Naruto: Mind over matter

Clean up and encounter with an older brother

-1am next day-

Pov: Riku

I've been working all afternoon and night...

I heard that the sand was manipulated into this so luckily there is no war, just punishments and meetings will be flying around in the near future.

I'm with a group of ten chunin and genin who are following me and pulling away rubble when I point to places of interest.

I have been swapping groups all day and the clean-up is still ongoing, typical the one time I don't nearly die I have to clean up after everyone...

Haaa~ that's fine though, I signed up for this life, ill do it till I die... once or twice more. Hn?

"Hey guys there's another group trapped in the basement here, lets clear the rubble and don't disturb the northern wall! I don't want it nearly falling on us like the last one"

We get to work. Pulling heveing and breaking away any stone, wood or dirt that hides the panicking family and about ten minutes later...

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

"No problem ma'am, there is camps being set up just east of here where you and your family can rest while we rebuild."

She hugs me and ushers her family along.

I love doing this, just to see the happy faces of people who managed to live... and those that didn't, it is sad but the amount of bodies I've dug up today is more dead than living...

This part of town got hit hard by giant snakes and was one of the focal points of attack.


Anko-sensei flickers in front of me.

"alright this section is nearly cleared, you guys disperse and take your breaks, we will shuffle you out with others"

She then looks at me and pats my shoulder.

"You did great in the exam kid! And in the aftermath, I heard reports on what you did. Flying through the air, stopping the Ichibi with your friends and I even heard rumours that you got the children of the Kazekage to surrender and technically surrender themselves, I have no doubt that you are going to get promoted!"

She flashes me a smile before continuing.

"But most importantly you are alive and fine. It may sound too talky-feely for me but I'm thankful you didn't hurt yourself, really kid, I'm happy"

She then dusts off my shoulder and gives me a quick hug, letting go we walk towards a bench then take a break, she then tells me about the section she has been clearing up.

"Now your apartment was destroyed so you are going to need to bug someone for that hey, you cant stay with me. Yamato is and oo- before I forget here is Asuma's address I got him to hold your not-puppets for me and I stuffed as many of your belongings inside Almighty that I could see in the wreckage of your old place."

"Thanks Anko-sensei, Ill go get it them as soon as I can"

"Take your time, He has the space and not a lot of time to stay there, I know six other friends that are using his place to dump stuff so don't feel bad"

"Alright alright, when this is over can we get started on some seals and better poisons? I cant wait to update my not-puppets, and I'm definitely going to start making more Force and Control release jutsu- I'm getting sick of using the same three D-ranks I created."

She barks a laugh and gets up stretching.

"Sure brat, no problem, ill see you later you hear? I got to go so get some rest, you need to get up early tomorrow for your shift."

"Cool no probs, see ya sensei!"

She flickers away and I wonder... who do I bug that will let me stay at there's, Naruto and Sasuke went to the hospital but the injuries they sustained were nothing major... just some broken everything's and stuff that takes time to heal and not skill, I think Naruto is letting Sasuke sleep over as his apartment was near mine on the east side...

So I wont bother them... I don't know Sakura-san at all. Ino and Choji would probably say yes, but that means they would say yes to anyone that asks and their houses would be cramped with friends and family in need...

That leaves Hinata or Shikamaru...well I just heard Neji rant about how awful the Hyuga are so I will go see if Shikamaru is home.

On my way to the Nara compound I bump into Yuko and Mariko.

"Hey guys you overdose someone recently?"

They bow there head in shame- okay maybe I'm being a bit too spiteful.. lets let it go, they aren't the ones truly at fault and they have been punished enough.

"Sorry, sorry too soon huh? You guys good though? Any problems due to this mess or you just tired of the cleaning?"

Yuko squirms and speaks

"*cough*, I we are sorry... again. But this one is just tired and Mariko is suffering for her throat being cut- she is good! Good! Just damaged her vocal cords and cant speak for a week or two... how are you holding up?, you may speak with my permis- sorry, sorry."

"I'm doing great actually, well... apart from the whole..."

I wave my hands at Konoha's current architecture.

"Hn. That is good. Are you heading to the compound? We don't have any more room in my house but my neighbours had a flyer up an hour ago?"

"Oh I'm good! thanks for the suggestion though, ill check it out if my friend cant keep me."

"Then i will no longer bother you, stay safe and see you another time."

I give her and Mariko a wave before heading up to Shikamaru's house. It seems much calmer and quieter here.. hopefully they wont mind me crashing.

I knock on the door and hear talking on the other side.

"Shikamaru can you get that! I've got my hands full here"

"What a drag..."

"I heard that!"

Shikamaru opens the door and yawns, covered in bandages and with tired eyes he scans me.

"Come on in, ill ask mum to set an extra plate and you can hang in my room..

I chuckle and follow him in.

"This is why I like hanging with you Shikamaru, I don't have to say anything and you read me like a book, nice going with Ace yesterday too."

"Yeah, yeah... your so troublesome... a friends staying over, can you put on an extra serving!"

I enter into the dining room and catch Shikamaru's mother peek her head out from a corner, before giving me a smile

"Alrighty no problem- you don't mind fish do you?"

" ah no- Nara-san that sounds lovely, thank you for letting me stay"

I give a short bow and she giggles and goes back into the kitchen

"Why don't you have manners like that Shika~"


I chuckle and me and him take a seat at the dinner table, she cooks a lovely meal and I thank her for it before me and Shikamaru head upstairs to his room.

"You can sleep on the floor... theirs a blanket in the cupboard over on the left, I'm going to sleep on my comfy bed."

"Yeesh trying to make me jealous? Thank you though, I appreciate this."

"Yeah yeah, just go to sleep and stop talking..."

Grabbing the blanket I huddle into a ball and slowly fall asleep.


I wake up with a stretch 6 hours later, its.... 7 am right?

I look over and Shikamaru is definitely still sleeping, did he have jobs to do today? Should I wake him? Nahh he can sleep in some, he was hella tired.

Getting up and folding the blanket, I head downstairs and see Shikamaru's father passed out near the front door....? leaving a small note of thank you on the kitchen table I stealthily try and leave without waking him up.

"You are a good kid, come back tonight if you have no where else."

"Oh- sorry I didn't mean to wake you! Ahh thank you very much sir."

The man smirks getting up and cracking his back.

"I wasn't asleep, just postponing going back to work, just got back an hour ago. Now scram, before my wife keeps you here with a wonderful breakfast...But don't worry ill sacrifice myself and take it for you"


Anyway... lets go to the mission centre and get some work!

Heading in I see many people at work, coming and going and I approach the main desk. But before I can get to it someone flickers to me and hands me an invitation... to Hokage-samas funeral.

I look up and see an Anbu who then flickers away just as fast after stating.

"Rebuilding Village has been moved to low priority, return to normal operations and take time to grieve"

Lets go see Naruto... I'm sure he is invited as well, I only knew Hokage-sama from all the birthdays that he spent with Naruto after all.

Walking out of the mission centre I roof hop to the apartment that Naruto is staying in, I see Iruka already inside through his window wearing fully black.

I knock on the door and wait for Sasuke who opens it, he is also wearing black but for more....stylish reasons.


"I got an invitation to the Hokage's funeral, I wanted to see if Naruto needed any help.... getting ready or stuff.."


Sasuke steps to the side and I walk in and find Iruka consoling Naruto on his bed.

"Alright... I have to go help Konohamaru get ready soon so you good for me to leave?"

Naruto nods and Iruka leaves giving me a small smile, I take Iruka's seat and talk with Naruto and Sasuke till the funeral starts.


-that afternoon-

The funeral was nice and very many inspiring words where thrown around, I think Hokage-sama would of loved it... actually can he see it from the pure lands?

Anyhow Naruto is going to go get some ramen and I wanted to go see how Hinata is doing, just got out of the hospital a bit ago and I haven't seen her.

Heading to the Hyuga compound I nod to the two guards who nod back and I ask

"Is Hinata inside today? Or has she gone elsewhere?"

"She should be training in the main hall...perhaps come by in another week, she is being trained to catch up with the time she lost in the hospital"

"Ah, no worries thanks for letting me know!"

I skedaddle and think about what to do with my sudden free time... I need a new apartment.... but I cant until they build more so..... Who can I bother?... Shikamaru who is probably cloud watching? Boring... Ino? Sakura? Shino? Kiba?.... nah, busy, don't know her that well, same as Sakura and probably would take me a while to find Kiba running around....Sasuke? He isn't busy today right?

Hopping back to Naruto's apartment he isn't there- heading to....

-1 hour later-

Should I just go cloud watching? Where the hell is everyone?


Sasuke conveniently rushes past me at that moment.. couldn't have done that an hour ago?

"Hey Sasuke why are in a rush!?"

I leap after him and he turns his head as he rushes to Konoha's gates.

"Naruto is being chased by my... that man!"

What? Give me more than that Sasuke....

"And that man is...?"

"Itachi Uchiha."

Oh. The one who... his brother? Isn't he super powerful and managed to slaughter an entire clan of powerful ninja in one night?

The favour. Haaa~ time to do what I'm meant to.

I have no ninja tools on me, no not-puppets in current function and I have no time to prepare considering the rush Sasuke is in.

I'll just have to make do.

Rushing alongside Sasuke he turns his head to me again.


Am I supposed to translate that?...


We arrive in the next town over, apparently he is here.... Naruto just left without saying anything... that explains his house being nearly empty...

"Okay, we split and cover the town, you check inns for them and ill check bars, clubs and other associated establishments that might hold Naruto's eccentric new teacher."



Alright we head off in different directions and I ask questions at many different establishments.

Eventually I find the sannin.

He is exiting a café and speaking to a Toad on his shoulder, carrying a lady over his other shoulder he makes rather serious face before facing me and waving his hand for me to come closer.

I do and he places a hand on me, a flash of smoke later we appear in a hallway, half destroyed by a jutsu and a toad is summoned and blocks an oncoming attack towards Naruto.

The sannin chuckles before saying.

"Even though it doesn't look like it... getting girls is my speciality, not the other way around.."

Naruto starts yelling at the sannin and I scan the two cloaked men and I see Sasuke on the floor beneath them.

The sannin and the cloaked men discuss that they are after Naruto and that it is the mission given to them by Akatsuki

The sannin speaks up in declaration

"You wont get Naruto...because right here. Right now. You two will die by my hand."

"DONT DO IT! he is MINE!"

Sasuke interrupts and leaps at his brother before getting slammed into a wall and choked out.. shit, what do I even do here?

The fight erupts as the sannin turns the hallway into a stomach and the two cloaked ninja run to the exit making there escape.

The sannin seals away black flames that envelope the end of the hallway and suddenly..


The sannin gets hit square in the face..


Everyone is currently discussing the situation and Naruto and the Sannins next step.

I'm currently staring at Sasuke as he wont wake up... two hits... just two and Sasuke went down, I'm even less durable than him- sure I don't die but I do 'die' easy.

Haaa- what do I have to do to help these guys... I couldn't do anything here.

Absolutely nothing. and I am meant to protect and help both Sasuke and Naruto? Someone who could see your every move before it happens and another who can clap his hands and summon a Village ending beast.

I should of known that the favours wouldn't be easy.. Slapping my face I put Sasuke on my back

"Alright I will head home with Gai-san, you stay safe, alright Naruto?"

"Yeah yeah, we wont get hurt"

Doubting that, I turn and run home alongside Gai


Thanks for reading :)

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