My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

An Afternoon With Christina (R-18)

After the competition, I parted ways with Eve and Valentine as they had their own photoshoots to get to. I, on the other hand, had to discuss the matter with Yvonne as well as go grocery shopping. Thinking back to the other girl that had started half-living with us, I picked up my phone and started texting her.

< Are you at home? >

Scrolling through some of the photos the girls posted, I saw the notification that Christina had texted back.

< Yeah >

I sighed. Didn't she have classes to go to?

< Want me to grab you something at the market? >

< Some hand cream would be nice. Wait, I'll just go with you >

Christina was waiting for me outside of the apartment when I left the cab. She had a pair of jeans and one of my t-shirts on, to which I raised my eyebrow at. It was one that had gone missing quite some time ago. What was it doing on her person? Seeing my questioning gaze, she turned away and pretended to play with her phone, doing her best to ignore me.

I shook my head with a slightly exasperated sigh. "Let's go."

Before she could say anything else, I grabbed her lightly by the wrist and began leading her towards the nearby market. Along the way, we passed by some of the neighborhood regular's who gossiped amongst themselves about how I had "gotten yet another one." I didn't feel like fixing the misunderstanding they surely had about me. Instead, I gave them the usual greeting which they politely returned.

The market I usually shopped at was a locally-owned store by an elderly Asian couple. I had become a regular several years ago when I had first started living in the area. Their prices were really good and the couple was nice, always smiling and nodding. Mr. Feng was sweeping along one of the aisles when I opened the door to the store, the tiny bell at the top ringing to announce our arrival.

Mr. Feng flashed a toothy grin when he saw us, "Mr. Smith! How nice to see you again, is this your girlfriend?"

Glancing down at our still connected hands, I nodded. Christina had been looking at me a little anxiously to see how I'd reply and she seemed to be satisfied, a small smile on her face as she gripped my hand a little tighter.

Shouting something in Chinese, a muffled voice replied to him from somewhere near the back. Out of the employee area, a small grandma popped out, remarkably fast for someone her age. Seeing me, her face lit up and she rushed towards the counter bringing a plate full of food that she had somehow conjured.

This was another of the reasons why I liked this place so much. The Fengs knew that I lived alone and they called it a "true shame that the young man cannot eat homecooked!" Every time I showed up, Mrs. Feng would mysteriously have a plate full of piping hot food ready for me to eat on the spot. Today it was some kind of pork belly dish seared to a perfect brown.

Like I normally did, I tried refusing the food, saying that it would be too much. "Nonsense! Neither he nor I can finish this! You don't want it to go to waste do you!" They half-forced me towards one of the sitting areas near the cashier, which Christina seemed to find funny. She had been beaming this whole time and the smile only grew wider when she saw the sight of a grandma pushing my large frame with apparent ease.

Christina followed them and sat on the seat opposite of mine, while I pulled apart the takeout-style chopsticks from their wrappers. I was about to put the first bite in my mouth when I opened my eyes to see Christina holding her cute mouth open, clearly signaling at me to feed her.

She didn't have her own pair of utensils, something I noticed had been deliberately done judging by the whispers coming from the Fengs. I complied, placing the juicy meat into her mouth as she practically moaned with delight. Her eyes burst open and there were literally stars in them. She turned to Mrs. Feng, fists pumped in approval. "This is amazing!"

I smirked, seeing her giddiness. That too had been my reaction after first trying the home-cooking. Mrs. Feng was nodding proudly seeing Christina while Mr. Feng was gently rubbing her shoulders. I was about to pick up some more pork when Christina started grabbing at my hands. She took the chopsticks in my hand and maneuvered them well enough to grab another bite of pork.

I opened my mouth, expecting her to feed me as well. But after some time passed, I didn't feel the tender pork crumbling in my mouth. Instead, I heard the sound of vigorous chewing and happy moans coming from beside me. Opening my eyes, I could see Christina happily munching down on the last piece of meat!

Looking at my bereaved expression, she got a little embarrassed. "Haha, it was just so tasty I couldn't help myself!" Tch. I clicked my tongue, to which Christina took a hold of my hands and tried to give me a kiss. I dodged it, feeling a bit miffed at how she seemed to be flaunting the fact I hadn't even gotten a taste. I could smell the delicious pork from her lips! Christina fled to Mrs. Feng, who just patted her on the head, telling her that she'd help her out by teaching her how to cook it herself.

Though I didn't get to indulge in Mrs. Feng's food, I still bought a record amount of groceries. It wasn't like the girls would need all of this, but I felt obligated to just predicting how annoying Christina would be during her lesson. With my hands full with multiple bags, I left the store, the two Fengs giving me goodbyes and nodding as Christina waved.

At a slower pace, we walked to the apartment, Christina chattering excitedly about how she had already made an appointment to learn the next week. "Shouldn't you be preparing for your exams? You mentioned them earlier..."

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot about this teehee..."

We continued to banter until we came to the last intersection before the complex. While we were standing there, we heard a voice call out. "Chris?"

We turned around, seeing a girl with pink-dyed hair in a bobcut. She was smacking some gum, her large hoop earrings sticking out of her pink bangs. She had on a bright tubetop and some jean shorts.

Christina's eyes widened and she gave the girl a quick hug. "Izzy? What's up?"

"I didn't know you lived in the area!" the pink-haired girl said excitedly. She took notice of me and gave me a knowing nod. She leaned in and whispered in a voice I could easily hear. "Hey, is that your boyfriend?"

Christina nodded, prompting a mischievous look to come across the girl's face. "Have you guys done it yet?"

I answered for her, seeing her face quickly redden. "Yes we have."

The girl began cackling, "man no wonder you've seemed so happy lately! You used to mope so much about that one guy we all thought you'd sworn off love or something!"

She clapped Christina on the back, still roaring in laughter. Christina was about to reply, but the light switched prompting the girl to run off promising to catch her later. Staring at her running back, we also began to walk across the street in the opposite direction.

"Friend of yours?"

"Yeah...she's in all of my classes and we became pretty close."

"Since when were you depressed?"


"Your friend mentioned that you used to mope." I looked at her as seriously as I could with all the grocery bags still in my hands. Christina looked a little surprised and reluctant to share. "If you don't want to say it, that's fine."


We entered the lobby of the apartment, "Thanks" I said to Christina who was holding the door open for me. I dropped some of the bags onto the floor of the elevator to rest my aching fingers.

Looking back on that fateful day when we lost our virginities together, I had an inkling that the event had affected Christina more than I had thought it would. Even after she had confessed, I didn't know how deeply she had fallen from that day. I just thought it was a kind of crush, a longing for kinship even.

"It's kind of stupid to say that I fell head over heels the moment we slept together, right?" she looked at me with a self-loathing grin on her face.

There was only the sound of the elevator's gears turning as we waited for our floor to arrive.

"I think I was depressed for like two years. You know, I had completely repressed the memory, completely forgetting how you looked. It was just a little too painful to have you so quickly reject me. Obviously, I still remembered the feeling of my one-sided love, but It wasn't until I met Eve that I recalled the details of your appearance. At first I thought it was a coincidence that my best friend looked ridiculously similar to the first guy I fell in love with. There was no way such a thing could happen! But maybe it was really just fate..."

The doors to the elevator opened and I stepped out first, Christina walking behind. She walked a little faster to cut ahead and took out her own copy of the key to unlock the door and held it open as I went inside. I kept listening while putting away the groceries.

"I was so tempted to use my family's power to run an investigation on all the guys who looked even remotely similar to Eve that lived in the New York vicinity. I even asked her if she had a brother or a cousin. Back then I didn't know your guys' situation so I was a little confused when she suddenly clammed up after I mentioned brother. When I found out she had a brother, a twin noless, I got excited thinking I'd finally get to meet the man of my dreams again. But even when I had your personal file in a hard folder, I didn't even bother opening it. I don't know why, maybe because I didn't want to be too nosy? Thinking back on it, maybe it would've been best if I cleared the misunderstanding earlier. Maybe I wouldn't have had to watch my best friend's brother balls deep in her, who happened to also be the twin brother she had been looking for..."

She was rambling at this point, clearly anxious about something. Christina had the habit of becoming oddly self-conscious at times, something I had long tried to help. She seemed to have a complex about not being as good as the other "queens in the harem." The only way to fix her funk was to literally fuck those feelings away.

Before she could continue with her depressing story, something I had already heard at least a thousand times, I slammed the fridge door shut and stomped towards her, rolling back my sleeves. I grabbed her, her arms flailing as she fell into my embrace, and kissed her lips roughly.

"Mmmph," she mumbled, trying to stop me. Breaking free from the kiss, she gasped. "Hey, I was talking!"

"Less talking, more kissing," I ordered, unhappy that she had broken from it so soon. I kissed her with even more fervor, my hands working their way to start playing with her breasts under her shirt. "Ahh," she cried into another wet kiss, as I squeezed the tip of her nipples.

We simply stood on the counter, her head tilted back towards me as I fondled her from under the shirt. She was driving her ass into me, squirming as the kiss grew in intensity. We were tonguing each other, slight moans coming from both of us as we struggled for dominance in the mouths.

She cried out when I lifted her by the waist, her ass still pressed against me, and carried her to the bedroom where I laid her on the bed, this time raining kisses on her neck as she stroked my hair.

"Adam, I want it..." she said in a heated voice, her eyes glazed over as she began panting. Her arms were outstretched and began rubbing my back as I worked on removing our clothes. Each inch of skin exposed from the layers being removed wasn't safe from the kisses, wet and red spots soon appeared all over her chest, stomach, and neck.

In a break, Christina had her hands to one of the red spots, muttering about how she'd have to wear turtlenecks for a few days now. Though she wasn't complaining when I began to eat her pussy out. With a combined attack on her privates using both my tongue and hand, she reached an orgasm after barely any time had passed, shivering from the pleasure as I lifted my face, licking some of the juice off my wet fingers.

"Adam!" she had screamed, her teeth clenching against some of the sheets she had raised to her mouth. After kissing her again, though she tried to shy away from her own juices that had spotted my face, she had relented after I made a show of begging for it. She enjoyed that brief feeling of dominance, something I quickly took advantage of, silently entering her during the chaos of her ordering me what to do.

She gasped when she felt my member slip inside, glaring at the sudden intrusion. I had laughed and merely kissed her to placate her as I began to swing my hips slightly. She was taken by surprise at the suddenness of the large cock entering her, but she nonetheless moved fast to enjoy every last second of it.

Her long legs had wrapped around my lower half, seemingly pressing my body even closer in her to make the connection even deeper than it normally was. She was kissing me feverishly as she moaned with each new thrust that brought her mind pleasures that she had yet to grow used to.

"Pound me...FUCK ME," she moaned out as her eye began rolling backwards while her pussy twitched in ecstasy, wettening my shaft even more. I was close to my own release and kept fucking her, even as she began to shudder from the pleasure.

It would certainly be sore tomorrow, but she didn't care and neither did I. After another minute of furious thrusts, I also climaxed, filling her with my seed as we kissed hotly in the warm embrace of our bodies. Connected at the hip we were about to go for a second round when we heard a cough in the doorway.

Yvonne was standing there, a rare set of designer glasses on her perfect face. She had an exasperated look on her face, made even more dignified by her eyewear. She had a clipboard in one hand, gripping it so tightly her knuckles were going white. On the other hand, she held up a phone lifted vertically, almost like...almost like she was in the middle of filming a video!

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