My Terrified Yokai Academy School Life With Monster Girls!

Chapter 2: The Only Human In The Academy, Really!?

Facing the reality of what kind of school the Yokai Academy is, Tsukune continued to have his head down while his thoughts raced with fear and worry over what would become of him; if found that he was the only human in this non-human school meant for monsters. 

Shit. I know this school was not normal from the beginning just judging by the layout and appearance alone, but to think it’s all composed of monsters according to the teacher. I know Moka can’t be the only one since she was so open about being a vampire, but still… All monster school, really!? 

Tsukune processes the knowledge the first thing Shizuka Nekonome imparted after speaking, with horror. Knowing he was alone in this school composed of monsters caused anxiety to rise within him. 

Damn it! It’s their fault I’m here, enrolling in such a terrifying place. If your son dies and gets eaten by a monster, the blame will be put on the both of you! At this moment, Tsukune couldn’t help but blame his parents for his current predicament despite knowing some blame could be placed on him for literally failing every exam for other schools, that his parents were actually willing to allow him to attend this suspicious and unable to be found academy.  

‘‘I’m doomed.’’ Tsukune uttered quietly to no one. 

‘‘On the other hand, since I’m already here, I must not stand out at all costs. Tomorrow, I’ll immediately hand in my withdrawal notice.’’ After a moment of recollecting himself, knowing that overreacting and making a scene wouldn’t be good. Tsukune chewed on his lips, calming his nerves, and made a rational decision. ‘‘And since everyone here is in disguise, it should be possible to hide among them for a day, right?’’ 

‘‘What do you think is wrong with him? He’s been acting weird and mumbling unknown stuff this whole time.’’

‘‘Who knows. But I’m certain it’s best not to interact with a strange monster like him.’’ 

‘‘You’re right.’’

Fuck, I’m already garnering attention. Picking up what the students behind him said, right after making up his mind not to attract attention, Tastumi cursed himself. I must act normal. Reminding himself, the boy lifted his head, shoulder straight, and forced out a smile.  

‘‘See that. Look at his smile, it is so weird, almost like he’s crying but at the same time not.’’ 

‘‘Yeah, and there is so much sweat dripping from his forehead. There might be a problem with him, don’t you think?’’ 

Tsukune's ears twitched a few times as he heard the same students behind him whisper about his smile. Screw your mother, What would a bunch of monsters know what a perfect A+ smile looks like! Really feeling like crying, he threw a curse at the people behind him in his mind. 


Amidst while Tsukune was feeling gloomy about his predicament and tried to act normally to avoid attracting attention. The door to the class suddenly creaked open, causing the teacher and all the students to unconsciously direct their attention toward it. 

‘‘Sorry, I was lost and ended up coming late.’’ 

After the door was fully open, a young tall pink-haired girl with emerald-colored eyes, fair skin, a lean figure, curving waist, and wearing a turquoise uniform and light brown skirt, walked into the class with a slightly nervous look. 

The girl who was late for class was Moka Akashiya, the vampire girl Tsukune met this morning.  

‘‘That’s quite alright, just make sure to not be late next time. Please sit at any remaining seat you like.’’ With an unchanging smile, Shizuka Nekonome casually reminded Moka, gesturing for her to take a seat. 

‘‘Yes, Ma’am. Next time I won’t be late.’’ Moka hurriedly bowed her head twice, feeling glad at the teacher's leniency. 

‘‘Wow! Just who is that girl, she is so pretty. She resembles those human idols with devastating beauty.’’

‘‘This might just be her human form but she looks so stunning. Is she really in our class!?’’ 

As the students reacted to Moka's gorgeous human appearance. Among the students, the one who interrupted Shizuka Nekonome's speech and spoke in an arrogant manner, smirked while licking his lips. ‘‘Not bad. She looks better than all those human females I molested in the human world.’’   

Having the entire class focus their attention on her, Moka’s cheek turns a tint of red from embarrassment. 

Is he here? Looking across the classroom to find an empty seat, Moka inwardly hopes. And as she moved her gaze over to look for a seat on the left side of the classroom, sitting near the window, her eyes noticed a normal-looking boy turning his head away when she glacé his way. 

‘‘Tsukune, you’re in this class too!’’ The moment she noticed the boy, Moka couldn’t contain her excitement, calling out his name, she rushed forward and pressed her body up against him. ‘‘I’m so glad we’re in the same class!’’ 

‘‘She knows that dude. No way!’’

‘‘Damn lucky bastard.’’ 

When the rest of the male students saw the scene, eyes glaring with intense jealousy, they all sent a piercing stare at the boy pressing up against Moka.  

‘‘Tch. She’s with that weak flimsy-looking kid.’’ The tall and large muscular blond student snorted unhappily at the scene. 

Why Moka why! We might have only been friends for a short period, but does that warrant potentially giving me a death sentence? Tsukune, being hugged by the excited Moka, sorrowfully crying imaginary tears when noticing many intense gazes all center on him. 

That said, her breasts felt so soft and squishy. And her scent is so refreshing and smells so nice. Awesome! 

However, despite knowing things weren’t looking great after gaining attention from a group of monsters. Tsukune still couldn’t help but swallow deeply when Moka's body pressed up on him like this. 

‘‘Wow, she looks stunning. It’s unbelievable!’’

‘‘Yeah. If a girl like that looked at me just once, my knees would definitely turn jelly from sheer happiness.’’

‘‘Get real, dude. There’s no way a girl that pretty would look at someone like you.’’

‘‘But why is she with someone like him? He looks so weak and lame, way out of her league. They’re basically like night and day!’’ 

Two young students, one female, with an unbelievable appearance that guys wouldn’t be able to help but stare at, while girls would gaze on in envy. And another, a male with average height and appearance which could be found anywhere—could be seen near each other—moving side by side in the hallway packed with students from all directions. 

The students gazed at the two and gossipy among themselves.   

‘‘There are many people here, Tsukune, and they're all staring at us. What do you think that is?’’ The female, Moka, uttered when she felt the stares directed at them. ‘‘Although it’s only the first day, the school feels so different from the one I’ve attended in the human world. I feel sorted close to it.’’ 

Of course, they would be staring at us when you stand out like a sore thumb, Moka. And also, it is only natural that you would like this school when it’s literally made for your kind. Tsukune felt the urge to retort at Moka's clueless question, but held himself back and opted for a gentler response. 

‘‘I think it’s because of your beauty, Moka. With how stunning you are, it'll be hard to go unnoticed wherever you go. As for why you feel closer to this school, probably because it’s Yokai Academy, a school meant for monsters. It might feel kinda like going home or akin to near familiar people instead of strangers.’’ 

Like me right now. Tsukune inwardly added bitterly. 

‘‘You’re likely right about feeling close to the school because it’s filled with other monsters like me, but… do I really look that beautiful for them to stare intently at us like this?’’ Embarrassed by Tsukune's compliment, Moka asked. 

‘‘Absolutely. While calling you a goddess would be an exaggeration, it’s no exaggeration to say you’re still the most stunning-looking girl I ever met.’’ 

‘‘Is that so…’’ Moka’s cheek became a little red when hearing his honest and truthful words, she chose to change the topic to avoid further embarrassment. ‘‘So… What do you think we should do now that class is over, Tsukune?’’  

What do I want to do? Isn’t that obvious, I want to hide somewhere none of these monsters in human disguise would be able to find until I can write out my withdrawal notice tonight and hand it in tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Tsukune felt like saying but seeing Moka’s expected expression when asking him that, he couldn’t muster up the courage to actually say. 

‘‘Well, maybe we could-’’ 

As Tsukune was about to suggest something Moka and he could do together since they have the rest of the day to themself after the end of school hours. He didn’t manage to finish as the students around them began to chatter louder, enough to catch their attention. 

‘‘Look, it’s Saizuo Komiya. Isn’t that the dude who got forced into enrolling in Yokai Academy because he was causing too many problems in the human world?’’

‘‘Yeah, it’s him. Why is he heading over to them?’’ 

While the students continued mumbling amongst themself about the person named Saizou Komiya—the person himself, with a tall muscular figure, blond-haired, and an arrogant look on his expression—the person in question was obviously the same student who had rudely interrupted Teacher Shizuka Nekonome speech earlier in class. 

Saizou Komiya, with his towering height, arrived close to Moka and Tsukune. 

Fuck! It’s the asshole who says he’d rather just eat humans than go through the trouble of disguising as one. He’s the worst possible monster for me to interact with. Tsukune immediately cursed when he saw the last person he wanted anything to do with coming over to them. 

While he was thinking that, Moka’s expression also changed. The tall man in front of them had caused her to become wary and nervous.       

Looking at the two, Saizou’s face flashes with displeasure when he gazes at Tsukune, however, it quickly becomes lustful when he moves it toward Moka. Then, smirking arrogantly, with a haughty tone he began to utter. ‘‘Now then cutie, why’d hang out with someone like-’’ 

‘‘Let’s go, Moka.’’ But not waiting for him to finish talking, the boy, Tsukune, directly grabbed hold of one of Moka's hands and hastily said to the vampire. 


Before Moka or anyone could react or voice their surprise at his unexpected words, after grabbing hold of Moka’s fair hand, Tsukune darted in the opposite direction with her. Amidst this, Saizou and the other students could only watch with their mouths agape as the two quickly disappeared from their view. 

‘‘Wow! He ran so fast!’’

‘‘Smart move. Just look at Saizou's face, he must be super angry right now.’’ 

Thereafter, when the two were completely gone from everyone’s sight without a trace, the students in the hall began to mumble among one another again while sending Saizou glace after glace. And being the focus of attention, Saizou's hands clenched tightly together, anger filled his face as veins popped off from his forehead. 

Meanwhile, as the commotion went on after Tsukune and Moka hastily left the hall, the couple ran until they found a secluded spot and hid somewhere there, away from other students in the academy. 

‘‘Phew~ Damn, that fucker was so scary. With that stupid arrogant expression before he even said anything, I could already tell nothing good would come off from that dirty mouth of his. Right, Moka?’’ Tsukune said after bringing Moka to a secluded location, devoid of other students.

‘‘Ha ha ha...’’ Sweating, Moka heaved out roughly, feeling tired from the sudden intense running. When she noticed Tsukune was talking to her, looking up, she said. ‘‘Huh? Sorry, I was a little too focused on catching my breath, what did you say?’’ 

‘‘Oh, if you didn’t hear, never mind. It’s nothing important anyway.’’ Grining, Tsukune said. ‘‘Hm.’’ Moka grinned also and didn’t ask more about it. Instead, looking at him closely, she casually inquired in a curious tone. ‘‘I’m surprised Tsukune, while you don’t seem like it, you are quite athletic and fast.’’ 

‘‘Heh heh, you think so.’’ Tsukune rubbed the back of his head, looking bashful at her words. 

‘‘Uh-hum, despite the intense running just now you don’t look like you’re out of breath at all; and not even a single drop of sweat either.’’ Moka said again, her tone soft and honest. 

She’s not only beautiful but also knows how to stroke a man’s ego, is she a freaking angel? Heart surged with confidence, Tsukune exclaimed inwardly in joy after getting complimented by a girl. ‘‘Thanks, I may look like this but I'm quite confident in my athletic ability. But I’m more surprised by you, Moka.’’ 

‘‘Huh? Is there something off about me!?’’ Moka reacted hastily, seeming worried for some reason. ‘‘Uh, no, no, there is nothing off about you. Why would you think that in the first place?’’ Seeing her overreact, Tsukune hurried to deny it immediately. 

‘‘It’s just…’’ Moka seemed hesitant to explain. ‘‘It’s just you’re my first friend and I didn’t want you to think I’m weird or anything. As you see, while attending school in the human world, I was considered the out kid among them and wasn’t well-liked by others.’’ 

‘‘Well, screw those humans, Moka! For someone as beautiful, kind, and sweet as you to be the out kid among them, they were definitely just jealous of you. Don’t pay idiot humans like that those no mind.’’ As he heard about her experience attending school in the human world and noticed her seemingly gloomy, Tsukune patted her back, comforting her with a smile. However, while comforting the vampire girl...

Hah hah, I've been in this monster academy for not even a day, and I’ve already insulted my kind, I can't tell if something might be wrong with me or not. Tsukune casually mocks himself over his remark. 

‘‘Anyhow, the reason I say I was surprised by you was because, while you are supposed to be a vampire, it seems strange that you act and feel so normal... just like a human. Ahem, like the humans back at my old school obviously.’’ Tsukune hurriedly cleared his throat and clarified, not wanting her to become suspicious of his true nature. And that he was the only human here. 

Besides, he was actually confused inwardly about Moka. She might have claimed to be a vampire and even saw proof of her non-human nature. But Moka felt so human he sometimes thought those things might just be him seeing things, and her being a vampire and biting him this morning weren’t real.  

‘‘Oh that, it’s because of this Rosario.’’ Hearing his words, the Vampire grinned softly and pointed at the thing hanging near her chest. ‘‘A Rosario Cross?’’ Tsukune tilted his head slightly. ‘‘Yes, it’s a Rosario Cross. This thing keeps my true nature and power as a vampire sealed, but if it ever comes off you’ll see the true me.    

How creepy and ominous sounding. Although feeling terrified by what Moka just said about herself, Tsukune didn’t show it outwardly. ‘‘Is that so… as a vampire, you must be quite powerful.’’ 

‘‘Uh-hum, as a vampire I am quite powerful when my power isn’t sealed off, but at my current self. I’m obviously not.’’ Moka shook her head with a smile, seemingly not bothered by the fact that she’s currently weak because of the Rosario around her neck. ‘‘Oh, yeah, Tsukune. When I ask what we should do since school is over for the day, what did you about to suggest?’’ Moka's eyes lit up while looking at him. 

‘‘That, umm, I was going to suggest we… could maybe do some sightseeing around the school to get familiar with the place. After all, we are going to spend a long time in this hellhol- This fabulous and great school of ours!’’ Tsukune stroked his cheek and almost blurted out what he really thought about the place. 

Phew, nice save, as expected of me. 

‘‘You’re right, we're going to spend our entire school year in this place, we should try to get to know it better!’’ Satisfied at what he suggested they do, Moka excitedly jumps to hug Tsukune. 

But I don’t want to though! And also, I wouldn’t be here for long so what’s the point of me trying to get used to such a creepy and terrified monster-infested school!? While feeling a surging excitement at having Moka’s soft breast pressed up against him, Tsukune also felt a mixed emotion of wanting to cry.  

As the only human in the school, all he wanted to do was to avoid monsters and not garner attention. Why would he roam around in such a dangerous place and risk trouble!? However, noticing how happy Moka was, he couldn’t bring himself to shatter that happiness.     

‘‘C’mon, lets go, Tsukune.’’ The charming Vampire girl grabbed hold of his hand and cheerfully said, beckoning for him to follow her. ‘‘A-alright.’’ Helpless, Tsukune could only resign himself to his fate.

Thereafter, together; Tsukune and Moka begin exploring the unique school meant for monsters: Yokai Academy.                


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