Naruto: Mind over matter

An apology to the rest… kind of..

-Next Morning-

I'm cuddling Eiko... or more accurately Eiko is hugging me so tight that I'm stating to feel numb.

I really need some clothes... how did I let her talk me into this, I mean I feel bad but this feels like giving an alcoholic four more bottles of vodka and saying 'bet you cant drink all of these by the end of the night!'

That was a very specific example ignore that, what I'm trying to say is that Eiko is asking for a lot- A LOT more things from me, or of me. Before we went to bed she asked if she could shower with me and before that she asked to cook only in aprons... you get it.

In fact I'm pretty sure she keeps trying to 'accidentally' brush by my privates... multiple times in a row. Haaa~ what will I do with my beautiful pervert, I give her a kiss on the forehead and she giggles.

Knew it! She was awake.

"Morning Eiko...."



"It cant be over yet! You haven't spooned me while naked yet!"


"And I haven't either!"


"Hm? Did you want to have a morning shower together?"

"I love you... but please, please, please just hold back even the tiniest bit"

"... I am though?"

She looks up at me with the most predatory eyes.

"Okay. Lets shower"

I'm not terrified! What do you mean!

She giggles and shakes happily as we get up and walk to the shower together.


-1 week later-

Pov: Shikamaru

Currently everyone is at my place, the 11 of us that is, no Naruto for obvious reasons and no Riku because he is being the worst person right now.

"So frustrating! Do you know what he did to me this morning! I gave him a whole prepared speech of how much everyone cares for him and wants him to calm down! And he says 'Meh'.... MEH!"

"Ino maybe lets calm down, I know he has been getting-"

"You don't know anything Choji! Every time you speak to that guy... I just feel like strangling him!"

Haaaa- what a drag...

"Maybe you need to give him space... like you suggested ages ago Ino"

"Sasuke-kun~ you are right... BUT NOT ANYMORE! HE DECLARED WAR ON ME!"

hoh? Ino ignoring Sasuke's words?


Good question Kiba.

"How!? Eiko has fallen back into that devils arms that's how! She came to my shop looking for flowers of love!"

"Isn't that a good thing?"


"Yeah Akamaru! He is opening up again no?"

"Wrong! I thought so too and when I went to his house he looked me in the eyes and said 'what? Sakura finally bed Sasuke? You want some overpriced loser muffins cooked straight from my home?' I hadn't even said anything that- that jerk!"



"(Whisper) shh! He is doing his thinking pose!"

"(Whisper) oh! Forgot about that)


He is capable of not being a jerk in the presence of Eiko but everyone else... he also goes out of his way to antagonize everyone, especially those who approach him...

"He is doing it on purpose.."


"EXACTLY- sorry ma'am I wont hit your furniture again..."

"What do you mean Shikamaru?"

"He wants us to stay away from him in a natural manner, he cant say the words 'stay away' because he would then need an excuse for us to listen to... he is hiding something... and Sasuke is in on it"

Everyone shifts there gazes to Sasuke who has a straight face.

"Hn? Why do you say that?"

"You are still let into his house... the only person who doesn't have a troublesome relationship with him"

"That's because I don't squawk like a dead parrot about how much he shouldn't do the one thing he trained his life for"

"Ino went over and before she 'squawked' she was barraged with and insult to make her leave..."

"Yeah he is right...? Sasuke what are and him hiding?"

"Nothing at all. He made a promise to help me and he does, jerk or not he is still Riku"

"Get him..!"


*pop* *crash* *slam*

After a minute the ten of us are standing outside with Sasuke tied up and on the ground.

"Want to answer now?"

"Not particularly no."

"Grrr~ he is copying Riku... don't have anything better to copy with those eyes of yours!?"


"Calm down Kiba, we have all the time in the world..."

Haaaa- what a drag, Ill let Ino do the interrogation and go sleep over there...



"He is doing what?"

"Of course he is throwing himself at yet another brick wall..."

"Are we still angry about him going back to being a ninja?"

"No that was week one anger... we all agreed to just let him be him... but then he started being a jerk!"

"A purposeful jerk..?"

"Yes. Were you listening at all Choji?"

"Not after you said 'tell us please~ Sasuke-kun~' for the ninth time in a row..."

"Yeah... well... (mumbling) shut up fatty"


I clap my hands and get up.

"Alright I fell asleep so someone give me a report"

Shino steps up.

"He was hiding something dangerous, why? For reasons unknown. What we did find out is that Ace has been posing as Riku for a while, and that Sasuke has been replenishing a lot of his ninja tools and medical supplies..."

"So lets go confront Riku together, as if we know and let him tell us"

Hinata nods and Sakura replies



Pov: Ace

*knock knock*

"Just a moment!"

Telekinetic sight expand~

Huh? Wait why is everyone here?

"Shit Almighty, pack up the ping pong table"

He nods and starts packing up while I climb out of our basement.

Opening the door I greet the group.

"Hey~ fancy meeting you guys here, come by often or-"

Kiba steps up.

"We know jackass! Stop playing jerk!"

Ino with him grabs my collar.

"Yeah Sasuke-kun told us!"

Oh. Oh shit. Did he though... it involves his revenge at Danzo for stealing his clans eyes... lets test them.

"Haaa- so he told you guys huh? Come in sit down"

They all sit down in my living room and glare at me.

"You guys want the full story?"

"Of course!" "Absolutely!" "Yes!"

"It all started with this kid named bruce..."

-10 minutes later-

"... and that's were we are now, full of scarecrow toxin and the joker in his ear... poor barbs.."

"Oh my... we didn't know.." "I'm so sorry for doubting you Riku..." "So YOUTHFULL!"

Shikamaru bluntly interjects.

"So to summarize you are hunting a traitor in the leaf and doing an inside job while Ace takes your spot, for example right now"

"What?" "Huh?"

How the fuck..? I didn't say anything at all about anything to do with me? How the hell did he figure anything out????

"Well you aren't leaving the leaf you don't have the capability to get past the barrier, you are currently always busy and taking Sasuke's supplies and you have been avoiding us, who is a group comprised of the next clan heirs... Sasuke has no connections or he has a personal interest in your activities which would either have something to do with 'that man' or his clan... so something about the clans? You cant get close to us? Why? My best guess is you found a traitor and using the recent free time you have to get close to him... or scope out his allies and-"

I cut him off.

"Fine... I don't know how you guessed that- but here is the actual story"

-another ten minutes later-

"WHAT!? That is ten times worse than I guessed!?"

Shikamaru looks at me in shock.

"You asked! Don't get butthurt now that you know!"

"We need to tell our parents! If Elder Shimura is committing bloodline theft so brazenly-"

"No! Danzo has so many ways to squeeze himself out of political trouble! I have an opportunity to make sure he is gone- permanently!"

"How are you bypassing his tattoo? He surely uses it to detect his root!"

"His tattoo doesn't though! He has full trust in that thing! So much so that I can brazenly walk up to him and declare true loyalty!"

"How do you know he isn't tricking you?"

"He has spent roughly 58 million ryo on me! You don't spend that much on training and a new fancy Augmenter just like that!"

"Haaa- troublesome~"

"Yeah, yeah just keep up status quo and don't tell anyone, this is the golden opportunity that I must take... and I'm sorry for being a jerk, kind of... it was funny"


"I knew it!. Apology accepted... (mumbling) begrudgingly though"

Ino still glaring at me walks out the house and soon everyone follows too, but with a more disappointed head shake.

That went well... ish.


Pov: Rocks



-1 month later-

Pov: Riku

Huzzah! My new Augmenter model!

[Augmenter: Ezra]!

On my back lays a wooden backpack, slim and small the X shaped straps tie it closely to my back poking out of this backpack is two wooden arms... yeah that's right!

I have four arms now! And with Emrys and Ezra working with me that is three separate minds dedicated to the one body, meaning three jutsu capable of being cast simultaneously and because the arms are capable of elongating and bending there joints in multiple directions... I can cast jutsu at every direction and don't even need to look!

I have been practicing with using multiple minds at once while connected and I can just have Emrys expand his Telekinetic sight while me and Ezra use dual jutsu!

Ezra will be used frequently for sure.

That leaves my battle que to be:

Emrys = need that to walk.

Ezra = Personal combat power up.

Sentinel = depending on situation.

And when I get more and more split minds I will have nine total! (Granted I find that menacing rock) Which means each not-puppet model will be active save for maybe Javelin who is only needed in times of messaging and such!

Which brings me to the unfortunate news... I really shouldn't be making anymore models only upgrading the prior ones, nine minds is the limit and making more will only spread myself thin and reduce any power I will get.

Haaa~ workshop will miss constant use... but I will make sure to use it for upgrades!

For example I'm 13 now! My chakra reserves are growing rapidly and they will continue to grow throughout my puberty! Meaning more space for more gadgets within my favourite not-puppets!


-1 day later-

Today is the start of most my plans involving Danzo so I'm going to do a quick recap on what we have done.

'Yes, we have mainly been poking into hidden files and sneaking around root bases without pushing too far just in case'

We also have been writing and keeping reports on anyone who is working for two organizations, root and whatever they are spying into.

'We have included... Shikamaru by giving him this information and he is helping us spread it silently and secretly so that if shit does go down that he can spring that information to any employer of root agents and have them detained and out of any important place before they try something'

We have been spying on Danzo constantly and found a glimpse of golden thick blocks of metal on his hidden arm... some kind of seal as well.

'We have put our mind into ordinary objects within meeting rooms and watched as he has given us juicy intel on root movements...'

Stuff we don't like at all, it seems Danzo is mad or just thinks throwing his weight around in every horrid and terrible opportunity means he is protecting Konoha.

'It is disgraceful! Disgraceful you hear me!'

Yes. Calm Nezumi.. we have also found out that Nezumi lives only because Danzo does... like a vengeful spirit of sorts that will disappear as soon as his quest is fulfilled.

'Without a goal and Konoha safe from a parasite... what am I? It is safe to say that I will die. But dying for Konoha is a gift.'

We also have a weapon to collect soon, and that is when we will be starting our 'ambush' of sorts.

'We gave the information to the Hokage about our plans a week ago and she has authorized its completion, Sasuke has also been making various jutsu based off the chidori and he has been carrying his new sword around, it seems Kakashi has been working extra hard on making him strong'

Two days ago Danzo filed to make me an active ninja again, and also asked for my promotion exam to jonin, why? He plans to put to use, having me on the same team as Sasuke again and as a Jonin lead the three man team will make sure that his capture is safe and without interruption from the elite jonin Hatake Kakashi.

'Right so we need to pass that test as well, which is tomorrow then collect the weapon after that which will launch our operation'

Danzo's Downfall...

'The operation does not require a name'

Danzo's... wait- hear me out... Downfall.....

'Stop posing no one is watching except me...'

That's all, right? Complete our Jonin test and make sure that the plan goes without problems...

'Easier said then done'

Haaa~ lets go ace this thing!

"Good luck on your test today Riku.."

"Oh you are awake?"

"Have been since you removed my hands form your body... *sniff* how could you not let your fiancé hug you..."

"... your hands where traveling far too low for a hug"


She wraps her hands around me and clings tighter.

"Hey... I have to get up and ready you know... Eiko? Don't pretend to fall asleep... Eiko? Haaaa~ guess I will have to shower by myself~"

She springs out of bed and starts jumping up and down.

"Can I join!? Can I join!?"

I slap my forehead and let out a sigh~

"Fine- but no 'exploring' like last time"

"Awww c'mon Riku... I was just trying to help you wash..."


She looks up at me with puppy dog eyes and I throw a pillow at her face.

"No horny."

"Ok..... (mumbling) just you wait until I'm sixteen.."

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Ill go prepare the bath!"

She dashes out and into the bathroom.

"Shower! Not bath! Shower- who am I kidding, shouldn't of let her take an inch and now she.... haaaa~"

I hear her giggling from the bathroom and I enter to see her 'prepped to keep me home away from my plans'.

"When has seducing me ever worked Eiko?"

She pouts.

"One day... One day it will happen..."

I get in the tub as she nudges over.

"Keep dreaming Eiko"

She sighs and starts moving her feet closer to me...

When did she get so... sage-like?

Thanks for Reading :)

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