Naruto: The Birth Of Fenrir and his Keeper

Chapter 28: Precious Words Of Advice

Keitaro found himself yet again out in the training field bright and early, once more blowing off his frustration and taking his anger out on the many different targets that Kazuki had placed around the training field for his and Renji's personal training practice. 

As had become his norm, he had left a note for his brother and father and had left home before the sun had even risen. This was the only way for him to get his racing mind back under control.

Since that night at the dinner table, he had barely managed to get a single night's worth of good sleep, as his mind kept circling back to his father and the 'wonderful' opportunity that had been so graciously afforded to him and his brother.

No matter how low he placed his standards and expectations of the clan, they always seemed to find a way to show him that they had no problem going even lower.

The audacity to not only 'ask' for Kentaro and him to participate as some sort of trophies for them to parade around as if they had been major contributors to he and his brothers growth, but to even exclude their father, the man who sacrificed and did everything in his power to ensure that they where always well taken care of, the man who the clan had spurned on more than one occasion, all because of an injury that he received while protecting the village. 

They were truly despicable and deplorable people.

Everyday, Keitaro's rose tinted glasses that wanted to see this world as positively as possible were slowly but surely being worn down and the urge to flip the board on its head was growing more and more prominent in his heart. 

Sadly without strength his righteous anger was worth nothing, which is why he found himself here punching and kicking at the wooden log while standing under the hot sun relentlessly.

"I don't think beating on the log like it owes you money is the right way to go about things. Wouldn't you agree?"

Keitaro looked over to the large tree where he had placed his lunch and backpack only to see Renji and Kazuki standing there watching him. He rolled his eyes and ignored them, focusing back on his physical training.

Renji twiddled his thumbs with a troubled expression on his face unsure of whether to approach or not, while Kazuki simply shook his head. He left Renji standing under the shade of the tree and sauntered over to Keitaro till he was a few feet away.

"Just because I said that you can train here whenever you want, doesn't mean you can ignore everything else and do nothing but train. You know that right?"

Keitaro paused his exercises and stared at Kazuki for a moment. 

"I figured I might as well brush up on my physical skills since I might still end up having to fight in a few weeks time in front of who knows how many important people. Wouldn't want to embarrass the Inuzuka name afterall."

He sneered at his own words, before turning back to focus on his training once more.

Kazuki could only sigh at how little respect Keitaro seemed to have towards the clan. 

While it was more than justified, it was always wise to remember that there are eyes and ears everywhere and while there was nothing wrong with being displeased with the actions of the clan, it wasn't wise to voice those opinions so openly especially when on clan grounds.

"You know…your father told me about all of that stuff. If it's any consolation I wasn't invited either, though that's not all that surprising if you really think about it."

Keitaro merely scoffed at Kazuki's words but didn't stop his hands and feet from hitting the log.

"Look, I know that all of this must seem unfair and the clan must look quite heartless to you right now, but there really isn't anything that you can do. Not only do you have practically no voice or say whatsoever due to your lacking strength and pedigree, but in reality the things that have happened to your family are tame compared to things that have happened to other people when it comes to their clan.

Just look at the Hyūga clan, they are separated into main and side families from birth and no matter what, the side family will always be below the main family. Their wants and desires are superseded by the will of the main family and while your father was able to pull away from the clan without much repercussions, that wouldn't have been possible for a member of the side family of the Hyūga."

"So I should be grateful that my shitty situation isn't any worse? Happy that at least we haven't been dealt the absolutely worst hand possible, even if the hand we were dealt is still quite terrible?"

Keitaro whirled to face Kazuki, flames of fury practically spewing from his eyes as he stared down the man. His voice only increasing in volume with each step that he took towards Kazuki 

"Should I thank the clan for the care and attention that they gave to dad when mom passed away? They ransacked our home, took away valuable scrolls and who knows what else all in the name of the greater good, even going so far as to reclaim mom's ninken all for the betterment of the clan!

Should I acknowledge their generosity in allowing dad to become a breeder for them after being crippled while protecting the village? A job that just so happened to still benefit the clan in the end given his history and previous studies in medical ninjutsu. 

Or what about how magnanimous they were to allow Kentaro to actually learn and study the techniques of the clan, something that in reality should have been a birthright of his given that he has Inuzuka blood flowing through his veins?"

Now standing directly in front of Kazuki, Keitaro's blood shot eyes stared directly into his calm ones, almost daring him to contradict anything that he had said.

"Is that sort of Clan worth respecting, even in the slightest?"

"No." Kazuki whispered "That's not a clan worth respecting."

Caught off guard by Kazuki's response, Keitaro took a step back unsure of what to do next, though before he could say anything, Kazuki slowly stood to his feet and posed a question to him instead.

"Even so, what do you gain by being disgruntled with the clan?"

Keitaro's eyes narrowed as he continued to listen to Kazuki.

"Everything you've said is a valid point and a good reason as to why you despise the clan at large and in all honesty I don't blame you, but even if you despise the clan and the way that they operate, what can you do about it?"

Keitaro opened his mouth to retort, but his mind kept drawing a blank. Nodding his head at the sight of the stumped Keitaro, Kazuki patted the boy on his shoulder as he pressed on.

"As I've said already, you have no strength, no influence, and no power of your own. You have a bright mind and your future path is bound to be dazzling, but that's all dependent on you drawing out all of your potential. 

In the end, while you might not like to hear it, the only thing you can do is walk to the whims of the clan until you have the ability to stand above them on your own. You'd best ensure that you use the clan just as much as the clan uses you.

If you feel stifled at the fact that your father hasn't been recognized, then you bring the recognition in for him. The more you shine and grow as a shinobi, the more prestige and honor you earn for him as well. Just don't let a moment of anger ruin a lifetime of possibilities.

You've been neglecting your studies, missing out on your duties in the lab, ignoring your family, and pushing away the few people in your life that I'm sure actually mean something to you. All because you're letting your emotions determine your actions. 

There is nothing wrong with acknowledging the way you feel about something, but when you let your feelings dictate your every waking moment, that's when you're going to have problems."

Kazuki pushed his hand into his pocket and turned to walk away. As far as he was concerned he'd said more than enough for the day. If even after all that he had said Keitaro still refused to wise up then he would have simply overestimated the boy's mental maturity.

"Oh before I forget" Kazuki turned back and threw a scroll to Keitaro, "Just because you stopped coming to my lessons doesn't mean you get to skip out on the assignments I gave. I expect those to be finished by the end of the week." 

With that he continued to leave.

Keitaro watched him leave and even Renji who had been standing a little ways away simply waved in greeting before following behind his father without saying anything to him. Keitaro stood in the field for a while just thinking about Kazuki's words before he sighed and placed the scroll into his pocket and made his way to the tree to collect his bags. 

His mentor's words were right and he knew it. Getting frustrated so easily over something he had no control over wasn't wise, and jeopardizing his current relationships and opportunities because of it was just down right stupid. 

There were still a lot of things he needed to work on it would seem.

With determination in steps, he packed up what little belongings he had brought with him and made for the exit of the training field. 

Shortly after he exited the field and without anyone nearby to notice anything amiss, the bushes on the edge of the training field that bordered the forest area suddenly shook, as someone exited the bushes.

If Keitaro had still been here he would have been quite surprised to see who this person was as it was someone he had run into before.

The mysterious figure kept his eyes focused on the direction that Keitaro had left with a look of contemplation on his face, whatever he was contemplating, seemingly of great importance.

He'd been keeping tabs of Kuma and his children recently and while he wanted to do something to help them he had to ensure that his help didn't end up being more of a burden than anything else. 

He'd decided to become an observer a long time ago and while it had been a good decision for him at the time, it may have come to bite him in the ass now. Still things weren't too terrible and both boys seemed to be developing well. Though none of them had shown any particular oddities that he was looking for, there was still a lot of time. 

With that though in mind, he patted his companion gently as they made their way back through into the forest, unbeknownst to anyone. 

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