Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 42: Kenjustu hell 1



"Thank you very much, Sensei," Kaida said, bowing a full 90 degrees to Yukihiro.

"Okay, now let's talk about your training plan. First, take this pill," Yukihiro handed a black pill to Kaida, which smelled like plants and insects.

"What is this, Sensei?"

"This is a soldier pill. It's mostly eaten by ninjas on missions because of its effects. This pill forcefully keeps you awake for three days straight and increases your chakra regeneration by four times during this period.

Although it comes with the side effect of a full day of exhaustion, it doesn't tamper with your future potential or harm your body in any way. So, we are going to train continuously for three days, then rest for one day, and repeat."

Kaida was surprised by the pill. He casually watched anime in his previous life, so aside from the major plot points, he didn't remember many small details. Even if he had remembered this pill, its real-life effects would still have surprised him.

The pill increased a ninja's strength fourfold for three days straight. Although their chakra reserves would remain low, if replenished, they could effectively engage in guerrilla tactics.

He thanked Yukihiro and quickly swallowed the pill, feeling its effects instantly. It was as if every cell in his body was absorbing energy, banishing any exhaustion.

"Since you've taken the pill, let's begin immediately. Make as many shadow clones as you can."

Kaida began performing the hand signs for Shadow Clone Jutsu at a rapid pace. One by one, new clones formed.

He made them with just enough energy to sustain themselves without performing any jutsu, so they didn't have much chakra. In just 10 minutes, Kaida had created 24 shadow clones. Even he was surprised by his progress.

Since Yukihiro had instructed him to make shadow clones and nothing else, they all stood still, waiting for further instructions.

Yukihiro also made a hand sign, and suddenly 12 shadow clones appeared. Kaida easily recognized this jutsu as one of Naruto's signature moves: the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu.

"All of you, pair up and follow the clone in front of you with a wooden sword each," Yukihiro instructed.

As ordered, each shadow clone picked up a wooden sword and went with a clone. Yukihiro turned to Kaida and said, "My clones will teach them the basic stances and make them practice until they disperse. As for you, I have something else planned."

Yukihiro drew his sword. "Pick your sword and attack me."

Kaida picked up his sword. Although it weighed around 2 kg, constant practice made it feel quite light in his hand. But being an amateur, his attack was simple—a horizontal slash aimed at Yukihiro's waist. Yukihiro barely moved his wrist to parry the sword with ease.

The sudden change in direction caused Kaida to fall, but he quickly got back up and attacked again, this time with a vertical slash. Yukihiro parried this one as well. This continued for a full hour before Yukihiro signaled for Kaida to stop.

"Okay, your strength and stamina are enough for learning. I can see that you've been diligent with your physical training. Good, now we don't have to waste any time on your physique. Now, disperse your clones one by one."

Kaida understood that Yukihiro wanted him to learn every basic move the clones had been taught. He did as he was told. After a brief headache, he managed to sort out 12 basic moves in his mind.

"Good. Once again, make shadow clones."

Kaida created 24 shadow clones within 10 minutes and sent them back to training.

"We're starting again," Yukihiro said.

Once again, Kaida and Yukihiro began their duel—or rather, Kaida's one-sided beating. However, this time, Kaida's moves were slightly more versatile. With 12 basic moves under his belt, he could get a little more creative in his attacks, though the results were always the same.

After five hours of continuous trial and error, Kaida was given another break.

"Okay, Kaida, you can stop for now. Rest for 10 minutes, then disperse your clones. By now, they should have learned the rest of the basic kenjutsu moves."

Though Kaida wasn't overly tired from the five-hour training session, due to his constant physical exercise and the effects of the pill, mental exhaustion was starting to accumulate. For the next 10 minutes, he did nothing.

Afterward, he stood up and began releasing his clones one by one. This time, the influx of information was significant, so he had to take longer breaks between dispersing each clone. By the time he had released all his clones, 30 minutes had passed.

He sat in a lotus position and started organizing his memories. After another 30 minutes, he opened his eyes. Yukihiro was sitting on a nearby boulder. Seeing Kaida awake, he said, "Took you long enough. Now, what are you waiting for? Start making shadow clones."

Kaida was surprised to see Yukihiro sitting next to him, but when he heard his command, Kaida quickly began making shadow clones.

By this time, he started thinking of ways to learn the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu, as making clones the normal way was too time-consuming. He decided to ask the simplest question.

"Sensei, how did you make all 12 of your shadow clones at once? No matter how much I try, I can't do that."

"Well, that was a different jutsu from what you've learned. It's a forbidden jutsu," Yukihiro replied. But seeing Kaida's demotivated expression, he continued, "But I can teach you this jutsu—once you've mastered kenjutsu to a satisfactory level, meaning you can land a hit on me."

Kaida smiled and said, "Don't forget your promise, Sensei."

After making his shadow clones, Kaida and Yukihiro resumed their sparring session. This time, Kaida lasted a bit longer. By now, he had learned how to link his attacks and retain his balance, though these were basic skills. However, they were the foundation of any kenjutsu style.

While Yukihiro and Kaida sparred, their clones were also training with each other. For mastering any kenjutsu style, a strong foundation is essential.

After five hours, Kaida was given another break. This time, he took two hours to disperse his clones and organize the memories from their training.

They had been sparring with each other or against Yukihiro's clones, making countless mistakes and learning from them. This cycle continued for three days straight.

Every five hours, Kaida was given a break, during which he would disperse his clones and absorb new kenjutsu knowledge. His progress was promising; while Yukihiro could easily overpower him, Kaida was steadily improving.

By 4 AM on the third day, Yukihiro said, "Kaida, that's enough for today. You can go home now. Remember to eat twice as much as you usually do before going to sleep."

Kaida was too tired to question the reason behind this, so he simply thanked Yukihiro and headed toward his house. Since he had already dispersed his clones, he didn't have to wait two more hours. At the gate, he came up with a genius idea.

He created two shadow clones; one used the Transformation Jutsu to transform into a cart with a seat, while the other pulled the cart. Kaida sat on the cart and made his way home.

On the way, he stopped at his usual restaurant and ordered twice his usual serving. He devoured it like a beggar who had been starving for weeks, then ordered another serving and ate it the same way.

Now he was sure he couldn't eat another grain of rice.

He paid the bill and left for his house, where he met Yomi, who was just about to leave for her training.


**(A.N: Yes, here comes the time to Leave your likes and comments, also add this to your library, otherwise your chakra will be sealed for eternity *insert maniacal laughter here*)**

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