My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 90

Unfortunately, my little demon radar counted height as well in the total distance it could reach so I wasn't able to simply fly over Tokyo at high speeds till I got a hit on it so I instead had to walk around on ground but I was enjoying the sight of somewhat modern stuff like the tram cars running acting like buses would in the future, not to mention the vast majority of buildings were running on electricity so everything was well lit up.

"There's one." I muttered as I powerwalked through a more residential district and got away from the inner city as when I was walking around downtown my radar didnt pick up and demon signatures although that doesn't surprise me honestly demons wouldn't be brave enough to cause a massacre in the midst of a massive crowd or Muzan would kill them remotely should he be listening to their thoughts and what they were doing.

Finally, I stood in front of a gated off mansion and hopped over the fence with a single negligent hop, but I could hear the motion shaking Nerine who was riding in the box on my back.

I then withdrew my sword out of my space ring as I walked towards the front door of the manor. Although walking around in somewhat western armor would get me odd looks but walking around with such a huge sword would only get the police called upon me, which was definitely different from Orario as basically everyone was walking around armed at all times unless they trusted the establishment they were resting within, enough to protect them but even then, most people wouldn't walk around Orario without weapons because there were plenty of criminals who would be armed.

For a second, I contemplated just barging into the house by cutting down the thin wooden door but for one if this was actually Tamayo's house that would be literally the worst possible first impression, other than me simply burning down the whole building.

I knocked heavily on the door and pulled on the rope beside the door which made a loud clashing noise within as the rope seemed to be attached to a bell or something inside.

I kinda felt like a stalker as I watched the demonic signature slowly walk closer and closer to the front door until finally, I heard a deep male voice call out hesitatingly. "What do you want? It's extremely late please go away if it's not important."

My face grew a large grin as I didnt recognize the voice and better this would give a perfect excuse to work off some frustrations, so I spun around and sent a powerful round house kick into the door which smashed into the demon and threw him into what looked to be a living room.

"FBI Search Warrant!" I yelled and then manifested an extra shield I had picked off from the dwarves in Moria that was made out of some stronger metal, just to smash the demon who jumped back up to its feet with the shield and knocking him through the living room wall and into what looked to be the back yard which would give us plenty of room for me to fight and more importantly should I use my fire to not burn down the whole house.

I just threw the now dented shield with the demons face literally embossed into the metal face of the shield back into my space ring and I truly did feel a bit of catharsis having beaten in the face of the demon with a blunt object. "Blood Demon Art- Blood Chains Of Hell!" He yelled and as impressive as his attack sounded it was wholly a disappointment as from each of the demons' wrists two chains made out of its blood formed and he tried to swing around the large solid blood chains, but I have seen Shakti Varma, the captain of the Ganesha using her whip to create sonic bomb attacks with her level five strength, so this was absolute a joke in comparison to her speed of slaughtering Behemoths.

I took a deep breath and with one swift motion I dashed forward while unsheathing my sword and cut off both arms of the with a down stroke and an upstroke as I pivoted around after dashing past the demon.

The demon snarled in pain at losing its arms but as it went to kick me or something I took off it's legs as well and let the stump of a demon to lay on the ground till I walked over it. "Tell me where the other demons are living." I asked simply and surprisingly he actually instantly lost his tough guy act and started rattling off locations he had seen demons and although I doubted the complete truth of his words, I let him build up energy to regenerate as I knew that what its plan was.

"You're open!" The demon screamed triumphantly as one of its arms reformed almost instantly and I stepped back for the demon to hop back on its flash healed legs but as soon as he regrew all his limbs, I stepped forward again and simply took off his head with one powerful slash by enlarging the length of my already overly long sword, so his back step was worthless.

"Why the hell did you let me heal!" The demon screamed out as I made a fireball to destroy the sentience of the remains so I could fuse the demons remains into my compass to hopefully enlarge the size of its detection range.

"I needed as much flesh as possible for my project." I answered simply and dropped the black fireball onto the demon's head which instantly burned through it as the demon had nowhere near the power and durability that Muzan had.

"Fuse." I called out and the compasses range was doubled from twenty-five to fifty kilometer's is range so now I was able to fly a decent way up in the sky to grid search Tokyo and make good time in comparison to before.

I started walking back into the mansion to see if there were any survivors from the demon or frankly if I needed to bury some remains but just as I hopped through the hole, I put through the building I heard Nerine calling out from within the box.

"Sir please let me out you already killed the demon..." Honestly, I wouldn't want to be kept in a box all day either, even if this box was certainly the most comfortable box in the world with how I had fused the wood and fabric to be more comfortable for her and even dissipate heat so she wouldn't be a sweaty mess within it.

"Fine." I said with a slap to the box the side opened up and Nerine hopped out and stretched. "Nerine help me check out this house, tell me if you find any human remains or anything else of interest." I said giving her a chance to earn some trust as should she run off well within fifty kilometers, I would certainly be able to snatch her back up unless she somehow got a teleporting Blood Art.

"Yes sir." The girl bowed and went down one of the side hallways as I went in the opposite direction towards a light peaking around a corner down another hall.

"Well, the demon was busy here in the kitchen..." I groaned as I saw the opulent kitchen was in every sense of the word a mess as I could see human remains splattered around making the room worse than a charnel house as there was literally blood on the ceiling as it looked like the demon attacked the family of a man woman and child when they were all in the kitchen together working on what to be a soup or something to setup for the next day.

I quickly through all the pieces of the corpses into my space ring and moved them outside and by sending a couple space cutting blades into the ground at an odd angle I was able to use my space ring to grab a large chunk of the earth I separated with the space blade and send it into my space ring and then I respectfully placed the peoples remains together at the bottom of the hole. After I jumped out of the hole, I put the chunk of earth I ripped out back making a loud thud as several tons of earth hit the bottom of the hole I made.

"Best I can do for you all." I said and bowed where I had erected a little cross out of some wooden planks from where me and the demon smashed through the wall.

"Sir I found something behind a wall in the master bedroom!" Nerine called out as she gently approached me obviously nervous, and I could see why.

"Hmm a Nichirin Sword." I muttered allowing Nerine to nervously hand me the sword. I knew it was a Nichirin blade as no normal sword would have such an odd yellow tone to it, so I assumed it was probably an heirloom or something with the family having had someone serve within the Demon Slayer Corps at some point in the centuries it's been around.

For a second knowing this blade was wielded by a lightning breath user I thought it would be best to fuse into my boots or something to give me additional speed, but I thought back to the number of enemies that have been showing either high resistance or basically immunity to my flames and decided to fuse it into my own sword.

"Nerine want to see some cool magic." I asked sardonically making her roll her eyes.

"Humans can't do any magic, that's why demons are better as we all have magic!" She stated and even stamped her feet shattering the stone she was standing upon to prove her point.

Instead of arguing how I beat her and her mother without any magic and she has always been in the box, so she hasn't really seen me do anything particularly magical, I started fusing the Nichirin sword into my own.

Muramasa - A sword fused with many powerful resources such as divine blood corpses of powerful monsters and several other high quality magical materials, allowing it to freely control and create Fire, Space Blades, and the sword can be coated in Lightning for mind- Diamond,Peak.

'Huh so it's just on the peak of Diamond now.' I thought before throwing the thought aside as I turned a smug grin at Nerine who looked dumbstruck at the now shorter blade, I used the speed enhancing properties of the lightning element to condense the power of the sword like Ichigo's bankai condensed the power of his sword into a smaller form.

"See magic truly does exist and if you can be good, even if you are returned to a human form, you will be able to learn magic." I offered an olive branch as I knew she needed something to latch onto having lost the cult she was a part of and then her own mother just died.

"Really I can learn magic, even as a human?" She asked staring blankly at the ground before bursting into tears, crying out. "Momma you idiot we didnt need to become demons to be strong. Wahhh."

She had just collapsed to her knees bawling and I could kinda guess the previous events as her mother didnt want to be cattle or something like the other women were in Doma's cult and after becoming a demon either she wanted strength enough to protect herself and her child from people or she wanted to just watch the world burn, who knows what runs through the heads of demons really...

I just pulled Nerine into my armored side and gave her a bit of a hug, giving her some trust as she could never break through my armor with her bare hands, but it was me opening my arms to her that mattered in her own mind.

"Nerine, you don't need to harm others to become strong." I told her and it was true at least for me as the vast majority of my strength was derived from my quest system which had me farming mindless monsters or the completely evil orc's within LOTR.

"Hmm." She murmured softly as though in agreement, and I could feel her emotional roller coaster having taken a toll as she literally passed out within my arms which made me groan as I could hear the neighbors coming to investigate after the sounds of our battle with the demon having passed.

"Fine I will just carry you in my arms Nerine." I muttered and then gently flew off into the sky towards the downtown hotel district where I could get the kid finally cleaned up and I could get some rest when the sun rose up.

'Tomorrow I will find Tamayo.' I thought as I flew into an alley behind one of the larger hotels.

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