Naruto: Mind over matter

Mind Puzzle

Pov: Riku's mind

'So that's it huh, I was just getting a cruel joke played on me? No superpowers no second life and certainly no chance at doing anything more than I did in my last'

'I had so many things to do! I could've been a flying ninja! I could've done so much more instead of having a midlife crisis at 15!?! There was learning to carve again, there was growing old this time, there WAS SO. MUCH. MORE!'

'How am I supposed to do your shittin' favours Old Man when I'm on my death bed at 3 years old!? When ill need someone to wipe my ass at 7 years of age!? Or when I'm slowly dying at 14!?'

There is a brief pause in the mindscape where I silently sob to myself, every other minute mumbling an apology or shouting in anger

-1 month later-

I can hear people around me, the voices quietly talking in my room, Naruto is usually here but sometimes the Hokage drops by with him and they discuss certain topics

I enjoy these conversations as I get to hear how Naruto is doing and if anything cool has happened, apparently he found the food of the gods which he on occasion try's to feed me while I'm comatose, a nurse catches him all the time though, he also promised me to take me to ichiraku's as well, so when I awake that's something

I've stopped being so angry recently and started trying to piece myself back together, I could never find my mindscape when meditating but now that I'm constantly in it, I could see more and more.

Pieces of glimmering light without purpose, shards of glass without form and mountains of glittery substance all around me and I've got to put it all back together

I've started with the glass shards because they are the biggest but its hard to control them how I want them to be controlled, usually takes twenty minutes to move a piece and then hours to find the energy to move another

-3 months later-

And with the final piece of glass the ball- yes a glass ball- forms in my mind, looking at it shimmer and spin it seems to have been fully formed again, wish I knew what it did

But onto the glitter stuff as I have no clue how to hold light of all thing's, while the glass was hard to move due to its size I was able to grip it, the glitter or sand is very... impractical to piece together


-1 month later-

Figured it out, just got to focus extra hard on one piece of glitter to understand its shape and then I place every one of its shape into one pile, kind of like separating Lego but with sand particles


-4 months later-

Alright with the particles sorted I am able to start working, grabbing a piece from every pile- hundreds of piles- and slowly piece them together and when they do I finally get a stone like brick! Just got to copy and paste this thing and see what happens!


-? Months later-

I stopped listening to the outside, and with it my productivity went up, now I have a very nice stone floor with a spinning glass ball!

And onto the last puzzle piece that makes no sense, light. How to move and piece together light? I don't know, but I have a few ideas and I'm pretty sure this one will work

I just got to direct them! Like I was directed when I was a light thing in the afterlife, and I'm pretty sure that's what the light here is, my soul... just slightly torn from my mental breakdown, it seems that my Yin chakra is in control of everything that makes me, well me, both mind, body and soul

Which makes me think the stones represent my body and the glass my fragile ego, right!?



Wrong! Totally wrong I've been going at this like its some big picture! This is my mind why would my body be here too!? Perhaps if I try...


Got it! The particles are my control over Yin, the details the colour the form of my mind, so I can change them to make my mindscape look like something! Anything! And I did just that! Now the place looks like Homewood park and at the centre is a tall, great tree over 50ft! which used to be a glass ball, that is the amount of Yin chakra I have, and why it was so heavy for being glass, that shit was super condensed!

That leaves the light which I've redirected to create the sun in the fake sky I have made myself, and I'm pretty sure that is telekinesis or the special energy needed to use it, I've got it slowly flowing into the rest of my mind like rays of sunlight and hope it would allow me to use it in tandem with my mind later, fingers crossed.


Riku: 6 years old

I finally wake myself up, stretching my non-existent muscles I look around the room to see a few get well soon cards on the bench next to me, most are old and a few new and opening them up- yep all Naruto, OOooo actually and one from the Hokage, love that guy so nice~

I can feel my body in disarray, my legs wont move and I can feel my lungs and heart giving out, which isn't the best of things to wake up too, but I have a plan, supposedly I need Yang chakra to automatically run my body, or it tells the body I'm alive and that it keeps running due to that, my plan is to substitute Yang for Yin, using my Telekinesis to manually control my body

sending my conscience into every part of me so instead of being automatic, I am manually managing every part of me

Ever had someone say your manually breathing now and you have to focus on your breathing? Its like that but worse, making sure I'm gripping and pumping my heart at the right intervals and making sure I don't inflate my lungs too much or forget to breathe while also trying to relearn how to walk, and by then almost all of me would shut down due to overuse of Yin chakra

I got to learn how to manually control every function my body has by the end of the year or I'm dead

I could also die by failing to control one aspect of my body, 'haaaaaaa~' wish me luck Old Horn-man


Pov: Medic-Nin Daguchi

Riku. Is. Weird

He woke up early this year and was surprisingly well, I walked him through basic breathing exercises and he suddenly attempts to kick himself in the balls and- oh his heart stops working?

He gets the breathing exercises down and I start trying to get him up and walking, making sure to go slowly, instead he screams like a banshee and starts flapping his arms wildly before taking a single step?

He slowly learns to walk, he can talk again but every time he talks he MUST go fully limp like a lifeless body before speaking?

Oh and I forgot about the time I entered his room and the heart monitor was going from 50-150 bpm frantically and he stares me in the eyes and says "what's a normal heart rate for someone my age" and when I tell him the monitor just starts going at normal place for absolutely no REASON! He just stared at me for ten seconds and suddenly he is fine again!?

And he keeps throwing things whether it be a pen at his notepad, the notepad to a wall or a bowl of ramen the demon brat gave him out the window!?

it wasn't till recently where i figured out he is somehow controlling his body manualy and when confronted he called me stupid and "of course thats what im doing doug" who is Doug!?

He is driving me mad and on purpose, he knows my name but refuses to use it I just-haaaaa- I got to take a breather, the kids doing excellent considering he is trying to control his entire body manually and is why I have to do overtime writing guides and finding books for details on every cell within the kids body, hopefully he is able to control his body in the next 3 months because if he doesn't there is no going back to Yang energy, his body will die.


Riku: Age 7 (and a half)

Pov: Shikamaru Nara

Iruka-sensei yells to the classroom- too loud I reckon, how can I sleep in class when he refuses to quiet down? Troublesome...

"Class we have a new student today who will be joining you, why don't you introduce yourself?"

I open one of my eyes in time to catch the new kids neck going limp before speaking? Great i just know he is gonna be a drag

"Yo! Im Riku- just Riku and im ready to learn how to ninja, probably?"

Probably? Does he not want to be a ninja?

"Alright Riku you can take a seat next to Sasuke over there"

Riku then proceeds to fall and stop moving for a solid five seconds


Naruto screams- Again cant i have a quiet classroom? Troublesome, but die now? Meaning he could drop dead anytime? This grabs my attention, i watch as Riku laughs on the floor before getting up and slowly, ever so slowly walks to the seat

Riku? Thats the name engraved on Naruto's bracelet? Confirmed they know eachother, hopefully not as odd as naruto, but looking at the situation... what a drag.. im going back to sleep.


Pov: Sasuke Uchiha

The new kid, Riku sits next to me, great lets just hope he isn't as distracting as the Dobe, trying to ignore him I turn to the head of the classroom and put my head into my hands, letting out a sigh

the girls in the class sigh dreamily and I cant help but to sigh again, a few start giggling before being yelled at by Iruka-sensei, finally they shut up.

"Pssst, you got a last name Sasuke-san?"

Exhaling my name and pushing the bad thoughts away I look towards Riku


He goes limp again this time for more than a few seconds

"Oi, get up"

He isn't moving, sitting there like a corpse he doesn't breathe and when I press my fingers to his neck- no pulse- I freeze, frantically looking around and with a slight panic in my breath

"Oh don't worry I'm good again, just lost focus for a second"

His pulse returns and my breathing calms, looking at him he seems normal again, was he playing a cruel joke!? Of course he is the Dobes friend, surely he- no the Dobe expressed worry when this happened in front of the class, this happens from time to time

Staring away and back at Iruka-sensei I think on why someone like him on deaths door constantly is trying to be a ninja, tch- he should just stay out the way

"Not the talking type huh? Don't worry I can be quiet, just tap my shoulder if you need anything sometimes i focus too much on one thing and become unresponsive"

He flashes me a smile but ignore it.


Pov: Ino Yamanaka

Hmm? So that's the bedridden friend that Naruto wont stop talking to forehead about, tsk I guess its fine letting him sit next to Sasuke-kun if it means Forehead isn't sitting there

Looking at his windswept hair, shiny green eyes and clothing, black boots and pants with a black tank top and a white puffy jacket similar to Naruto's that he leaves open with some silver accents ill give him a pass on his style, anything is better than Naruto's orange eyesore


Pov: Riku

Liver? Living

Heart? Beating

Lungs? Breathing

Limbs? Stretching

Muscles? Constantly tearing and rebuilding, take that exercise I can do you sitting down *cough*

Immunity system? All good, I hope, still haven't gotten that one down

Blood? Controlling its flow through every part of my body

Chakra? Not so good most medic-nin cant even find my Yang chakra which apparently takes away a few medical Jutsu that they use

Got a long way to go with this, I'm able to move now which is great, manage to leave the hospital in the day for some academy time, start learning super ninja stuff

My teacher- or sensei I should say is a good guy, but way too easy to annoy, keep calling him Ruka-sensei and he is flabbergasted I keep 'forgetting' it every time, huh I see why those three did that to me now... hehehe

When doing practical it takes me 5 minutes to get my body into running mode which means I'm usually last but that's fine, I'm learning how to run which is a great step

On the throwing techniques I'm pretty much the best, why? Because its stationery targets and when someone says I'm moving the wrong way or corrects my form I memorize it and never get it wrong again so that was good, turns out excess Yin chakra helps ones memory pretty good, just need to learn how to throw and move at the same time but well get there

Taijutsu matches? Not so good, I keep getting put against Shikamaru Nara and Hinata Hyuga who both kind of wait for me to try- which is nice but also humiliating when they push me and I cant stabilize my legs in time, got to fix my reaction times

Ninjutsu? Yep. I'm failing the class, I only have Yin chakra, so no henge, no substitution and no clone, in fact no any Jutsu at all

So instead I'm hoping I can prove my strengths in Yin techniques and seeing if they will let my non ninjutsu slide

While everyone places a leaf on there heads and gets it to stick I'm putting it on the underside of my hand and trying to use my mind to push it up with my Yin Chakra

Which reminds me of learning how to mould my mind with the glass, which means I can only do it for 3 seconds every 10 minutes

I've also tried with grains of sand or dirt seeing if it works like it did in my mind and low and behold I think I can use my Yin chakra in three separate ways!

First, Telekinetic Force, Pushing and pulling, dragging and brute forcing things to move. For easy terms I'm gonna label all my Jutsu that uses this as the base as; [Force release: Etc I win Jutsu]

Second, Telekinetic control is more filling an object with yin chakra and moving it as if it were one of my limbs, more delicate and detailed, kind of like how one doesn't apply pressure to bend ones fingers it just does when one thinks to do it, easy term is gonna be;
[Control release: etc you lose Jutsu]

Thirdly, is directing an object, kind of like a mix of the first two, I push Yin chakra into the surroundings of an object and gently move it via external pressure, or the air around said object follows my commands like a limb, heavily taxing though but much more powerful, easy term should be;
[Telekinesis release: etc I win x2 Justu]
Purely because this is what I feel Telekinesis is, or what it should be.

And finally I've also tried getting Yang chakra through controlling my body to be healthier, I estimate not overwhelming my Yang chakra by 9 and converting it and mixing it with Yin chakra to then get actual chakra by 10! Which means 1-2 years to learn the academy three which is good enough for me, cannot wait to summon earth walls or wind blasts! if I can learn the chakra control exercises and hand signs in the same year as well as staying on top of my other work... it should be fineee~

Thank you for Reading :)

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