My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 99: Forging

The jade dragon pool was a special recuperative item of the Empire, Yun Jhin was sure that both Empires had this type of jade dragon pool and their quality must vary on their location, but from what he theorized and saw, The jade dragon pool of the Luo Empire was a little bit better!

Yun Jhin's naked body was fully absorbing the surrounding energy from the jade dragon pool which was clear to the point that if one looked from above they would be able to see Yun Jhin's figure neatly seated cross-legged at the bottom of the pool.

It was so clear that it was fully transparent, Yun Jhin's breathing pattern changed from time to time as his chest expanded and returned to its initial size a few times.

The 5th gem inside of him was quickly taking high-quality energy from the pool and was getting refined by Yun Jhin's deployed cultivation methods.

The jade dragon pool was around 5 meters tall and it was full when Yun Jhin entered it but now the quantity of the pool was getting lower by the minute.

Yun Jhin's body was like a sponge that could absorb endless energy. As the energy in the pool was getting absorbed Yun Jhin's jewel refinery stage started increasing, 3rd stage, 5th stage it jumped directly to the 9th and peak stage of refinery!

Yun Jhin breathed out a bunch of impurities as he looked down at his hands while he sat cross-legged in the pool, he could feel that his strength increased by a high deal but there was still a lot of energy in the pool left that he could use. It was time for another breakthrough!

Yun Jhin could now choose between space and time laws to insert them into one of his jewels, space was easier to grasp at right now, as the time law would require him to be a little bit stronger, so that meant it was reserved for the 7th stage of the King Realm.

Yun Jhin's soul slowly unveiled beside his body as a small hole appeared in it and out of the hole came an arrow, the arrow was translucent with the same color as his soul, on it there were inscriptions of spatial language along with a few sparkling wisps of space energy.

Yun Jhin took the arrow and melded it the same way he did with the character for death, only this time it was a little bit easier compared to the death character, death was above space but since he had the Ying-Yang jewel he could learn death earlier, combined with the fact that he had the laws memorized from his previous lives made him able to get the death jewel first.

While he was transforming the arrow into a jewel, his body started to flicker in, and out of view seems as if there was an intense battle in it, conquering the space law wasn't easy but with his experience, he could easily negate all of the negative effects.

His body stabilized shortly without even the need of using energy from the jade dragon pool.

However, while stabilizing his body didn't take energy, creating the new jewel took energy, and the jade dragon pool energy was slowly getting exhausted by Yun Jhin, the higher the level of cultivation the more energy was needed, it was the law of equivalent exchange that not even God Realm experts would be able to ignore, they could learn and master it to gain a higher rate of energy conversion but they still couldn't do something without using energy no matter how little the energy is given back.

The arrow was finally melded into a jewel and inserted into his crown, it made a whooshing sound as it entered the empty slot and Yun Jhin could feel his body adapting extremely quickly to the surrounding space around him, he cleaved his hand forward for a little bit and a small pocket space appeared in front of him, with this new ability he could now throw away the need of spatial rings or any type of spatial equipment. This was only one of the abilities of the space jewel and it was also a secondary effect without much impact overall the main law.

The jade dragon pool energy started to get lower and lower as Yun Jhin started to refine his 6th jewel, after he refined it to the 9th stage he realized that he was not submerged in the water-like energy anymore, his head was above the water and there was a small amount of water below his waist.

He could also feel that his body adapted too much to the energy and it couldn't be of much use to him anymore, he might be able to use it to heal any future injuries but for cultivation, the effects would be null, however, the amount of water energy wouldn't be able to help him create his next jewel, he would need an enormous amount of energy to gather the time law and meld it into a jewel, after all, the time law was absolute and Yun Jhin could only learn a fragment of it, however even that fragment would make him able to fight Emperor Realm experts around the 2nd to 3rd stage easily, right now he might be able to fight the first Stage Emperor Realm experts and kill them if he used a forbidden technique.

However, even though he wouldn't be able to kill them he would still be able to escape and fight it out with them evenly.

Yun Jhin looked at the remaining energy inside the pool and felt pity to leave it here for the uses of others, there was still quite a bit of energy inside the remaining water that he could use for something else.

He stretched his whole body as he made some exercises and jumped out of the pool, he then clenched his arms as he used his ki to take all of the water from the pool.

The water was now levitating one meter above Yun Jhin as he started to do some hand seals and his inner ki flame appeared, even though all he had with him were spirit stones he could use them for what he wanted to do next.

The inner ki flame rushed below the water as it started burning brightly, more hand seals from Yun Jhin created a formation between the fire and the water that started to engulf the water only leaving a small opening at the top, the formation took the form of a bright red cauldron that was becoming even redder from the inner ki flame heating it.

Yun Jhin breathed in and out as he took all of the remaining spirit stones from his spatial zone and threw all of them into the cauldron.

He waved his hands left and right as a lid made out of formation characters appeared and sealed the cauldron.

The cauldron slowly started rotating as there were sloshing sounds coming out of it from time to time.

Yun Jhin's face took an expression of total concentration as he closed his eyes and continued to do hand seals to control the spins of the cauldron.

After a few hours, the cauldron's lid opened as Yun Jhin poured out a bunch of hardened energy that had the texture and hardness of cold dragon iron but was also flexible to not hinder movement.

Yun Jhin sighed as he cleared the sweat from his forehead and dismantled the cauldron to transform the formation into an anvil, he was ready to create some new clothes and a weapon for himself!

With his left-hand hammering using a formation hammer, with his right hand controlling his inner flame ki, breathing in and out simultaneously, the iron-like substance on the anvil started to take form!

In a short time of 5 days, Yun Jhin created a whole outfit, a dark yellow jacket with white pants along with black combat boots, there was also a black sash that he would tie around his waist.

He sighed as he donned on his new clothes and looked at the remaining iron-like substance, it could be used to create one weapon, the quantity already shrank when he tempered it and fused it in the cauldron so he didn't have much of it left.

Yun Jhin sighed as he rested for a bit as he needed to use his full concentration to create these clothes, they were quite special as they would be able to fend off one attack from a God Realm expert below the 9th stage, they could also regenerate themselves as long as they weren't destroyed fully and the effect of fending off one attack from a God Realm expert could repeat itself after 500 hours passed since the last attack, it was a life-saving treasure that even God Realm experts would have coveted, the clothes could also change their looks based on what the wearer wanted but Yun Jhin liked the current outfit and there wasn't a chance he would change it any time soon.

Yun Jhin started to change his forging technique as it was time to forge a weapon, however before he started he took a thoughtful expression as he started to ponder which type of weapon could bring out his full potential. The katana was a good weapon but it wasn't his favorite type of weapon, all types of swords were good for him but he didn't feel like they were unleashing their full potential in his hands.

Yun Jhin started to search in his memories to see if he ever encountered a weapon that he connected with and after a short while of searching his eyes lighted up, it was an unusual weapon even among God Realm experts as most would use the sword, very few the cudgel and only one or two would delve into obscure weapons.

A halberd! This type of weapon was almost extinct even during Yun Jhin's former reincarnations lives, people always loved swords and sword fighting to the point that other weapons were getting shadowed and forgotten, very few weapons fighting techniques survived and only the sword remained supreme, however, Yun Jhin was a master of all weapons due to his former reincarnations always trying something different.

Yun Jhin sighed as he went to work using the remaining water to create the halberd, it didn't take him much time to create the body of the weapon which was around 1.6 meters with an ax blade topped with a spike mounted at the top of the body, with a hook at the back of the ax blade.

The halberd was a deep red color and it glowed after Yun Jhin finished it, Yun Jhin slashed his finger open and dripped a few drops of blood onto it before it started to cool down at a fast rate.

Yun Jhin picked up the halberd which was a little bit smaller than he was in height and did a few practice frontal slashes with it, he could feel as if the halberd was one with his body, the shape, the weight, they all felt natural in his hands.

Yun Jhin stored the halberd in his new spacial zone and decided it was time to leave the room he was in.

He could easily spot a door a few meters away from the pool and even though it was closed Yun Jhin knew that it wasn't locked.

Yun Jhin made his way to the door but before he could open it, it opened itself!

An old man slowly made his way into the pool room and looked around before he spotted Yun Jhin's now conscious and the empty jade dragon pool behind him.

The old man was the same person which threw Yun Jhin into the pool, he looked between Yun Jhin and the pool a few times before he sighed and said:

"It seems your soul injury was quite deep if you exhausted the whole jade dragon pool, but it matters not as the Empress didn't say anything if you emptied the pool or not."

"The Empress didn't give any more instructions about you and your friend so you are free to go for now."

The old man shook his head as he left the room leaving the door open, Yun Jhin followed him outside the room and found himself to be in a long and wide corridor, Luo Shang was meditating near the door and immediately woke up from his meditation after he stepped out of the room since the old man disappeared he went onto one knee and said:

"You are back master."

Yun Jhin waved his hand and made him get up this wasn't the time for bootlicking.

Since they were technically free Yun Jhin decided it was time to get the hell out of the capital for the time being, who knew when the Empress decided she wanted to take a bath in the jade dragon pool to heal her injuries and found out it was empty and that she had to wait for a few years before it refilled itself?

It took Yun Jhin almost 4 months of closed-door cultivation to finish the whole pool and a lot of things changed at that time.

For one he could see the whole capital being engulfed by a giant formation and also the fact that quite a lot of people of the Bumi Empire were banging on the formation wanting to storm in.

It seemed he wouldn't be able to get out of the capital even if he wanted to in this situation.

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