My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

Her Long Melted Heart

"When Eve told me to come help you out with something, I didn't think she meant this?"

Yvonne was sitting on the dining table sipping from a cup of iced water. As expected of the daughter of a mafia boss, she had the perfect business position, her legs tucked away on one side as she sipped.

Getting a better look at her, she had a definitive aura around her. What had once been a mere ditzy bombshell, was now quite respectable and dignified. Though she couldn't hide her bust no matter how big of a shirt she got.

Seeing my eyes wander a little too long around her chest, Yvonne choked on the water she had been sipping, removing her business glasses and wiping some of the reflexive tears from her eyes. I got her a napkin to wipe after herself that she gratefully took.

She still kept up the semblance of professionalism, something that I didn't like seeing. While our relationship hadn't progressed by any means, I didn't think it had actually regressed! She was clearly treating me more like a stranger, thought it might be because she had literally caught me pants-down.

After I saw her camera out, I had immediately removed myself out of Christina, a loud moan coming out of her, not helping to calm things down. A pool of juices was oozing itself out of Christina as well, something that Yvonne was staring at with a mixture of shame and disappointment. She had the decency to turn around when being confronted with my naked body, something I felt both relieved and a little unhappy about.

Now, I tore my eyes away from her chest and looked her straight in the eyes. "Sorry about that, I didn't realize you'd be coming," I scratched at one of the marks near my neck, frowning a little. Eve surely hadn't planned on having her come at the moment, did she?

"It can't be helped," sighed Yvonne. She wiped the last few bits of spilled water off the table and set the cup to the side, pushing her glasses back onto her face. She looked...really nice in them. I was about to compliment them when she suddenly spoke.

"So, Eve already texted me about the gist. You're trying to get this girl a modeling contract under me?"

I nodded. Her designs had quickly shot into the stratosphere after the constant exposure and deals she was making with the big brands in the fashion industry. Her name was rapidly becoming on par with some of the legendary companies that had been around for near eons, behemoths like Prada and Dior.

"Yeah, if Ellie can grow popular through this it'll be a breeze to attract more talents to the company."

"And you thought I'd say yes just because we know each other?"

"Well...I would be lying if I didn't think of you first, but before you say anything, I just want you to take one look at Ellie! She's definitely got the potential of someone who's just raring to become the country's next top supermodel."

"You thought she looked like a pro..." Yvonne said, repeating my words. She turned to me, her face shifting into one of incredulity. "How much do you even know about modeling?"

I was a little surprised by her question. It was...uncharacteristic of her? "Uh, I know enough that there's a lot of training and work that gets put in it?"

"You think it's just training?" she kept her look of amazement as if she was staring at something very, very stupid. This didn't make me too happy, as I started to pout with my arms folded.

"Just call me an idiot, will you?"

"Aw that's not fair. Fine, I'll just show you instead!"

"What do you mean show me?"

"Just keep that thought in your head cause I wanna take you somewhere."

"Right now?" I glanced at the bedroom. Christina was still there, having been left half-conscious in a state of bliss as she began to hug/hump a long pillow.

Yvonne rolled her eyes. "Oh please, that girl will be fine. C'mon, it won't be for too long."


We were standing inside a small studio, where several models were standing, amongst them Valentine. We weren't actually with them so I couldn't say hi, but I was a little confused as to why Yvonne had brought me here.

"Obviously so you get a little bit of an idea just how much work a single photoshoot can be! If you want your little pet project to become insanely popular, you're going to need to know the ins and out about everything! So what better way to teach you than to look at an actual photoshoot in progress! A supermodel's photoshoot no less."

She dragged me to the crew who were busy preparing the set, a wall with thick red, white, and black stripes behind it. A mature-looking woman was shouting orders out and waved us away when we tried approaching.

"That's the director," Yvonne whispered, "why are you trying to bother her!"

I had walked up to her about to give some greetings, when Yvonne had hurriedly stopped me with a tug on the arm. She looked far too exasperated with me! Was this really the sweet Yvonne who had so patiently taught me how to cook and clean all those years ago?

I stepped aside to let a man push a cart full of clothes by, "Coming through!" The place was like an airport terminal, full of people constantly running about. The whole place was noisy with the shouts of various affirmations and questions being thrown around. There were people setting up cameras and lights, people finishing the final touches on the set, and people running around with makeup kits or other cosmetics.

All the while, the woman was standing on a flimsy-looking chair while shouting into a microphone attached to a headset. She had a look of perpetual frustration on her face as she was barking out orders, directing everyone to their stations for a final preparation.

"BREAK" the mature woman shouted, before hopping off the chair she had been standing on and taking a deep sigh as she lifted the microphone out of her mouth. She beckoned us over.

"Hello Ms. Marie, pleasure to see you." She nodded politely towards Yvonne, "And this is?"

"He's my friend, Adam Smith," Yvonne directed me towards the woman and we shook hands. I flashed her a smile, "Adam Smith, pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise," she said, nodding a bit brusquely. "Smith, huh? You look mighty similar to one of the models I've worked with before..."

"You're probably thinking of Eve Smith, and this is her brother. Twin actually," Yvonne graciously explained. The woman was a little surprised but that quickly faded to a hard stare.

"Just so you know, we're not looking for any male models right now. Ms. Marie, if you want I can direct you to a few studios that are giving auditions?"

"Oh, we're just here to watch the photoshoot," she replied with a light laugh, "Mr. Smith here is a little curious about the industry, that's all."

The woman frowned and didn't immediately respond. "Understood. As long as you guys try not to distract the girls, it should be fine."

"Will do."

Pushing the microphone back in her mouth, the woman yelled, "HEY LETS GET SOME CHAIRS HERE."

A small space was set up for us where we could have a good vantage over the set, while at the same time making it difficult for others to see us. We were on some budget chairs that were likely bought at some thriftshop and I was currently fidgeting as I waited for the first model to show.

Yvonne had taken me here so I could learn about how difficult it would be to make Ellie world-famous, something that I was beginning to realize. Not only was the preparation this elaborate, everything was done so professionally! The things I had in mind for Ellie's photoshoots were like amateur work compared to what was being done here! Granted, it was amateur work but I still wanted to have some semblance of realism!

With these thoughts, I watched as the people began scrambling around while the director shouted out a name into her microphone, signaling the final makeup to be adjusted and the model to be brought onto the set.

My eyes turned reflexively at the sound of a door opening and I craned my neck to try and get a good look at whoever would be coming out. I was merely curious, but that curiosity turned to surprise when I saw who it was.

It was Valentine, her heels clacking against the floor as she came out of a room, flanked by several people holding brushes and powder kits.

Was this how she normally was? Seeing Valentine's ice-cold looks made me think back to how she usually acted in front of me. There was a stark STARK difference between the Valentine at home and the Valentine at work. I watched as she strutted her way onto the set, wearing a pair of long black pants coupled with a black tee that showed off her slender arms.

She hadn't noticed Yvonne or I sitting off to the side and was listening intently at the instructions of the director who was giving her a few poses to try. She was nodding, slightly wincing whenever the makeup brush got a little too close to her eyes, her nose scrunching up like she was about to sneeze.

The director went back to her chair and yelled for the people to start the cameras and turn on the lights. There were still people bustling about, but the majority of the crew was now fixated, either taking a break, watching the shoot, or monitoring their equipment.

Valentine began posing. The first was a look dead center at the camera, her hands slightly in the pockets of the pants while she tilted her head slightly, her long hair brushed to one side.

"Give it a little bit more!" the director said enthusiastically. Valentine switched her pose, this time her legs crossed, her head tilted up, and her hands behind her back as if she was looking to the side.

"Hmm...I think we want a smile in there," said the director. She had been jotting something down on a notepad and was frowning. I felt Yvonne tapping me on the arm and I tore my eyes away from the mesmerizing sight of Valentine. "Pay attention to this next part," she whispered. I nodded and returned my gaze onto Valentine, who was currently listening to the director who had gotten off the chair.

She was saying something without the use of the mic, something that made Valentine's usual cold expression slightly turn red. We couldn't hear the contents but it became crystal-clear when we saw her pose for the next photo.

Valentine was standing, one leg out, her hands on her hair, the silky threads hanging from between her fingers. This time, she had a smile with her eyes closed, a little help from the fans to the side making it seem as if her hair was blowing around.

"Perfect! Hold that!" cried the director as she motioned for the cameramen to start shooting. As time passed, Valentine's cheeks were now fairly flushed and her smile had grown even wider. The cameras kept firing away for an additional thirty seconds until the director seemed satisfied.

She huddled near the cameras and began to tap her foot impatiently while waiting for processing, giving Valentine a short break. I was a little tempted to follow her as she walked away, but I was held in place by Yvonne who merely shook her head.

I understood that it'd be best for her to not know we were here, but still! The director was still peering mournfully at the painstakingly slow photo processing and so I opened my phone. It was a little late in the afternoon and it shouldn't be much longer until Eve would be going home.

I was about to start texting her something when Yvonne prodded me again, and I looked up to see Valentine standing in front of us. She had a peevish look on her face, still in her modeling clothes, her right hand clutching her left arm.

"Hey! I didn't know you guys would be here!"

She reached her hand to me which I gladly took, helping myself up off the chair with a stretch. Yvonne also stood up.

"You looked great Val."

I gave her a smile which she happily returned. "Thanks..."

"Oh by the way, what did the director say to you that got you so excited?"

Valentine flushed red, her voice cracking a little as she replied. "N-nothing! She just wanted me to think of a happy moment, that's it..."

"Yeah? Was I in it?" I gently rubbed my fingers along the back of her hand.

"Huh? No way!" she seemed to be embarrassed, giving away the truth. I was about to tease her more when I heard a cough behind us.

"As much as I'd like to see you two flirting, I've still got to finish the shoot. If you'd please, Miss Valentine."

I gave Valentine a quick kiss, eliciting a gasp from the room that had been watching our every moment until now. With a slight hug, she bounced away happily and returned to the set to get a few more photos out. After nearly thirty minutes later, the director was finally done with Valentine's shoot and she was released. "NEXT," the woman had called out into her microphone.

The door to the makeup room burst open and another tall model stepped out, rushing a little as she yelled a little "COMING!" in the direction of the set. Passing by Valentine, the woman gave her a slight nod out of respect though it turned to a questioning look when she saw our hands joined together.

She didn't seem to think much of it though, as she kept racing away.

We entered the powder room ourselves where we found some of the other models hanging around. They had yet to start their photoshoots and had been busy either watching the current ones or just socializing. It was a little hectic but I didn't mind.

The second Valentine had stepped in, the room had gotten eerily quiet and everyone here was looking at her with both awe and admiration, almost as if they were looking at a goddess. This turned to confusion when they saw me standing next to her, my large figure standing out sorely amongst the women.

Not to mention the fact that the majority of them were in their underwear or very, very revealing clothing. Of course, I wasn't giving them the time of day, my sole attention being on Valentine who I was eagerly awaiting to see her erotically change into her casual wear.

She didn't fail to impress. Ignoring the stares of everyone, she began to take off her top, causing a few of the women around to suddenly glance over at me as if they wanted to cover my eyes or something. I was standing, back against the wall, a wide smile on my face as I watched her slightly sweaty smooth skin reveal itself from underneath the fabrics of her clothes. Her top gone and only a silky bra remaining, she then worked on her lower half, slowly stepping out of the pants.

She parted through the small crowd of models and went to her own bag where she took out some neatly folded clothes out. She got the pair of jeans and began to wear it, hiking them up to rather emphasize her bottom. I was sorely tempted to come up behind her, her ass looking so inviting from this angle, but I had enough self-restraint to merely admire the view from afar.

Seeing me so blatantly ogling a supermodel, the other women were giving me bereaved looks, clearly more unhappy that I was watching Valentine lewdly than they were when I had glanced at their half-naked bodies. After quietly getting into her clothes, Valentine walked up to me and gave me a kiss, to which the audible sounds of several jaws dropping to the floor could be heard.

"N-n-no way! Valentine has a boyfriend!"

"He's a looker, but damn..."

As well as several more disappointing remarks could be heard.

"They really hold you to a high pedestal, huh?" I laughed and wrapped an arm around her affectionately, bringing her into a side-hug. She merely looked away, a slight pout on her red face. Taking the initiative and kissing me in front of everyone had been quite the challenge for her.

I appreciated it nonetheless making it known by rubbing along her arm. She merely walked in a semi-embrace, Yvonne quickly following us, doing her best not to complain about the arrangements. She might have changed and grown up a bit, but she was still uncomfortable seeing me so touchy-feely with other women.

And I planned on taking advantage of that. Noticing her discomfort, I turned to Yvonne and opened my other arm to her, almost as if I was welcoming her to join. She tried to shake her head, but I said, "It's only a hug, c'mon it won't hurt you."

She reluctantly agreed and rested herself slightly against mine as we walked out of the room. She was a little stiff in the beginning, but that quickly disappeared as she melted in the embrace, boldly holding onto my arm with her hands, pressing down on it like she was daring me to try and remove it.

Valentine didn't like this but kept her mouth shut. She decided to just enjoy the side she had to herself, something that was usually rare whenever Eve was in the picture. So she stayed content snuggling against me, as we began to walk home as the sun was setting.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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