Naruto: Mind over matter

Bored Naruto

Pov: Naruto Uzumaki

"is this good enough..?"

Pervy sage looks down from his lazy position on a tree branch and lowers his 'book'

As he watches I go through the motions and poses I have been training.

"It will do... fine congratulations brat you have finally relearnt the basics and learnt advanced forms of Taijutsu and chakra control... we will try a few more times with that 'power' of yours and try to make some progress.."


"Oh come on! No fancy new Jutsu!? I've been relearning my basics and strengthening my foundation for way too long Dattebayo!"

I look up to see the pervy sage with his face stuck in his smut and chuckling to himself....

"Don't ignore me!"

"Hmm? You say something?"


I kick the dirt under me and go find a rock to sit at, looking at my wrist I fiddle with the golden bracelet.

Riku... I'm so bored..! I should of brought you here with me...? ...!

A small letter hits the back of my head.

"Letter from your friend... apparently it has something in there for me too so give it back when you are done yeah?"

My eyes glimmer in excitement!

"Thanks pervy sage!"

Tearing the letter open I see multiple pages in here... the first one is from the whole group wishing me luck and whatnot.

Second one is from Hinata...

"Ooooo~ why the red face? Girlfriend send you something?"


Pervy sage appears next to me and I jump a little.

"No just... a letter"

"What's for me?"

He rubs his hands together and picks up the last page with From Riku on it.

"Your friend sent me something..?"

I read through Hinata's letter.

'Dear Naruto

Sorry I missed the last letter but... I don't know what to write...

Riku has been getting along with everyone again! So that's good! He became a Jonin too so we have to catch up!

How are you? I have been fine training and doing missions, I'm going to the next Chunin exams and sensei told me that I'm sure for a promotion, I brought new clothes, Ino helped pick them out and I'm going to make them my ninja outfit for when I become Chunin. Recently Sasuke and Riku got involved in dangerous stuff again but they will be out and about in a day or two.

Riku also wanted to send you something but prioritised sending stuff to the sage, he says 'yo!'.

Love Hinata Hyuga'

"Whoa! Your friend has been busy it seems... haaa~ glad we wont be back for a while... going to get busy in Konoha"


"Killed an elder he and Sasuke did... and uncovered his horrible acts against Konoha... I would be rushing back but Tsunade has it handled, probably"

"Haaaa- why does he get to do all the cool stuff..."

"Your girlfriend send you any pictures?"

I go red again as Jiraiya wiggles his eyebrows.

"Stop that!"

He laughs and gets up, dusting himself off he motions me to follow him.

"Alright, Alright lets go find a more secluded area and try meditation with the Kyuubi again..."

Aww man! So boring!

I get up and wipe off grass from my new black and orange jacket.

"Shadow clone-"

"Not for this training Naruto! Just yourself"

I put my hands behind my head and start following pervy sage side by side.

"Right fox training... forgot"

"Hmmm... you have been training exceptionally fast since Riku told you to use the shadow clones to train... tell you what, we will try twice more with the Kyuubi and if it doesn't work out... Ill teach you a thing or two"

"Yes! Dattebayo!"

I do a little jump that makes pervy sage chuckle to himself... eventually we find a clearing and I sit on a fallen log and start to mould my chakra and mix it with the beasts.


Pov: Jiraiya

Hmmm.. so Riku and Sasuke have eliminated Danzo... it was for the best, from what I've heard the Konoha council needed to be replaced a decade ago.

I watch Naruto as he attempts to mould the Kyuubi's chakra and I make sure that the area is sealed off and protected in case he goes too far like last time.

The Terror of Konoha.. did Konoha need a threat? Someone to scare others? It barely fits the kid and only in combat as well... I guess he is terrifying considering his kekkai genkai... haaa~

A jonin at 13... while not coming close to any records a genius is still a genius, I should of gotten to know Naruto's friend better when we were there- have to thank that kid for taking care of Naruto so well... the reports just called him the brat who talked with Naruto a lot but the way Naruto speaks of him in such admiration...

I'm just glad someone was there for the kid, now that I have the time and ability I should do my part as his godfather.

"AWW Come on! Just work with me! Dattebayo!"

Haaaa- he is not going to get this anytime soon, lets try tomorrow and if not I will try teaching him nature transformation and get him some appropriate Jutsu.


Pov: Nezumi/Luke

So this is it? I lay in my mindscape in my rat like body and gaze at the trees.

"Yo! You feeling like- uhhhh, how do you feel actually? Is it more of a slow burn kill or am I going to blink and your gone?"

I sigh and turn to the orb of light speaking to me- Riku, my next incarnation... the boy I gave my memories...

"Probably a blink and I'm gone situation, Jacky hated long goodbyes and I'm not about to sit through one"

"Ah- right... so your the last bit of Luke right..?"

"I guess, feels odd to just not have anywhere to go... I guess in a sense you are my afterlife..."

"Hmmm... is odd isn't it? Can I ask something?"

"Go ahead"

"Do you really not care about... just not existing ever again? No place to rest.. just gone?"

I chuckle.

"What would I even do? In the pure lands I would know no one... it might be worse then just not going anymore"

"Right... any final words?"

"Don't grow a moustache... way too long to groom so perfectly like I had, amazing? Yes. Practical for you? No... you are far more impatient then me Riku"

"Cool... cool... no moustache, got it"

"And take some things seriously would you? Trust me, the inhuman terror of Konoha is named after my freaky bullshit in the academy, what you do is an act... need to stop pretending to be serious and actually stop making a joke of everything"

If a light orb could scratch there cheek awkwardly I'm sure Riku would.

"Sorry about that, just like to have some fun"

"Being serious can be fun, just got to make a joke out of the enemy not yourself"

"... I can do that..."


I blink.


Pov: Riku

He is gone, only Riku left in here- looking around my mindscape I can see that the park is basically a jungle and the valley is vibrant, that old workshops insides lead to my workshop in the basement... with wooden carvings of me and my split selves, also a few others like Danzo and the Dweller... Gaara.

I think my mindscape is documenting my 'legend' so to speak, in its little weird way.

Taking a breath I leave and activate [Manual Operations] and use Telekinetic sight on my situation.

I'm currently in the hospital- nothing major just resting off injuries and don't want to wake up and have to take more time in here.

I put a few of my split selves around and made sure they repaired each of the sentinels, Travellers and Augmenters before going about normal business.

My sight shows that Sasuke left his room next door and that its only been a day, seems he had an easy heal... probably needs to lay off on using his eyes 'magic bullshit'.

I mean seriously? Who the hell decided that red super eyes used for copying things can summon a giant skeleton made of chakra that's 'unbreakable'?

Should of asked for that when I was told to choose my ability.

'Telekinesis and super skeleton please!'


Wait, does my bloodline have ways to awaken to another level? I mean technically I 'awakened' mine by kicking Luke off the controls- but is there a step up?

Cant really figure it out unless I stumble on it I suppose... lets just take our time to learn and make Jutsu, that's all my not-puppets will do currently, nothing else but creation... three bodies dedicated to that for a few months should be good and my own body dedicated to using my new formless Odachi named [Augmenter: Edge].

Why not use the name Danzo gave it? Because fuck Danzo I had a theme going!













The theme Danzo! Think of the theme!

Haaa- nonetheless I should go back to sleep and have my split selves do there thing... kind of feels like time travel... blink and I know fifty things and I've trained for a day... odd.

Thanks for reading :) short chapter sorry :/

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