My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 91

Before we went anywhere, I first pushed Nerine into the bathroom where there was a shower as this was a pretty well to do hotel so they had pretty good plumbing and so I was glad to be able to take my own hot shower and likewise get Nerine cleaned up as she obviously hadn't been thoroughly cleaned for a long while.

"Huh you have nice purple hair when it's all cleaned up, Nerine." I praised making her preen lightly as her hair previously was matted with dirt and god knows what else and was basically black but now that she was fully cleaned up, she had nice purple hair and her demon mutation basically just made her ears longer and have a decent point to it. 'If she can't turn human, I can probably just say she is an elven orphan I picked up or something.' I thought ruefully.


"Well fate works in fairly convenient ways doesn't it." I grinned seeing the solution to my problems as I found Yushiro the demon that Tamayo helped get past his bloodlust wandering the streets of Tokyo, so I slapped the large box hanging on my back to signal to Nerine that I was going to be moving at a decent speed and to brace herself.

I followed him from above for a few minutes until he went through an alley and seeing as it was empty at the moment I shot forward and over him to get his attention as I descended from the air, landing within the alley and I could see he was visibly disturbed to see someone just causally landing in front of him.

"Are you a demon?" He asked uncertainly.

I swiftly shook my head in response. "No, I am magic user foreign to Japan and I am looking to meet with your mistress to ask for her assistance in helping me either turn a demon back into a human or at least curb their bloodlust." I answered clearly as I was getting used to the whole having to constantly explain away my clearly odd magic that didnt fit within the world as just being foreign to the nation itself.

"Right... I assume that person is being carried within that box behind you?" He shook his head, and I was reminded about how he literally only gave a damn about himself and more importantly his. 'Lady Tamayo' His next words perfectly encapsulated his devotion to the person who saved his life previously as he waved me off. "Lady Tamayo is very busy as of late and we do not know you at all, so I must decline any meeting."

I nodded in understanding, but I had an extra incentive for him to bring us to meet without me having to hunt down where he lived or following him all night as his little invisibility talismans wouldn't work on my demon tracking compass. "I have magical toxins from across the world and I have news about Muzan, she would be very interested upon hearing."

I saw his eyes light up in response to my words as I knew both of those topics were something were something Tamayo has devoted centuries towards and should he simply deny me offhandedly, he would be working counterintuitively towards her goals.

He finally snorted in frustration at me not giving him an excuse to blow me off. "Fine but if you cause any problem, I will deal with you myself." He blustered and I could see it was an act so I didnt take it to heart.

"Alright lead the way then." I waved and walked beside him so as to not make him think I was going to stab him in the back or anything.

It was an awkward walk back to the manor where the duo lived and after walked past the privacy wall Yushiro turned to me. "Alright you should let who ever needs our help out of the box now."

"Alright." I said and then gently placed the large box i had been carrying onto the ground. I opened the door to the box and Nerine climbed out and stretched and stuck her tongue out at me for keeping her in there for an hour or so.

"Tch, an eye sore..." Yushiro spat, and I only rolled my eyes hearing his tsundere nonsense as I knew he hated basically everyone except for his precious Lady Tamayo.

"She is cuter than you but let's get going or do you want to argue about whether a little girl is cuter than you?" I replied turning his offhanded insult into him being jealous and he could only stagger as he walked up the stairs up into the house and he threw a glare at me and in response I made some black flames waft around me as I stared at him amused.

"Oh, we have a guest. Yushiro please invite him in." A lady's voice carried through the air, and I knew Tamayo was using her Demon Blood Art to throw an illusion across the area and had probably been listening in from Yushiro's point of view like Muzan could through his demons, but although she typically gave him his privacy, I imagine hearing about Muzan made her set aside her prior thoughts.

Me and Nerine followed Yushiro into the house and low and behold I saw Lady Tamayo standing at the end of the hallway and the anime didnt do her justice as she had a very regal beauty about her, like if someone said she was a princess, I wouldn't doubt them much at all honesty. "Lady Tamayo, I thank you for welcoming us within your house and I imagine we have much to talk about." I said leadingly as Yushiro walked over to her with is body language just screaming 'Praise Me!' As he stood beside Tamayo.

"Yes we certainly do. Now who is this little lady and why have you brought a demon here rather than slaying her as demon slayers do?" She asked calmly showing how old and seasoned she was as I wouldn't be surprised if Muzan went through a phase where he made lots of children into demons to see what would happen.

"This is Nerine and I had hopes that you would have a way to at least remove her bloodlust if not turn her back into a normal human being and in return I have the two things I told Yushiro as we walked here to pay back for your assistance." I replied as we sat down in a living room with Nerine sitting beside me.

"Hmm and who is Nerine to you?" She asked suddenly and I couldn't help but tense slightly before sighing.

"She is the daughter of a demon I killed and seeing as she didnt have a Blood Demon Art or any major mutilations I decided to take my chances and get her cured rather than killing her." I said coolly putting on a poker face as I felt Nerine tense beside me at the reminder of her mother's murder and as I glanced down, I saw her fingers digging into the dress I got her to replace the rags she was previously wearing.

"Nerine... How long have you been a demon?" Tamayo asked and then Nerine went on to explain how she and her mother were in Upper Moon Two, Doma's cult and eventually her mother showed enough promise that Doma decided to share his blood with her to hopefully make another Upper Moon like Daki and Gyutaro had become and just like the last pair he decided to also make her daughter a demon as well a few months ago.

"Hmm and you have only gotten scraps from your mother?" She finally questioned the pressing question and Nerine nodded with Tamayo humming in thought. "Yes, that would make sense as I imagine Doma didnt scrimp out on his blood so neither of them would need to eat a lot of humans in order to develop their own blood arts even though they would be extremely weak for a long while in comparison to the demons made by Muzan, himself."

Tamayo then went onto explain how demons made by Muzan typically had more esoteric and powerful demon arts whereas the demons made by Doma and Upper Moon One Kokushibo or any of the other demons, had more physical Demon Blood Arts or at most elemental effects but only demons made by Muzan had abilities like Nakime's reality marble or Tamayo's illusions which needed either a long time to come into effect or they had to devour a large number of people to unlock them.

"I will teach her a few ways to control her bloodlust while she stays with me and if you gather some blood or flesh from an Upper Moon, I will be able to create some drugs to bring her closer to humanity and should you manage to gather blood from Doma, himself then I am almost sure I could turn her entirely human." Tamayo announced and I grinned knowing exactly where to find an Upper Moon.

"Well looks like an Upper Moon will be dying in the next couple days." I said confidently making her blink in surprise.

She shook her head in amusement before replying. "If they were so easily found then the Demon Slayers would have simply burned down their homes during the day to use to sun to kill them." Granted that was true, but I had a magical compass leading me to demons something no Demon Slayer had.

"I have my ways." I said simply so she could only shrug knowing I wasn't going to explain and after helping Nerine settle in a bit, I flew off into the night sky to another part of Tokyo to get to the redlight district where Daki and Gyutaro were.

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