the enclosure only to freeze on the ninken sitting on them. Calmly laying on the blankets and looking at him from her perch, was his mother ninken.

Immediately all sorts of emotions flared up once more, including the thought of immediately setting her free, yet the more he held eye contact with his mother's ninken, the more his racing mind and agitated emotions settled. Kazuki had just talked to him about this sort of thing, it wouldn't be a good look to throw all of his advice through the door like that.

With a calm breath to center himself, he walked to the enclosure without breaking eye contact.

"Are you okay?" 

A simple question that was loaded with so many others. Yet the most important one who's answer would dictate what he did moving forward. 

His mothers ninken raised her head a little more before nodding in the accent. The side of Keitaro's mouth couldn't help but to curl up at the sight of that.

Who was he kidding, if his mothers ninken didn't wish to partake in this experiment, then no matter how hard they tried there was no way that anyone would be able to make her. That's the vibe he always got when he interacted with her before and it seemed that he wasn't mistaken.

He turned to Renji who had been watching him with an inquisitive look on his face, and pleaded with him.

"Do you mind if I take over for this pair in particular? I know that we're supposed to rotate around all of the kennels but…this ones special to me. She's my moms ninken."

Renji raised his eyebrow at that and looked between the female ninken and Keitaro skeptically.

"Sure I guess, but I have to warn you she can be a handful at times, not to mention that damn wolf. I don't know what she did but as long as she doesn't want to be disturbed that Wolf isn't letting anyone into that enclosure without a fight."

Keitaro laughed before looking back to his mother ninken who seemed to have been listening to their conversation as she was currently refusing to look at Keitaro.

"Yeah I'm sure. I doubt I'll have as many problems as you've been having."

Renji shrugged before turning and walking back to the other area of the lab.

"If you say so, just make sure they are both well fed and that they are taking the supplements that they've been prescribed by the research team. Your moms ninken will need them to ensure she has a healthy delivery, while the wolf needs them to keep him stable for as long as possible until the researchers find a way to stop the draining of his life force."

With that Renji rounded the corner and disappeared from sight. Leaving Keitaro alone with the canines. Once he was out of sight Keitaro turned back to his mothers ninken and whispered ever so softly.

"As long as I'm here you won't have to worry about anything. I'll take good care of you."

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