Naruto: Mind over matter

Traveller Model

My body awakes. Its been half an hour. My body twitches.

"Shit. I have to keep the tattoo."

I'm still on the operating table and there is Lady Tsunade and a few other medics attending to my body. Looking around there is a blood bag hanging near me, the blood is being pumped into me.

"What happened?"

"Choji pulled through his surgery, the kid was lucky he didn't eat all his pills... that freed up some workers. I have no clue how you lived till then however"

I snort

"Ha. Loser~ Told you I wouldn't lose to you."

She sighs.

"See what we have to work with here? A patient who wont shut up- even on his operating table. Haaa- Okay lets finish up his thighs, Riku is there any more bone shrapnel in your thighs?, and can you check your lower torso?"

I help the medics and after a three hour long tedious operation, I'm pulled to a private room in the hospital and I sleep.

I will probably die a few more times this life... kind of resigned too it. But while my body goes my mind will not. Ill make sure of it.


Pov: Tsunade Senju.

This kid should be dead. I was sure of it, people have died for a lot less- and then he had to be all smug about it too. He was a corpse- he died when I was operating on him and then he 'woke-up', I was ready to send in his friends for one final talk but when I looked back... and saw that even when his heart stopped and lungs froze- his chakra didn't, it was even more vibrant then ever.

Upon seeing that I went and checked the other surgeries, Hinata and Neji weren't critical but the amount of arrow wounds in there back needed attention before they caused more problems, Kiba got hurt bad jumping in front of an attack meant for Naruto and Sasuke had very many internal wounds alongside his curse mark trying to devour him. Choji was the only one who got out of surgery quick enough. Taking that team I headed back and fixed the corpse.

Haaa- the amount of people needed to work on both the healing arrays for the Hyuga family....

Cant believe I have to keep this stupid tattoo, now that I know that one shouldn't bet against Riku ill make sure to never do so again, and this tattoo is a reminder of that- a reminder that he is the king of gambling...god damnit. I definitely got to take him gambling. Easy money making scheme.

Could I ask for a different design...?


Pov: Rock



Pov: Riku

I'm awake again and I finally switch off Manual Operations, it hurts, what hurts? My everything. Seriously what the fuck was that guy? I blinked and he made a forest of bone then attacked so fast I could not dodge him. I'm weak to overwhelming opponents, those that can hit at many angles and hit fast. With Almighty I wouldn't of been safe in that fight, bone would have pierced right through me.

That settles it, my next set of Jutsu will be defensive ones. Neji and Gaara would of been fine fighting this man, well not fine but have a better chance at least.

Also he said that Oorochimaru considered me interesting.... lets conveniently forget about that one....

I'm slow as well, perhaps I should create a greater distance movement technique? Or perhaps a Jutsu that helps my Levitation...

Well better get some rest and heal up I suppose, Ill ask Naruto to take a pen imbued with me to get Almighty back up and running.

Ace is fine though, He- I will come to my main body and recharge.


-1 month later-

"....And me and Pervy sage are going to go on a biiiiig training trip in another one... two months!"

I chuckle as I eat my ramen, Naruto was just informing me of his plans for the future. Ill miss his loud and annoying attitude... wait can I yoink his apartment while he is gone? Hehehehe~

"Stay safe Naruto. And make sure to learn a lot from the sage."

" leaving in two months..."

Shit. Abort, plan b!

"Uh yes I was paying attention! Just wanted to make you understand that this-"

"I know you Riku..., and I said I was fine with you staying in my Apartment! It would be just like the orphanage! DATTEBAYO!"

I sigh and whistle away from Naruto.

"So if your going in two months we should make sure to spend our time wisely no?"

He squints at me.


"*cough* Have you ever-"

"Stop. With. The. Hinata. Thing."

He says while blushing, poor kid realised finally when he was talking to me about how Hinata kept fainting around him...

"Teeheehee~ come on~ I know you two had a secret... gathering the other night~"

He blushes harder and slurps his noodles in silence.

"Please just stop, else you wont get any souvenirs.."

Barking out a laugh I wipe a tear from my eye and take a breath.

"Alright, alright ill stop, but you cant lie to me you know? Hinata is my best friend, I get in on all the gossip"

He sighs and mumbles something about me being annoying.

"I don't regret throwing that rock away anymore"

"Oi! I still haven't heard back from that rock you know! Its terrifying wondering when its going to hit me with months of sensing knowledge!"

"Hm. Maybe you shouldnt of put your mind into a rock?"

"Why you little- hey Sasuke!"

Before I strangle Naruto- Sasuke pops his head into Ichiraku, he still looks.. troubled, but better then a month ago.

"Hn. Dobe we have a C-rank to head to, we have to get as many in as we can before you go"



"Alright, See you Riku!"

He scoffs down his food and dashes away.

"See ya!"

I wave at him.

Now I have a meeting with the clans in a month about my suggestion to just give out my *cough* but before that I also have a meeting in a week about my team reassignment. I spoke to Yamato-sensei and Anko-sensei and they were more inclined to shove me into another group. Makes sense really, Anko-sensei works inside the village all the time and I heard that Yamato-sensei is working on a secret project... though I have no clue what that project may be.

I also got to stick inside Konoha for as long as I can- the rock is more menace than helpful right now. If I'm caught on a mission and it decides to run out of chakra I'm dead, a single moment in battle could be enough to get me killed, that rock is a menace.

Though with its help I will break through into the next step of mastery for split self- there is no way it has enough chakra to last this long.


Pov: Rock


My priority is to sense....

I have been a rock in a river...

I can sense the.. life around me..

When the currents move me It becomes harder to sense the life around me...

[Body shunt] out of the river and into the grass beside it....

Lets use this life... to supplement my chakra...


Pov: Riku

I mean... it should of lost chakra by now and I should have an extra self to split? Maybe it is permanently lost? I have no idea if im honest and anything could of happened to it.

Doesn't matter much anyway I just got out of the hospital and I have things to do- cannot worry over something I cannot control.

Speaking of being out of the hospital I should visit Hinata, see how she is doing.

After I finish my food I head over to the Hyuga compound and greet the guards.

"Yo! Hinata around?"

They think before nodding.

"Yes. She is training with Neji in the centre-most training ground."

Hmmm. That's the pretty training ground with the amazing tree in it right?


I walk on over through the many buildings. The Hyuga go about there day and I greet many as I walk, I have been here many times and become accustomed to the place- its nice and most of the people are lovely.

Entering into the fancy courtyard I see both Hinata and Neji sparing, Neji has definitely mellowed out since the Chunin exams.

"Yo! Hinata! Neji! Thought I might drop by, how are we today?"

"Great!" Hinata says in a loud voice
.. she has been so chipper since a few days ago. You know I'm pretty sure my breathing exercises did nil, pretty sure she just needed some friends and family.

"Hm. Good, are you doing fine?" Neji asks about my current health and I give him a reassuring thumbs up.

"So, Hinata did you hear about Naruto's departure"

"It happened!?"

Laughing I respond.

"No, no I meant did you hear he was going."

She has a sigh of relief

"Y-yes I did. But it will be good for him so.."

"Hmmm~ true, true and you will also have excuses to spend a lot of time together this month, I mean he is going for sooo!~ long~"

She blushes and playfully glares at me.

"Ah right, don't let me bother your training, ill just sit over here"

They nod and continue there training, the gentle fist is wonderous to watch, its like a dance when two great practitioners fight each other.

An hour passes and they eventually sit down with me, drinking some water, Neji speaks up.

"I heard about what you offered to the clans. You know they will still want you right? The ladies who wish to marry you volunteered and having you in one of the clans would be a great boon, no matter what anyone says."

"Oh I know, I'm actually interested in dating someone- not anyone specific but I have been leaning towards starting up a relationship, greeting death a few times makes one want to live more ya' know?"

Neji nods seriously at that and Hinata giggles.

"Right! Are you guys practicing for the next  Chunin exams in 4 months? I'm pretty sure they are in Suna this time."

"Hmm. I'm sure Gai-sensei wants us to be promoted this year so, yes."

"I'm certain Kurenai-sensei put us in the last one for experience, but... maybe if we impress her enough we can go to the ones in Suna"

"Speaking of Suna, have you guys heard any word from the sandy trio? I've seen them around Konoha but I have no clue why they still remain here.. not that they cant stay, I love tormenting Kankuro about my ~Puppets~"

Neji speaks up.

"I have heard from Shikamaru that they are in town for meetings regarding the renewal of the Suna x Konoha alliance... they may be very busy lately."

Hmmm? Shikamaru huh? I had heard from Ino that he was hanging out a lot more with the trio.

Hinata asks a question.

"Riku... have you been reassigned to a new team yet? Do you have any idea what's happening with your schedule?

"I had heard that Lady wants me to be a ninja who can fit in anywhere, she asked about my sentinels and was thinking about making me take missions with other groups who's teammates are temporarily unavailable, though all that will be decided in a week from now"

Neji upon hearing sentinel asks me

"Right, you made a new model right? not a sentinel? But a different not-puppet?"

I bite my finger and do the necessary hand signs and [Summoning Jutsu], a little wooden bird the size of my hand pops out.

The bird looks like a sparrow.

"This is [Traveller: Javelin], he has a compartment in his belly for small messages and what I use it for- snacks."

Opening his belly hatch I take out a small cookie and eat it.

"Woah- how does it work? Can it fly?" Hinata asks inquisitively.

"Yep, I made two Jutsu for it... though they only work for someone as small as this."


[Control release: Lift weight] D-rank

This jutsu uses no seals.

Lighten the body by forcing the chakra in you to carry you upwards. Only works with small or tiny bodies.


[Force release: Force Burst] D-rank

This jutsu uses no seals.

Spend ten seconds to wrap and twist Force chakra around your body, and then suddenly release it, creating a burst of speed forwards. Only works with small or tiny bodies.


"I cant use him right now however due to Anchor and Almighty being busy, sorry"

Hinata nods at that.

"Another time then.. are the Traveller models all going to be birds or?"

"Traveller models will be animals, this guy focuses on getting messages places and can last a long time due to his small body and rare chakra consumption"

I do a thinking pose before speaking again.

"Though maybe a horse for the next one? Something that can help me get places quick? I also want to make a model like Almighty but for the Travellers, there own boss."

"Like something big? An elephant perhaps?"

"No, no, no. They don't have to be big, but the arguably best at there job. Almighty is big because he needs to hit harder then the other two, he has a poison gas system to supplement his close combat potential and self repairing capabilities. Expensive yes- but ill get that money through my... special donations."

Neji asks

"And what are the Travellers jobs? Messages, get places or something else?"


"To get places mostly, for missions that are scouting or tracking someone."

Hinata speaks up

"So something small, fast and capable of keeping up with an enemy, but it also has to be big enough for special expensive systems... you would want to save the third one to be a rat or something small that can get into buildings... bird is for messages... did you want to get in it like Almighty?"

Hmmm good question.

"No, Almighty is a fighter, he is armour, I'm looking for an animal that can carry a human and remain unseen"

Neji pipes up

"So not a horse, how about a giant version of a wolf or Tiger that can hide within darkness and climb jagged terrain?"

"Oooo~ I like that. Might start planning for something like that actually... It seems the Traveller models will be made much quicker then the sentinels!"

Hinata takes this moment to get up and dust herself off. Stretching her arms she asks

"So a giant wolf-like animal? Kiba would like to see that... did you two want to go eat something.. I'm hungry after that practice."

Neji stands up and cracks his neck.

"Actually yeah- I could definitely do with some food."

I stand up and pat both of them on the back.

"All righty I just ate so I wont be joining you, ill start out my plans for the next Travellers and maybe do some light reading, have fun!"

Nodding we leave the Hyuga compound and go our separate ways... eventually I find my way to Almighty and Anchor in the public training ground- opening Almighty and grabbing some of my notes- yes I'm using him for storage don't judge me- I sit down on the compact dirt and start studying what I had previously written and adding onto the notes with new Ideas.

Hmmmm- if the sentinels are based off of human warriors from different times and places, and Almighty is a more fantastical human, why should I hold myself to normal animals for the boss of the Travellers.

Lets go mythological or ancient with its design and make everyone stare at it in wonder.

It also needs an internal system, Kankuro says I need more than just one thing for best puppets. Perhaps something that can help it run faster? Or hide it? But what could be better than just using a jutsu on that stuff?.... wheels.. maybe... place attachments on the feet that make the Traveller connect and expand into a bicycle of sorts... but too much weight... maybe we should focus on versatility? Different systems for different terrains?

Ill think about this later... I should probably make the second small Traveller by the time I get the money too make the boss.

I should check Anchor over and Almighty, I nearly forgot to make sure they were up to standard last week.

Thanks for reading :)

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