Naruto: Mind over matter

Creating my Academy Jutsu

Riku: Age 11

Pov: Hokage

Riku's next jutsu seems to have been made, picking up the scroll I start to read it

He has only one year left before he has to graduate so hopefully he can make a new jutsu by then, hm?

[Control release: Imbue Costume]

The guide for this control jutsu is;

Begginer -- Bird_Snake_Monkey_Control

Intermediate -- Snake_Monkey_Control

Adept -- Snake_Control

Master -- Control or no seals when perfected

This jutsu upon use imbues Yin Chakra into the hair, eyes, skin and clothes of the user to reshape, recolour and add designs onto, the better the mastery the quicker the change.

Hoho? It seems he has focused on the disguise aspect of the henge, though on the notes provided with the scroll apparently he will attempt a transformation jutsu when he becomes a genin

It seems he has taken some time to master this jutsu, I was wondering why he spent two years on the same jutsu but he also seems to have mastered his other jutsu too, hmm I wonder what hell make for his 3rd jutsu within his final year?


Pov: Sasuke Uchiha

51 - 49

These spars are growing less effective for my training lately, I must graduate this year so I can get some actual missions and experience

Stepping up to the sparing ring i form the seal of confrontation and begin our standard target practice, throwing a kunai he catches it and throws it back at me

It seems we will juggle the same kunai again this time

"Yo! Sasuke-san lets split my focus would ya, throw more for me!"

Hn? He wants to let me make it harder for him? Why isn't he using his Shunt this time?

Grabbing the juggled kunai and taking two more from my holster I run clockwise and he runs counter, I throw all three at once and watch him try to dodge the three in sperate moves?

Why is he going through the trouble of trying to catch each one- ah he just got hit, Iruka-sensei was shouting at Naruto and Kiba so he didn't notice, lets continue

Riku throws the kunai back at me and I catch them all one by one

Staying running I aim at his chest foot and forehead to see if he still wants to split his focus into three parts

He jumps over the foot one, grabs the forehead one and twists his body around the chest one, hn. That was... normal, so that's what he is doing, trying to control his body without being inhuman about it, why?

Landing back into a sprint he flashes a smile and his elbow freakishly bends the wrong way and two kunai are launched at me, catching me off guard

I catch the first but he gets me the second, tsk Iruka is still yelling at the Dobe

I sigh and do the sign of reconciliation and think on our match

He has been acting normal for the last few actually, wearing expressions and throwing kunai like a human and not a freaky stiff way... he did catch me off guard when he snapped back with the elbow thing... is that what he was doing- no that has to be it

If I didn't know he could do that I would of died when he suddenly snaps into freaky mode, hn. Smart

But still technically my win.

52 - 49


Pov: Hinata Hyuga

I-I don't really find sparing sessions at th-the academy fun, but whenever I get paired with Riku-san its always refreshing

He doesn't immediately jump at me and start punching and kicking, h-he has a very defensive and counter based Taijutsu which allows me to use my families style in earnest

Another p-plus is that I don't have to feel bad about hitting his chakra points, as he said that while it tires him out it doesn't injure him that much or h-hurt him due to his unique bloodline

Phew- take some breaths, and focus on our match, Riku-san is acting very normal in his expressions and attack patterns lately so I'm sure to expect a surprise attack

I've been sparing with him long enough to know that he never does something without a reason...

Ah- th-there it is his leg popped a little to get extra reach but why would he attack like that from 1 feet away from me?

Riku then jumps on his other leg and flips above me and grabs my arms holding them behind my back, I-I didn't expect that, I thought he was trying to do a leg sweep, did he do dislocate his leg on purpose to distract me?

"U-uhm I-I f-forfeit Iruka-sensei"

Riku then lets my arms free and I tug my jacket down, it didn't rise up at all but its a bad habit, giving Riku-san the seal of reconciliation I bow and walk to the place I sit at usually

I watch Riku-san sit next to Shikamaru-san and N-N-Naruto-k-kun, I always see Naruto-Kun playing with Riku-san and I heard they grew up together, should I ask Riku-san if he could help me find a gift for Naruto-kuns birthday this year? No, n-no who am I kidding, I couldn't even approach Naruto-kun last year with the gift I got... hmm?

Riku-san apparently has excellent control over his body and emotions... I wonder if I could a-ask him for help regarding my stuttering and fainting in Naruto-kuns presence, he would know how to s-stop stuttering right?

-1 week later-

Pov: Riku

I got to make dinner in twenty don't I? Haaa, alright lets pack my calligraphy set away and clear the table, I'm getting good headway on my third jutsu, it seems tackling the harder ones have allowed me to be better at creating jutsu, I also got to at least learn this jutsu to adept if I really want to make sure it can replace the clone jutsu in my test

Walking to the kitchen after clearing my table I hear a knock on the door?

Opening I see "Hyuga-san?"

"Ah h-hello, Riku-s-san I've j-ust uhh j-just w-wonder-ering I-if y-you uhh"

Looking at Hinata who looks like she spent an hour outside my door- ah right, she's very shy isn't she, I could totally see that happening

"Did you wish to come in? I was just about to start cooking, would you like me to make you something for dinner?"

"Ah, I d-did n-not mean t-to intrude I ah-"

"Nonsense Hyuga-san, it seems you wanted to ask me something, why don't you sit down on the couch or table and ill make you some tea, I'm making ramen tonight ill get you a bowl"

Hinata proceeds to have a slight panic attack before sniffling and mumbling a sorry, but eventually gathers the courage to enter, handing her some tea I brew while she was panicking I get to work in the kitchen

And about half an hour later I place two giant bowls onto the table

"Hope this isn't too much for you, I'm used to cooking for Naruto"

"Ah, no its p-perfect t-thank you f-for the m-meal"

Taking ten minutes to finish our bowls I see she has calmed down considerably and decide now's a good time to ask her

"So may I ask why you stopped by?, I'm always happy to cook and relax with classmates but it seems you have come for some other reason right?"

Taking a deep breath Hinata speaks

"I w-wanted to ask if you could help me w-with a p-problem I have"


She nods her head and continues

"I wanted to know I-If you knew a-any way to help stop s-stuttering and get better control over my u-uhh emotions l-like you do"

She presses her fingers together and seems embarrassed to even ask for help, yikes if its that bad I should give her a hand and at least try to help her, should I tell her breathing exercise? Tongue twisters? How does one stop stuttering and stop feeling? I've never had those problems huh...

"Alright ill teach you some breathing exercise and well try some tongue twisting sentences tonight, and ill walk you home in about an hour... but I really don't know much about this stuff, have you considered going to a professional therapist?"

She nods but kind if twitches at that, alright either tried too and couldn't or didn't like her therapist that much...

"Ill do my best to help then, come on sit facing away from me as I place my palm on your back your going to breathe in when you can feel the palm and when I pull it back you will exhale, after a minute or two of that well add a tongue twister into the mix and see how well you do alright?"

She nods to that and moves to sit in front of me, oh boy I got to read up on the old medical books about breathing again...

using my Yin chakra once I place my hand on her back I can immediately tell that she doesn't seem to have any physical problems, her lungs seem undamaged and while her heart beats a bit too fast nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, lets just stick to what I was taught and see if it helps her.


Riku: Age 11 and a half

Pov: Riku

Its lunch and I packed some pizza for myself today, I look over towards Ino and Hinata as they do some breathing exercises together, boy am I glad I got Ino to help me help her, while I don't mind helping every other day at the Hyuga compound or my apartment, I have to get this jutsu mastered in under a year so I appreciate Ino's help

Though im pretty sure her extended family is great with the mind and mental health issues so its like a double whammy of excellence there

Finishing up my meal I look over to the guy's who seem to be playing amongst themselves, I get up and head to the training grounds to start my new jutsu training

Sasuke is there as he always is, I give a respectful nod and move to some targets at the far end of the grounds before moulding my Yin chakra and making the handsigns of the jutsu I've made and then pouring that chakra into a kunai I throw it and watch it curve outwards then inwards before landing on the corners of the target

[Control release: Pathmaker jutsu]

This jutsu allows me to program a path into the kunai and throw the kunai onto that path, kind of like programming a robot to spin or curve on its path from point A to B

Alright better get this down before the test at the end of the year... lets go again.


Riku Age: 12

Pov: Hokage

Ah the final of the three basic Yin Chakra Jutsu it seems, I was wondering when this would arrive on my desk, ill make a copy and send it to Iruka, a week before the test is plenty time for him to understand it

Looking at the scroll I open it to read its contents

[Control release: Pathmaker justu]

The guide for this control jutsu is;

Begginer -- Bird_Control_Bird_Monkey

Intermediate -- Bird_Control_Monkey

Adept -- Control_Monkey

Master -- 1 second to charge item

Pour chakra into a throwable item and throw it, the chakra is pre-set with a path that the item will follow when thrown, allowing the item to curve, bend, spin and even do 180's mid flight.

Hohoo? This makes me want to get back into creating jutsu, too bad I have all this paperwork 'haaa'

This is quite the complex chakra mould, he didn't make it easy to learn either with the small number of hand signs, then what does the extra Bird sign do? Oh I see it removes the Chakra imbalance in the object there...

The Hokage finishes his reading and with a snap of his fingers an Anbu collects the scroll to duplicate it and send it towards Iruka for the test

He must be trying to get his skills to adept this week, thats why he didnt tell me his current progress...

Thanks for Reading :)

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