My Terrified Yokai Academy School Life With Monster Girls!

Chapter 3: Unable To Make A Decision

It was an early morning; the sun rose and the second day at Yokai Academy began. The surroundings were bustling noisily as students chatted among themselves, laughing, smiling as they made their way toward the entrance of the academy. 

Amidst the students making their way to the academy—was a young man with dark brown hair and eyes, a plain appearance, and looked conflicted as he held a piece of paper in hand, seemingly unable to make up his mind when glancing at the paper.  

‘‘I filled up a withdrawal notice last night, but…’’ Tsukune Aono frowned as he felt like pulling on his hair, frustrated over being unable to make up his mind. 

Last night, after Tsukune and Moka spent the rest of the day exploring around the school with each other, they went back to their own dorm. The first thing after entering the dorm, Tsukune immediately wrote out the notice for his reason of wishing to withdraw from the academy. 

However, while making his way to the school, he began to hesitate over his hasty decision. Because... 

If I withdrew from the academy... I wouldn't be able to see Moka anymore. Tsukune couldn’t help but hesitate when he thought about Moka Akashiya. Getting to know the Vampire and spending the day with her, the boy felt reluctant to give up what they had—even if it was short and brief.  

Damn it! Here I am, needing to worry about my life and I’m second-guessing myself over a girl I only met for a day. Seriously, what the heck is wrong with me!? Tsukune tugged at his hair, screaming internally at himself. 

‘‘Hah, it seems the stereotype that men only think with their lower part may not be all false.’’ After screaming at himself for a while like that, the boy sighs with imaginary tears, feeling quite pathetic. 

‘‘Something troubling you?’’ 

As Tsukune continued to be troubled by the matter while aimlessly heading through the entrance of the academy, a young male voice asked him a question. The moment he heard the voice and traced his gaze to the owner, his body directly stiffened as his face immediately crumbled apart into an awkward and nervous smile. 

Leaning his back to the academy entrance wall, a tall blond boy donning the school attire, had a grin on his face while directing a glare at Tsukune with hidden anger. 

He was none other than Saizou Komiya. The same person who had been eyeing Moka and held a dislike for Tsukune, which only seems to increase after what transpired the other day. 

It’s him! Seriously, is this fucker stalking me!? The moment he saw the blond monster in human disguise, Tsukune almost jumped in fright, while his heart thumped rapidly in his chest out of fear. 

As if sensing his fear, Saizou snorted, saying. ‘‘What’s wrong, are you scared? Well, you’re going to have a reason to be afraid after daring to make a fool out of me the other day. I’ll show you those who had to nerve to make a fool- Huh!’’ 

However, even as Saizou was uttering those words, to his shock and dumbfounded realization, Tsukune immediately made a run for it without waiting for him to finish the rest of his sentence.

‘‘You little shrimp! This shit again, get back here now!’’ Seeing the sight of him running away again like last time, rage-filled Saizou. And this time, despite being dumbfounded that the same thing was happening as last time, he darted after Tsukune in a chase. 

‘‘What happened?’’ 

‘‘It seemed there’s two students that had a disagreement and one ran away to avoid being attacked.’’ 

‘‘Wait, I know him! Isn’t he the dude with Moka the other day, and the one chasing him… doesn't that look like Saizou.’’ 

‘‘Hmm, you’re right, it’s really Saizou. He must have wanted a payback for the other day.’’ 

Witnessing the sight of the chase, the students who were making their way to the academy began to talk among themselves, finding interest in what was happening. 

‘‘Please excuse me! Excuse me! Sorry, coming through!’’ Tsukune ran as fast as he could, pushing past the students in front of him, unconsciously uttering words of apology while dashing toward the academy. 

With how big the academy is, I’m sure there’s a place to hide from this fucker until he gives up! Tsukune's heart raced with fear as he nervously came out with the idea of ridding himself of his pursuer. ‘‘But what’s wrong with this dude!? Why is he coming after me when I didn’t do jack shit to him!?’’ 

As he madly ran, Tsukune felt a little helpless, unable to understand how he could have attracted the attention of someone like this when he didn’t remember bothering the person in question in any possible way. And he only felt more aggrieved when he heard the surrounding students mumbling about. 

Payback? For what? What the fuck did I do to the shithead other than having the sense to run away beforehand to avoid starting a conflict!? Tsukune heard the students mumble about how Saizou must have come for revenge after the other day’s incident, causing him to curse inwardly at both the students and Saizou alike. 

‘‘How can anyone be so narrow-minded to hold a grudge over something like that!?’’ But despite feeling aggrieved, he begrudgingly admitted, agreeing with the students' thought of why Saizou must have wanted revenge against him. ‘‘... But now that I think of it, it only makes sense for him to be so narrow-minded with how ugly his appearance is.’’ 

To comfort and calm his racing heart, Tsukune cracks a little joke; easing his nerves by a small margin.     

‘‘Get back here! If you continue to run, once I catch you I’ll break all your legs!!’’ Chasing after Tsukune, face popping full of veins, Saizou utters words of threat. Trying to intimidate him to stop, however, his words held little effect as Tsukune made his way closer to the academy front entrance with every passing second. 

Does this dude think I’m an idiot? If I stop, I really will have all my legs broken! A chill ran down Tsukune's spine as he heard the threat, which motivated him to kick his legs even faster to reach the academy. 

A very brief tens of seconds later, Tsukune's eyes lit up in excitement as he arrived near the academy entrance door. And without a moment of thought, he pulled open the door and went running into the academy.             


Not much long after, the blond and tall muscular student, Saizou Komiya, also sprints into the academy. ‘‘Where is he, where is that little shrimp!? I'm going to kill him when I get my hand on him!!’’ Eyes resembled a wild beast, Saizou shouted, garnering the attention of the students already inside the academy.

‘‘What's wrong with him? Shouted the moment he entered.’’ 

‘‘Looking at him breaking open the door when entering, he seems to be in a bad mood. With how he was shouting for someone just now was it a fight?’’  

‘‘Now that I think about it didn’t someone also storm in just a second ago?’’

‘‘Who cares about them getting into a fight, class will start in just a few minutes.’’ 

After entering the academy and making such a loud ruckus, Saizou became the focus of attention for the students—whispering among themselves and speculating about what was going on. However, just as many took interest, there were also many who seemed dismissive knowing class was starting and they couldn’t care about random conflict between other students. 

Meanwhile, Saizou looked around and was unable to locate Tsukune’s whereabouts. His expression seemed to rage even further as he began to bulge with veins and blood vessels as his body grew larger and taller, ripping his clothes apart as he morphed into an inhuman humanoid monster with a hideous countenance and long tongue.                             

This was a monster! Hiding behind the human disguise was the appearance of a monster, the true nature of Yokai Academy and all the students attending it. 

Except for one in particular.   

‘‘I’ll kill that punk!!!’’ After transforming into his true form hiding behind the human disguise, Saizou roared with rage. 


A little while later after the bell rang; students went to class: in the Janitor's Room. 

Amidst the secluded hall, the door to the janitor’s room slowly and gently creaks open from the inside, until it stops at a quarter distance from fully opening. Poking his head out to glance around warily, the boy heaved out a breath of relief when he saw no sign of someone else moving about in the hall. 


Seeing that nobody else was around except for him, Tsukune fully pushed open the door, exiting the janitor’s room; he quietly closed the door back up. After doing that, he immediately fell flat on his rear, leaning his back to the door, his face a mix of fear and excitement from the remaining adrenaline still running through his blood vessels. 

It was clear that the excitement and fear from being chased hadn’t left him completely despite a period of time having passed. 

‘‘Fuck, I thought I was going to die just now, luckily there were a lot of people, making it easy to blend into the crowd. Otherwise, I really might be screwed by that bastard. Haah, like I thought, the academy really is too dangerous for a normal human like me to be in. And...’’ 

Tsukune mutters to himself, exhaling a few times to ease his nerves as an Image of what he witnessed earlier etched deeply in his mind, causing him to shudder in fear from just remembering it. 

The moment he had rushed into the academy and noticed that there were many students packed within the hall, an idea to blend in with the crowd to avoid his pursuer had come to him suddenly. As the idea came to him, he didn’t waste any time to act upon it and silently blended himself among the students. 

The whole time while trying to be inconspicuous as much as possible while hiding among the largely packed students, his heart was racing in fear from the thought of being noticed and what might befall him afterward if he was caught. Thankfully, that fear didn’t become a reality as Saizou wasn’t able to notice his whereabouts among the students. 

However, hiding among the largely packed students, he happened to witness something that sent down a bone-chilling fear 10 times greater than when he saw Moka sinking her fangs deep in his flash while sucking on his blood. The sight was the thing that, till now, caused him to involuntary tremble just from recalling it.  

It was the monstrous form Saizou Komiya had taken when unable to find him. 

The monstrous form was at least more than 7 feet in height, with bulged muscle, huge arms, hideous countenance, and a long extended tongue that wiggled about like the slithering of a snake. For any normal human, witnessing such a thing was something hard to forget and deeply terrifying. 

‘‘Kid, what are you doing?’’ 

‘‘Aaah! Who are you, what do you want!?’’ As Tsukune's mind was lost in thought about the event happening literally not long ago, a hoarse voice sounded a short distance from him. The voice caused the boy to jump in fright, screaming as he spun to his left to direct his attention toward the owner. 

‘‘Calm down kid, why so jumping? Can’t you tell who I am just from the stiff uniform?’’ The hoarse voice replied with no small amount of irritation when seeing how dramatic Tsukune was being. 

‘‘Huh?’’ Still wary, Tsukune backed off again, only then was he able to settle his nerves slightly and regard the owner of the voice.

Observing the owner of the voice, in his line of sight was a middle-aged man wearing protective clothing, gloves, long-sleeve shirts, pants, and boots. While on the left side of his chest was a badge that said; Janitor, and a name underneath the word. 

Phew~ the janitor, thank god. For a second there I thought it was a monster or worse, that fucker had found me. Wait, this is a monster academy, and that means the janitor is also one. Never mind, it’s still a monster! Regarding the janitor, at first, Tsukune looked relieved, but after a quick reconsideration, he still gulped down nervously; knowing the person standing in front of him was also another monster just like Saizou. 

‘‘Kid, explain yourself, why are you here instead of attending class like you’re supposed to?’’ The Janitor asks, questioning why he is here when he should be in class.  

‘‘O-oh, attending class, I was feeling a little unwell so I almost forgot about it. Sorry for bothering you, I’ll be going to my class now.’’ Being asked why he wasn’t in class, Tsukune rubbed the back of his head and unconsciously made an excuse. 

However, at the excuse the janitor's eyes seemed to knit down slightly, he said in the same hoarse voice. ‘‘If you're sick, kid, then instead of attending class I suggest you go to the nurse first to see if you’re alright.’’ 

‘‘Will do,’’ Tsukune responded, scurrying away before the janitor could add any further words. 

Watching Tsukune's quickly disappearing figure, the janitor only sighed, opening the closet as he did. ‘‘Another delinquent being caught skipping class and offering a half-ass excuse, kids this day. And by how his scent is all over the place, he must have been hiding here.’’ He mumbled after opening the closet. 

It was clear Tsukune’s excuse for not attending class he made up on the spot wasn’t something the janitor had believed, seeing many situations occurring like this before. 

Outside of the school. 

‘‘Finally, an actually secluded place where monsters won’t just suddenly pop off without notice.’’ Tsukune uttered in an exaggerated manner after arriving in a slightly foggy location filled with tombstones and withered-up trees. ‘‘But there is something seriously wrong with the academy designer. I mean, what the fuck is all these tombstones for? How can anyone cool their head when all these creepy stuff are everywhere?’’

Tsukune clicks his tongue, grumbling about the appearance of the academy outdoors.    

‘‘Oh well, it doesn't matter when I won't be here for long. Haha…!’’ Tsukune placed both hands on his hip, happily laughing uproariously to himself. ‘‘Bye, damn monster-infested nest! I won’t be missing you.’’

After today's incident at the entrance of the academy gateway, Tsukune had completely made up his mind to withdraw from the academy. The thought of finally saying goodbye to this place forever caused his heart to willed up in joy. 

‘‘... it’s a shame though, I thought I finally struck gold by meeting a beautiful, cute, and kind person like Moka. If only it wasn't at a place like this…’’ At the Image of Moka, Tsukune went silent, losing his previous elation of leaving the academy. 

Growing silent, the boy couldn’t help but sadly let his eyes wander around the area. ‘‘Come to think of it, wasn’t this one of the places Moka and I explored around together? It’s close to the male dorm and since Moka wants us to become familiar with everything here, we also ended up walking through this place.’’         

At the mention of the other day, Tsukune chewed on his lips while clenching his fist. 

‘‘No, it’s not right to just leave without at least telling her.’’ The thought of her looking sad, wandering where he must have gone caused an aching pain to grab hold of his chest. ‘‘Before I leave… I must at least tell her—if only to make me feel better as well.’’ 

Amidst the foggy silence, Tsukune felt bitter; knowing leaving the academy would also intel never seeing Moka ever again. 

‘‘Tsukune! Tsukune! Tsukune!...’’


While deeply absorbed in the sad thought of never seeing Moka again, he was interrupted by his name being repeatedly called. 

Tsukune reacted immediately by turning around and tilting his head toward where the voice calling out his name had come from. But because of the fog, he could only make out an outline of the person running forward and calling his name. 

‘‘Is that… Moka!’’ However, as the fog wasn't that dense he was still able to make out the special characteristic of Moka appearance. After all, not many had such bright pink hair. ‘‘Talk about coincidence, thinking of her and she came. Wait, that’s not important!’’ While cracking a small joke, Tsukune's expression flickers in confusion. ‘‘Why is she here? Shouldn’t she be in class right about now?’’ 

Though he was confused as to why Moka was here, Tsukune could see that the person becoming clearer was definitely Moka. And seemingly noticing him also, she increased her pace, coming so close that he could see her clearly even with the fog. 

She’s sweating so much, was she running the whole time to find me? Noticing her drenching sweat and her breath heaving out roughly, Tsukune made some guesses. 

‘‘H-Hi Moka, were you looking for m— Wow!’’ Just before fully saying what he wanted to ask, Tsukune was caught off guard when Moka directly jumped to hug him. ‘‘You seemed exhausted, were you running the whole time? And why are you here when you’re supposed to be in class?’’ Hearing her heavy breathing, Tsukune gently patted her back and asked. 

As she heard his question, Moka pulled her head back and said with intense worry lacing in her tone. ‘‘Tsukune, why weren’t you in class!? I was so worried I couldn't pay attention in class and had to go find you no matter what!’’ Her voice was hoarse and sounded tired from running. ‘‘Never mind that we must quickly get back to class or teacher Nekonome might get mad.’’ 

However, instead of letting him answer, she grabbed his hand and turned back the other way, wanting him to follow her. ‘‘Huh?’’ But noticing that he wouldn’t budge, Moka peered back in confusion. 

‘‘Is there something wrong? Why aren’t you coming?’’ She carefully asks, noticing his silence. Tsukune let out a sigh, then gazed determinedly at her, and said. ‘‘Moka, I’d have something to tell you.’’ 


‘‘... I, I’m leaving Yokai Academy.’’ Tsukune said, gazing straight into her shocked eyes. ‘‘Wha- What are you talking about!? Why are you leaving Yokai Academy!?’’ Moka stunningly exclaimed. 

‘‘I’m going to attend human school so I’ll be leaving today.’’ Tsukune said, lowering his gaze a little, unable to firmly meet her stunning gaze that suggested she had heard the worst news of her life. ‘‘What! You’re going to a human school!? No, you can’t, humans are bad, mean, and the worst! You can’t attend human school!’’ The moment Moka heard Tsukune would attend human school, she immediately urged him not to.   

Ouch. You’re hurting me without even knowing it, Moka. Tsukune winces, bitterly uttering inwardly at what she said. 

‘‘Ha… Moka, I’m- I’m human.’’ Releasing a sigh, looking hesitant, he slowly uttered with a sad and fearful tone. 

There, I say it! She won’t kill me, right!?                              

‘‘Wha, wha, what…’’ Completely stunned by the news, Moka let go of his hand, unconsciously moving a few steps back. ‘‘Y-you’re a human, but how can that be possible…’’ 

‘‘It seemed following her was the right choice, it ended up leading me to you! Heh heh heh, I finally found you—you’re dead!’’  

‘‘That voice, Saizou!’’ Tsukune's face instantly flickered with seriousness and fear when he heard the voice and saw the person walking out from the fog.

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