Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 80: Golden Opportunity

"What? Are you going to teach me genjutsu?" Kaida asked.


The reason Kaida was so shocked to hear this was because of the knowledge he had from his previous life.


Shisui’s Mangekyo Sharingan ability was "Kotoamatsukami." This was the strongest genjutsu ability known in *Naruto*. It was so powerful that the writer had to nerf it by giving it the longest cooldown time of ten years. If Shisui had this Sharingan ability, it meant his normal genjutsu was also extremely strong.


Even if Shisui didn’t have the strongest genjutsu, just being an Uchiha jonin meant his genjutsu would be more powerful than most other ninjas'. Also, since Shisui had the Sharingan, he could teach genjutsu in the most efficient way for a Sharingan user.


"Well, I did say that, didn’t I?" Shisui said with a knowing smile.


"No, but this is too good to be true," Kaida said, shaking his head with a smile.


"Hey, what’s so special about a brother helping his brother?"


"There’s nothing special about that, but learning genjutsu from a jonin, and an Uchiha at that, is special enough for me," Kaida replied.


"You can put it that way too," Shisui said.


As they continued to talk while walking, they arrived in front of Shisui’s house in no time.


Kaida became a little nervous about meeting his aunt. The nephew she thought she was meeting was, more or less, gone. Though Kaida had the memories of the real Kaida, how much could a four-year-old remember? Most of the memories were of him spending time with his parents or playing with Yomi and other friends—friends who mostly died during the Nine-Tails attack. Some of them might still be alive, but they weren’t in the same orphanage as Kaida, and he had no plans to look for them.


Despite his best efforts, Kaida couldn’t recall anyone resembling an aunt.


At first, he was skeptical about this "brother" business, but he had decided to come and visit at least once. He was sure Shisui was a good person. Even if this turned out to be a lie, the only reason Shisui would go through this whole act would be to bring Kaida into the Uchiha clan.


Since Kaida now had to face the same danger as the Uchiha clan, he had no problem joining them. However, he would definitely not join if it was all based on a lie.


While Kaida was lost in thought, he stared at the entrance of Shisui’s house.


"You don’t have to worry that much. My mom’s not going to eat you," Shisui said, laughing, before ringing the bell.


The sound of someone running toward the gate quickly followed. Kaida tensed up even more.


A woman soon opened the gate and looked directly at Kaida.


"You look like Aiko," Hae said before pulling him into a bear hug.


Kaida was shocked to see her. While he couldn’t remember an aunt earlier, the woman in front of him was someone he remembered quite clearly.


"Candy Aunty... is that you? You’re my aunt?"


"Hahaha, you used to call my mom Candy Aunty? Why?"


"Well, whenever she met me, she always gave me lots of candy, and my mom didn’t have any problem with that. But why didn’t you ever tell me you were my aunt?" Kaida asked Hae.


"The reason isn’t a pleasant one, dear. Why don’t we leave the past in the past?" Hae said, looking a little sad.


"No, Aunty, I want to know the reason for that. Please," Kaida insisted.


"Okay, but don’t take it to heart. Due to the order of the elders, everyone from the Uchiha clan had to treat your mother as a stranger because she married outside the clan.


But it wasn’t entirely their fault. They were very serious about maintaining the purity of the Uchiha bloodline and keeping the secrets of the Sharingan within the clan.


The only reason your mother was allowed to marry your father was because she signed a contract saying she wouldn’t share anything about the Sharingan with anyone. If she did, her entire family—including you and your father—would be held responsible."


Kaida felt anger rise within him again. He knew, deep down, that the Uchiha weren’t entirely wrong in this. They just wanted to protect their power, in which the Sharingan played a vital role. This was why the clan was so protective of its secrets.


And the chances of someone who married outside the clan revealing something about the Sharingan to their partner were high. The Uchiha didn’t want anyone marrying outside the clan. Maintaining the purity of the bloodline was just an added benefit.


But knowing the reason didn’t help ease the anger Kaida was feeling. He even thought, for a moment, that maybe the Uchiha massacre wasn’t entirely unjustified. However, this changed when Hae continued her story.


"But not all of the elders were against it. If they were, no matter what your mother did, she wouldn’t have been able to marry your father. Many elders allowed her to marry after her repeated requests, but since they didn’t want it to become a norm, they had to give her some punishment."


"Hah! Let’s leave this depressing talk for another time. Mom, you’ve met your nephew after so many years, are you not going to at least invite him inside?" Shisui said.


At that moment, Hae realized they had been standing outside the whole time.


"Yes, come in, Kaida. This is your own home," Hae said.


Kaida was able to calm down after hearing the full story from Hae. He knew that while the Uchiha clan might be infamous for their curse of hatred, they were like family to each other. Treating his mother that way was definitely due to another reason.


"Okay, Aunty," Kaida said, following her inside.


Once inside, Hae took Kaida to the dining room. The table was filled with all kinds of food—sandwiches, milk, fruits, juice, and more. Seeing so much food just for breakfast was unusual for Kaida.


"Is someone else joining us?" Kaida asked Shisui in a hushed tone.


"No, this is all for you. Mom was so happy to meet you after all these years that she made all this just for you," Shisui replied.


"What are you two whispering about? Come eat before the food gets cold!" Hae scolded the two of them.



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