Naruto: Mind over matter

Kakuzu vs Rocks!

Pov: Rocks.

Three Jonin sand shinobi? Why are they just out here? Plans? Where they the ring leaders of that sand coup ages ago? The one that was easily dismantled by Kakuzu? Did they think I did that?

My main body is sleeping and I take half of its chakra so I may continue on.

Why am I fine you ask? I don't have the weakness of flesh, I am rocks. No mind can be overwhelmed if I don't have one.

This chakra from life however...

I will list what happens when I mix it with my own.

- It expands my chakra into multiple objects that can be separate.

- these objects can be controlled with my mind... so telekinesis.

- my Telekinetic sight expands... by a lot. And I get a secondary sight filled with nature.

- I can imbue my Telekinetic chakra into objects within my Telekinetic sight.

I watch the three converse and listen closely to there words.

"Should we signal- *slap*"

The heavy shinobi slaps his skinnier friend and tells him to keep his mouth closed.

"If we cant bring him in do you really think he would pay us? That man was so stingy with his coin"

"Lets just grab him and deliver him like this, he fell asleep on his own that's his problem"

"What if he- sorry yes ill do it"

They pick up my main body and I stick myself into Riku's pockets.

Shit I was way too prioritized with getting to my main body that I didn't care what else was going on.

They flicker me away for a few hours at least, eventually they arrive at a clearing in the woods that leads out into a cliff below.

In this clearing a decapitated head is yelling out profanities.

"Hey Kakazu your bitches are here! Now sow me back to together you fucker!"

... I may have fucked up... hurry up and get here rocks...

Wait Kakazu? Oh no... I definitely fucked up.

The Akatsuki member flickers into the clearing and tells his partner to shut up.. how is he talking!? He is a head!

"You three come collect your payment"

The three drop my body next to the talking head and approach Kakuzu who immediately launches his hands at the two skinny ones and starts choking them to death the heavy one jumps back and pulls out his club.

"This isn't what we agreed upon bitch!"

"You came with a deal I never accepted, and asked for an outrages price... your information was delightful however so your deaths will be quick"

He snaps the necks of the two skinny ones and jumps at the heavy one slamming his fist down onto his head multiple times and eventually finding skull, he dies with the other two sand shinobi.

Kakuzu gets up and looks over at me.

"You made a fool out of me Terror, even Zetsu believed your lie when you used a dead language for your name... if these sand shinobi didn't tell me that it was you hunting the bounties and not someone named {Luke} I may have continued to believe that lie"

He cracks his knuckles and my body responds by mumbling in his sleep and grabbing the... head to hold like a pillow.

"Hey! Get off me bitch! Fucker is sleeping!"

Kakuzu lets out an annoyed sigh and kicks me in the stomach.

"Wake up! I will not have this kill be so easy! Do you know how much money I wasted searching for traces of a man that doesn't exist!"

My body giggles and hugs the head tighter.

Kakuzu looks ready to burst in anger.

Luckily... my rocks have arrived.

I take all the chakra I can from my body and slip out of its body, I move my pebble form up till it reaches eye level with Kakuzu and he tilts his anger with angry curiosity.


The pebble slams into his forehead and he takes a step back, I did no damage... this guy is a monster.

Five rocks clumped together *slam!* appear from the forest and hit the back of Kakuzu's knee making him fall.

Lets hunt this monster.

He gets up and scans his surroundings, then looks back to me the floating pebble.

"What..? Are you?"

I use [Imbue voice] and respond with his own voice but with a condescending tone.

"I am a pebble this is a rock"

Another Rock launches from the forest and Kakuzu raises his hand to catch it, but it merely swerves downwards and hits his stomach with an impact.

The rocks start to orbit my pebble, I have six now and more are coming.

Kakuzu takes off his cloak and his back starts splitting open with wire.

"Come out you little shit!"

The voice that comes from the rock is now mine.

"Sorry but I'm currently everywhere"

One rock appears from the forest and Kakuzu leaps to the side, the rock follows and hits his shin before orbiting my pebble.

Three rocks emerge from the forest and Kakuzu gets hit again and again.

"This is just an annoyance!"

"Hahaha- funny right?"

Seven rocks emerge from the forest and start homing in on Kakuzu, Kakuzu ignores these Rocks and leaps to my main body, I decide to slam all my rocks into Kakuzu and push him back, more and more rocks emerge from the forest ever so slowly and like a horde turning into a stampede we clutch to Kakuzu and start pushing him to the edge of the cliff.

20 - 37 - 56 - 76 - 102 - 204 - 336

The rocks numbers keep coming and Kakuzu gets overwhelmed by the stampede.

557 - 816 - 978 - 1029 - 1256

The numbers don't stop and Kakuzu starts sliding and dirt picks up around his heels.

2048 - 2689 - 3599 - 4789 - 5000!

Five thousand rocks each imbued with me collect and form a rock shaped train that pushes Kakuzu.

"What Jutsu is this!"



The rocks push until Kakuzu is at the edge of the cliff and then his back explodes into wires and masks four different beings start to claw at and destroy my rocks, fire, wind, lightning and water!

My rocks disperse and a few try to push Kakuzu off just a bit! *slam* but he punches through them and destroys them.

I quickly make a bed of rocks and place Riku on it, carrying him away.. I also discretely remove the head he was hugging.

A few hundred rocks have been destroyed and Kakuzu sends his Lightning and Water masks after main me, I send two thousand rocks after them.

Kakuzu goes for the head and I keep another two thousand here to fight the other masks and send the last few hundred at Kakuzu, including the pebble.

*fwoosh!* *Slam!*

I tackle into Kakuzu and put the weight of literally 657 rocks on top of him, he manages to grab the head and I apply as much Telekinetic pressure as possible to keep him down.

The lightning and water masks harass my main body and one thousand of my rocks form into a giant hand shape and grip the wire like beast that threatens to escape, my other thousand guarding main me form the shape of another hand and attempts to do the same with the water mask.

The fire and wind masks blow out an incredibly destructive combo!

*fwooosh!* *slam!* *crackle*

The incendiary tornado explodes and destroys a portion of the cliff and the surrounding area of forest turns into a burnt wasteland, small fires starting around the place.

Shit that's going to become a forest fire if I don't do anything... just lost two thousand rocks for being to close to that blast.

If only I... wait! Destroyer force on my rocks, damnit I'm still processing my memories!

I send ten rocks at the two masks and [Body Shunt], [Destroyer Force] combo.

The masks don't break but they are sent flying off the cliff at least and hurtle down to the bottom *crash!*

I raise all the rocks on Kakuzu and Body slam him with another [Destroyer force].

He embeds into the rock below but only shows minor wounds... how tough is this guy!?

I do it again and again!

My hands lose control over the other two masks but my body is being escorted away quickly enough that they will never catch up now, they run back to Kakuzu and my rocks tumble after them...

If I had time I could imbue more than just rocks damnit!

[Destroyer Force] I'm running out of chakra with this much pressure I have to use to keep him down.

The two masks blast at the pebble and rocks that hold Kakuzu down, they scatter and I don't have the chakra to hold them, I drop the pebble and focus on the two thousand other rocks that follow the masks...

Cant beat them, but I can certainly keep them busy for a while.

I separate the rocks individually send in one after the other focusing all my chakra at one rock at a time in order to reach maximum speeds.

*slam!* *crush* *wham*

The rocks are getting sent in but Kakuzu eventually stands and starts ignoring them, taking a step forward and after a few steps he chucks the head behind him which finds its body being carried up the mountain by the two masks that just got sent down there.

I am the last rock standing and I have to do something to keep Kakuzu and his seemingly reattached partner from chasing me.

[Imbue voice]

"Now that I proved that I can beat you in my sleep... why don't we see what happens when I am awake?"

The two Akatsuki members look at each other and then back at the rock.

"You think we are scared of you bitch!?"

I was hoping so but... I know what makes your friend tick at least.

My nature sense tells me something... a small cache full of cash some distance away... Kakuzu written all over it.

"Ten minute walk east from here, under the log and kept under a seal"

Kakuzu narrows his eyes at that and mutters.


"A question... do you value money or a fight? Sorry let me make this clearer, you come after me and I will kill you and burry the loud mouth under a outhouse, I will also start to smash some flint close together for a while... see what happens to the ryo you stored for safety.."

Kakuzu narrows his eyes and grabs his partner, dragging him east after he declares to me.

"I will collect your bounty Inhuman Terror"

"I will make sure to add some zeros for you then, good choice gentlemen- we will kill each other or worse another day"

I disconnect from the rock and it drops to the floor.

"Fucker!" *spit*

Thanks for reading :)

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