Naruto: Mind over matter

Monkey Signs

-1 week later in Konoha-

Pov: Tsunade senju


Riku coughs again and repeats his sentence.

"So I was doing some light bounty hunting here and there.."

"Not that skip forward"

"I was scouting this base and... mayhaveaccidentallybeenscoutedtojointheakatsukiandtoldthemIwasbusyandneededsometimebeforeIfoundthemagain... and then I went back to Suna... they have this lovely sand based spa actually-"



What the hell? How the hell is it that this kid just jumps into everything and makes it out alive???

"How the hell did you get them to think that a chunin from Konoha was worth anything to them!?"

He coughs again. This brat.

"I was disguised... and came up with a super spy persona..."

I rub my forehead and sigh, this- how? I mean what is with his luck? He just walks away from an S-class homicidal maniac!?

"Get out. Buy me some sake if you wish to speak to me about anything later"

"Even if you summon me?"

"Especially if I summon you!"


"Its because I bragged about the spa isn't it- wait- Lady think about- impulse!- impulse-"

I grip his shirt and throw him out my window onto one of the roofs in Konoha.

Stupid brat! The Akatsuki are looking for members? Should I replicate what he wrote in this report? Get someone else on the inside?

We need our workers now more than anything, I cant sacrifice anyone to get into this organisation with unreliable results...

I pull a draw and open my stash of alcohol.


Pov: Rocks



Pov: Eiko Hyuga

Riku just got back from his month long mission... should I come over for dinner? Am I being too clingy? Should I ask-

Nope! No! I'm not falling into that loop again, lets just go over and knock on his door, he is very nice and will tell me yes or no without having any hidden meanings!

I make my way towards his house, its a short trip which I'm grateful for, I can never go too far while walking or I start getting bad coughs.

*knock knock*

Come on... I even asked my parents if this was alright...

"Come in its unlocked!"

Phew... lets go inside.

"Riku, hello"

As I enter I see him carrying a washing basket full of his ninja outfit.

"Ah hello! Eiko how are we! Its been a while! Let me just put these upstairs and ill be right down"

I watch him walk up the stairs... maybe a little too intensely... but he just... gods watch him walk...

*cough* I have to stop doing that! Lets sit down and breath, hopefully I wasn't in his Telekinetic sight that time, I'm pretty sure he caught me with my Byakugan on the day before he left to Suna... he doesn't think I'm weird right!? Oh no! Why didn't I think about this before! Why am I panicking now of all times! What do I do!? What do I-

"Hey you alright? Is it cold in here? You need a blanket?"

Awwwwuhuhuhuh he is so considerate! Maybe he didn't notice last time...

"I'm fine, thank you though"

He sits down on his lounge wearing his white button up pyjamas... its like a onesie and its my favourite... purely because its a thinner fabric and- Stop! Gods I'm doing it when I'm in front of him now!

"Are you sure? You don't look so well, you look a little red?"

I shake my head frantically- I mean normal head shake normal head shake!

"If you say so..?"

"Ummm, I have a question"

He nods to me, asking to continue... please let me, please let me! Fingers crossed!

"S-so I ahahaha, *cough* I'm- I was wondering if it would be- maybe- perhaps possible to spend tonight and tomorrow here... at yours?"

He tilts his head like a curios animal... so cute...

"May I ask why?"

"Ummm well, I wanted to, I-I- uhh. *Breath* I wanted to spend a day with you to see if we could stand living with each other..."

Lies! I wanted watch him shower with my Byakugan! Lies! I wanted to cuddle with him in his bed! Lies! I wanted to 'accidentally' walk in on him changing! Gods why am I such a-a-a pervert!

"I guess that makes sense.. better to find out now then later... did you want the guest room? Oh wait! Have you talked to your parents about this?"

I nod my head to the parents thing... guest room? How do I even suggest cuddling on the same bed... panic! My plan is derailing! Panic!

"I uhh guest room?"

No don't act clueless me! I probably look so stupid right now!

"Yeah if you want to stay in the guest room ill get some sheets and a few blankets for you"

How do I ask 'I want to cuddle and hug and kiss you while we rest on the same bed' politely and with etiquette!?!?

"Sleep. Us. Yes?"

NO YOU DUMBASS! Abort! Abort! Lets say I'm sick and need to go home! Or I'm- I'm-

"Ohhh.. uh yes if you wish too? I'm making it clear that nothing is going to happen tonight however"

Don't abort! That worked! Yes!

"Are you sure? You wouldn't feel uncomfortable with me there?"

He laughs and slaps his knee.

"No, no, no, you are fine~ have you had dinner? It is quite late... did you have a shower yet?"

My heart thumps uncontrollably as my breathing gets heavier... YES I DID IT! I WIN!

"I would love to have a shower please"

I bow my head as my parents taught me

"Of course its just up here, next to my room"

Next to? Ten feet next to? Hehehehehe should I pose? Should I maste- nope! Nope! I have to stop being such a creep around him!

I follow him up and I ask him to place the bag of my stuff I brought into the next room... should I grab my special soap now or 'forget' it and have him take it to me? Hehehehehe

I start running the shower and activate my Byakugan- the only thing I'm allowed to train without my parents worrying over me.

Peering through the walls I see him standing on the other end of the room- away enough to not accidentally peek on me? OHMYGOSH IM SO HAPPY I GOT AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE WITH THIS GUY! I cant believe I'm the pervert of the two...

But I mean how can I not.. taking my Byakugan a step further I sigh dreamily in the shower... Stop! No bad Eiko! Bad! He is putting trust in you! Stop breaking it!


I need my special soap so it doesn't hurt my skin... I'm already breaking that trust again... am I a bad fiancé?


Should I just go without? No! I want to cuddle with him! I cant smell bad!

"Uuhhh? Riku! Can you get me my soap! Its in my bag!"

Watching him through the wall react to this he puts out his arm and my bag flies to his hand... so hot- cool~

My eyes sharpen as he moves to the door... he knocks on it.

"I'm about to open the door don't panic"

He is within ten feet.. is he seeing me? Am I not good looking enough? What about my hair? Does it look worse wet? What about- no! Stop! Again! No looping Eiko!

"Eiko? Are you alright?"

He is in front of the curtain... should I keep standing still? Should I- my Byakugan looks through the curtain and I can see the worry on his face... why doesn't he just use his sight to make sure I'm alright? This man...

"I'm good sorry..."

He has a visible sigh of relief? Is he really not peering in hear with his sight? How does he not? Isn't it passive? Or maybe he is just focusing hard on something else so he does not.... this man...

"Ill place the soap on the bench here alright?"

"Okay... sorry"

He chuckles as he leaves

"For what?"

He closes the door and leaves to the bedroom again. I turn off my Byakugan.


Why am I the fiancé of this man? Do I deserve him? This man is way out of my league... he should of married to that branch member... she seemed polite and not as perverted as me...

I leave the shower and dress into my pyjamas, the ones I bought for today.. they are definitely not for my parents to see, I still don't know how I snuck this away into my room.

Its a short sleeved button up cotton shirt and similar shorts to pair... it may not seem much but sleeping in such short attire under my parents house wouldn't fly at all...

Lets hope he isn't disgusted by me...

I walk into the bedroom and see that he has changed the sheets into clean ones and he peels the four blankets off so I can hop in... he only had 1 blanket before... *sniff* he is THE BEST! IM GOING TO CUDDLE HIM ALL NIGHT!

I practically jump into the bed as he snickers and turns the light off, he enters into the bed with me....



Should I cuddle him? Would it be weird to just waddle over? Wait! I got it!

"Can I-I cuddle you? For warmth that is?"

Haha I hate my sickness but sometimes it comes in handy!

He chuckles playfully and I feel the blanket shift and his chest bump into mine... so warm...

"Is this fine?"

I nod my head frantically and hug him tightly... best idea EVER EIKO!

"goodnight Eiko.."

"Goodnight Riku.."

So comfy and warm and he smells so nice~ Hohohehehehohohahahahehehe


Pov: Riku

"(Whisper) Wake up, hey Eiko? Your bleeding from your nose.. wake up"

She struggles against waking up and hugs me tighter.


She laughs... creepily? Yeah no that's as creepy a laugh ill hear from her...

Should get her a tissue.. reaching over to my bedside table I grab a tissue and proceed to wipe blood and put it up to her nose.

Her loose and short clothing helped me tonight... how you ask? I had to focus so hard on her face rather than expanding my Telekinetic sight normally and got a new mastery over my split self! Hip hip! Hooray!

Now I can have the entire group of sentinels or travellers or a mix of both! And just in time too, with the chakra efficiency upgrades Kankuro got me I wont be losing out on much chakra at all by adding another self to charge!

Lets actually summon Jewel and send him to Sasuke before he comes looking for me when I am currently...


Currently getting bled on... what is with the wacky biology in this world? Who the hell bleeds this much from the nose...

[Summoning Jutsu], Jewel appears and I place my self into him and watch as he disconnects and heads outside.

Now... what to do with a crazy lady earlie' in the mornin'


Way hey! And up she rises!

I pick her up into my arms still holding a tissue to her nose and carry her downstairs.

She wakes up due to the cold and wipes her eyes yawning.


I flash her a grin.



"Is t-this a dream?"

I laugh at that one- maybe a tad too loud.

"Haahaha- no! No, this is reality Eiko, your bleeding heavily from the nose... are you okay? Feel light headed?"

She blushes and turns a deep shade of red, new high score!

"I-I Uhmm, I d-didn't mean i-it like that! I'm fine- great actually I love sleeping on you- your bed! Love your bed so comfy!"

I chuckle and place her on the couch and lay a blanket over her.

"Anything specific for breakfast?"

She giggles to herself... madly might I add..

"No, I'm fine with whatever you make me! For breakfast!"

I think I broke her?


Pov: Sasuke





My eyes twitch and I throw pillow I was sitting on at the nearby wall.

How the hell are you!- Am I even!- breathe.

This is by far the most frustrating thing I have ever done, I can deal with hundreds of Naruto's running around screaming... but meditation!? God forbid my mind calms for more than a second.

How the hell can Riku even do this? How the hell does Ino do this? One is all over the place, wont shut up and always cracking a joke, and the other is clingy, loud and obnoxious!

Why am I the quietest of them! Unable to keep my head quiet!

The wooden monkey looks to me and does a yapping motion with his hand and my eye twitches again.

"You cant hear me! I'm not speaking Riku!"

The wooden monkey points to his head and pokes it with a loud thump.

"What does that mean!?"

He knocks his head twice and does the yapping motion again.


Ino speaks up.

"Sasuke-kun~ perhaps we should try calming your mind through external activities? Like visiting the hot springs or maybe somewhere calming? Do you have anywhere you go for a quiet think?"

Do I? Every place in this village reminds me of something... though Riku always finds a way to calm my mind... should I bother him again?

"Riku... he always manages to get me to stop thinking so... loud"

"Bingo~ lets go see Riku then!"

The monkey watches getting up and follows.. its not until we are near his house that the monkey steps in front of us and shakes his head frantically.


He makes an X with his arms.

I look at Ino who tilts her head.

"No what?"

He points to Riku's house and shakes his head.

"He isn't there?"

He shakes his head again.

"He is there"

"The monkey cant hear how can it understand us?"

"I think he reads lips- we learnt that in the academy~"

I nod my head.

"Riku. Where. Home?"

He nods but wags his finger at us.

"I'm lost here."

"You and me both Sasuke-kun~"

My eye twitches. And I look at Ino

"Lets just go see if he is home and if not track him down."

The monkey jumps up into our line of sight and waves his hands.

"No, yes? I'm lost lets go."

We head to Riku's house and knock.


He isn't here? Knock again.


"Need something?"

I look at his state, still in pyjamas? Its 9 already?

"I need help meditating"

"I gave you a perfectly fine monkey"

"The monkey makes gestures that annoy me"


"Did you want the bird?"

My eye twitches again.

"I just need. *breath* I just need help from you to calm my mind, I didn't know anywhere else that- that just quiets me down"

He nods his head in understanding.

"Ohhh the place not the person gotcha... give me five minutes to... do something."

He shuts the door in my face. Maybe I was wrong, I'm feeling pretty annoyed right now.

I look to Ino who is staring at me with hearts in her eyes and then down to the monkey who has a his hand up pointing at me, he then thumbs down.

What? What did I do?

The door opens up.

"Hey come on in"

Me and Ino... and the monkey walk into the house, entering I smell pancakes.

"Anywhere specific you wish to meditate?"


"Could I perhaps sit in the loungeroom?"

He thinks before nodding.

"Can I get you guys tea? Water?"

Ino and me shake our head.

"Thank you but we are fine"

"Cool ill be upstairs if you need me, just shout"

He then heads upstairs.

The monkey shoots his hand at me and flicks my forehead before he reattaches it.



I turn to Ino.


"I smell Eiko's soap... kind of like blueberries? I think we interrupted the couple's breakfast"



Right, forgot that Riku had one of those things now.

I may have been in a rush to meditate.

"It would be awkward to leave now right?"


"Lets just stay quiet and not bother them for half an hour then leave"


I gaze awkwardly at the monkey and Ino before just sitting there staring at the clock on the wall...






Seconds turn to minutes as I awkwardly shift in the chair.

"(Whisper) Sasuke-kun~ stop moving"

"(Whisper) ...should I have accepted the bird?"

The monkey nods.


I stare back at the clock and wait for time to pass.


Pov: Riku

Did Sasuke interrupt something? No, not at all- Eiko was very embarrassed at being caught at my house in her pyjamas though.

I should head back down to let Eiko get dressed.

"Ill let you get dressed, Ill be back in ten minutes alright?"

She nods.

Heading downstairs I see both Ino and Sauske in complete silence staring at the wall.


He has made considerable progress, lets connect with jewel and see what he did to learn- oh, oh how cute~ he is embarrassed not meditating... could this help though?

Hmmm? Yeah lets try it.

"Hey guys, I'm going to be... doing laundry upstairs...  when I come back down in an hour I want to see all your progress alright?"

I then disconnect from Jewel so he can complete the next step of the plan.

Heading back upstairs... right lets wait for a minute or two...


Ok is she done- why is she trying on my clothes?

Lets giver her another five..


Pov: Sasuke

Shit. I'm stuck here for an hour now and the monkey is laughing at me.


The monkey tugs on my shirt and does a breathing pose.

"Right... I have to show progress... *cough*"

I sit in a meditative pose and try to act like I hadn't barged into my friends house while he was eating breakfast with his fiancé...

Should of taken the bird smh... Thanks for reading :) Oh! right Rocks left you guys a message: "..."

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