Naruto: Mind over matter

New teammates

Pov: Tsunade Senju

*knock knock*


Someone peeks there head in and says.

"Sorry, but the Terror is in the hospital and wont wake up... again, he was sighted with rocks? Pushing him towards the gate... the rocks also... handed in his mission completion letter...."

I slap my forehead and wave my hand letting the person know I got his message... Haaaa~ I didn't realise the most annoying part of this job wasn't the paperwork... wonder what happened this time.

I finish off the document I was signing and tell Shizune "put these away for now, I will check that Riku isn't imploding suddenly then head home", she replies "of course Lady Tsunade".

Heading to the Hospital I find my way to Riku's room... yes Riku's old room which I'm certain is being used to house Riku every time he is in here and no one else hasn't used it since he started to.

Pretty sure medic ninja use that room as a break room on the second floor when he isn't in there.

Looking inside and Riku on the bed I see Inoichi beside him?

"What happened here?"

Inoichi looks up at me and smiles nervously.

"Thought I did something with my latest Jutsu so just checking up on him, the doctors stated that his mind is going haywire but all I can see is that its overrun with activity and just taking time to process something... he is good, just needs sleep, probably a week or two minimum"

I nod my head and run a diagnostic Jutsu on Riku just to be safe before sighing and leaving, Inoichi leaves too and we go our separate ways.

More boring than usual... good. I'm sick of hearing 'Riku jumped into the [death zone don't go there] to save a falling leaf and he has broken every bone possible'... bullshit like that at least, boring is great. Amazing actually.


I stop walking.

Wait... was that nature chakra? Jiraiya always had that feeling when I used my diagnostic jutsu after using his sage mode...

I rush back.

Pov: Jiraiya

I'm currently in the men's side of the hot springs and looking through a hole into the women's side... excellent curves on that lady...


A small frog appears on my shoulder and hands me a scroll before disappearing again.

A letter from the Hime huh? I wonder what this means...

I read the letter closely and my face falls into shock.

Nature chakra!? Riku!? What!?

Currently sleeping for a few weeks...

"Hey Naruto- Riku is bedridden"

"Ah, okay"

I look over at him with confusion.

"Hold it, the name Terror is too much but him being bedridden isn't making you yell!?"

"That's like getting angry at you for peeping on the hot springs... its inevitable dattebayo.."

I shake my head and sigh... Naruto has been learning everything quickly when using hundreds of shadow clones to practice... maybe I should start teaching him about natural chakra? The theory at least and then get him started in a few months after he learns how to be completely still.... catch up to this Riku kid and his friend Sasuke.

Alright, lets leave and go find an open space... goodbye pretty ladies...

"Oh you finally stopped peeping?"

"Shhh! Lets get out of here, I have something to teach you!"

Naruto jumps out of the water and heads inside to get dressed and we leave the hot springs to find a grassy plain.

-1 day later-

Pov: Shikamaru

How is he in the hospital this time? That's the big question at least... what a drag, why did I ever befriend this guy, all hard work and no breaks.

Hmmm... overloaded mind Ino said, body is unharmed, well apart from a bruise but apparently that was a rock that did that... wait rock? Ohhhhh! I get it now, the rock reconnected mid mission, luckily on a C-rank, if he overloaded himself on a higher rank mission or fighting strong opponents that might of been his last mission.

Lets just go find Choji and eat, I'm starving from sleeping through lunch today...

Walking through the streets I take my time getting to the Akamichi compound.

Finding Choji's house I knock.

*knock knock*

The door opens and Choji appears in front of me.

"Wanna go eat? My treat"

"Oh! Sure, barbeque or are we feeling ramen today? Maybe we could have some pizza, my cousin built a pizza place after me and Riku showed him it and I have been dying to taste it"

"I'm fine with pizza, you taking the chunin exams? Leaving in a week right?"

"Oh yeah! Some genin named Sai is our temporary team mate for the exam, this is certainly the exam where everyone in our group gets chunin"

"Sure, now I have to start trying hard for Jonin because Riku got it at thirteen... such a drag, just want to do C-ranks for the rest of my life any higher and they get troublesome.."

Choji chuckles and we find the pizza shop and order, finding our seats we continue our conversation.

"Jonin huh? Cant believe Riku's test... lets hope we get someone other than Ibiki-san to Procter our second exam"

"Troublesome... its also because the people who sponsor you can weigh down on the scale and make the test harder... Danzo shimura had sponsored him and made sure that he got the worst treatment in his second exam... Sai? How good is he?"

"Not genin level at all, pretty sure he was 'you know what' and this is more for publicly declaring he exists... oh yeah, he is going to be on Riku's team with another 'you know what' member... but Riku fell asleep and so I guess he will find out later"

"Hmm? Finally getting teammates? Good for him, he has to be able to do higher rank missions without jumping on team sevens back... Sakura took one mission with him as leader and decided that he was too troublesome... I pity his team members"

Choji chuckles and we eat our lunch.


-1 month later-

Pov: Riku

Ah. Missed the exams, I was planning to make a banner for Sasuke that was big and embarrassing... tch- next time.

Stretching on my bed- the hospital bed, not my bed *cough* I finally awake from my slumber and boy do I have quite the headache.


The door opens and Yamato-sensei enters.

"Oh your up? Good I want you to meet your new team members, I'm finally back from my mission and Tsunade wants you to do higher rank missions"

"Hmm? New teammates?"

"Yeah formally root but were judged capable of entering into the active roster, they are at training ground 16 right now, you good enough to move?"

I roll my shoulder and twist my waist.

"Pretty much, mind stuff only it seems... bad luck running into those Akatsuki but ended swell enough"

His eye twitches.

"Akatsuki? Never mind report to Hokage-sama and then find us"

Ehehehe haaaa~ lets go get beaten the shit out of by my Hokage.

I jump out of bed and realise I'm not wearing Emrys... *splat* Yamato raises his eyebrow and I chuckle as I summon Emrys to my body, okay lets head to Lady.

-30 minutes later-

"What!? Why can you never just do a mission! No side-tracking! No bullshit!"

Lady yells at me.

"Why cant you give me normal mission- impulse- wait lets think and- breathe- Impulse- Impulse!"

I'm thrown through her window yet again and I dust myself off and start walking to training ground 16.

Roof hopping and a little bit of tree hopping I make my way to the small training field and see three people, Yamato, a pale black haired boy and another pale brown haired girl.

"Yo! Heard your my new team mates! Name is Riku!"

The pale boy offers a handshake.

"Hello, I am Sai... nice to meet you..."

He scans me over before continuing.



The girl chimes in with a monotone voice.

"Yes a good nickname Sai-Senpai he does look tired and unkept, greetings sleepy I am Wakana... my nickname is boring"


Sai responds with a polite smile.

"Because she looks like she is constantly bored... right? We were just discussing what my nickname should be, any ideas?"

I look at Sai up and down and then nod my head seriously.

"Subordinate to Riku!"

He thinks about that seriously and puts his hand to his chin.

"Subordinate to Riku..."

Yamato cuts in with a sigh.

"Okay- haaa~ Sai ignore that nickname its not a nickname... I knew Riku would blend in immediately... haaa- we don't need a nickname for everyone-"

Wakana cuts him off.

"How about canvas Sai-senpai... you are as white as a canvas and use painting for your main jutsu"

Painting? That's cool, I wanna see it.

"I agree ignore my previous joke Canvas, it will be a pleasure to work with you both!"

I shake there hands and they both crack a small smile.

"Ino-san told us that we would get along with you, Sai-Senpai we have completed our current objective. What is our next one?"

He thinks before Yamato cuts off this conversation.

"Team training exercises! We are doing team training exercises! Tomorrow actually, Riku tidy yourself up and go ease Eiko's worries, we will meet at Root training ground 2 for future reference, its actually our personal training ground for the future"

"Well see ya! Canvas and Boring! I guess I have to go clean up and such! Nice meeting you!"

I start running and waving behind me.

"Nice to meet you as well Sleepy!"

"Of course, Sleepy!"

"Haaa~ Anko is lucky she works in T&I all the time... see you tomorrow Riku!"

I head off to my home and start to get changed.

I shave... puberty is hitting me and I am getting a suspiciously large amount of facial hair... Luke had this problem too.

I take a breath and look at myself in the mirror, my Telekinetic sight if expanded can see all of Konoha now... and I have full mastery over the split self alongside getting my extra mind back from the rock.

Gazing into my eyes I smile.

I'm getting stronger and stronger.

Soon my favours will be done and I can relax after I deal with the Akatsuki.

Mind over matter.

Going to take a small break and be back at Monday or Tuesday :/ but time skip when I am back and Naruto returns! entering into the Shippuden Story! Thanks for reading :)

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