My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 100: Betrayal

Yun Jhin had a headache due to his current situation, with things going on like this the Luo empire would surely fall sooner than later. In this situation Yun Jhin most likely wanted to jump boat and defect to the Bumi Empire, however, there was a high chance they would get rid of him after he helped them to get inside the capital.

There was also the fact that he couldn't get through the formation barrier that was protecting the capital, no one got in nor anyone got out. To break through the barrier he would need someone around the former Emperor's power, which meant the Emperor from the Bumi Empire would surely come, all he could do now was take advantage of the mass panic to gorge on the pure-blooded dragons in the capital!

That was the main reason he came so far on the draconic planet anyways, he needed draconic blood for the system so he could evolve into an artificial celestial caterpillar, around 10,000 maybe 100,000 bodies of pure-blooded beings.

With the current situation where everything was in pandemonium due to the attack from the Bumi Empire every requirement for Yun Jhin to start his rampage was fulfilled. He didn't know how much time was left before the Emperor of the Bumi Empire emerged but he only hoped he had enough time.

Yun Jhin took in a deep breath as he started stretching his body, the people around him were looking at him weirdly, what was he stretching for? There was no way the barrier would collapse and they had to fight right?

While most of the civilians ran away in fright some brave ones remained around the outer edges of the barrier observing the army of the Bumi Empire from a closer place.

Those were the first victims that fell to Yun Jhin's hands, Yun Jhin white and dark eyes looked down at the clump of bodies downed in front of him, his hands were so red that it looked like they were bathed in blood for hundreds of years, the first jewel in his crown activated itself as the whole clump of bodies below him whithered into nothing but ashes and a system notification appeared in front of him after a long time:

[99,950 pure draconic beings are needed before the azure dragon bloodline can be stimulated.]

Yun Jhin had a feral grin on his face that even scared Luo Shang who stood near him, he never saw Yun Jhin looking like that in the time he lived with him.

Yun Jhin's body disappeared as Luo Shang followed him, countless people fell at his hands as he started to run through the civilians that didn't escape, anyone that fell under his hand would soon wither into nothing but ashes as his life energy, cultivation, and bloodline would be absorbed by the jewel of Yun Jhin's crown.

Yun Jhin wanted to quickly get the needed amount of draconic blood so he had to find the highest concentration of life in the empire, regardless if they were civilians or cultivators, of course, cultivators counted for more points in the system, but killing them was a different thing considering even the weakest cultivators in the capital were at the King Realm, killing civilians was an effortless task for him but for cultivators he would need to use a little bit of energy, even if its a very little bit the more cultivators he killed the bigger the energy exhaustion would be, and that meant there was a lower chance to escape from the army of the Bumi Empire.

Yun Jhin's senses stretched out as he tried to find the highest gathering of life force that wasn't considered to be made from cultivators and his eyes narrowed immediately that he found them.

They were all underground!

They must have been sent underground by the cultivators who were preparing to fight the Bumi Empire army, even though the streets in the capital were empty voices were being heard from the 10 biggest houses of the Luo Empire.

Yun Jhin grinned as he dove into the earth like a mole, he quickly made a hole in the earth and went deeper and deeper inside until he found a barrier, the barrier was quite strong and only those with the blood of the Luo Emperor were granted access in it so Yun Jhin immediately grasped Luo Shang who was beside him making a saber hand and inserted it into his body, he extracted some blood and dripped it slowly on the barrier which created a hole in it, both Yun Jhin and the mostly weakened Luo Shang dropped in amidst a huge crowd of people.

The people all looked at Yun Jhin as a middle-aged man came quickly towards him and said with worry in his tone:

"Are you ok, it seems you have been thrown in here by those cultivators, but it's all for our own good! Let me help you and your friend up, it seems he is injured as he is quite pale."

Yun Jhin ignored the outstretched hand as he muttered:

"10, 20, 30, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 10,000 100,000 just enough."

The middle-aged man was puzzled by Yun Jhin's mutterings as he couldn't hear him properly but he only gave out a comforting smile thinking the weird-looking young man in front of him became terrified due to the gigantic army that was on the surface. He kept his arm outstretched so Yun Jhin could grab it, it seemed he was a good man.

Suddenly the man's eyes widened as he looked down at his arm which was starting to age and wither, his wide eyes then looked around him as he saw people collapsing left and right regardless of age or gender, they were all dropping down like flies and withering just like him.

Yun Jhin got up from the ground as his heterochromatic eyes were glowing with their respective colors, one white and one black.

The middle-aged man realized that Yun Jhin was the one behind the senseless slaughter around him and he made an attempt to ask him with his last amount of energy:


Yun Jhin put a hand over his eyes as he started laughing, this was a question he heard countless times during his lifetimes and he already got tired of it responding to it but considering he already responded to it countless times before why wouldn't he respond it one more time for this middle-aged man?

"You ask me why? I will tell you because you are my prey, my food, you are weak, and because of that, I can do whatever I want to you. Do you understand me? If you were strong I would bow and scrape beneath your feet, but because you are weak I can do whatever I want to you, and now I need your blood, your flesh, and your whole being to complete my plan, I thank you for the generous donation."

Yun Jhin bowed with one hand put towards his heart area as the people around him continued to collapse like flies, he looked like majordomo of death as the people around him collapsed into ashes while crying and begging for their lives.

A young boy around 6 years old was crawling towards his mother who was quickly becoming skin and bones, he cried out as he pounded the ground below him which was stained with a dark powder that came from the countless dead people's ashes which mixed with the earth below creating a dark mud substance.

The boy cried out towards the heavens as he said:


Yun Jhin appeared in front of him as he held out his hand and put a finger towards his mouth while telling him:

"Shush child, you will become something far greater in the future, you will become part of me!"

The child tears started to disappear, not because he wasn't sad anymore but because the moisture in his body quickly evaporated along with the rest of his body.

All around Yun Jhin were death cries, they were stumbling and falling, dying and withering, their bones disappeared into ashes as they fell into the ground below creating the dark mud-like substance that remained there.

Yun Jhin felt like their death cries were a symphony as the system was beeping countless times in his head:

[Blood acquired, Blood acquired, Blood acquired, 99,900 remaining, 98,000 remaining, 95,000 remaining..."

"Ah the sweet symphony of death, I have missed it so much, ever since I reincarnated I could only play it low key since I was born on this high-end planet, fortunately, this war let me unleash a bit of my former ambitious side a bit, don't you think Luo Shang?"

Luo Shang was frozen as he grasped his head, he looked around and he could feel countless descendants stretching their hands towards him asking for help, it was the torture of seeing one's kin and being unable to do anything, he didn't know why but his whole body was crying towards him to do something, his mind told him no but his body was trying to move him to help his descendants, it was the bond of blood!

Just like Yun Jhin thought previously, Luo Shang was 'pure' he wasn't influenced much by the power of the human's poison so he cared deeply about his descendants, at first he was muddled because of his intense desire to avenge himself because of Bumi Ming's betrayal but now his real side came out during this crisis.

Yun Jhin watched as he struggled to move and fell to the ground into a fetal position, the blood promise that he made also made him unable to help his subordinates, there were two conflicting sides inside of him that tore him apart from both body and soul!

Yun Jhin shook his head as he approached him slowly and said:

"I thought you being the yang dragon means you would have communicated more with the dark side of thing, even your cultivation technique was made that way but you are quite a disappointment, should I erase your ego right here?"

Yun Jhin's hand was getting closer to Luo Shang's head and Luo Shang could feel that his memories and ego would be erased the moment Yun Jhin touched him, his eyes opened wide as he got up from the ground and kowtowed continuously while saying:

"I'm sorry milord, I'm sorry milord please don't take away my individuality, continue, my body just acted weird due to the lack of blood, continue!"

He kowtowed so hard the skin on his forehead started breaking and blood flowed freely from it, Yun Jhin gave out a kind smile to him as his hand approached his forehead ever so slowly but it stopped itself centimeters away from touching it, he retracted his hand and looked down at Luo Shang while saying:

"Such a good henchman, keep up the work from now on, I might give you some more cultivation resources."

He waved his hand as he turned his back to Luo Shang and walked around, the ground below him turned fully dark!

That meant that one hundred percent of the civilians that stood below the capital was now dead!

However this was just one pocket of the formation, there were a few more which contained civilians but Yun Jhin wasn't interested in them as a notification appeared in front of his eyes:

[The azure dragon bloodline has been simulated and stored, remaining bloodlines needed to transform into an artificial celestial caterpillar are:

-100,000 Vermilion Birds.

-100,000 White Tigers.

-100,000 Black Turtles.]

Yun Jhin gave out a sigh as he looked at the notification screen and said:

"Luo Shang, I think it's finally time to leave this wretched planet behind, don't you say?"

Luo Shang remained there with wide eyes as he looked at Yun Jhin, he could feel his soul somehow increasing in quality and huge pressure was put on his body, he kept his head down on the ground and didn't dare to look into his heterochromatic eyes.

Yun Jhin chuckled as he looked up towards the hole in the barrier, it was time to find the launching pad formation and go towards one of the other planets, he didn't want to be here when the full-on war between the Luo and Bumi Empire started.

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