Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 79: Kaida’s Problems

Kaida was now able to appear on top of tree branches and uneven rocks easily due to his Sharingan. Yomi and Ryota were still unable to do that, but on the ground, they were easily able to decide the exact location they were going to appear.


But Kaida was facing a problem. He had a feeling that his Sharingan was on the verge of evolving into two-tomoe Sharingan. It was like an itch in his eyes that would not go away no matter what he did.


Yukihiro had said that a two-tomoe Sharingan could be achieved with enough use of the one-tomoe Sharingan, but it wasn’t evolving no matter how much Kaida used it.


When it was nearly time for the effect of the soldier pill to wear off, Kaida sat down and began meditating while thinking, 

'Why is this not evolving? I am pretty sure it is on the verge of evolving. Initially, I didn’t have any plans to have the Sharingan, but now that I have it, I’d be a fool not to use it in the best way. 

But the problem is, I don’t have someone I can ask why I’m facing such a hurdle. Wait a minute... I do have someone, a person who has Mangekyo Sharingan! Why the hell wasn’t I thinking of asking Shisui about this? 

I think this overexertion is hampering my thinking capabilities. Well, now it’s almost time to take a break, and since I have to meet him the day after tomorrow, I can ask him about this then.'


He stood up after thinking this and made 20 shadow clones to clean the house and make food for Yomi and himself.


After completing their training, Ryota and Kiba went toward their houses, while Kaida and Yomi headed to theirs. Since Kaida had already prepared everything, they just had to eat the food made by the clones and then go to bed. 


Normally, they would sleep for 20-24 hours after eating a soldier pill, depending on the exercise they had done. But due to all the stress and extra exercise, all four of them slept for nearly 30 hours.


Kaida, however, only slept for 25 hours. Due to his Senju bloodline, his body was naturally stronger than others, and his recovery was also faster, so he was able to wake up earlier than the rest.


When he woke up, he found that his whole body was completely stiff. After some stretching and light exercise, he went to the bathroom to take care of his needs. He then took a bath and got ready to head to the Uchiha residence.


Since he had promised Shisui that he would come to meet her so-called aunt, he had to go without any excuse. Initially, he didn’t want anything to do with the Uchiha clan so that during the Uchiha massacre, he could stay safe.


Well, a boy can dream, right? But now that he had gotten to know Shisui and had once been officially called to the Uchiha compound by an elder of the clan, Danzo would surely eliminate him too. Danzo wasn’t someone who would leave any loose ends in his plans.


Since everything was clear now, Kaida didn’t have any reason not to go to the Uchiha compound.


On his way, Kaida met Shisui, who was coming toward him with a big smile on his face.


"Hey, brother! I hope you were coming to see me."


"Yes, brother, it would be rude of me not to come when you’ve invited me."


"You do remember that you turned down my first invitation, right?" Shisui said with a silly smile.


"Hah! We have such short lives, so we shouldn’t dwell on the past—just live in the present, brother," Kaida said, trying to change the subject.


"Oh, so you’re forgetting the past? Does that mean you’re going to become an Uchiha and come live with us?" Shisui once again hit right on the point.


"No, and I can’t even if I wanted to. When I turned down the elder’s proposal, he said that it was my last chance to join the Uchiha clan. Leave that aside and let’s go to your house. I want to meet my aunt."


With that, Shisui decided not to pester Kaida anymore. He didn’t want Kaida to think he was only doing this to make him join the Uchiha clan.


And the thing about the elder saying it was Kaida’s last chance? That was nonsense. With Kaida’s talent, just one letter to the clan leader, and Kaida could join the clan.


"Okay, but we’re not going to use any jutsu to get there. Let’s walk," Shisui said.


Since Kaida had already been using the Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu to get near the Uchiha compound, they were already close to Shisui’s house.


"Okay, brother."


They started walking toward Shisui’s house. On the way, Shisui asked many things, like, 

"Kaida, why do you train so much?"


"So that no one can take away the people I love from me again."


"Don’t worry, nothing like that is going to happen again." Shisui thought Kaida was talking about his parents, which was true in some sense, but Kaida was thinking about his parents from his previous life. He still missed them.


He also knew that in this world, death was a very simple thing. If you weren’t powerful enough, your life was at the mercy of others, and they could kill you whenever they wanted.


"Brother, I also want to ask something," Kaida said.


"Oh! What is it?"


"For some time, I’ve had this feeling that my Sharingan is on the verge of evolving, but no matter how much I use it, it just doesn’t evolve."


"Hmm, for how long have you had this feeling?" Shisui asked, suddenly becoming serious.


"Umm... around one week. Is there a problem? I thought it was normal," Kaida asked, feeling a little tense.


"One thing I can say for sure is that it’s not normal. Normally, your Sharingan evolves to a two-tomoe Sharingan within one or two hours after you get that feeling. 

But you’re saying you’ve had it for a week? Tell me, how do you train your Sharingan?"


"Umm, I focus on noticing small movements and predicting trajectories of things far away. I also try to see the chakra of the jutsu my clones use and sometimes try to copy the jutsu Sensei uses."


"That’s good training, but what about Genjutsu? How do you practice that?" Shisui asked.


"Umm, actually, I haven’t learned any Genjutsu techniques yet. I was planning to learn them soon."


Hearing this, Shisui’s eyes widened a little. He put his hand on his head and said, 


"That’s the reason your Sharingan isn’t evolving. Your Sharingan evolves to a two-tomoe Sharingan when you master its power. But you haven’t even started to master one of its most powerful abilities: Genjutsu.

I think the reason you’re getting that feeling is that you’ve trained the other aspects of your Sharingan to their limit, and some of them may have crossed those limits. It might be a good thing, but I advise you to learn Genjutsu as fast as you can. Do you have someone who can teach you?"


"No, I don’t. I’ve chosen medical jutsu for specialization, so I don’t have anyone to teach me Genjutsu."


"Quite a peculiar choice. Leaving that aside, I’ll teach you Genjutsu from now on."

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