Naruto: Mind over matter

Training to Ninja!

Pov: Iruka

Recently I got a new student named Riku, best friend to Naruto and someone who's file came with two extra pages of do's and don'ts, I've had a talk with him regarding the state of his chakra and he has assured me that he could get it under control before the end of his stay at the academy

He does have quite the unique Kekkai genkai however, Riku's Yin chakra is much more potent and has a strange chakra signature mixed in with it, kind of like a new blend of chakra and unfortunately that means I have no ideas on how to help him grow this kekkai genkai as there is no records of it in Konoha

What is amazing is that once you tell him his mistakes or correct his posture he never changes it, the pros are obvious but that's gonna be a hurdle when learning to 'wing it' when throwing ninja tools mid combat, perhaps I should build some guides on transitioning between forms? Or get him started on moving targets?

I should ask if Sasuke would like to work on moving targets as well, they could then practice on each other with rubber kunai? Ill start writing up this proposal and get it sent to Hokage-sama as soon as possible

And perhaps I should ask Hokage-sama if I should replace the 3 ninjutsu with something a bit more fitting for someone who has a unique Yin chakra?


1 week later

Pov: Sasuke Uchiha

This is the third time I'm doing this moving target practice with Riku, the last two times he has barely 'moved', but I suppose training to hit a more humanoid target is helpful on its own

Stepping up to the training ground I look towards Iruka-sensei who tells me to start when I'm ready, and then I freeze as I look towards my opponent, Riku.

He is frozen still in what seems to be a neutral pose, hands hovering over his holster he stares at me- no past me, as if I wasn't even there, the creepiest thing is that he isn't moving, not one part of his body is moving, no muscle, not his eyes and not even his hair, frozen in place like some statue

Ignoring the eerie feeling in the back of my mind I pull out a kunai and throw it towards his chest

He twists his upper body and bends it backwards allowing the kunai to breeze past him, his eyes still locked with my body, his body now frozen but in its new pose

I start slowly stepping to my right and watch as his body does not move but his eyes do, tracing me

I exhale a breath and start running, letting three more kunai go, flinging towards his thigh, his shoulder and his head

He starts running, exactly like me, he flings three kunai in the exact same way I did, I move my body and twist my torso out of the way of the three kunai

He only needs to twist in the same way and he is free from my throws, running in circles we study each other

I stop abruptly and run toward him, throwing my last kunai towards him,  he does the same, a second too early as my kunai passes him and the one he throws is caught by me mid-air

I quickly retort with his own kunai and he doesn't use his last one, instead he jumps, a little too high with his well trained body? Which I never see him actually train? how did he?-

Shaking my head of these thoughts I run towards where he was and roll grabbing one of the kunai on the floor

I look back just in time to see him in perfect form feet planted upper body twisting just right and wrist flicking a kunai, the problem is this is a perfect from for on the GROUND, how is he moving his body like that mid-flight?

I sigh as I watch the kunai hit my head, I could not stand get up quick enough after my roll, tch-

2-1, he wont surprise me next time


Pov: Riku

My body flops to the ground, technically I won, technically I suffered more wounds due to landing like a dead fish against hard packed dirt

This time I managed to successfully copy his movements from the last two rounds and even copy and paste what he did mid-battle today

Ill need to see that kunai catch again to replicate it and maybe ask for some pointers too but I feel I winged it just right enough to win

The throwing pose mid air was not a good idea, should keep that to the ground and ask for more guidance on my mid-jump manoeuvres

Getting up I start to dust off my clothes, I walk over to Sasuke and do the seal of reconciliation, technically I should have done the confrontation seal at the start of the spar but I was too focused on staying focused to register anything other than a kunai being thrown at me

My body is growing adeptly especially considering I can stretch all my muscles without doing any poses by pushing my Yin chakra in the right places, I can also have the same effects of a workout while sitting down due to having manual control over my body and exuding force onto it via Yin chakra

All in all I'm loving this new moving target practice as it lets me learn how to move my body on the fly

Hokage-sama also asked if I was capable of using 100% of my bodies power that is usually locked away by ones subconscious, he walked me through what the 8 gates where and I've started understanding that I can technically open the first gate without opening it, my body is completely under my direct control and that means I get a sort of passive gate effect that isn't as great as breaking ones limit and pushing ones body through that limit, but a rather stronger body that allows me to be super human in a way, no lifting trees out of the ground but I'm as strong as a standard chunin at 7 years old so that's great! just need better skills than a low genin to keep up with it

I was also askes if I could use my special chakra to make new ninjutsu special to me! And for every jutsu I create I get to swap out one of the basic three for my academy test

So I'm gonna focus on that first and then try to use my standard chakra when I am a genin

My first project you ask?

A replacement for the substitution jutsu, trying to make my own escape based jutsu that uses my Yin chakra as its base

I'm thinking of creating a Force release based jutsu that allows me to- well shove myself at high speeds, kind of like a body flicker?

I also got to think on replacements for the henge and clone technique, so a disguise and support technique? The clone jutsu could be replaced with anything really so ill let my creative juices flow there.

And back to the 8 gates thing, should I try and passively open the other gates? or is that too much? I understand that the downsides are that the further I develop the gates the higher chance I have of dying when I lose focus but if I lose focus during a fight that's gonna get me killed anyway? no, lets leave that till I'm sure I wont die from losing control in my sleep

for now ill spend this year and the next refining my Yin chakra blend and Yin chakra control, also find the right hand signs and train them... lets get busy I suppose.
Riku: Age 9

Pov: Hokage

I take a puff of my pipe as I examine the scroll in front of me, Riku has pretty good handwriting and excellent drawing skills it seems, it also seems he has finally created his first jutsu [Force release: Body Shunt]

It seems his kekkai genkai also uses custom hand signs

Force - unique for force techniques; wrap pointer fingers with eachother and pull

Control - unique for control techniques; extend bottom 3 fingers and tuck pointer fingers into itself, put palms together and place thumbs on top pointing out

Telekinesis uses both force and control handsigns

The guide to his force jutsu is;

Begginer -- Bird_Tiger_Force

Intermediate -- Bird_Force

Adept -- Force

Master -- sealess

The jutsu upon use shunts ones body in a direction of the users choice, roughly 1-4 feet at a time, more distance with better mastery.

Interesting... he says he is capable of using this jutsu at the adept stage, it seems that I cannot wait to see his next jutsu, Riku is full of surprises


Pov: Shikamaru Nara

What a drag, I have to spar with Riku again, I was fine with it at first due to him being pushed over once and I get extra nap time, but recently he has gotten better at reacting to things

Getting up into the sparing circle I make the seal of confrontation and watch Riku go from lively to one of the most lifeless faces i have ever witnessed


I don't wait for him to start anymore, if I wish to end this quickly I have to get him before he goes 'Taijutsu mode'

There's about four seconds of us punching and pushing in the ring before I resign to my fate of no napping

Watching Riku twist his body inhumanely and return punches using his entire bodies weight makes me wanna forfeit, but if I do I have to run laps again... what a drag 

There is roughly 12 more seconds of dodges, kicking and punching before I think up my plan

Kicking some dirt up to make him close his eyes, I then run- wait he didn't close his eyes? Troublesome I forgot how uncaring he can be in the face of pain

Okay new plan I duck under his kick and launch my body upwards toppling- never mind he jumped after his kick

Haaaa, troublesome... lets do- no that wont work, how about I try to- no, not that either

Hmm? Ah his eyes are watering he will have to close them to wipe away the water and get his line of sight back

Lets rush him as he does that, and he left himself open for a tackle? No ill swipe his legs and pin him

3 more seconds of our scuffle and I win, troublesome he is the only that forces me to think so hard in a fight with his unorthodox techniques

Helping him up and doing the sign of reconciliation I watch his face go back to a smile and listen to him giggle

"Good spar Nara-san, I'm getting closer to winning any day now" he says while blinking rapidly- ah to get rid of the dirt he didn't during the fight

"What a drag, ill probably just forfeit next time and do the laps, less hassle that way"

Riku chuckles as we sit back on the side-lines where I can take a nap again, though I do wonder if he could play shogi the same way he trains? Never making the same mistake twice, hm ill bring a board tomorrow to see if he would like to learn


Pov: Sasuke Uchiha

23 - 26

The moving target spars have been great for training, though we only do them if we both get perfect hits on the stationery target practice

He is currently in the lead due to his new Jutsu, I found out the hard way he had a kekkai genkai through the last 8 spars, but learning to dodge kunai that appear from multiple directions at once and trying to hit him as he body shunts around have been great for my shurikenjutsu techniques

Finishing up our current spar i throw two kunai simultaneously and wait for him to shunt away from the ground to the sky, i send another kunai as soon as he moves and hit him on his way up

24 - 26

I was lucky there, he has been reacting faster and faster to being shunted and gaining his bearings quicker

He also keeps learning my moves so I need to train for a few more hours this week trying to mix more instinct into my moves rather than keeping my move set stiff and predictable

All in all I have grown to appreciate the kid who sits next to me as he is a constant learning opportunity, he also doesn't squeal when i ask him for his notes on a few things I miss in class

I should train my substitution jutsu after school, got to perfect it before I use it in our spars so I can catch him off guard

Hn, ill make sure to surpass his score in no time.


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