Naruto: Mind over matter


-1 week later-

-Hokage's Office-

Pov: Riku

Me and the lady have been discussing quite the number of potential outcomes for every group I may or may not join.

Right now though we have decided that I will be joining both Sasuke and Sakura when Naruto leaves, so that locks me into the role of ninja duct tape that will keep a team altogether without actually joining them, supposedly Sakura is training under Lady and Sasuke wishes to expand his repertoire into swordsmanship, so he will have Kakashi to teach him how to use the tanto- this means a lot of free time and a lot of big missions. So perfect for me!

"And now that the paperwork is done... have you been alright? No lasting damage I should worry about?"

Lady asks me and I activate [Manual Operations]

"I'm running at a standard pace... my Yang chakra caught up since the surgery and everything seems fine...wait, there is minor muscle strain around the left shoulder- but nothing I cant fix"

"That's good, still cant believe that you are alive right now- are you sure that I cannot-"

I chuckle

"Nope~ you made the bet all on your own, you keep the tattoo exactly as is, unless?"

She squints her eyes at me.


"Unless you want to play a few more games and bet it- hey wait- no that was impulse joke- remember the- hey-Impulse-IMPULSE!


Huh. My shoulder strain is gone, I will always find it impressive how she can punch someone so hard they fly out of the Hokage's office into a back breaking stone street and yet heal all the damage... well not the environmental damage- that is going to be yet another wallet emptier for her.

Oh-right, I got enough money with Almighty's arena! I can upgrade my scroll of summoning~ now this scroll isn't an actual scroll of summoning, it doesn't summon any cool dogs or frogs but it does store my not-puppets in a subspace that I can then use to summon! Cool right? I just needed to pay someone in R&D to help expand the scrolls space.

And while I'm on the topic of Not-puppets my second Traveller was made, I felt that Hinata was right, I needed to make a infiltrator, the small travels, a thief! Presenting to you!

[Traveller: Jewel]

He is a small torso sized cartoonish monkey that has as many joints as I could give him without ruining the look. He also has multiple tiny storages all over his body with his main feature of being able to detach his hands at fast speeds. So he launch it at someone's items, grip- then [Item Pull] it back. Yeah my little thief is excellent! Not Ace can kick you so hard you puke excellent but Jewel you never realised that you were missing your kunai pouch excellent!

So that's the new lad- I cannot wait to test him out on missions and use Javelin as well.. I haven't even gotten to use Anchor, though that might be a good thing considering I'm still learning his weapon system.

Hoh? It seems that I was too busy talking to myself that I didn't notice that I had arrived at R&D.

Heading inside and making my way past the front desk I start walking upstairs to the second floor where the research on summoning and space-time seals are being done.

*knock knock*

"Yeah? Come in."

I open the door and see a lone man smoking a cigarette amongst all his paperwork.

"Hey! Its me! The guy who has money now!"

He ignored me until I said that I had money, before speaking up.

"Leave the scroll here and money there, you can pick it up tomorrow. Oh- ill keep the money though hehehehehe-"

He starts laughing at his own joke and the small stubble on his cheeks are scratched by his off hand.

"What? You want anything else?"

I sigh and walk out the room... everyone in R&D is odd..

Pov: Rock


Pov: Anchor

I've been spending the past days searching for the rock around Naruto's apartment. Nil. Where did it go? It couldn't of grown legs and walked away could it? My Telekinetic sight has been pushed to 30ft when trying, which is great but I wish I could do jutsu while seeing at the same time you know?


I have to disconnect soon and train my chain-blades, every night I do this- hopefully the scroll can put Almighty away and both Ace and I can help the Jutsu making department.

Speaking of Jutsu I'm designing a B-Rank currently, trying to test out as many defensive options that I can get, this would be going faster but the main body wanted to find some earth and wind jutsu, finally being able to use them and have the time to train them.

Unfortunately the sentinels and Travellers cant use any jutsu apart from force, control and Telekinetic release.

I cant complain about training speed anyway, I'm currently three people learning three different things.

Cannot wait to have to get fourth mastery and have a fifth mind and be capable of having Ace, me and Almighty plus the main body.... and that fucking rock!

That's a timebomb everyone is waiting to go off but we cant even find it! Or know its time limit as it passed the one it should of had a week or two ago!


Lets disconnect and train.


-2 weeks later-

Pov: Riku

Its too late. I have to accept that the rock is gone and that I am capable of losing a part of me forever. I will not risk that anymore for something as stupid as mastery over a jutsu.

Looking past that I have learned a few earth and wind jutsu- nothing mastered, just learned.

[Wind clone]-[Gale Surge]-[Dust clone]-[Earth release: Rock Shield]-[Earth release: Stone shuriken]-[Earth release: Stone spear]-[Earth release: Rock wall]

I was mostly interested in earth jutsu actually, a lot of wind Jutsu can do what I do but with different seals and slower times. I saw the stone shuriken/spear and instantly thought of how I can wrap it in [Force burst] and send them flying, or summoning a [Rock wall] then making another force jutsu that just sends it flying! I should focus on getting some more cool earth stuff.

Ill also train the spear/shuriken/wall/shield jutsu until I can get them to work in tandem with my other kekkai genkai jutsu.

Oh speaking of jutsu Anchor finished the B-rank defensive one. Here it is, just got to master it now.


[Force release: Intimidating deflection] B-Rank

The guide for this jutsu is;

Begginer: Monkey_Bird_Snake_Force

Intermediate: Monkey_Snake_Force

Adept: Snake_Force

Master: Sealess

This jutsu pours force chakra into the uses skin and releases it into a burst that emanates from the user, sending any attack flying away.


I named it intimidating because that's what Hinata said it was- to be standing there absolutely still in my Manual Operations  and all of a sudden my hair and clothes flair as if I were standing in a storm, body still unmoving just staring the enemy down and no attack can hit-

Of course I need to master it to make it truly intimidating but with three of us doing so it should be no problem- normal jutsu may require more time but my unique releases always feel just...right... like they were made for me.... though I guess they were.....huh.

Moving on I'm going to have my main body train to another mastery over split self, and then bug Yamato-sensei for training in earth techniques, Anchor will be studying and then training with his weapons and Almighty will be doing the same old twenty four seven training with his Odachi, he-I am getting very smooth with that blade.

Here is hoping my training pays off before I meet another bone-boy.


Pov: Rocks


The nature that surrounds us is immense and dense full of chakra, a unique chakra.

I'm rationing my original self and feeding nature into it, dripping and mixing the tiniest amounts.

My chakra interacts with this new chakra in a new way.

It expands.

I am now not just a rock I am a dozen.


-That afternoon-

Pov: Hinata

Riku has asked us to meet to help him with something important, we are meeting at N-Naruto's haaa~...*cough* and by we I mean, Me, Shikamaru, Naruto, Yamato-sensei, Anko-sensei and one of the Legendary sannin: Jiraiya the toad sage... I don't know why he is here actually... I've seen him around Naruto a lot so maybe h-he invited him?

"Wait, sorry- who- Oh never mind Just remembered, sorry. *cough* I have invited you all here today to help me with a choice that could impact me for the rest of my life...Kind of."

Riku states and then throws six documents on the table.

"These people are the ones that I could marry- have as my fiancé, live together with. I have thought on it and I have decided I will marry one"

????? Oh! Right I forgot about that... Riku is going to marry one of these.... he has done so much for me... I must help him as he has helped me be noticed by Naruto!

"Why don't you just accept them all~ form a harem I say~"

The sannin says proudly with his fingers on his chest.

"Look I wasn't going to ask but- who invited you?"

Riku responds with utter confusion.

"Hahaha! Naruto had decided to clue me in on your situation and I couldn't of been more happy to help, especially considering that Naruto asked me so politely!"

"What? I used my sexy jutsu and y-"

"Enough about that! This master of the romancing arts is always here to help! (Mumbling) for the next half-hour"

Riku sighs and continues.

"We have Eiko Hyuga, Toyoko Inuzuka, Ayumi Akimichi, Miyu Kuruma, Reina Nara and Masuyo Yamanaka, these six ladies had volunteered to be in a relationship with me, the rest of the families will be able to pay for my... essence and give that too anyone who wishes to have a child."

Jiraiya chuckles and Anko snickers

"What a drag... me and Hinata are Biased here you know?"

Riku waves his hand at that.

"Yeah yeah whatever, give me your biased then unbiased opinion"

"Haaa- Reina is someone who holds some trauma for being lazy, when she was put into the genin corps a year ago she fell asleep house watching and when she woke up the house was on fire, suffered a scar on her eye and became closed off and always starting a new hobby- she has expressed recent interest in getting into a relationship so that she can open up to someone again, or so my mother told me. She also said that if her sob story didn't work that I should also mention that she is a very intellectually and emotionally skilled young woman who can go the extra mile to get your relationship to work. Troublesome..."

Shikamaru sighs and continues.

"My unbiased opinion on who you should spend the rest of your life with? Your lucky, Roll a dice."

"Didn't think of that one... I should roll and see if it matches with whoever we pick.... anyway someone want to give there opinion next or do we want to just open free communication?"

Hmmmm... I cant let Riku down... who would be the best...I have to think, lets let everyone else talk first.

Anko raises her voice and gives her opinion.

"Toyoko! Why? Because everyone who's anyone knows that the Inuzuka are wild in the bedroom."

She attempts to high five Yamato but he just slaps his forehead. Coughing she continues.

"And another bonus is that she is a great worker! At least that's what this document says... yeah I got nothing... apart from a question, you wrote down that she 'has the cutest fucking smile' and as I'm looking through these... did you write what attracted you about these girls the most?~"

He smirks and then puts a thumbs up, Anko barks a laugh and Yamato shakes his head.

"Alright me next, (mumble) I don't want to be here forever...(normal voice) it seems you have a chance at each and every one of these girls, and looking through these documents there is only the good things you see in them. Anything that you dislike about them?"

The sannin puts on a bored expression and waves his hand around flippantly.

Riku responds with an eye roll and says.

"I've only met them once... so nothing definitive or game changing"

"Then lets make this easier, lets remove Miyu Kurama from this list"

Everyone looks towards the sage with inquisitive glances.

"Haaaa- the Kurama clan hasn't been doing so well lately, numbers are plummeting and there clan backing wont be of much help in the kind of nonsense I hear you getting into all the time- plus~ if you refuse her she will just find someone else, her family have been pushing for new families to start up and you were the man at the top of the proposal pile."

Naruto looks towards the sannin and says.

"That....that sounded smart-"

Naruto receives a slap across the back of his head- He chuckles.

"I'm always smart brat!"

Okay... right lets remove Miyu... then if we are eliminating should we remove Masuyo? I raise my hand.

"S-should we remove Masuyo too? Because of her sister?"

Anko and Yamato immediately agree, Riku thinks before moving Masuyo's document to the side before speaking again.

"So we have Eiko, Toyoko, Ayumi and Reina left, Hinata do you have any knowledge on Eiko?"

I shake my head, although she is part of the main family I haven't heard much.

"Hmmm, then lets talk about Ayumi next, any opinions?"

Yamato speaks up.

"Getting discounts at all Akimichi clan stores is incredible, they own a lot of chain restaurants and food places"

Anko continues that sentence.

"Discounts at most of my favourite dango places! Imagine it! You could take your precious hardworking Double-sensei's out whenever could!"

Everyone laughs at that. Before Naruto speaks up.

"Ayumi only has facts on her, nothing here says she has this cute whatever or something... ya' know?"

The sage nods his head and Shikamaru slides the document into the eliminated section. Riku sighs and thinks.

"So Toyoko, Eiko and Reina?"

Shikamaru speaks up.

"Reina has been opening up to many people lately and has her own mother to help care for her, don't let the sob story get into your head."

Riku nods.

"Plus..... Troublesome.... you like free time, she is all about deadlines and working harder and harder. You may like her but she likes working even more."

Naruto then slides Reina's document over. Leaving Eiko and Toyoko. Riku looks up at me and flicks me a coin.

"Flip it, I trust you and your luck.... and as my trusty best friend and wing woman... you have the final call. Heads is Eiko, Tails is Toyoko. I put all my faith in you."

Gulping nervously I place the coin on my thumb and flick it upwards... it spins so slowly... before landing.

"So its decided. I will let them know in the next clan meeting."


Thanks for reading :)

At the time both Eiko and Toyoko were tied in the poll- I flipped a coin to decide the winner~

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