My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 83: Stopped at the beginning

Yun Jhin ignored the man's smile as he dropped Mingo unceremoniously on the ground, Mingo wanted to say something but when he felt Yun Jhin's and Ling's auras clashing directly in mid-air he just closed his mouth.

Yun Jhin couldn't wait for any more as he dashed directly to Ling's face hitting him in the chest making him vomit a mouthful of blood, but he could fell his hand sinking in his chest further as he was rebound, it felt like he just hit a rubber wall, his fist rebound as he was pushed backward.

Ling chuckled as he jumped backward for a little then dashed forward to throw a punch towards Yun Jhin's chest, the punch hit home but Yun Jhin didn't fell much from it, Ling's eyes clouded over as some information from the pendant came back to him.

His eyes widened as he wanted to escape, the pendant just told him that even though the technique he was cultivating was giving him good defense, due to his low cultivation base he couldn't access the offensive techniques yet!

Yun Jhin chuckled as he saw through the man's plight, suddenly 4 colors started to jump across Yun Jhin's right hand as they morphed into a gauntlet, Yun Jhin couldn't put on the full elemental armor as his cultivation base wasn't enough, when he fought the vice-general he could only wear a chest piece but his defense was boosted through the roof, combined with his defensive martial techniques he couldn't be beaten normally, but now he threw away defense and focused on the attack technique of his armor!

Zhu Ling grimaced as he wanted to escape from Yun Jhin's grasp, his armored hand was clutching the man's left arm, and after a sickening crunch was heard his arm was now hanging limply on the left side of his body, his arm was crippled!

Yun Jhin frowned as he watched Zhu Ling grith his teeth, he wanted to run away as he used a technique that made his body start emitting steam, his skin turned pink due to the extreme circulation of blood in his body, his speed increased as he easily dodged Yun Jhin's gauntleted hand but even though his speed was increased by a lot. His cultivation base only recovered to the 1st stage of the King Realm because Yun Jhin broke his internal ki pathways, thus some of his internal ki was scattered and it would take him some time to recover it.

Yun Jhin's figure disappeared as he intercepted him, Mingo gritted his teeth as he watched and he jumped after them, the guards of the Bing Family only watched helplessly, they knew one of the young masters decided to hide the trash of the Zhu family but they didn't think trouble would come this fast.

They were only at the ki cultivating realm, they got the guard job because their parents were low elders in the Bing Family's elder assembly, being a guard wasn't a glamorous job but it got them the resources they needed, and as long as they broke through the King Realm before they turned 30 they would be able to enjoy the position of outer elder in the family, however, now a sudden calamity struck them while they were on guard duty and they didn't know what to do!

Mingo ignored the guards as he passed by them and followed Yun Jhin and Ling, a short fatty came out of the house as he looked around just like a weasel would, he was scared but he still wanted to follow Mingo, Yun Jhin, and Ling, however, a fat middle-aged man that only taller than him by a few centimeters came out and picked him up by his collar while saying:

"You have already repaid the Zhu family trash by letting him live in our household until he recovered, he is unlucky that he offended so many people."

The fat middle-aged man looked towards the direction that the fight was continuing and he narrowed his eyes as he felt Ling's and Yun Jhin's auras intertwining, he could feel something strange from the both of them but he couldn't put his finger on it, after all, he was only around the 3rd stage of the Emperor Realm and he didn't know many secrets, he barely learned how to fly normally a few years ago.

Yun Jhin clashed and fought with Ling in the air as they skipped around the city, they made sure to not destroy any of the buildings or hurt the passerby's, Yun Jhin didn't want trouble who knew if a hidden young master was out on a stroll?

Technically speaking such an encounter was close to nil, but fortuned ones would steal the luck of their adversaries due to their special constitution and the help of the universe, Yun Jhin's luck wasn't anything special, his destiny was due to his former lives memories, his luck was average at best, the only reason Yun Jhin was avoiding crowds was that his luck turned from average to bad.

Ling wanted to get some attention of the crowds but Yun Jhin would jolt his broken arm the closer he got to a crowd, he almost ripped it off when he tried to shout for help, most of the cultivators around the city didn't look for trouble so unless they were asked for help with benefits they wouldn't interfere in such type of situations.

After a while, Yun Jhin chased Ling out of the city and they reached a nearby stream, Ling seemingly saw the light at the end of the tunnel as he was the stream, it was flowing to the south and Ling was ready to jump into it when Yun Jhin tackled him to the ground at quick speeds and mounted his face in the dirt.

His gauntleted hand was over his head as a bunch of ki was gathered into it and launched into his skull.

Ling's skull was cracking at a high speed due to the ki but it wasn't truly breaking as it was mending at the same speed.

Yun Jhin frowned heavily as he could feel that behind Mingo was the aura of Ling's friend, the short fatty, and behind the fatty was the fatty's father.

Yun Jhin knew that if Ling was still alive when they arrived his father would interfere, Yun Jhin continued to bombard his skull with ki, but the fatty's father along with the fatty was getting closer and closer, Mingo was already nearby and watched with wide eyes what happened before him.

So close to death, Ling's life force was getting lower and lower as his ki was exhausted using his cultivation technique to recover his constantly cracking skull, if he lived from this ordeal his skull would surely get stronger.

Yun Jhin could feel that the fatty's father was almost here, his eyes turned red as he used a forbidden technique and made his gauntleted hand into a sword shape as he drilled his hand into Ling's brain, grey matter along with his soul were starting to splash around the ground, Yun Jhin's first jewel glowed on his crown as Ling's soul was absorbed into it along with his fortuned aura.

A deep voice was heard behind him that scolded the fatty:

"You brat, do you see? He died, even if I want to do anything right now I can't, I also cannot attack the brat from the Zhu household as I'm from the older generation, if he killed your friend there is a high chance you won't be able to do anything, wasn't he a 2nd stage King Realm? You are even below him!"

The fatty sobbed as his scarlet eyes targeted Yun Jhin's back but Yun Jhin ignored him as he held Ling's pendant in his gauntleted arm, he looked it up and down before he crushed it into smithereens.

The fatty's father walked forward and cupped his fists as he said:

"This young friend from the Zhu household, might you be able to spare that trash's body? He was my son's friend and I would like to give him a proper burial on the account that he helped my son a few years ago."

Yun Jhin got up from the now cold body of Ling and looked at the fatty, he was pretty short standing around 1,63 meters, he wore a simple outfit considering of a large grey shirt and black pants, he had black sandals on his feet and he sported a small beard.

Yun Jhin stopped looking at him after he analyzed him, he ignored Ling's body that he already sucked dry of everything that could be useful then he cupped his fists to the middle-aged fatty and said:

"I will let this elder do the funeral operations, unfortunately, you had to witness such a grisly sight, however, this man was a criminal from our Zhu household, I'm sure he didn't tell you why he was expelled, but he is the highest suspect in the case of robbing a few important pills."

The middle-aged fatty held his son back as he started to shout obscenities at Yun Jhin along with the words:

"Brother Zhu Ling would never steal you lier!"

"He was a good man of high moral upstanding!"

"How dare you defile his memory after you brutally killed him!"

Yun Jhin ignored the incessant insults and chatter from the small round ball that was the fatty, he looked at Mingo and said:

"Mingo let's go back to the family, we took care of our internal problems, what they do with the corpse isn't our business anymore."

But before he left Yun Jhin made one motion with his hand, the broken head was removed from the body and the fatty's expression turned livid as he wanted to say more but Yun Jhin beat him to it:

"I was just making sure he was truly dead, I wouldn't want to have a zombie outbreak due to not being 100% sure."

The fatty was ready to jump again after he saw his best friend's corpse being done dirty like that, he was killed and he couldn't even have a whole corpse to bury!

The fat middle-aged man didn't say anything but he only had one thought:

"What a vicious fellow those from the Zhu Household found, and his bloodline aura isn't losing to those high ranked disciples, a pitty that he is a halfling..."

Yun Jhin left along with Mingo as they returned to the Zhu Household in the city, Mingo wanted to show Yun Jhin around the capital but Yun Jhin said that he had enough for today and that he might do it tomorrow.

Yun Jhin returned to his room and sat cross-legged on his bed as he took in Zhu Ling's memories and cultivation technique.

Yun Jhin looked through the cultivation technique and realized that it was one that he didn't know!

It was a special body refining technique that combined both body refining and ki cultivating at the same time, it gave one's body into a rubber-like attribute along with the ability to increase the blood flow to extreme speeds without much backlash if used properly, it gave the body extremely high defensive capabilities versus blunt damage and with constant strengthening, even blades or other sharp things would bounce away!

Yun Jhin looked more through the cultivation technique, he compared it to the technique that he got from the pendant and realized that the one he stole from the pendant was wrong!

If he cultivated the technique from the pendant he would surely transform into a ball of human rubber that could barely move. It seemed the pendant had a mechanism that gave out the cultivation technique only to the people that had the right bloodline, fortunately, Yun Jhin got the right technique from his memories, the sad thing is that he only got the body technique and no offensive techniques because Zhu Ling's cultivation base was too low to reach that part of the pendant.

He also destroyed the pendant but he didn't regret it, even though it was a particularly obscure technique that he didn't know, he still had a few techniques that could rival it, however, he couldn't cultivate them now due to their heavy restrictions, this technique was special due to its low requirements, Yun Jhin wondered where did that guy's parents get their hands on such a particular technique...

Could have they raided the tomb of the former Azure Emperor, Ming Sheng?

Yun Jhin shook his head, even if he wanted to go there right now he wouldn't be able to, if his memories didn't betray him the Former Azure Empire sat where the Bumi Empire is now, so his tomb would most likely be there, it might even be the new danger zone that was sparsely investigated now due to the heavy losses of those who tried to learn information about it.

Yun Jhin decided to cultivate the technique, it wouldn't hurt to transform his body in such a way, after all even though his ki was strong it wasn't limitless, his 4 elemental armor ran on ki, so if he ever ran out of ki in a fight his defenses would be down making him vulnerable.

Yun Jhin was a man with a plan within a plan, so he didn't mind having an extra ace up his sleeve.

Yun Jhin sat on the bed as he started to cultivate his ki in the same pattern that the cultivation technique showed him but he felt something wrong, it was like his ki pathways were giving him a warning!

Yun Jhin frowned as he stopped cultivating the technique, he made a few calculations and his eyes narrowed as he said:

"This technique... you would first need your pathways to be crippled before you could use it... it would also reshape your soul to have the same attribute along with destroying your crown and creating a new one.."

This wasn't a bad thing for a cripple like Zhu Ling, but this wasn't something good for Yun Jhin at all!

If he continued to cultivate it his ki pathways would break then restore themselves along with his soul crown, he was already on a pretty sure path to the God Realm and he wouldn't take another one unless he would be forced to...

Yun Jhin discarded the technique, he didn't realize that it would do that to his body until he started cultivating it, there weren't any warnings or things like that in Zhu Ling's memories, nor the pendant. Did his parents foresee that he would be crippled?

Yun Jhin sighed as he was broken out of his musings by a knock on his door. Yun Jhin frowned as he got up from his bed and opened his door.

Zhu Mingo stood there with a small smile on his face as he told Yun Jhin:

"The head of the house said that there is some special training for us before the tournament, he told me to come and get you because I was one of the first ones to know you..."

Yun Jhin nodded his head, it seemed the head of the house was ready to throw some resources on Yun Jhin's way, very good!

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