Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 43: Kenjutsu hell 2

Kaida paid the bill and left for home, where he met Yomi, who was just about to leave for her training.

"Hi, Yomi. How's your training going?" Kaida asked.

"Leave that aside. You actually trained for three days straight! What about your health? Didn't we promise each other that we wouldn't be reckless anymore?" Yomi's face was full of concern as she spoke.

"Don't worry, Yomi. Sensei gave me a pill that keeps a person awake and full of energy for three days straight, with only one downside: a full day of exhaustion. Because of this, today is my holiday."

"Who said I was worried about you, IDIOT!" Yomi retorted before storming off.

'I will never understand her,' Kaida thought as he headed toward his bed for some much-needed sleep.

Kaida fell asleep at 5 AM, and when he woke up, the clock showed 1. He assumed it was 1 PM and that he had slept for eight hours straight. But when he got out of bed to stretch, he was shocked to see that it was dark outside. He hadn't slept for just eight hours—he had been asleep for a full 20 hours!

This was surprising, as in both of his lives, he had never slept that long. Now he understood why Yukihiro Sensei told him to eat twice his normal serving—because he knew Kaida would be out for such a long time. It made sense now; the 20 hours of sleep was due to the compound exhaustion of three days of exercise.

Kaida went to his fridge, unsurprised to find only nutrient bars inside. He took out a few and ate them. With nothing else to do, he meditated for two and a half hours, then sent his clones in different directions to buy things for breakfast.

At 4 AM, Yomi woke up, not because of her alarm but because of the smell of breakfast coming from Kaida's house. She quickly completed her morning routine, and just as she was about to open the gate, the bell rang.

"Yomi, I made breakfast for both of us, so don't eat a nutrient bar right now. After you freshen up, come to my room for breakfast."

"I'm ready now, let's go," Yomi replied, excitement apparent on her face. Kaida just nodded, and they went to his house.

One of Kaida's clones opened the door and served breakfast while another cleaned the kitchen utensils.

"I'm really glad you learned the Shadow Clone Jutsu. This is the best way to use it," Yomi said.

Kaida just laughed at this.

After breakfast, they headed to the training area.

Yukihiro was once again waiting for them. He handed Kaida another soldier pill, and another three-day sparring session began. Kaida could feel the improvement in himself.

Yukihiro was surprised that Kaida hadn't complained about his teaching methods. It wasn't the first time he had taught someone, and most of his students would usually complain about only learning the basics, which they could have learned on their own.

But Kaida was different; he did exactly what he was told without question. Occasionally, he would ask for clarification, but it was mostly about their duels and how he could rectify his mistakes.

Yukihiro was also impressed by Kaida's talent. He was now confident that Kaida could handle any non-ninja swordsman on his own. Although ninjas were a different case, Kaida had only been practicing for six days. Yukihiro was starting to believe that Kaida might not only reach his level in the future but might even surpass him.

After another three days of continuous practice, Kaida slept for 21 hours straight. After a hearty breakfast, he made his way back to the training area with Yomi.

This time, the training was different. Yukihiro's clone taught Kaida how to parry and defend against attacks. They spent a full day on this before resuming their duels.

But this time, it was more interesting. Yukihiro started attacking Kaida, so Kaida had to block his attacks as well as launch his own. For two days straight, they sparred against each other, day and night. On the last day, with only ten hours left before Kaida had to rest for a day, Yukihiro gave him a break.

Kaida realized that while his growth was apparent, he still hadn't learned what he originally wanted to when he asked to learn kenjutsu. He wanted to learn chakra flow, the technique of coating your weapon in chakra to make it super deadly.

He only had 15 days with Yukihiro at the start, and now only one more round of three days of training was left before Yukihiro would leave for a mission. Kaida decided to ask if he was ready to learn chakra flow or if there was something else he needed to do.

He approached Yukihiro and asked, "Sensei, I read about chakra flow in the library, and I was curious about it. It was written that chakra flow makes kenjutsu capable of competing against ninjutsu and genjutsu, but you haven't taught me anything about it yet. Am I not qualified enough to learn it?"

"Kaida, I think you have a misunderstanding. It's not chakra flow that makes kenjutsu powerful; it's the user. No matter how powerful or sharp a sword is, it can't kill the opponent if the wielder isn't strong enough. As for chakra flow, it's not that difficult, but the problem is your sword. Let me give you an example."

Yukihiro picked up Kaida's sword but paused just before channeling his chakra into it, remembering the sword's price. He set the sword down and, with a *poof*, two swords emerged from the bracelet he was wearing. He picked one up and passed his chakra into it.

Slowly, the sword started glowing red. Yukihiro swung the sword at a boulder, slicing through it like a hot knife through butter. But as it exited the boulder, the sword began to melt down.

"The reason you can't learn chakra flow is because…"


(A.N: Thanks for reading^~^)

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