Naruto: Mind over matter

Konoha Crush; Riku does Riku things.

Pov: Temari

Fuck. This. Guy.

Why are my slicing winds not bleeding him to death? How are my blasts of wind not breaking his bones? Why is he so damned resilient!

*fwooosh* *fwaam* *crack* *crash*

Kankuro has poisoned him twelve times already! 8 darts and 4 Gas based attacks!

What the hell is he. Just staring at us like an annoyance, he is inhuman.

If Gaara is a monster he is a freak.

We have been chasing and running after him for 7 minutes already, how the hell can we-



They got the puppet off of him...

"Kankuro lets get back-"

I stare at the tornado of sand and the rising figure of sand towering in the distance. It laughs as if no one can stop it now. It is right.

"I-I what do we do?"

My breath hitches and I turn to Kankuro who freezes at the sight of Gaara.

I-I never wanted this- why did we have to do this- come one Temari get yourself together, its too late now!

A hand is placed on my back and it pats me, I start to breath normally and focus- shit I'm in the middle of a fight why did I stop focu- I turn to see Riku who is patting my back, giving me a thumbs up.

He then stops patting my back and calmly walks ahead, towards Gaara.

Why is he so calm? How is he so freakishly always calm?

He then stops, places a hand on his chin and then points to me, my fan then him. He then slowly points to the stadium..

He wants me to throw him? Why would I waste my chakra on him? My enemy?

"Can you help Gaara?"

Kankuro my brother asks a question I never thought he would ask and Riku pauses before making an OK symbol with his hands.

Gaara, no... the mission. Fuckin damnit.

You know what? I don't care about what the hell my father wants! I'm going to help my brother, Gaara doesn't deserve to be treated like a weapon.

It may be too late but I'm backing out of this mission, its been going to shit since Gaara started transforming early anyway.

I strike a pose and pour all my chakra into my fan... if anyone can survive being thrown that far its the freak.

"Help. Him. And we will leave with our brother."

He runs at my fan and then jumps, I swing and release a dense burst of air that drains me of my chakra, my eyes twitch as I see him wink at me last second.

He flies through the air... seriously who even can survive that?

Riku can. He is inhuman.


Pov: Ace

I don't know why the fighting stopped but the duo are looking shocked in the direction of my main body.

I can sense it growing weaker and the Almighty has lost connection.

I pat the back of Temari, giving her a thumbs up I then walk forward....

That's gonna take too long... hmmm

I point at Temari then her fan, then me and at my main bodies direction, I think he hasn't moved that much... I need to get that puppet sight working.

After a brief talk with siblings aka they ask questions and I pose 'yes' multiple times I leap at the fan. Giving a good luck wink to them as I fly through the air! Its much more terrifying when you can only see ten feet around yourself, 10 seconds pass then...


I hit sand, oh! I'm on the beast, I quickly apply chakra to my feet to tree- sand walk sorry, across its back.

It shakes and its back rumbles as the beast laughs- I think, cant really hear... wait? Is my body in the sand?

Fuck. Me. Dude.

Oh no, I'm not dying this time. I'm done with that.

I get to the beasts head and I find Gaara? I shake him awake and the sand around me stops shaking so much, he lets a scream, probably blood curdling I have no clue but sucks to suck I suppose.

"Why are you here TOO what are you DOING TO ME!?"

What? Hold on its hard to read your lips, uhhhh I think you am....

What am I doing to you... that's a good question, cant answer dumbass. I flick his head and his eyes bulge in anger.

The sand grips my legs and tears one off. Rude. I flick his head again and he bursts the sand and drags me under.. oh well ill bet on main me for now.

OH! Hey Almighty, fancy meeting you here.


Pov: Sasuke

What the hell is chidori meant to do against this...

What the hell can a sharingan do in this moment..

I cant even help these people in the stands... innocents just ready to die.. but Naruto can.

"Dobe!, shadow clone and get these people out!"

"Hn." He nods and hundreds of him appear in the stands and start grabbing people and carrying them.

I watch the creature with my sharingan and see Gaara appear on top of its head, he starts casting a jutsu and falls asleep, the creature shakes as it Laughs and bellows... then Riku? He shakes Gaara awake and the sand beast stops laughing, I watch as Riku antagonizes Gaara and in return gets his leg torn off and buried...

What the fuck are you doing Riku?

Gaara does the jutsu again and the laughing starts again, I see. I need to go wake Gaara.


No! Stop! This fucking mark is threatening to break out after that old guy sealed it.

Breathe. Just fucking breathe Bastard..


Okay think. If I cant get up there who can? What did Riku do to get up there? What would Riku do....

No... yes... god damnit Riku is an Idiot.

Yes. Lets be and Idiot.

I flicker to Gai who is dragging people away at astonishingly fast speeds, while also keeping multiple sand ninja down.

"Gai- can you- Hey! Can you throw me up there?"

He looks at me then at the top where Gaara is.

"This isn't the time for games youthful apprentice of my rival!"

I tsk.

"I know just get me up there!"

He looks at me in the eyes and sighs.

I blink.

I slam into gaara at a high speed..?

A little too hard Gai.... my bones ache and I'm glad that Kakashi-sensei made me condition my body.


Gaara then looks at me and his eye twitches.




Pov: Riku


I huff breaths as I sprint carrying Gaara who keeps waking up and going back to sleep. The tailed beast is behind me luckily it stops whenever Gaara wakes here.


why am I singing? Good question. The tailed beast keeps trying to cast genjutsu on me, and since my resistance on genjutsu is based on my willpower, I decided to start singing a song and ignore all thoughts. its also annoying the hell out of Gaara and that's worth it with that alone.

I shouldn't of come here... I have already thrown away my first priority and when ace put his mind into my body and connected to me again, my flesh computer came back online.

Why didn't Almighty do that? He was busy restraining gaara for me and ran out of chakra when he got crushed and inhaled. And now I'm running in a desert from the desert beast while carrying a mentally ill child screaming my lungs in song.



I continue running and the beast leaps and lands in front of me.

Its not going back to sleep and Gaara isn't waking up so I think I'm screwed..

He laughs.

"KEHAHAHAHA! So much fun in here! So much fun outside! Whahahahahekekekeke!"

"If you like making love at midnight?"

"An interesting chakra... one I haven't seen in all my life! Kehehehehahaha"

He holds his belly and barks out another laugh.

"Hehekekekakahahah! What were you thinking brat!? When you- Hahahahahkeke- when you tried to put your Conscience- hakhakhkakekek- INTO ME!?"

"I don't know man, I just work here alright!"

I point to my headband and he barks another laugh before he luges at me-the sand falls and he goes to sleep again, I run the other direction as Gaara wakes again.

"You!" He barks.

"Me!" I respond.

He falls asleep again and the beast roars awake again.... wait.

Hold on. My conscience is in him?

I stop and drop Gaara.

I look around and the beast lunges at me, I let him... not that I could stop him but...

If I'm right...

The beast devours me and I can feel my chakra burn and integrate with its own.. my conscience is in my chakra and I take a risk, technically we occupy the same body due to him being an object. I can fight for control.

I'm not dumb. Sorry- I'm not THAT dumb. But all I need is to possess a single grain of sand.

Why? To connect our brains and show him one image. The image of the Old man.



I am in a tug of war between THE SINGING FOOL and the UCHIHA


I awake yet again and blast sand at HIM I will make HIM BLEED!

I blasted him off last time and he came back with hundreds of the THE OTHER ONE!

Sand shifts and they keep trying to wake me, KEEP ME AWAKE!


He keeps talking- making my HEAD HURT.

Mother protests and I do the hand signs again, I start to slumber and- Mother?

I CANT hear HER!?

MOTHER!? Did you need more BLOOD!?

The sand around us crumbles, mother doesn't respond... its so quiet.

I fall to the ground and land, Both the Uchiha and Uzumaki Naruto beat me down, I don't have the energy...

Naruto grabs the cuff of my shirt and yells at me.

"I know what its like to be you Gaara. I know what its like to be hated! But I have people to care about, People to save, PEOPLE YOU HURT!"

He hits me again and my thoughts empty...

Raising his hand Naruto shouts again.

"Look at this! You hurt the person who gave me this, YOU HURT my family you-you-"

his shaking fist slaps me before dropping me. Tears in his eyes and pupils going predator like. He stares at me and raises his fist again.

"Why do you care? About them..?"

He goes to speak but the Uchiha cuts him off.

"Because he loves them, he loves Riku like a... a brother"


The Uchiha's fist shakes violently and his eyes spiral in hate.

"And you tore off his leg and pulled him down"

He hovers near Naruto and they both look at me with anger in there eyes.

"And you took that from him, you took his brother bastard..."

"He did?"

I look behind them to see a completely fine Riku... suspiciously fine.

The Uchiha and Naruto both look at him in shock and exclaim.

"You're ALIVE!?" Naruto jump at him and hugs him.

"How!? I watched him tear your leg off, pull you under!?" The Uchiha trembling with hate or... relief.

Riku shrugs.

"I was in Almighty the entire time actually, I have a few bruises but Ace was pretending to be me... actually I haven't suffered many injuries if I'm honest, this is new for me... I'm used to dying at every opportunity, huh."

The Uchiha massages his brow and tsks before looking around the area.

"I should've known, I'm never going to believe it when you actually die.."

Temari and Kankuro appear behind me with a flicker.


Pov: Riku

Temari questions me when she arrives.

"Did you help him? Is he safe? Are you safe Gaara.."

Gaara does a weak nod before looking at me in the eyes and asking.

"Why is she quiet.. what did you do?"

I shrug and peel off Naruto before helping Gaara stand and dust him off, I flash him a smirk and then drop my face into the inhuman one.

"Simple... I told him to co-operate and he wouldn't die."

Well... I let him know about the Gedo statue situation before telling him to help Gaara if he wanted to be stronger and avoid that sentence of being sealed in the statue... so technically I'm not lying.

Gaara looks at me and nods his head slowly before looking at his brother and sister and walking away to the direction of Konoha's gates.

"I will remember this debt Riku... and I will figure out this feeling within...."

Kankuro and Temari look at me shocked and they help Gaara walk away, lending him there shoulders.

Temari looks back and gives me a stern nod before they flicker away.

The sand ninja start to flee and surrender.

I look around the place... it looks horrible, bodies of ninja all around and multiple Konoha Jonin, are tired and bloodied.

As they take a breather I get back into [Manual Operations], there are still things to do.

"Alright, I don't have much chakra but my body is able so I'm going to check under all the rubble I can see with my Telekinetic sight and make sure no one is trapped under. Naruto you have any chakra left? No? that's fine rest if you need it and if you don't need it help Sasuke and me pull some people out of rubble okay?"

Naruto cracks his knuckles as Sasuke sighs and they both follow.

The clean up operations in Konoha are under way and after a few hours they take Naruto and Sasuke away to the hospital.

I'm put into action with the Hyuga and we rescue anyone in need.

I hear a rumour or two that says that Hokage-sama has passed away.

Its a shame that guy was so nice... and cared for everyone so deeply... I will remember his will of fire and continue on. Mind over mettle my body will not stop till I say so.


Thanks for reading :)

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