Naruto: Mind over matter

Jonin exam (1)

Pov: Riku

Okay... just need to pass for Jonin, technically most people do this test and then become a specialist jonin so really I'm working for that title.

The test is seen as unforgiving and extremely hard but if you do well within one part of the examination you become a specialist.

Approaching the Hokage's doors I enter and bow to her.

"Riku. Your first exam will be ten doors down and on the left, while you are weaker then most jonin im sure you can pass for a specialist, oh! And I'm betting on you failing so your welcome"

I let out a laugh.

"Ha- with that I'm certain to win, thanks lady!"

I exit the doors and find the room of my first examination. A written test on all the knowledge I should hold... my not-puppets are being watched over and I am no where near the areas that hold the answers... pure knowledge here.

'This is an introduction to all the areas a Jonin should have covered in there knowledge, complete test one and choose 2 more tests to complete amongst the 15 tests supplied for the right to be a specialist Jonin, complete 4 more tests and finish within the 4 hour time limit to register as a fully fledged Jonin and continue with the other Jonin exams'

Damn... this is going to be tough, I'm glad Danzo made me study three times over with my sentinels, lets just take it one at a time, Test 1 is the fundamentals of Jonin and the other Tests are specialized knowledge.

Opening the first page I grumble, of course there is moral dilemmas... should I prioritize Konoha or my team members... should I kill one citizen to save two ninja... should I yada yada....

-20 minutes later-

Okay next segment is math problems... I should be good at this, I have many minds up here working on the same problems that I have been studying under Danzo of all people.

-10 minutes later-

Next segment is geography...

-10 minutes later-

Next segment is about the foreign lands...

-5 minutes later-

Next segment.

-4 minutes later-

Next segment.

-30 minutes later-

Okay... all those done.. I think that was the first test, I will have one mind remembering it all and another going over the answers I wrote and- hell Ill grab two tests and have two minds work on both separately... ehehehehe, If I never cheated off Shikamaru in the Chunin exams I would have found out how good I am at these sooner...

[Manual Operations]

Lets do both these tests. Damnit Danzo knows how to prep someone, I think I'm getting a high from doing these so well.

*  Test 3: Biology/Poisons/Medicine.

Don't need to study for this, I had this stuff memorized when I had to make manual operations.

* Test 11: Weapons/Tools/Gear.

Now this is something I've researched for my not-puppets frequently... do I have Jonin level knowledge? I have been studying a lot... lets grab the tests I can realistically do with my time remaining, these are smaller than the foundational ones.

* Test 2: Ninjutsu and its applications.

* Test 4: Taijutsu and its applications.

* Test 8: Strategy/History/tactics.

* Test 14: Persuasion/Diplomacy/Politics.

* Test 15: Clans/Bloodlines/Abilities.

Yes if I rush and have my minds check my work as I go I can get all of these down, save time and even- wait. With precise Chakra control, precise Telekinetic Chakra control I can split myself into a pen... lets get two more tests...

* Test 6: Seals and its applications

* Test 13: Laws and regulations of the Elemental Nations.



Pov: Tsunade Senju

"That is... exceptional"

I am watching his exam within the spectator room and seeing Riku possess two pens and use two arms for four different tests... he also goes back and corrects mistakes when available...

"Of course. I don't know why he wasn't registered as a Jonin earlier, when I read his file and his unique bloodline I thought it odd that his mental prowess was not highlighted"

Danzo proclaims to the group of spectators who happen to be a clan elder or two, Riku's friend group and even some Jonin who wanted to see the new kid, speaking of one of them speaks up.

"Isn't the record seven tests done in four hours... by that famous Nara right?"

"Yeah... he just completed another one... he might be in the intelligence division if he goes that quick, no way he is combat primary.."

"He has a whole kekkai genkai surrounding the use of his mind, why does he act so dumb..?"

Ino speaks up.

"Probably because he hates deadlines and loathes pushing himself too far... hypocritical dumbass"

Choji snickers.

"Very much like him yeah, always complaining about wanting a break and then rushes into the next thing.."

I look over towards Anko who is heavily lowering her head and looks pale at those words... I am too, especially with what I've been told, Riku fears not being able to go to the afterlife... perhaps he spat in deaths face too much...

I walk over to her and she looks up at me.

"Yamato still... on that mission"

"Unfortunately, you will get him back soon however, there is something I need him for back here that would suit him very much"

She nods and I pat her back once before walking over to Shizune again who is watching him complete the Medicine test.

"He didn't get one answer wrong? Did he study everything possible?"

Shikamaru adds a note.

"Had to when he was younger, he used to manually control his entire body before he figured out how to go back to autopilot, troublesome..."

Ino snarks.

"Just had to sneak that troublesome in didn't you?"

"What a drag..."


"That's his seventh test... he is about to break that record..."

We watch in awe as Riku completes nine total tests within four hours, the foundational test and eight others...


A small round of applause escapes the group and as I look around the spectators have grown.

Alright my part of job.

I leave to his room and enter.

"Time is up, hand in the tests you have completed to Shizune and follow me towards your next examination room"

As we walk I describe his next exam.

"Congratulations on the first part of your exam, the next part will be different and often changes depending on who is participating and for what kind of Jonin that they would like to be, we make this test harder depending on how high the expectations we have of you- don't worry while it is harder there is greater rewards and everyone is graded equally. Now you had four recommendations for Jonin. Danzo Shimura, Kakashi Hatake, Anko Mitarashi and Yamato. Each one specialist Jonin or above, looking at your track record for missions we have 87 completed D-ranks 12 completed C-ranks, 3 completed B-ranks, 1 completed A-rank and 0 completed S-ranks, these numbers are quite low in comparison to others who take this test but usually young geniuses have these numbers and that is what I'm hoping to see from you today."

We stop in front of a double width door and step through.

"This exam will be a test on your weaknesses and what makes you falter. Every Jonin is expected to have contingencies for there weaknesses and understand that they are the greatest forces within Konoha, if you fall we look bad brat. You are able to use summons and all that, understood brat!"

"Yes, course' Lady I got this, genius and what not"

Of course he is not taking this seriously... haaa~ lets just leave him to it and go back to the spectators room.


Pov: Riku

Alright! Weaknesses be conquered! Lets see what they have on me and what can be used against me.

"I will be your examiner for this exam, I remember you from the Chunin exams, I am Ibiki Morino, I decided to take a day off from T&I just to handle Anko's little piglet. Now, step up to the centre of the floor as we begin the second test, firstly the moment you move from this circle you are out, understood!"

"Yes sir"

I step up to the centre and look at the circle around me, a test to not run? Or something else.

Is that...? Eiko? Oh no... this is going to be torture, I know its fake and not really Eiko but... holy hells. Lets continue in Manual Operations and make sure I don't move a muscle.


Pov: Tsunade Senju

The spectators have been limited due to the second stage, who is allowed to watch the second exam? People that the contestant allows and notes into the exam papers he must sign at the start of his examination.

Who did the idiot let see all his weaknesses and fears? Everyone. The crowd has grown bigger and watching Riku stand absolutely still.

"Holy shit... how is he not jumping at that? I had two points removed from this test and yet he stands as if nothing is happening?"

"Does he even love that lady? I haven't seen him move at all..."

"Oh gods... no offence Sho but I hated this part of the exams- what? Giant spiders and bugs freak me out- you're clan is the odd one not me..."

"Fuck man, is this what we have to go through with our exams?"

"No Kiba, this is because of his examiner and his recommendations... what a drag"

"Are you even allowed to do that to somebody? Holy fuck he is just standing there and letting it happen!"

I'm watching the room more than the... horrid happenings of Ibiki's test, Danzo has a smug smile, Riku's group is all petrified and Anko is proud... the random spectators are all hyped and shocked.


Pov: Riku

"Okay now that we are done with that part of the exam lets move onto combat weaknesses listed in your profile"

I clean off the chunk of flesh from my shoulder nonchalantly... smells like rabbit, looks like Eiko... they were testing how Inhuman I can make myself. Never doing this test again.

"Second part is going to go straight into resistance to-"

I start to feel dizzy and shake it off. Not now.

"-Due to having come from the last part you apparently will have a weaker resistance-"

I have happy visions, of Eiko... of a life of just relaxation and no worries... No! This is a genjutsu... Breathe.

"-Excellent work, broken four layers in ten minutes-"

I blink and time passes, this test goes on for another fifteen minutes of genjutsu resistance trials.

"Excellent score Riku, onto the next part. Sit by the wall as we have a medical professional ensure that all injuries stated are correct while we examine... Emrys? Yes we wish to know how durable and functional it is, or if it will give way during combat"

I sit and get my examination and Emrys his... ten minutes go by.

"Emrys is found to be compliable and workable, stronger than your body yet also incapable of control via external Jutsu due to your own influence"

He claps his hands as Emrys attaches back to me.

"Now onto the minor flaws and weaknesses"


Pov: Tsunade Senju

The spectators are growing again.

"Damn, he only needs to get a passing score in the last test and he is a Jonin guaranteed..."

"He is certainly one of the Elites in the future... just need combat and experience for that don't you?"

"And a direct promotion from the Hokage"

"Why is he always injured or worse if he is that good... why haven't we heard of him that much?"

"Haven't heard of him? He befriended the Kazekage and got him to surrender... he is also called the Tailed beast tamer right?"

"Tailed beast Hunter... maybe, I'm pretty sure we got hit with the placebo affect here..."

"How so?"

"Always injured, always in the hospital, always acts like a brat and always fighting those out of his league..."

"Oh damn... what's his name? Riku? No wonder we haven't heard much if he always gets injuries like that spine one... he is like the next super genius of Konoha right? You know like Kakashi and-"

"Sh! (Whisper) the kids right over there man"

And you guys are so quiet, haa- I didn't really see it before... maybe that girl is right, placebo of weakness... hmm.

"Shikamaru! Look! Look! Fire is totally his weakness with his- of course his Emrys is mostly metal... how the hell do I beat this guy and teach him a lesson?"


Pov: Riku

Haaa- Haaa- holy hells that was a lot...

"Riku congratulations for your second tests completion, make your way to the stadium reserved for the third test, it is in training ground 31, the combat test is simple, fight."

Alright... lets get this test business done and dusted.

I walk my through to the enclosed training ground a small stone arena for testing Jonin in direct combat, making my way through the insides of the arena I stand at one entrance into its pit.

On the other side is Kakashi... alright, lets lose graciously.

I attach Ezra and summon Almighty, Fighting with this guy is always great in arena settings, I do not hop into him however and walk out to a cheering crowd... whoa, that's a lot of people.. do they usually get this packed?

"Riku, I am Kakashi Hatake, your examiner who is supposed to give you a speech on the will of fire..."


"Maaa~ lets just fight shall we? You get the whole 'shabang' as you say.."

He lifts his protector and reveals his sharingan, I take a stance and Almighty stands around me...

"On the Hokage's mark we start"

I glance up to Lady who claps her hands together... Loudly.


"Everyone needs to quiet down for the judges to focus... ready to fight.... Now!"

I take a breath as Kakashi waits for me to move...

Thanks for reading :)

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